[color=red] I am a little bit pissed/confused with one of my friends right now and i need some advice.
well... here's the story.....
i have been best friends with this girl ever since fifth grade and now we are experiencing problems... over the dumbest things. she seems to get annoyed with everything i say and i feel like she is looking down on me all of the time. i just don't get it... i try to be nice to her... i talked to her about it and i thought it was all worked out but its back to the way it was before... everytime i talk to her i feel like she hates me or something. and i talked to her tonite and she said that she gets annoyed with me. i don't understand that because i try to be the best friend i can be and i guess it's not good enough fo her. What should i do?
Bahhhhhh! [/color]