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Everything posted by Jabberwocky

  1. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Let's not forget Iwrestledabearonce! They have a new CD out I think? I mean, listen to that GIRL growl and scream. Hell she even sounds like an angel when she's in hormony! By the way Nomurah, Silverstein should go under UnderOath :p Also, victory goes to HopscotchEyelid for mentoning Fair to Midland. Orphan Anthem is amazing and so is Granny Niblo. If you want to hear some of their old stuff, I suggest See, Saw and Stiffback. They're amazing songs. In fact, FTM is one of my all time favorite bands. So you get victory, haha![/font]
  2. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]It's a bad year for spokesmen in general, what with the shamwow guy beating up a hooker a couple months ago.[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]That incident did make for good dubs on YouTube. As for Billy's death, it's a shame. He was a legend in voice, slight annoyance, and commercials. It sucks so many people are dying this year. I mean, David Carrodine, MJ, Farrah, and now Billy Mays. I'm going to miss seeing his commercials. That also means YouTube's Billy Mays dubs have see their end as well. I swear to god, if the people from Hot Fuzz die, or if Johnny Depp is taken, I'm killing myself >_>[/FONT]
  3. [quote name='Botar'][color="darkgreen"] Silverstein is a good band, I personally like there arivals and departures cd.[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Well Botar, all I've got to say is this... listen to this CD. This album is pretty kick arse. It's a concept album, which is always enjoyable in my opinion. It's got a few guests from bands like Cancer Bats and Comeback Kid. Plus guest vocals by some, Light, chick. I don't know who she is, but she isn't that bad.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]One word... SILVERSTEIN! I just bought A Shipwreck in the Sand, and I'm impressed. They're a lot better then I thuoght they would be. There are some pretty good songs on the CD too. I'll edit in a good review after I've spent some time with [strike]her[/strike] it.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I think the irony of the situation is an eerie reminder of the lengths people will go to, for what they believe in.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]The Devil Wears Prada is amazing. I have one of their shirts, with a giant monster spitting pink goo onto an airplane... love it. I plan on buying the new album by them soon. Still Fly is pretty awesome. There's a DWP, shirt in this magazine I have. It has Reptar on it from the Rugrat's. I want it sooooo bad. UnderOath is pretty good too, I want to buy their newest CD as well. Another band like them, Silverstein, is pretty good too. I love the songs When Broken is Easily Fixed and Vices. I plan on getting the newest CD sometime... boy I have a few CD's to buy! A good band that I know of, that isn't normal for me to listen to, is 10 Years. Through the Iris is an awesome song, and the rock version of So Long, Goodbye has a pretty amazing solo. At the moment, I think I'm going to listen to Awaken the Dreamers by All Shall Perish.[/FONT]
  7. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4] My inner old school nun wants to whack your knuckles with a ruler for typing like that. In fact she wants to do that whenever she sees that type of grammar and spelling[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Oh plz maam, hve mrcy on dere solez plz!!!1111!11@1!! Sorry, I couldn't resist a bit of harmless picking. Besides, I don't have any great memories of this place yet except the warm welcomes of Botar and Zen. But hey, I'm sticking around, so I'm sure some memory will grow on me.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]After checking out Rachmaninoff's thread about what's in your car, I decided to make a thread about everyone's dream car. I'm sure you'd all love to share your automobile fantasy! As long as no ones dream is to sleep with a city bus, but it's okay if you're metrosexual. Anywho, my dream car is a red Mustang. For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted a Mustang. Something about seeing the pain shine in the sun as it's beautfil exterior drives by has never stopped amazing me. If I get my hands on one, I'm going to paint it red and put black stripes over the driver's side doors. The first strip (on the left) being larger than the second. Either that or a nice blue Corvette. But the chances of me getting either is slim to none. Oh well, I'll just get something and fix it up with my brother's help.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Besides killing myself with Fear Before like I have been for the past week, I've got a whooooooooooooooooooooooooooole bunch of music to listen to. I say 'whole' like that because I think I have about 60 CDs to listen to. Some may say "this is a joke lolz!!!!!!!1!1@11" but I assure you it's not. My cousin gave me (On estime) 60 CD's, (GAVE me!) of disembowling metal/hardcore. Hellz to the yeah! because with it came two Darkest Hour CDs. And Darkest Hour is signed to Victory records who have a huge selection of great artists like BTBAM (my favorite band), The Autumn Offering and Atreyu. Two other good artists that came with the collection are MachineHead and Strapping Young Lad. Wish my ears and brain luck as they melt....[/FONT]
