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Everything posted by eleanor
[quote name='chibi-master'] Also, Paranormal Activity. It was complete and utter crap on a biscuit. Seriously, scary movies drive me up the wall and the freak me the heck out. But my mom and sister were freaking out around me while I was completely unimpressed. The smallest things will make me jump up of my seat and grab the nearest weapon for comfort, but I was mostly laughing at the rediculous nature of it all. Plus, the lack of response at the [SPOILER]Ouija Board catching on fire[/SPOILER] irritated me for no good reason.[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] God I totally agree. I hated Paranormal Activity so much, I have no idea why it was such a huge hit. It wasn't even ridiculously funny to me, it was just incredibly boring and nauseating (I HATE SHAKY CAM. HATE IT.) and by the end I was legitimately angry that I spent $10 to see it in theaters.[/font]
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]That's my biggest problem though Lunox, it is style entirely over substance and yet people are putting it on the same kind of pedestal as Schindler's List in terms of being a moral epic, and there's just something terribly wrong and shallow about it. I certainly hope that Avatar's level of CGI quality does have an impact on the film industry in a positive way, but at 250+ million to create it, I imagine not many films are going to dedicate that much of their budget to it. I also agree with you somewhat about The Dark Knight. I didn't hate it, but I don't think it stands up well to repeated viewings in the same way Batman Begins does. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I mean I agree it's no Schindler's List, and it's always annoying when people overhype movies, but I wouldn't count these annoyances against the movie itself. Personally I'm hoping more movies with original concepts, not adaptations, will start popping up with great CGI to show off whatever worlds the writer/director has come up with. It'll be costly, but with Avatar's profit far exceeding its budget I think studios will be more inclined to give the go-ahead on similar projects. If someone has a great script and a movie is made with Avatar-esque CGI to accompany it the results could be awesome.[/font] [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]If I disagreed with anything else you had said, I would have said so. I would suggest not presuming that I haven't considered your entire message simply because I do not comment on it. With that one sentence, you were brushing aside the criticisms regarding the plot of the story by saying that it wasn't intended to be super special awesome or anything. This is simply not a good excuse if the story is bad or cliched or derivative. Of course, the only real difference between "cliched and derivative" and "a neat spin on an old story" is whether or not you liked it...[/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] My original point still stands, the sentence you have such a beef with makes more sense when taken in consideration with the rest of my post. [/font]
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]The problem is though Lunox that Cameron spent fifteen years developing this film, ten years of which were apparently just "waiting for technology to catch up" but that's still 5 years and an 80 page "scriptment" working on the story, language and culture that he admits himself are effectively lifted from Dances with Wolves, and likely other sources. Avatar is also ponderously long at nearly two and three quarter hours, at least thirty minutes of which could've and should've been left on the cutting room floor without any loss of suspense (if there is indeed any suspense in the movie). Yes, the movie is stunning to look at, but where Star Wars used ground-breaking CGI to complement its story, Avatar uses its CGI to attempt to make up for its horribly cliched story and generic characters and at 161 minutes long that's a tall order which for me it failed at spectacularly. But as I said my issue was with Avatar being labelled a four and five star movie, which it most certainly is not.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I'm guessing most of that time was spent...you know, not on the script. Scripts can change throughout the process of physically making the movie, yeah, but it's not like this movie was really relying on the strength of its scripts. The movie is good for other reasons. I mean seriously we can sit here and moan about how cliche and boring the plot was, or we can appreciate what Avatar has done. Its use of CGI wasn't particularly ground-breaking compared to movies like Star Wars and 2001: A Space Odyssey, but it has opened up a new world of CGI for directors. I'm too lazy to write new stuff, so I'll just post my argument from another discussion about Avatar. The OP was saying how Avatar represented the "style over substance" mentality of Hollywood and how Avatar's success would just create more meaningless visually driven crap. "I wouldn't worry too much. The film industry right now is just reminding me of the film industry of the 40s and 50s, when they'd jump onto fads and spend millions. Gimmicks like 3D and ****ing huge screens and smell-o-vision or whatever was popular, but eventually audiences lost interest and the film industry ditched them. The point is Cameron has introduced such stunning visual effects, and HIS story is weak, but eventually other filmmakers will use those amazing visual effects and couple it with equally amazing stories and scripts. Will there be a lot of ****** movies in the process? Yes, but that's how it always is. Just like when widescreen was developed, a bunch of terrible films were made just to