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Everything posted by Jabberwocky
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Well good day for me, I got a new MP3! And I thought I'd be missing my music for longer than this. Well, right now I'm just diggin' some BMTH while my mom watches the news. Lately I've been thinking about buying Ten by Pearl Jam, I can't help but admit I like them. The songs Alive and Jeremy are pretty good, umung the others. And sometimes nothing's better than some good ol' grunge rock. You know Zen, I'm beginning to believe Oli may just be the best vocalist for his genre. His vocals in Count Your Blessings were really good, and they're even better in Suicide Season. So I can't wait to see what the next CD is going to dish out. As for his vocals being vicious, I can agree. I love the emotion in his vocals. In my opinion the song Suicide Season is one of the best examples of the emotion he puts into songs. The same can be said for This Sadness Will Never End. Also, No Need for Introductions, I've Read About Girls Like You on the Backs of Toilet Doors is one of the most amazing song names ever.[/FONT]
[quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]What genera is Abigail Williams? Also, good to see we meet eye to eye, Have you tried ska out? You might dig it, I do.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I've heard a bit of it, and I think it's pretty cool. Is Anti-flag ska? My other friend talks about them and described them as ska once. As for Abigail Williams, I'm not entirely sure. Something tells me they might sound like Bleed The Sky or The Acacia Strain? I'm not sure why though. Wow, apparantly I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay way way way off, Wiki says they are Symphonic Black Metal. Now wiki may not be the best source, but still, I'm worried that I got them waay off like that.[/FONT]
[quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]For me, if the vocals don't work, the bands bad, not individualy, but as a whole, know what i'm sayin? Jack knife to a swan - MightyMightyBosstones.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]To be honest, I do. One band whom I can't stand at all because of their vocalist is Thursday. I don't know why but I can't stand the vocalist after seeing one of their videos I cringed. But for bands like Underoath, the clean vocals save them. My friend can't stand the vocalist of Drop Dead Gorgous. While I admit I've never heard a song by them, considering how close our tastes are I don't know if I'd like them either. I'm still wondering if Abigail Williams is a good band?[/FONT]
[quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Ughh, UnderOath, Find a better band, no offence, but the vocals are rubish![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I don't really prefer Spencer Chamberlain's vocals that much either. His clean vocals are good, but as for his screaming, it's not that great. But the band itself isn't half-bad either. I used to ADORE them until I heard a lot of the better stuff out there. You know, I almost forgot about the recent show in my district last week! A band called South-Hollywood Shootout did a cover of Reptar, King of the Ozone by the Devil Wears Prada. A kid who just graduated this year did the clean parts and I have to say, they pulled it off nicely. Also, From This Day played their last show there as well, I've heard they're bigger overseas, so maybe some people here have heard of them?[/FONT]
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] This is truth. Nobody has their sound. Nobody.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]And nobody should ever gain their sound. Oliver Sykes is one of a kind, in my opinion anyways. I idolize his vocal work, along with Tommy Rogers' vocal work. Both of them are my well, vocal idols hahaha Anyways, I looked everywhere for a proper video of the song Higinia by Blessthefall, I love that song. Oh, and along with Suicide Season I bought Ruination by Job for a Cowboy, it's not as good as Doom, but it's still not that bad at all. Now all I need to do is get the UnderOath CD Lost in the Sound of Seperation. I swear I must have listened to Too Bright to See Too Loud to Hear at least 50 times last night at my friend's house. I'm also thinking about buying The Used's new CD once it comes out. And of coarse the new Between the Buried and Me album, I can't wait for more than 2 months for it! I'm practically seething! [quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Anyone listen to post hardcore any more?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I think the newest Silverstein CD is considered Post-Hardcore? At least from what I've heard. Well if so, it's one of my favorite albums right now. At The Drive-in is a good band though, The Mars Volta may be better, but ATDI is still pretty kickass.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]...Bring me the Horizon... P.S. Suicide Season is an awesome album.