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Everything posted by Jabberwocky
Music What genre of music do you listen to?
Jabberwocky replied to sweetpeach14's topic in Noosphere
Well, I'm not one to bring up made up genre's (I can't count how many different words I've seen mixed with -core.), The Used have made up one, Gross Pop. Their new album, Artwork, is that genre. I don't get it, but I love it. Their new album is a-maze-ing. All I've been doing all night is listening to it. So yeah, Gross Pop is now one of my favorite genre's. -
Family Guy will always be my all time favorite show no matter what, but Futurama ranks a close 2nd. I always liked it better than the Simpsons, after all, I think that series has made its rounds and has gone on long enough. Iâ??m just glad there is new Futurama, I almost cried when I found out it was coming back with new episodes. Sadly I keep missing them. But I did manage to see the first two new ones and I thought they were funnier than half the other Futurama episodes. I hope thatâ??s a good sign.
I have a thing for Weegee... so sue me...
I leave for a few months and BAM! New epic board. Me likely, me likely. Well, I'd probably list a bunch of my newest favorite songs but, I kind of do not have all my music anymore. I accidentally lost it all when my iPod messed up. Hooray! I managed to get some music back, but it is NOT enough! I've managed to listen to most of the new The Used CD, and it was not that bad, what I heard of it before my music got lost anyways. The new A Hero A Fake CD, Let Oceans Lie, is pretty damn good. Great progressive hardcore, as always. I have Suicide Season: Cut Up by Bring me the Horizon, and I like the techno remixes of their songs, it is a little different for me, but I like it. I have the new In Fear and Faith CD as well, but I haven't managed to listen to that much. Two bands I'm really looking forward to seeing more from are Thy Art is Murder, creaters of Infinite Death, which is a pretty good little CD. And also, the 7-song CD, The Hearts of Lonely People, from band Isles and Glaciers, with Craig Owens and the lead singer of Emerosa. I can not wait to see some new material from them. And finally, there is The Boy Will Drown. I have fallen in love with their music. Dead Girls is a good song by them, as well as Akura-Class and Suis La Luna, all three of these songs can be found on their CD Fetish. Which any lover of brutal music should listen to.
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I borrowed my friends CDs and go some major brutal tunage. [B]Born of Osiris[/B] - A Higher Place [B]Despised Icon [/B]- Day of Mourning [B]Behemoth[/B] - Evangelion [B]Behemoth[/B] - Ezkaton [B]Winds of Plague [/B]- The Great Stone War [B]Surround by Teeth[/B] - Animals [B]Dying Fetus[/B] - Descend into Depravity [B]Carnifex[/B] - Hell Chose Me I haven't had the time yet to listn to them, I'm just downloading the last two CD's onto Windows Media Player. I do know one thing though, MVP, by Despised Icon, is butal as balls. Surrounded by Teeth is a band from Albany NY I think. They aren't very big yet, but they aren't bad. Think of Converge, and you have them. I managed to get the Alesana discogrophy, The Fall of Troy discogrophy, A Day to Remember's Homesick, and Parkway Drive's discogrophy. I'm pleased with all of those bands. In fact, I used to despise ADTR with a burning passion. I love how much music I have. Its to the point where I forget some bands even exist! I'm stoked as all hell for next month's release of Year of the Black Rainbow, Coheed and Cambrai's new CD. So far, the two tracks which have been relased, The Broken and Here We Are Juggernaut are really good. Waaaaay better than No World For Tomorrow.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Who: Jabberwocky (Or Prem as I used to be) Where: Northern New York, pretty gay up here What: I sit here on my laptop and do nothing but listen to music. So I get on OB from time to time. When: When I was Prem, I was DigitalBoy's shadow. I hung around the Anthology, posted stuff, was very ignorant. I also hardly knew how to write anything worth to post. I type the almost every time I posted, and I was just, immature. But now I guess I've grown up, well, at least for the most part :P Why: This place was (and still is) fun to visit. I was into anime more in those early days, but I still enjoy it from time to time. Plus, this place helped me grow a bit, so I'm going to continue visiting this place until it shuts down. lol Favorite thing about OB: The people. They're nice, fun to talk to, and you don't have to worry about the stalking you >.