show off how big the screen was, but then eventually filmmakers started using it in a clever and innovative way. I mean honestly film was always about $$ in the U.S., so IDGI when people get really depressed about studios following fads. It's happened forever, it's not like this random phenomenon of the last decade." And really, other than that, I [i]liked[/i] it as a film. It was fun to sit back and just take Avatar in and not be my usual film elitist self. Once I got into that mentality it was easy for me to become emotionally gripped and stunned by the visuals. It was a hell of a ride. It is TOTALLY being over-hyped at this point, and I don't know how I feel about it possibly winning an Oscar (but let's be honest, the Oscars are stupid now), but I think it's a great, entertaining movie. [spoiler]I know how you feel though about not liking a movie and seeing everyone fawn over it. I hated The Dark Knight.[/spoiler][/font] [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I'm... not sure how this is a defense. "It has a bad plot but that's okay because it's not supposed to have a good plot!"[/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Nice attempt at trying to put words in my mouth. My point is the plot isn't that good but the movie is still good because of its other strengths. Try reading an entire post and considering the bigger message instead of attacking one sentence. [/font] [quote name='John']Everything looked predictable, like something you'd see in an alien motivational poster or hotel room.[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]I thought it looked beautiful. We can't really argue about this, so I'll leave it at that. [/font]
The Most Awesome Non-Japanese Animated Works In Your Opinion
eleanor replied to stararnold's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Zen'][size=1] I'm definetly not trying to take anything away from Groening or the Simpsons as an excellent work of animated art, I'm just saying I feel that Venture Bros. is more "sophisticated". Not to say Simpsons isn't an extemely smart cartoon, I just appreciate the Venture Bros. approach more, even if its as simple as an aesthetic choice by both shows' creators. Futurama is closer to my heart than the Simpsons, because it has a style more similar to Venture Bros. in its approach. I just personally enjoy and appreciate that style, the continuous narrative, the character development, and style of dark humor, more. Its just a difference in opinion and taste I suppose. I wasn't trying to challenge your tastes or opinions, just trying to get you to re-evaluate your opinion of The Venture Bros., since I thought you kind of passed over it without a second look at what was really going on. [/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] We just have a different view on what makes something sophisticated, and we can't change that. [/font] -
[font=trebuchet ms]I have a hard time understanding why other people DON'T understand why this is an issue for the White House. PETA is a controversial organization and Michelle Obama is a political figure. Like, hello, political image 101...[/font]
The Most Awesome Non-Japanese Animated Works In Your Opinion
eleanor replied to stararnold's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Zen'][size=1] Of course Simpsons' cultural impact was huge, and don't get me wrong, I love Simpsons and Futurama, deeply, but Venture Bros. just outshines it for me because it has an overarching narrative through out the entire series that is rarely broken. Even the most mundane episodes have some sort of connection to other episodes, and there's just so many unnoticed themes, allegories, and references. [/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I mean, I guess we'll disagree on things we disagree on. I believe the Simpsons writers, obviously very smart people, could have easily created a well plotted overarching storyline if they wanted to, but they decided that's not what Simpsons is about. But yes, Simpsons doesn't have that. I think that's because they're just different cartoons, not because the talent was lacking.[/font] [quote name='Zen'][size=1]I think the Simpsons are great for the broader audience that it caters to. But what I feel makes Venture Bros. the higher "art" is because it isn't pandering to any of its viewers, its an honest creation from the mind's of the show's creators. Not to mention there's actual character development. Check out [b][u][url=http://toddalcott.livejournal.com/tag/venture+bros]Todd Alcott's LiveJournal[/url][/b][/u] if you really want to have your mind blown by how deep the show is. [/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] The thing I disagree with here is I really doubt Matt Groening was trying to pander to anyone. I think he was doing what he loved, and wanted to reach a broad audience. I mean, I also just give Simpsons greater props because it was the pioneer that inspired all of the following cartoon series following. I *believe* that the Venture Bros. is awesome, and so is character development. However, the differences here probably aren't due to some sort of mass media pandering but rather the style of the show. I don't think Groening or Simpsons writers are lesser artists than the creators of Venture/Venture writers. [/font] [quote name='Zen'][size=1]Using a really bad metaphor, I guess you could say that the Simpsons are like Jay-Z, brilliant, but mainstream. Futurama is like Common, even more brilliant, with less air play but still with mainsteam acceptance. Venture Bros. is like Del The Funkee Homosapien, underground and made with an artistic skill that often flies over people's heads.