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]No matter how small a room is, once you engage in battle, it expands to unimaginable size - The Last Remnant Desite being in New York City there will be thousands of clones of that one guy you absorbed - Prototype When a bandit shoots you chances are you will live, but when the last enemy in the game shoots you it's deadly - Fable II A simple herb is enough to bring back to life your friend after they've died - The Last Remnant Even after being submerged in water, your hair will always come out dry and in the spiky form you left it - Kingdom Hearts No matter where you are, or what you're doing music will come from the air around you and when you sleep at inn's your sleeping body causes music to play - RPG's If you're ever lost and have forgotten what to do a yellow light will direct you anywhere - Fable II If you hit someone numbers will pop out of their heads - RPG's Even though during a battle you can bring the girl back to life after being killed, when the bad guy kills her in a cutscene she's screwed forever - Final Fantasy VII No matter how much you fight, and no matter how much blood you draw from your enemies, you never have to shower or wash your hair - Lots of games[/FONT]
[quote name='Stephanie'][size=1]Why is it that everyone thinks there is something wrong with you when you love more than one person?[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I don't see anything wrong with it. Once upon a time I was torn between loving my girlfriend and a guy I was doing things with behind her back. Love is confusing, to say the least. Now I've become lonely and all I want is someone to love. But I've got a book to write and get published... Ah, being a teenager...[/FONT]
[quote name='Aaryanna'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]How about eating healthier and exercising, instead of starving yourself? =P[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Aaryanna's right. Sure starving yourslf is a good way to lose a few pounds, but if you do that there are some consequences. If you starve yourself when you do return to eating your body might digest it in a different way and you'll only gain the weight back. At least I think that's what happens? But believe me I've tried starving myself it's not good. Cutting back food intake isn't a bad thing, just eat small meals. And if you like walking I suggest walking for more than 45 minutes, I've read that walking for a bit will help keep your weight maintained, but after I think 30-45 minutes, your body actually starts to burn calories. Right now I've been doing that and taking some One A Day vitamin's for teens and my weight is starting to lower without bad consequences.[/FONT]
[quote name='silpheedpilot'][SIZE="1"] [COLOR="SlateGray"]You tell me if you met the biggest inspiration in your life if it wouldn't, at least, be one of the greatest days of your life.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]It would be more than great. In my opinion, it would be monumental.[/FONT]
Mom Arrested for Breast-Feeding Drunk
Jabberwocky replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I'm sure, especially since it's fox news and their tendency to leave out important details, that there was more to the story. Of course can't just assume that so I guess I need to know this, and maybe somebody from the medical field can answer this. Can an abundant intake of alcohol cause it to enter the babies milk? I know mammory(sp) glands produce milk, but I'm not sure if the body would filter it or not. I know it doesn't when it comes to the babies nutrients in the womb, but that's a little different.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I'm wondering the same exact thing. [I]"So what did you have last night Tommy?" "Oh breast milk with a wine cooler, what abut you Chuckie?"[/I] That's how I imagine breast feeding the Rugrats with intoxicating breastmilk.[/FONT] -
[quote name='HopscotchEyelid'][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Sorry to question like this, but is the Fair To Midland song See, Saw off their first album Carbon Copy Silver Lining? I have I.F.S and Fables, and I also have some B-Sides and demos, but I don't have CCSL. The only song I've heard off that album was Gaining One.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Yes it is, but I'm sure you can find some of the songs from that CD on the web. I know you can find Stiffback on ProjectPlayist. As for the rest I have no clue... By the way, you're lucky you have I.F.S. the demos of songs like Dance of the Manatee rule.[/FONT]