  10. [quote name='Gavin'][CENTER][IMG]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oufPapEZMa8/SRQjMq7MalI/AAAAAAAAA9Q/KgCgGzKY7Cg/s400/potter-broom.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"] Can't...breath...laughing...to...hard...[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"] I've noticed the story doesn't have an interview and probably for good reason. I mean, could you imagine the questions? "And miss, what did your 17-year old daughter use the broom for, if I may ask?" "Well, I'm not entirely sure. Honey, please tell this man what you used the Potter Broom for?" *Silence*[/FONT]
  11. [quote name='Botar'][color="darkgreen"]Wow Jabberwocky, very good philosophy. And I just listened to Attack Attack, there not that bad. So is Iwrestledabareonce. I'm starting to dig hardcore![/color][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I'd give you a high five, but I can't considering I can't reach into the computer and see you, and even if I could it would be awkward having a strange hand enter your screen. Anywho, to be blunt, I'm not to big on Attack Attack, but it's good that you're expanding your horizons. So maybe, check out Bring me the Horizon? Hehe...[/FONT]
  12. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I tend to agree with that sentiment, seeing as how I'm not affected by them in any real way. Just thought it was funny that either group would waste their time with the other.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I know what you mean. I mean really, if you don't like someone for who they are/what they do/who they're friends with, then there's one universal solution: don't talk to them. But people don't take that path and act out of either ignorance or fear. And sometimes the results are bad, like war.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]One of my friends is a furry. He has pictures on his phone so whenever a teacher takes it away he removes the SIM card before handing it over. In my opinion it's weird, but hey, live and let live.[/FONT]
  14. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]This makes no sense. If you have to try to be who you are, then who are you when you don't try? Someone else? Nobody at all? I quit worrying about that kind of crap years ago. I am not who I am. Simple as that.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I'm human... just that simple. I have bigger and better things to worry about then my identity, like getting into a good college and getting money together so I can get somewhere with music.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Our school food isn't completely horrible, but for the most part it's not that great. For the most part I just buy chips and Little Debbie?s, but sometimes I'll have a salad. One thing our school makes that's amazing in the croissants. I always buy one. Something about that yellow cheese caressing the flaky bread... it's amazing. Our school has breakfast too, which is pretty good. The toast is covered with butter and the crust is nice and soft. It's better when you add cinnamon too.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Today's a good day! I woke up this morning and watched Scrubs, and then my mom comes in with a roast beef sub. I only ate half of it, but the rest is in the fridge waiting for me to eat it. I can hear it calling me. And this one came with hot pepper's, and believe me, it's delicious.[/FONT]
  17. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]As for the non-conformists are conformists thing, that's why I think Emos are the biggest posers on the face of the earth. They want to be unique, so they dress in black, put on heavy makeup, start whinig about how life sucks and proceed to [I]flock towards a group of like 30 other people who look and act exactly like them.[/I] Then they can't decide whether they want to be unique and special or whine about how no one understands their uniqueness and specialness.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I remember when a lot of the people up here tried to be emo, it was hilarious. I'll even admit, the thought struck me. Then I decided, why would I want to be a whiny/girly/angsty/annoying emo when I can be me, myself and I. Now I'm too worried about school and family to worry about being myself or anyone. :animesigh[/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I plan on looking around for colleges for a while, raise a bit of cash and then go. I want to go to college for creative writing, and for directing and acting. I think those perfessions would go hand in hand. Also, I might try getting into Crane School of Music here in Potsdam NY. Next year I'm taking a journalism class, and a music theory class. Until then, It's a few more years of school left.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I just realized something sort of ironic. When you become a non-conformist, technically you're conforming to non-conformity. Also when you try being yourself, you're also being everyone else who's trying to be themselves... so in reality, you're not JUST you... you're a part of a group of people who are trying not to be in a group... Someone shoot me before this gets out of hand, please?[/FONT]