[/quote][/size] [font=trebuchet ms] And on that note, I think Jay-Z is just as brilliant and talented as Common. He just chose to present his talent differently. I have no idea who Del is, but I get your metaphor. I just don't fully agree with it. [/font] [quote name='rotlung']It's extremely rare to see a show like Avatar or Samuri Jack that has good stories and good animation. Most of the time u get things like Invader Zim, or the Fairly Odd parents where the artist literally takes a couple minutes to draw the scene and characters. It makes me feel like they are mass producing the badly draw cartoons and saying it's a style choice.[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Also, I never get it when anime fans rag on America's "bad style." I mean, really, most anime has the blandest character designs ever. I feel like some people fawn over anime style just because it's pretty and "cool" or something, but usually the character designs are incredibly terrible and boring as hell. In comparison, The Fairly Oddparents rocked their **** well. As far as background art, the average Nickelodeon animated series would probably be on par with the average anime. U.S. fans have their pick of the best Japan has to offer, which is why anime might seen more sophisticated. Animation is expensive- I doubt the Japanese entertainment industry has more money than the U.S. one. [/font] -
[font=trebuchet ms] Cameron himself described the movie as Dances With Wolves in space, so if it wasn't obvious already, the movie was never meant to dazzle you with it story/plot. Anyways, my thoughts on the movie...I'll quote Roger Ebert: "Watching "Avatar," I felt sort of the same as when I saw "Star Wars" in 1977." Before you predictably attack me for trying to compare Avatar to Star Wars, my point is that sometimes movies are really cheesy and predictable, but they're still flippin' awesome. I know a bunch of fanboys will probably get butthurt over that statement, but Star Wars wasn't like the goddamn messiah of mindblowing storytelling or something, and it was pretty cheesy and full of WTFery. And no, I'm not saying Avatar is the new Star Wars, or was as good as Star Wars. The point is, Cameron put a pretty neat spin on an old story and gave people a hell of a ride telling it. To those who dismiss the quality and creativity of the visuals/special FX-- um...like, lol. I don't even know what to say. Either your brain doesn't function properly and doesn't find breathtaking landscapes/fascinating plant life beautiful or you were pissed off by all the neon. idk. Not the best movie ever, but I'll defend it to the end.[/font]
The Most Awesome Non-Japanese Animated Works In Your Opinion
eleanor replied to stararnold's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Zen'][size=1] I really feel like you're selling it short. If you watch the show, and watch it from beginning to end like I have several times (DVDs, yes) its such a deep, multilayered, and I would say, epic, show. Its so complex with references and homages that it makes, it'd be impossible to catch them all by yourself. And not just to old-school American cartoons and animation, but to music, literature, history, film, etc. I mean, seriously, there's a scene where Mark Twain complain to Oscar Wilde and Sandow (strongman, father of bodybuilding) that he's "been wearing the same suit for like, two months... it's gross". Its funny on several levels and there are constantly jokes being crammed into every moments that you never get to appreciate on the first go around. [/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Yeah, I know...but like you can find all of that in the early Simpsons as well, and probably on a broader level. Since Venture is obviously geared towards a more select audience, it's easier for its fans to pick up on the cartoon/fantasy/sci-fi allusions, but I don't think anything the Venture Bros. dishes out is significantly better than what Simpsons dished out. I'd put Venture Bros. on the same level of Futurama or something. Both shows cater towards a more specific audience and are very intelligent, but early Simpsons dominates both of them. I mean, I love Venture Bros., but would never believe that it's the best American comedy cartoon series. And in terms of cultural impact, which I don't know if you count as a factor, Simpsons is a giant that will probably never be topped. [/font] -
The Most Awesome Non-Japanese Animated Works In Your Opinion
eleanor replied to stararnold's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Zen'][size=1] Venture Brothers is the best animated series [adult swim] and America has produced as far as continuity, comedy, and originality is concerned.[/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I wouldn't go that far. Venture Bros. is basically a new spin on a giant potpourri of earlier American cartoons/comics/etc., so it's funny and nonsensical but I still think the early Simpsons and Futurama are the best comedy animated series from the U.S.[/font] [quote name='Sara'][font=helvetica]Oh man. You didn't see [i]Giant[/i] until that recently? Isn't it awesome?[/font][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Yes, yes it is. :)[/font] -
[font=trebuchet ms] I'd rather die early than live in a nursing home, tbqh.[/font]
[quote name='chibi-master']I LOVE the flying ones! Mostly because not only do I fly, I ALWAYS have wings! It's not like floating or anything, it's actual flight!:catgirl:[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] That's interesting- none of my flying dreams involve wings or actual "flight." I always sort of bob and float up into the air when I first get up into the air, but after that I fly around sort of like superman...except I don't have my arms straight out in front of me.[/font] [quote name='Fall']I keep having short dreams where I'm falling, and it's in a city and at night, because tall buildings are surrounding me and all I can see is little windows lit up by light flashing past me as I fall to the ground... It's always exactly the same... And I've been having it ever since I can remember... I never hit the ground, ever, and I always wake up in shock just before I [I]do[/I] hit the ground. :smoke:[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] One of my other recurring dreams is me jumping between tall buildings and I become more afraid of the fall as the jumps get higher. But then before I hit the ground after the highest jump I wake up.[/font]
