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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] I have absolutely fallen in love with this show's animation. No, really. I also like that red-headed guy. *scratches head* I don't remember his name....lol. I haven't really seen many episodes, but I think it's OK. I dislike the XJ9, because of her need to 'fit it' so many times, but the show's storyline are good enough.[/size]
  2. [size=1] Sexual themes in anime seem to occur very often, and in almost every anime there is always a scantily-clad full-figured woman prancing around at one point. If someone who had no idea what Evangelion was walked in while a naked Rei and Shinji were just hanging around....If I were a parent, I'd say something. Then there's just fanservice and echii stuff that has no point. *cough*GOLDENBOY*cough* Other parents might think the mature themes might be innapropriate for children, and anime always has some of that. I mean, it's great for someone to learn about these things one way or another, but a 8 year-old shouldn't be watching some anime talking about death and destruction and how the apocolypse will kill us all and we're all doomed. >_> Then there's profanity, violence, and a whole lotta other stuff parents don't want kids watching.[/size]
  3. [size=1] I read in an Animerica magazine was a joke that End of Evangelion was like Hideaki's revenge after getting so many complaints of the last two episodes. OK, so the whole 'congradulations' thing was corny, but I didn't expect anything more. Anno stated that GAINAX worked hard to produce the last two episodes; it wasn't a slack-off job the company did to finally end the series. If someone expected nothing at all, it would be innacurate to say the last two episodes were horrible. 'A waste of time' is anyone's opinion, I suppose.[/size]
  4. [size=1] I call everyone kid. Don't take an offense with it. Is 'propping' a word to be used in this situation? So what were you expecting, exactly?[/size]
  5. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eugi [/i] [B][color=gray][i]...and like all of us, the last two sucked horribly. So, I bought the movie, and to my surprise, it wasnt taht good. .[/i][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ho, ho, ho. In your dreams, kid. Not [i]everyone[/i] hated the last two episodes. In fact, I enjoyed the last two episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion. What did you think the point of Evangelion really was? A fight between two biological mechas and Shinji would run in and save the world? I don't mean to be crude here, but the point of the series was to prod at the inner minds of Shinji and all the other main characters. The Evas and the Angels were sort of a side dish served with the whole thing.[/size]
  6. [size=1] Oo...I like the Rei banner. ^_^ Mostly the picture, so it would be nice to add a border or a something. For the Excel banner, the Japanese font at the bottom looks sort of bad since it's on a yellow background. *shrugs* Nice banner, though.[/size]
  7. [size=1] Yay! Erm...I'll scan my picture in later, but I'll just say now that I'm entering the contest.[/size]
  8. [size=1] They sang [i]Shining Collection[/i] at the Tokyo Music Festival together. ^_^ Question: In Neon Genesis Evangelion, who is pictured in the quick-flash scene that appears when [spoiler] Ritsuko's mother is choking Rei I[/spoiler]? [/size]
  9. [size=1] The theory that end of wars [the 'war' on Iraq isn't even officially a war.] brings many jobs and a better economy is false. The only war that has brought us that result is World War II, and you can't base everything on one war. Bush sent in American troops to 'liberate' Iraq, since he has the power, and everybody thought the aftermath of getting Sadam out of office wouldn't be as expensive. Some smart people did, but many people didn't. So while Bush has just abandoned the WMD plan and is asking for more money, he's doing nothing to help the economy. Personally, I think he doesn't care much for low-class people. [Did you know most people called to war are almost always low-class people?] Another thing I'm frustrated about is the nine Justices. Right now, it's evenly split between conservatists and liberalists, but three of the Justices are talking about retirement, and you KNOW Bush is going to pick three conservatists. So whenever a case about helping low-class people comes up, the rich white people will always get the upper hand now. *walks away* EDIT: The rich, white people have always had the upper hand. [/size]