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] Well I'm going to [b]Warped Tour[/b], so suck it! But [b]Despised Icon[/b], while I'm not a big fan of them usually, put on a freaking amazing live show. I saw them at [b]Summer Slaughter Tour[/b] last year and had my mind blown. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]*Shoots with a bazooka* Right now I'm trying to get some TDWP onto my computer. I feel like listening to Sassafras... okay screw it I'm listening to Spongebob Grindpants instead, haha![/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I got a whole bunch of music from my friend including... The whole [B]Frances the Mute [/B]album - [B]The Mars Volta [/B] Eritarka, Since we've Been Wrong, Cotopaxi - [B]The Mars Volta[/B] Take This Life, Alias, The Chosen Pessimist - [B]In Flames[/B] The Beltway, Stiffback, An Occurance Duing the Restoration Proccess, My Mentor, Gaining One, Informative Timeline - [B]Fair to Midland[/B] Suffocate, Cure my Tradegy, Stupid Girl, Gone Away, Rain Song, Change the World, The Day Seattle Died, Bleed, Just got Wicked and Wasted Years - [B]Cold[/B] Sorrow - [B]Flyleaf[/B] I Drilled a Wire Through my Cheek - [B]Blue October[/B] Broken, Breakdown - [B]Seether[/B] Blurry - [B]Puddle of Mudd[/B] Still Jolly After All These Years, Ulrich Firelord: Breaker of Mountains, Corey Feldman Holocaust, Vlork: Mighty Wielder of Sheep, You Ain't no Family, Alakan Flounder Basket - [B]iwrestledabearonce[/B] Jizz in my Pants - [B]The Lonely Island[/B] The Memory Remains, Fade to Black - [B]Metallica[/B] The Grace[B] - Neverending White Lights[/B] Until You're Reformed - [B]Chevelle[/B] Yeah, I got a crapload. Let's just say, I'm in love with Frances the Mute. It's atmosphere is just brilliant. Fair to Midland is still weird and iwrestledabearonce is amazing. The songs by In flames re Good as Well. The other songs are entertaining as well, I Drilled a Wire Through my Cheek is just brutal lyrically for such a soft band. And Jizz in my Pants? Priceless. So in other words, I've got a lot on my pallette! [/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Yesterday my friend ate food at a really good restaurant in town. Her burger didn't sit well with her and she complained she felt like puking. Well her dad said she was kidding and pushed her jokingly. Well she ended up throwing up 3 times because of that. And what better place to throw up then in front of the window next to the seat of the restaurant's owners! That's hilarious, I don't care who you are![/FONT]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]So wait, you're spinning off yourself? Or is it just a separate angle on the same universe?[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Well I plan on having each book be about different villains and aspects of the universe, but with the protagonists. The universe of my story consists of several races of demons on different planets. The vampires in my story are time travelers so they have the technology to reach other planets. Each book will be different and not like the orignal 4 parts of the 1st installment. I guess you could call it a Slight Spin-off, instead of just a Spin-off :p[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B][U]Vocalists[/U][/B] [B]Pete Loeffler [/B]- Chevelle [B]Tommy Rogers[/B] - Between the Buried and Me [B]David Marion & Adam Fisher [/B]- Fear Before [B]Johnny Davy [/B]- Job for a Cowboy (for pig squeals) [B][U]Guitarists[/U][/B] [B]Synyster Gates[/B] - Avenged Sevenfold [B]Tim Miller[/B] - Protest the Hero [B]Michael Keene [/B]- The Faceless (He sweeps then uses a pinch harmonic at the end of the sweep, which is awesome) [B][U]Bassists[/U][/B] [B]Dan Briggs[/B] - Between the Buried and Me [B]Michael Todd [/B]- Coheed and Cambria [B]Brandon Giffin[/B] - The Faceless (As a bassist I respect bass sweeps, which Brandon is a god at) [B][U]Drummer:[/U][/B] [B]Blake Richardson[/B] - Between the Buried and me [B][U]The Music:[/U][/B] An onslaught of screams and growls by Tommy and the guys of fear before combined with the brutal pigsqueals of Johnny will back up the great melody and raw emotion Pete Loeffler conveys in his music, plus a few hollers and shouts from him. The guitars would wail crazily, with sweeping at every corner combined with fierce solos that an crush a person's ears. Every so often there will be a breakdown complete with a bassline and mad bass sweeping from Brandon. And as the music gets louder and louder Tommy will interupt with his random melodic singing as he plays the keyboards, while Blake keeps the beat going in a brutal, yet beautiful fashion. After every few tracks there will be a random ballad that ends with all the vocalists screaming and growling because that would sound cool. The band will be named [B]"A Dead Cowboy in a Car Buried Faceless" [/B]only because long song/band names rule.[/FONT]
[quote name='2009DigitalBoy']For these exact reasons, I don't get why you say cheating is wrong, especially if you understand this. I just don't get it, other than for religious reasons, but if it's for religious reasons than cheating is wrong [I]for you[/I], and not flat-out.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]You're right, but I didn't say I would never ever cheat again. I leave that open becasue the possbility of it happening again is there with my teenage foolishness, and becasue of the fact that I don't really understand true relationships and love. And sure, I think it's wrong, but that really doesn't stop me from doing it. Blame it all on the ignorance of being a 15 year old, haha. It's like doing a drug. You know it's wrong but that doesn't stop you from doing it. EDIT Well as it seems I DID in fact say "I would never do it." Well I thought about it for a while, and that statement is a lie. Looking back at my past behaviour, it is indeed possible I might cheat again. [/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Human