The Most Awesome Non-Japanese Animated Works In Your Opinion
eleanor replied to stararnold's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Zen'][size=1] I'm so angry and dissapointed that I'm the only one who's mentioned [b]The Venture Brothers[/b] so far... [/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I was going to mention my favorite American tv shows (Simpsons, Futurama, Venture Bros., Avatar) but got too lazy. But yeah, Venture Bros. is awesome.[/font] -
[font=trebuchet ms] My sister brought home the first two seasons of The West Wing. I have had no life since. [/font]
[font=trebuchet ms] Randomly, like two years ago I went through this period of terrible nightmares. Like," wake up and lie completely still out of overwhelming fear" nightmares. They basically all involved me being chased by something/someone trying to kill me, which, as you can imagine, ****ing sucked. So...yeah, thank god that's over. Or at least thank god I don't remember my nightmares now. But I have lots of recurring dreams, my favorite being ones of flying. [/font]
The Most Awesome Non-Japanese Animated Works In Your Opinion
eleanor replied to stararnold's topic in Noosphere
[font=trebuchet ms] I'm a big fan of Brad Bird, who has directed "The Iron Giant," "The Incredibles" and "Ratatouille." I especially love that he wrote, as well as directed, the latter two. I've always had a lot of respect for director/writers. Without knowing who directed them, my two favorite Pixar films were always Incredibles and Ratatouille. And then I watched Giant, loved it, and realized Bird directed all three. I've since read a lot of articles/interviews with Bird, and it's obvious that he's obsessed with great storytelling over anything else, which I always appreciate. Which sort of brings up another point. I really like anime and Asian cinema, but I've always thought that, in general, it lacked solid storytelling abilities. The ideas have always been fantastic/original/intriguing, the art directions has always been great, but yeah, to me it lacks great storytelling. I think that's one factor American cinema holds over Asian cinema. Also, I will always have a soft spot for "The Thief and The Cobber," even though it's sorta crappy tbh. I just watched it ALL THE TIME as a kid. But the animation is really cool? [YOUTUBE=""]eeOq3O1MrzQ[/YOUTUBE][/font] -
[font=trebuchet ms] I sort of hate the ultra-feminized take on boys in yaoi. It's like they're either pretty much girls or complete beefcakes. [/font]
[font=trebuchet ms] Wtf, "Frosty the Inappropriate Snowman?" They couldn't have been a little more creative?[/font]
[font=trebuchet ms] That's why my favorite athletes are my bbs Federer and Nadal.
[quote name='Magus'][size=1][color=navy]So I just heard the full version of Poker Face by Lady Gaga for the first time... (Don't ask... I don't listen to pop unless it's Michael Jackson) Everytime I hear that song I think of: [youtube]mKBO6TqPFXU[/youtube] And everytime I see that group I automatically think of this performance [youtube]2P_qEN-Lz5k[/youtube][/size][/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I LOVE Quest Crew. Omg. I went through a phase where I would just on youtube and watch all their videos. I wish I was their friend.[/font]
[font=trebuchet ms] Such a random post, but Eminem's verse on "Forever" totally kills everyone else's. Kanye has been letting me down recently.[/font]
[quote name='visualkei'] This leads me back to a post where Lunox mentions that her family doesn't use the dishwasher, and it got me started on our parents being raised in the jungle somewhere where they probably had to do laundry in a river. [/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I hope you don't think I hate that my parents do that or something.[/font]
[quote name='taperson'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]What makes you think they have any idea of it? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I didn't mean that, I'm just saying hypothetically[/font]
[quote name='taperson'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="1"]I accidentally slept through all (ALL) of my classes today. But it's alright because last night was super duper, & now I'm home. & I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go eat some ice cream now.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] My parents would most likely murder me if I pulled this.[/font]
[quote name='Magus'][size=1][color=navy]Sorry. On the other hand, if you get more than a week off for Spring Break then we're even.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] We don't. :([/font] [quote name='Shinmaru']Could be worse. I have to work Thanksgiving. And Christmas Eve. And Christmas. And New Year's Eve/Day. :( (Then again, I am happy to be working at all. Cashing paychecks takes a bit of the sting out of that.)[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] That really sucks. :([/font]
[quote name='Magus'][size=1][color=navy] 2 weeks off. 2 weeks off. 2 weeks off. 2 weeks off. 2 weeks off. [/size][/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Trebuchet ms] I get 2 DAYS OFF FOR THANKSGIVING. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF[/font]