  20. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium] Thanks for single-handedly lumping all first world countries in with the likes of China and Saudi Arabia (two utterly backward nations with regard to human rights standards). [/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I have to agree about China. Any country that is willing to kill a baby because there's already one in the family is pathetic. I mean, sure, I don't like babies or children, but to kill any is both rediculous and cruel. At least bring them to another country, it's better than slaughtering innocent newborns! Well, that depends on if China still does this, if not, then I'm sorry! As for waterboarding, I can see why it's considered brutal. I mean, I'm afraid of water as is! But to have that happen to me is just too much. Well, on the bright side, it's better than having them bury me alive until I tell the truth. Thank god I'm not a terrorist/traiter![/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I'm pretty sure I have enough to put on my plate for now. But keep the suggestions coming! After all, the more the merrier. Now, if you guys could be gracious and kind, would anyone mind suggesting some platform games? I'm a sucker for these games sometimes.[/FONT]
  22. [quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] BMTH is one of my favorites. I'm a big fan of most of their stuff. "Off The Heezay", "Eyeless", "Chelsea Smile", "The Comedown", etc. Great band, I own like three of their shirts. I really want to see them live.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Chelsea Smile is amazing. I plan on buying Suicide Season sometime after I get the Fort Minor CD and Fortress by Protest the Hero. Now, I don't like rap music, but I don't mind FM, they have two really good songs, Remember the Name and Where'd You Go. Seem's chliche, but I admire the ladder because I know what that's like. Now, because I talk about Fear Before too much, I'm gunna purposly turn the song so I can talk about a different band for once. I just turned to Informal Gluttony by Between the Buried and Me. This song is in my top 5 BTBAM songs. I really enjoy them, and the live versions of this song is awesome. I love the first 1:30 of this song, espcially the drum in the beginning. It sounds like some weird tribal-jungle song. And don't forget the sound of monkeys at the end. Then it goes into Sun of Nothing and then Ants of the Sky... ah, great! Oh, and let's not forget Prequel to the Sequel which features guest vocals from... wait for it... wait for it... Fear Before the March of Flames! Wow, who could have guessed it?[/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]For those of you (99.8 of all OB members can disregard this) who know me, you probably couldn't guess -or maybe it was very obvious- that I write poetry. I don't do it often because it's not my strong suit, mostly because I focus more on story writing. These are just a few poems I found on my computer. I made them around the same time. So here's a few to start out.[/FONT] [SIZE="1"][B][U]Forever, Never and Always[/U][/B] They say there?s no such thing as love in hell But I can?t believe a wives tale like that So stop telling me what you think I need to hear Hey love could be worse than this I could say fuck you Forever Or never Or always Its your choice girl I mean, daily I wish I didn?t meet you But what can we do, stop nature from taking course? Now we all know how foolish that would be But hey, until then we should party it up! So it?s either get knocked up or shut up Cause I won?t deal with your ?I hate you?s forever Your home is here in heaven After all? They say there?s no such thing as love in hell [B][U]Sideways Horizons[/U][/B] You can choose to man up Or walk away from yourself Loser Pussy Stop running from your fate As if you could possibly escape our eyes If you think the world outside is an improvement You obviously havent seen pain like this I can spell out the sun As it falls behind the sky I?m lying on my arms Watching the sideways horizon I feel the rays of light warm me Like a surge of flames in august Burn forever Or atone like a real boy It?s your choice Liar Hypocrite You can choose to man up Or you can choose to walk away It?s your choice But either way the horizon fades [B][U]The Fall of Autumn[/U][/B] As The season ends And the fall begins I begin to wonder Where am I Why don?t I belong here? But as the session?s end And the rise begins I begin to stride Like a behemoth towards the light I can find a place where I belong Like I did so long before my transformation ?but? I?ve become foreign I?ve become cold So here it comes The end of the season? The fall of Autumn Is where I now belong?.[/SIZE]
  24. [font="Palatino Linotype"]Suicide Silence rawks my sawks. Bands like Suicide Silence, The Red Chord and the like are good to listen to when you're mad/angry/feeling energetic. Still, in my opinion, good ol' regular hardcore hits every lil' feeling for me. In fact, I think I'm going to listen to Bring me the Horizon becase I love them. For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only, Pray for Plagues, A Lot Like Vegas and their cover of Slipnot's Eyeless are great tunes.[/font]
  25. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Well, right now I'm listening to Fear Before... AGAIN! I just can't stress how awesome I think this band is. They aren't my absolute favorite, but they're climbing the ladder to number 4 on my list. And yes, I have a list of favorite bands, so sue me. Anyhow, I'm gunna beat a dead horse till it turns to powder! Listen to some Fear Before if you know what's good for you. If you don't like screaming too much, just look up some songs from their newest album Fear Before. Two songs that are worthy of listening too are Tree Man and of coarse, Jabberwocky... hmm, also Fear Before Doesn't Listen to People Who Don't Like Them is a good song. And yes, the title is [I]that [/I]long. I guess I'll just listen to Circle Takes the Square next so I don't talk for hours about Fear Before. :animesigh[/FONT]
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