lust. We as humans need sex to further advance our race. Sex is normal. In my opinion I'd love to be in a relationship, but one person as a constant source? I mean, I've cheated on my past girlfriends... with another man, but now I would never do it. But if I end up seeing someone who's attractive and I think about having sex with them, as long as I don't do it nothing's harmed. But people's minds wander and that's okay, cheating however, isn't. Now even though I'm young, I'm having sexual relations with someone and I have been for almost 3 years now. I don't care if he doesn't have any feelings for me, I know he doesn't (unless he's some passive-aggresive weirdo who'd rather keep his true feelings hidden...), and I don't either. I just do what I do for the pleasure, but I honestly don't think doing that while I'm single should be a crime either. Now I say cheating isn't okay, but having done it, I'm being a hypocrite. And cheating on a girl with the same sex? Something tells me God's going to put that on my ticket to hell >_> [/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I don't watch anime at all anymore, but I owe most of my existance to it. My parents never had a problem. In fact my dad enjoyed watching DBZ when it was on, and I've forced him to sit through Naruto. So, they don't care, and plus I'm going to be sixteen August 18th, why should I care anymore? I just wish Neon Genesis Evangelion was on again... I loved that show. :animesigh[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]For some reason it's my dream to write novels, yet I hate reading one... odd. Well the last series I have finished is the Demonata by Darren Shan, author of Cirque du Freak. The Demonata series is my favorite book series having read 4 books in under a week. I mean, the books take one day to read, but they're awesome to read over. I love Darren's style, and it's inspiring me to write better and better peices of work. So far my favorite of the series is Lord Loss, Bec and Demon Apacalypse. Blood Beast is good as well. In fact, Cirque du Freak inspired me to write my own vampire series that will consist of four parts and a spin-off series.[/FONT]
[I]...And so, as god carried Michael Jackson to heaven, the young boys of the world breathed a sigh of relief...[/I] Now I don't really like MJ's music, but we owe a lot how innovative it was. That and Beat It? I love that song! What he wrote and performed will run down throughout Pop music history, as it rightfully should.
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]...This game deserves to live as a legend as long as eternity stands... End of story... Final Fantasy IV was amazing. And Zeromus was easy as ****! Probably because I used the gameboy gameshark on the advaned version of the game :p However, my 2nd favorite Final Fantasy is the one wih bosses like Kefka, that game had a brilliant array of bosses and I loved the characters... despite my obvious forgetting of the storyline. I never finsihed Final Fantasy VII, nor did I defeat Emerald or Ruby. I did vanquish the Ultima Weapon... if that counts as good, haha.[/FONT]
Music What genre of music do you listen to?
Jabberwocky replied to sweetpeach14's topic in Noosphere
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]My tastes range from Lady Gaga to Cattle Decapitation. From Coheed and Cambria to Bring me the Horizon. From Linkin Park to Between the Buried and Me. From Breaking Benjamin to Silverstein. I like a lot of music. My favorite is Hardcore however, nothing better. My favorite bands of all time are as follows... Fear Before the March of Flames, Between the Buried and Me, Coheed and Camrbia, Chevelle, Circle Takes the Square, Bring me the Horizon, Fair to Midland, Avenged Sevenfold, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park and Eminem. My latest favorite band is Cold that has single like Suffocate and Stupid Girl. In fact my YouTube account is named after their song Sad Happy... which is about rape... O_o You know, it's safe to say, that Zen, Nomurah, and Botar are the ones I can mostly relate to on this forum in terms of music.[/FONT] -
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Right now I'm listening to See, Saw by Fair to Midland. It's one of their longest songs clocking in at 7:29 and it's one of their most craziet tracks. The beginning is filled with heavy vocals and great guitar. It switches from heavy and loud to soft and quiet quite a few times. After the second chorus it goes into this weird breakdown where it sounds like Darroh Sudderth (The vocalist) is singing like some weird sheep. The rest of the song is quiet then energetic once more as it ends with heavy screamy vocals that close the song. The funny thing about the song is the first line "Wait a second!" At first it sounds like a mix of two offensive slurs which is funny if you've seen the YouTube video... Ah inside Jokes... :animesigh Also, because I haven't been on in a while, I've listened to some of the new Devil Wears Prada, and I must say, it's better than anything from Plagues. Don't think so? Listen to Big Wiggly Style, Dez Moines and Sassafras. BTW, I'm still very much into Fear Before! :p[/FONT]