[quote name='Sara'][font=secret font!][size=3]What did you have to break down? I feel like this must be a typo, but I can't figure out what you actually meant. Peg? [/size][/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Wow, talk about a posting fail. I meant lego haha, I don't think my school wants us wrecking a fortress of prosthetic limbs. Plus I don't think a tiny wooden catapult would work well with legs.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Usually when I win its by pure dumb luck. Two of my friends and I won a contest in science a few years ago. We had to construct a catapult, and break down a leg castle. We got second place. I honestly can't think of much else I've won besides a few awards for school.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I cut myself trying to get a tie off of something I bought for my Playstation. This was a few years back when I was afraid of almost everything. I cut my thumb open and practically panicked over nothing. My father told me I was shaking like a gay guy eating a hot dog. He'll probably never know how close to gay I really am...XD[/FONT]
[quote name='chibi-master']Desk markings of that nature are like a secret and sacred history to students! While I do not condone the vandalization of school property, I must say that this punishment was just WAY to overdone. What's the point? Other students carve crude doodles of male genetilia into some of the desks I've seen at school, so this irritates me. What a waste of the girl's and the police officers' time.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]You can't anywhere around my hometown without seeing a penis drawn somewhere. On the benches in front of our arena, on the picnic table at the Gazeebo in front of our little store; penises are everywhere. This however, is a little extreme? Try having someone take you seriously with "Drawn on a desk" as a felony in your record.[/FONT]
[quote name='Dragon Warrior'][size=1] Just coincidence V-Day rhymes with D-Day?[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Anything is better than VD-Day. Instead of valentine's you just give your lovers penicillin. I don't do Valntine's Day, because I never have anyone to give something to. I'll just buy something for my gal friends. :animesigh[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Well, I decided for a fresh start when I got my new laptop. I used to be Aberinkula, haha, but I was caught in DB's shadow, and I was incredibly immature. My posts were lazy, I talked like a nine year old sometimes, and I acted irrationally for most of my time on here. I got into my fair share of arguments that were mostly due to my ignorance. However, now I?m smarter, at least I think. XD I have noticed that the grammar from members has gotten better since my last account over a year ago. I?m just glad I can post on this new laptop of mine without having to worry about being booted off the internet or having to worry that my word program won?t work and I?ll post lots of needless misspellings. The only downside to OB now is the lack of member activity. It would be nice for the site to at least be as lively as it was before my old computer decided to crap the bed. Nevertheless, I still enjoy coming here and seeing what?s up, even if I don?t come here once a day. It's nice to see that members like Ace, Gavin, Rach, Zen and Allamorph are still here too.[/FONT]
[quote name='markskarl']Hello friends I wish more of the actual punk groups were on it, though. Bad Religion is not playing this year, which is a shame. Scenesters are starting to ruin this tour for me.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]The town next to mine is filled with scene girls who just go to shows to meet guys and to annoy the rest of us :animesigh[/FONT]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]I know what you do with a drunken one.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]We had to sing the Drunken Sailor song in drama club a few weeks ago. It was fun.[/FONT]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri] inb4 lol Steph Meyer hate =P Yeah, I didn't care for Paolini's book, either. Even though the concepts and lore he developed interested me, I couldn't get over how unpolished it was. I did finish it (it was no Stephen Crane, after all; I got so infuriated with [U]The Red Badge of Courage[/U] that I literally threw it into a wall, and left it laying there for almost half a year), but I decided not to continue reading the series. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I tried reading it again about a year ago, but after finding where I left off and reading a page, I couldn't take it. I've yet to throw a book into the wall, however. lol[/FONT]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri][U]Eragon[/U], and really [I]The Inheritance [strike]Trilogy[/strike] Series[/I] is a story that was published far too soon for the author's maturity to handle. Although Christopher Paolini has a pretty engaging universe set up, the story itself is rife with far too many trite phrases and easy-to-use, predictable 'twists', and really just a load of material that had he come back to it a few years later he might have noticed how much of it felt like unsatisfactory convenient rubbish and done a lot of much-needed revisions. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I never liked Eragon. After page 200, it just bored me and I never opened again. So the book sat in my room coverless for the past 2-3 years untouched. I'm not reading anything at the moment, I'm busy writing my own book, but I'm anticipating the day when my school library gets the next part of the Demonata series in. I love Darren Shan's books so much, and while CDF was a wicked good series, I'm dying to read the rest of the Demonata, which in my opinion, for being comprised of short books, is an incredible series. And CDF was honestly 100 times better than anything Stephenie Meyer wrote. I don't like the Twilight series. I read the first book, liked it and the movie, then half way through the second story, I just began to hate it. My friend had to read Lord of the Flies during the summer to prepare for Honors English. She said I might like the book, so I think maybe I should check it out as well.[/FONT]
Sandwiches, the best thing made WITH sliced bread
Jabberwocky replied to Jabberwocky's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Looking at this thread, I've come to realize, the only sandwiches I have lately are subs. I don't care though, subs are awesome. Espeically the ones at the cornerstore a few minutes down the road. In fact, I prefer them over subs from Jreck's or Subway. Good ol' roast beef sub with a bag of Doritos and a Mountain Dew... always good.[/FONT] -
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]With my friends there is never a dull moment where we don't laugh at something stupid. Earlier I was on the phone with one of my best friends, who's ex boyfriend keeps talking to her. He's annoying, so after her telling him to stop talking to him a few times, he IMs one of our other friends and said this. [B]Dumb Ex: [/B]What are you wearing? [B]My friend[/B]: Clothes? [B]Dumb Ex:[/B] Like what? [B]My friend:[/B] Like normal people wear? Really, its WINTER and he's asking what people are wearing? To be an *** I was just like "If I was her I'd say 'Nothing, I'm cold since it's winter, so I decided to run around the house naked to get colder'." What's worse is he tells her not to tell my best friend he's talking to her. It's her best friend, they're girls, of course she'd say something about you talking to her. You have no clue how dumb some of the people are up here. :animesigh [/FONT]
[quote name='chibi-master']I finally got to go to sparring after not being able to go last week due to my lack of lungs. I'm just so...FANTASTICALLY HAPPY...now. In faaact...:animesmil EDIT: I forgot to mention that [B][I]taperson[/I][/B] gave me her inside-out bra disease. I found out in the changing room after sparring. Darn it.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Your happy, quirky posts are like a disease that spreads... a good disease wherein everyone is tickling an infected persons nose with a feather, so they can sneeze the happiness germs onto the person, thus making them happy. Anywhozitz, I haven't been posting much lately, and I feel shameful for it... so I will probably be going on a posting spree for the rest of the night before I go to school. YAY FOR SPREES! :^D[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Emmure, I'm not fond of one bit. I don't like them much at all, and I never will. Attack Attack isn't horrible but I'm not quite fond of them either. Seeing Bring me the Horizon and In Fear and Faith would be amazing. However, I don't really listen to BMTH much anymore. While I do love them, Asking Alexandria has kind of replaced them for me.[/FONT]