  10. [size=1] *carefully hangs up giant [b]Finding Nemo[/b] banner on the wall* Heh. I will not put my movies in order from greatest to least, but I'll tell you guys why I enjoyed them. [b]Grave of the Fireflies[/b]--Only movie to make me teary. And it was animated...! ^__^ Extremely moving movie...had me going sometimes. Very, [i]very[/i] awesome movie. [b]Shawshank Redemption[/b]--I normally don't like prison movies, but this one was great. I love how Morgan Freeman narrated the whole thing, and I also like the plot. To cut to the chase, I can actually watch is several times and not get bored. [b]Chicago[/b]--Bleh...I didn't like Moulin Rouge or however you spell it, but I really enjoyed Chicago. The songs were great, and so were the performances. :toothy: Gotta love Broadway... [b]Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure[/b]--Yay! O_o *walks away* [b]Back to the Future[/b]-- *breathes heavily* I am...Darth Vader...lol. I love this movie to death. I thought it was hilarious the first time I saw it, and the whole storyline played out well. [b]Mulan[/b]--I really like this movie for some reason. ^_^ Well, first of all, I fell in love with the art the moment I saw it, so...yeah. The rest was just..."I like this movie." *shrugs* [b]Matrix[/b]--W00t! Heh...I never planned on watching this movie until my sister forced me to. Thank God for that. The plotline is amazing, and the action and themes used throughout the movie....just wow. [b]Finding Nemo[/b]--Good ole' kiddy-fun. ^_~ I love this movie to death. The humor is really great...and the whole CGed thing adds a bonus. [b]Monty Python and the Holy Grail[/b]--I refused to watch the movie at first, because I was a brat in fifth grade, but my sister insisted that I watch it, and I ended up rolling on the floor with laughter. [b]Good Burger[/b]-- He's a dude. She's a dude. We're all dudes! Hahaha...ok, joke's over. [b]The Phone[/b]--A Korean scary movie that will make you pee in your pants.[/size]
  11. [size=1] [i]"All men are to be equal."[/i]. [Hey, my memory isn't machine-quality, here.] The quote is from [i]some[/i] US document, whether it be the Declaration of Independence or the Articles of Confederation, but I know that it's somewhere. There are many people who say they have nothing against gays so that they appear to be accepting and understanding, when inside you just know they think they're downright wierd and disgusting. Well, screw them. The quote above is self-explanatory.[/size]
  12. [size=1] Even though prep stereo-types are the basis of some of the humour I use at school, I see nothing wrong with them. One of my friends would be categorized as a 'prep' if we really had to cut to the bone. Do the people who say 'I Hate Preps!' really [i]know[/i] them? At all? From my knowledge, many people just think of them was snotty people who wear Abercrombie and Fitch and are obsessed with clothing and looking good, etc. [OK, the A & F thing is just something at my school.] What's wrong with certain brand names and looking good? It's perfectly fine. When I listen in on 'preps' conversations, I hear no arrogance or insulting. I hear more insulting in my conversations than conversations with popular people. People will take one person's personality and with it judge an entire group of people...which is stupid. Hm...I'll tell a story from my school. The 'punk/rock' group at my school criticize people who wear Abercrombie and Fitch to 'wasting money on crappy t-shirts that are priced $50 just because the label is one them.' while they're walking around with extremely-crapppy-quality Hot Topic shirts that are $18 each. Yeah, A & B might me pricey at times, but the quality of the clothing is excellent. The whole argument is a load of crap, really.[/size]
  13. [size=1] My family was talking about the Bush administration and the re-election in 2004 today, so I just thought I would like to talk about it on OtakuBoards. In my honest opinion, I think we would've been better off if George W. Bush hadn't been elected. In respect, I don't like saying presidents are 'bad' presidents, because just the job of being the president comes with hard work, stress, and respect. I respect Bush, but I still think he's a bad president economy-wise. [I really don't know much about Iraq, and Iraq isn't the topic of this thread, so don't bring it up much.] Personally, I think we need someone like Clinton back to get us back on track. =_= So...spill your opinions.[/size]
  14. [size=1] I'm pretty impressed, really. [that's hard to do, so feel proud] Your style borders cartoon/realistic, and it looks very, [b]very[/b] cool. The coloring is great, and so is your coloring scheme. I really like the guy's face and how well you drew the blood! O_O That sounded wierd.[/size]
  15. eleanor

    Yum Yum

    [size=1] O_o 5/10? