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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. some of these names r kool but other ones are......:confused: :flasher:
  2. oh my god i can't belive what they did to the poor kitty if that person ever runs into me you can be sure the will get the same treatment as the poor cat cause i will kill fro animal rights :flaming:
  3. ya know what i think i will call him akira but i'm still not sure...........
  4. umm one person told me to name him akaria (sp?) the guy who created dragon ball z what do u think?
  5. i know exactly how you feel!!! my best friend did the same thing to me and i felt really bad about it to but don't let it get to you and don't become her slave and if she is saying things like you should do my homework(or somthin) for me if you are a true friend well then i say dump her because your better than that and that all you gotta know hun!!;)
  6. he is a great dane puppy he is all brown with black pointy ears and really long legs he is soooo cute and he gets along really well with my brothers siberian huskie Asha.
  7. me well i'm a dragon i'm a gemini and i'm a water element:D i'm happy i'm not a rat oh and being a pig (or a rooster) is good to because a pig is looked up to as a very intellegent animal also very clean even though they roll around in the mudd :) a rooster was respected for always being on time and always getting what needed to be done finished so basically they were very organized!:D
  8. hi i'm gilly, i just got a new puppy for my birthday and i was wondering what i should name it be because i can't find a name that really well sounds good so i decided to come and ask you guys!;) i don't have any ideas yet so pick any names at all!!!:D
  9. i have an older brother but he is really kool that all i have to say on the subject ;)
  10. well i dunno how it will be cause i haven't read the whole book cause i have to get glasses :( oh well i have nothing against glasses but yes i'm spamming so back on topic i think they left alot of parts out of the movie grr:flaming:
  11. oh no that has to be fake they can't be dead ......... okay ya if that is reall i'm gonna cry my eyes out cause i really really really liked there music ......:(:bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
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