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Everything posted by kamioMisuzu

  1. Those are all totally amazing! I love the nice clean look of them
  2. Cowboy Bebop because my older brother had it and said I could borrow it. Yup.
  3. -My DS -Poor old copy of Pride and Prejudice. -The sock I am working on knitting. -Cell phone. -Red lipstick -compact mirror for applying said lipstick -Wallet -Sedatives (I have Panic Disorder. That are prescribed. lol) -journal/sketchbook + Necessary implements. That's all folks
  4. I dyed my hair last night!! [IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/2e3tkhv.jpg[/IMG] How blonde is your blonde?
  5. [quote name='Dragon Warrior'][size=1]Haha, if you weren't engaged indeeeed :] [img]http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v1971/195/28/502557716/n502557716_1324781_2598.jpg[/img] Probably my favorite pic of me. Hah.[/size][/QUOTE] Looks like you just said something naughty. Haha. great picture!
  6. It could be worse. It's not as if it's not considered slang anymore. *shrug* I don't care much.
  7. Wow...there are a lot of very good looking guys here. If I weren't engaged.... =] Anyway, this is me. The newb. [IMG]http://i43.tinypic.com/2wd7yag.jpg[/IMG]
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