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Everything posted by Jabberwocky

  1. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Some girl today called peace a style, I didn't know it was a style now? And some other girl wants to go 'scene.' Why must people throw labels around?![/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]A taco? A TACO? [SIZE="4"]A TACO!?!?!?!?![/SIZE] Wow, the things you can get charged with these days :animesigh[/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]For me school starts the 3rd. The music theory class I'm taking is supposed to have homework every day, if it wasn't music I'd hang myself. At least I'll have english again, which means I can learn more about books and english in general. Right now I'm reading The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing a Novel, so hopefully my writing will improve.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]That was a very well-written and enjoyable poem. I really liked the old style you used, it flowed nicely. The poem itself is very interesting. Either the person is tired or cleaning his home, or he's 'cleaning' things up in a different way. But a good piece indeed.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I've seen some of the songs featured on the game, and I don't think I'll be buying it for those songs. But with forward compatability, I think I'll give it a buy. I personally prefer Rock Band for the drums and stuff, but GH has a better multiplayer than Rock Band.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I believe in Karma. If you do something bad, something bad will happen back and it could happn anytime. So if I do something bad when I'm 13, I expect equal payment even if I'm 30 haha! Now if I do something good, well that should be self-explanitory, right? As for my religious beliefs, I believe that whatever is out there, I will discover when I die. For me I'd rather not let religion hold me down. Now, I do believe there must be something out there, but I don't believe in any solid 'god'. I believe that if you live life to the fullest, take chances and do good, you'll get somewhere in life. I also believe if you try hard you can accomplish your dreams, cheesy huh?[/FONT]
  7. [quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] The more I listen to the new TDWP album, the more I love it. At first listen I was kinda "meh" on it. But now I love it. Some of the heaviest breakdowns ever, and Mike Hranica has such a distinct, aggressive vocal. Love it. (Also, his chipped tooth and mustache make me think of Murderface from [b]Dethklok[/b].) [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Their vocals have gotten better since Plagues too, but they do have a distinct a vocalist that's for sure. Apparantly, Trevor Wentworth of Our Last Night did guest vocals in Danger: Wildman, I didn't notice, but it's possible.[/FONT]
  8. [quote name='The Final Cut']I could never get into BTMH or Architects. I'm really, really into mathcore, but as for deathcore...meh, it's a genre I've only found a few choice gems in, personally. As for what I've been listening to, it's been a lot of progressive metal, metalcore, mathcore, progressive rock (new and old), experimental rock, post-rock, post-hardcore and melodic death metal lately. On the prog rock side, I've been listening to Coheed and Cambria a LOT recently; not only are they my favorite prog rock band, but they're my favorite band in general. I've also been listening to some Mars Volta, Pink Floyd, Circa Survive, The Dear Hunter, King Crimson, and 3. As for progressive metal, Between the Buried and Me. Between the Buried and Me. Between the Buried and Me. Misery Signals. Between the Buried and Me. Mathcore-wise, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Protest the Hero, The Human Abstract, The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza, The Number 12 Looks Like You, and Norma Jean are all good bands I've been listening to recently. All great examples of the genre, too. Metalcore isn't a genre I really enjoy, but Killswitch Engage and As I Lay Dying are guilty pleasures. Experimental rock gives light to The Fall of Troy, Fear Before the March of Flames, Thrice, and The Sound of Animals Fighting, all of which I've been giving listen to in the past couple of days. Post-rock bands I've been listening to are 65daysofstatic, Explosions in the Sky, and Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Post-hardcore is such a hard genre to narrow down and multiple bands I've already listed could be considered post-hardcore, but I really felt I should list The Blood Brothers and At the Drive-In, two really good bands I haven't tired of yet. Melodic death metal-wise, Amon Amarth, The Black Dahlia Murder, Arch Enemy, Mors Principium Est, In Flames, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, At the Gates... I listen to way too much ****ing music.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Okay let me get this striaght... Coheed and Cambria, The Mars Volta, 3, Between the Buried and Me, Protest the Hero, Norma Jean, Fear Before the March of Flames, At the Drive-in, Amon Amarth, Mors Principium EST and In Flames? Hell, pretty much every artist you listed? [B]You are officially cool as all hell... [/B][/FONT] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]A really good band is Our Last Night, a 5-piece band describe, d as Post-Hardcore. The most amazing thing is that the screamer Trevor Wentworth joined the band when he was... 11. E-effing-leven! And as far as his screams go, they are great for being only so developed. He is 16 now I think. But my god, 11? Whoa. Another good band I've been getting into is Blessthefall, they kick major ***. And Ludo, they are just fun as all hell. There's nothing heavy about them but they have a song called Girls on Trampolines... they are awesome. By the way, anyone here enjoy Arsonists get all the Girls? Also, you people should check out A Hero A Fake. If you guys are familiar with Victory records (Between the Buried and Me, A Day to Remember, Silverstein, ect) then these guys are a must. They are just brilliant.[/FONT] [CENTER][/CENTER] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Just to be a good person here's their song El Gigante from Volatile.[/FONT]
  9. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]I'll be honest here, i've only heared that one song off of guitar hero by them, but it was pretty cool![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Which one? Crap, I forgot got both of them >_> There's the one on GH 2 and GH: Metallica... BTW, Protest the Hero = Awesome vocals[/FONT]
  10. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Blood Red, White, and Blue show his best vocals. Torches is another great one by them. I have one cd by them and it's amazing. Like The Angels is a great one to skate to.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Skateboarding... I was supposed to learn how to do that this summer but I ended up just hanging with friends and spending money on video games. But the kids around here are a nuisance, the town next to mine banned skateboarding because they're irresponsible. I remember when I used to watch Rocket Power constantly and wish I could meet Tony Hawk...my how things change! I heard Suicidal Tendencies is a good band to skate to, I've always wondered...[/FONT]
  11. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]look up Against Me! They are so ****ing amazing, some of the best songs are, "Pints Of Guinnes Make You Stronger" and "Baby I'm An Anarchist" They are probably one of my favorite bands in existance. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I've heard a few songs by them, hey are pretty good. Ooo, speaking of Against, I like Rise Against.[/FONT]
  12. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Yah, Johny Roten was just horrible, but the lyrics kicked ***. I only respect them for being a punk band.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I don't listen to much of the original punk stuff, but I owe the existance of Hardcore to every punk artist of the olden days. Without them Hardcore wouldn't exist, which would mean I wouldn't exist as the entity I am today. [/FONT]
  13. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Didn't UnderOath have a chick leade singer before? I just remember a horrible women lead singer in a band like that. I also hate Sex pistols vocalist. Man did they blow a load![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I prefer loads to be blown from good music haha. And, I don't think UnderOath started with a chick? They did have a different lead singer. I'll look that up. For sure that would change my image on them. Sure, Spencer's screams are neither original nor great, but with his clean vocals and the band's work, the band is good on that. You know the guy from the Sex Pistols is, indeed, pretty horrible. He was a judge on Bodog's Battle of the Bands on Fuse, but I think he sucks testicles. And speaking of lead singer's, Blessthefall's lead singer is HORRIBLE when put in Escape the Fate. In Blessthefall he does a good job but EtF is not themselves anymore with him. Too bad what's his face had to go punch someone, otherwise we'd have him :animesigh[/FONT]
  14. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]I still go with Michael Acherfeld. His growls are **** tastic and his cleans are perfect. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Hmm, you know, now that we're on the subject of vocalists, who's your LEAST favorite vocalist? Mine would have to be James Blunt... 'nuff said...[/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Flirting is natural. Friends joke around and the two can get intertwined. One of my friends is like my brother, but having said that it never stopped... *ahem* I personally don't see the big deal. Some people are just more touchy feely then others. One of my friends thought the person mentioned in the first paragraph wanted her. For months the smallest act of his was turned into a huge 'flirtatious' move on her. It annoyed the crap out of my ex-girlfriend and I. Boy, how disapointed she would be if she still liked him... But I sil don't see why jokes and regular flirting would be a problem, it's not like there IS anything further beyond that point, so I woudln't be all flippy over it. For me, as long as you're not kissing my significant other, I'm perfectly fine with the jokes/flirting. Besides with my friends every other comment out of our mouths is some sexual inuendo, so it's all fine with me.