[quote name='Zen'][size=1] I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I'm overwhelmed by awesome.[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I think my penis just exploded and my head caved in. If only I could go I would have the best day of my life![/FONT]
[quote name='Xyandar']Music is what gets me through the day. if i couldnt listen to it i dont know what i would do. I am a metal head i love metal music and Death metal music. my top 10 are #1 Job For A Cowboy #2 The Black Dahlia Murder #3 Killswitch Engage #4 Lamb of God #5 OLD Slipknot (Their IOWA album was amazing..Downhill afterwards i think) #6 War of Ages #7 Darkest Hour #8 Dope #9 Protest The Hero #10 Metallica[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I like your taste lol. I've got an updated list of favorites (which means, almost every band I like lol) [LIST] [*]10 Years [*]The Acacia Strain [*]AFI [*]All Shall Perish [*]Arsonists Get All The Girls [*]Asking Alexandria [*]Atreyu [*]Between the Buried and Me [*]The Black Dahlia Murder [*]Blessthefall [*]Blue October [*]Breaking Benjamin [*]Bring me the Horizon [*]Cattle Decapitation [*]Chevelle [*]Chiodos [*]Circle Takes the Square [*]Coheed and Cambria [*]Cold [*]Converge [*]The Devil Wears Prada [*]Escape the Fate [*]The Faceless [*]Fair to Midland [*]Faith no More [*]Fear Before the March of Flames [*]Flyleaf [*]Genghis Tron [*]Heaven Shall Burn [*]A Hero A Fake [*]I Set my Friends on Fire [*]In Fear and Faith [*]In Flames [*]Iron Maiden [*]iwrestledabearonce [*]Janus [*]Job for a Cowboy [*]Lady Gaga (You heard me right, L.A.D.Y. G.A.G.A!) [*]Lamb of God [*]Linkin Park [*]Ludo [*]The Mars Volta [*]Mastadon [*]Metallica [*]Misericordiam [*]Mudvayne [*]My Chemical Romance [*]Norma Jean [*]Obscura [*]Our Last Night [*]Owl City [*]Pearl Jam [*]Protest the Hero [*]Queens of the Stone Age [*]Red [*]The Red Chord [*]The Rise of Science [*]Soasin [*]Seether [*]Senses Fail [*]Silverstein [*]Silversun Pickups [*]The Sound of Animals Fighting [*]Suicide Silence [*]System of a Down [*]Tool [*]UnderOath [*]The Used [/LIST] If music were STDs, I'd be the sickest person to exist in this world. My all time favorites are Between the Buried and Me, Coheed and Cambria, Chevelle, Fear Before and The Devil Wears Prada.[/FONT]
Writing Monophobia: The Tale of an Emotional Pariah
Jabberwocky replied to Jabberwocky's topic in Creative Works
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Thanks for the input. Personally, I was more focused with the moral of the story, rather than the most sensible details. Killing someone so simply with a kitchen knife, I doubt anyone could do it so easily, unless they're experts. lol Now the knife went for the heart, not the spine, I should have been more clear about that. (As well as other things) The things that randomly appear in the room, I guess could be considered the hurdles we face in life, that make the moral a bit more deep, which I didn't think about until now. But, the man has basic understandings of things such as language, his body functions, but not his emotions. I think this story is a bit more confusing than I wanted it to be, which I think lessens the effect. As things appear in the room such as the fruit bearing tree in the window, those needs started to exist inside of him as well, which I thought the reader could understand. So, I think I was waaaaaaay to vague with this. And you've helped me realize that. I thank you a lot, since this was actually the rough draft, I can use this inf to help imrove for the final product. It may just be a school essay, but I like to have my essay's sound good, not like "Hey, it's an english assigment, who cares?" When I redo this for the final copy, I'm going to fix these things and repost the story to see if its imrpoved at all.[/FONT] -
[quote name='taperson'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm growing tired of the internet.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I agree, it's starting to become old and boooring.[/FONT]
[quote name='Nomurah!'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]Apparently [B]Jason Earls[/B] from the hit show Hannah Montannah, [I]is[/I] in fact not a teenager. ...he's like 30. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I knew he wasn't a teenager, but 30's?! Poor guy must deal with a lot of things.[/COLOR][/FONT]