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]My favorite vocalist of all time? Well that's easy, Claudio Sanchez of Coheed and Cambria. I've always loved his falsetto, his voice just makes me beileve the emotion of his songs. Also, he can do a fricken' crow scream that knocks your socks off. Listen to the first 30 seconds of the song Hearhshot Kid Disaster and you'll know what I mean. The bassist Michael Todd can do some harsh vocals as well, in the song In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth he does backround vocals and he and do some pretty gnarly things. My second favorite vocalist is Pete Loffler of Chevelle. He reminds me of Maynard James Keenan with his change between harsh and clean, but I like his voice better. Also, he is an amazing lyricist. The lyrics in his songs like In Debt to Earth, Vitamin R (Leading us Along) and a bunch more are brilliant. Oh, I missed Jars, their new single which is brilliant both lyrically and vocally. And for a more maintstream band they sure are different from a lot of their brethren. A lot of the big metal-heads at my school even agree Chevelle is pretty kick-***. Then of coarse there is Oliver Sykes and Between the Buried and Me's Tommy Giles Rogers Jr. Oli is my favorite screamer, but I favor Tommy only because he has an inredible range in terms of clean vocals. If you watch the DVD for Colors and listen to Aspirations, he goes extremely high. And there's Mordecai which is just an orgasm of pure viciousness with an onslaught of elegance towards the end. Damn... I just remembered the vocalist of Fear Before is also amazing. He did some guest work in Prequel to the Sequel heading into minute 6, with Tommy and him it was amazing. I could just imagine him, Oliver and Tommy together... damn... Anyways, right now I'm listening to Love me Dead by Ludo, there's nothing heavy about them but this song is down right awesome and funny. I suggest watching the video to the song, it's pretty good. If you want to see someone who looks like a nerd, just look at the band's lead singer.[/FONT]
  17. [quote name='chibi-master']Back the ferk off my 'c' or I'll be force-feeding you my special chocolate, broccoli and cheese casserole.[/QUOTE] O_o On second thought god can be either a man or a woman, so I guess god-titles can be either capatilized or... the opposite of that because I don't know the word! Minus broccoli and cheese, chocolate sounds good right now. Too bad it's almost 3 over here >_>
  18. [quote name='chibi-master']HECK YES! XD Except you forgot my lower-case 'c' and my 'r'.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Hmm, you need the capital C in your new title because it makes you like a god. Think about it, what sounds better, Chibi-master: The Arsonic Consumer or chibi-maser: The Arsonic Consumer? The first sounds much more cooler/brutal/scary.[/FONT]
  19. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Then it is final, Chibi-maste: The Arsonic Consumer is her new name. No if's, and's, or but's. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I second this motion!
  20. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]You're future job will be testing rat poison to see the savairaty of it's effects, but luckily you'll be emune to it's deadly effects.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Who knows, maybe the government might pick her up and use her powers to test biological weapons like some super version of smallpox. Chibi-master The Arsonic Consumer sounds like a brutal name...[/FONT]
  21. [quote name='chibi-master']Yeah, it looks that way in the picture, huh? I noticed that as well...:animesigh It sure doesn't TASTE like popcorn, though...:animedepr[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Does it even taste like lemon? Just don't try making Jello-shots, who knows what you might concoct![/FONT]
  22. [quote name='chibi-master']How's about you try some of my cooking and see for yourself. Look, I tried to make Jell-o cubes. Does that look like lemony goodness to you? No. It DOESN'T. Heck, it has a MOUTH.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Kinda looks like a kernal of popcorn... hmm. Oh god popcorn sounds good right about now![/FONT]
  23. [I]"We will never sleep cos' sleep is for the weak, and we will never rest til' we're all ****ing dead!"[/I][INDENT][B]-Diamonds aren't Forever by Bring me The Horizon[/B][/INDENT][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Sorry, I couldn't control myself with that one.[/FONT] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]But I hate sleep, yet I love it. I spend most of mydays during the summer, staying up until 3-5 AM. I rarely go to bed before midnight unless I'm extremely tired, or if I have school. The longest I've stayed up was for almost 2 days. I was at a sleep over with a bunch of friends.[/FONT] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I stayed up for hours and then we went to a supposed 'haunted place' in the woods called Ecky road (pronounced Eekie which is ironic for it possibly being haunted. Well, when we got back I came to find out I was overtired, but I never went to sleep. So me and my friend went to the restaurant to get french fries, then it rained like all hell when we walked back! But it was worth it becaue I never spend time with him and we've known each other since 2nd grade.[/FONT] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]But yeah, sleep is dumb... yet, sometimes I need and love it. But if you're like me don't stay up for too long because you might end up saying some odd things in front of your friends >_>[/FONT]
  24. [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]If we can take this to the best vocalist ever, i'll have to go with Michael Acherfeld. His cleans are heavenly and his growls are demonic. Opeth wouldn't be as good as they are without him. Who do you think is the best vocalist out there?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]He is a very good vocalist indeed. I love hearing his voice despite only hearing Opeth, 10 times in my whole life haha[/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Hey, if a quote is great, who cares if there's some bad language. I agree with Allamorph, I don't think anything is a swear word. But I still don't see how one F-word should create a controversy. After all, it's freedom of speech. Honor the dead, put whatever the hell they want on their grave.[/FONT]
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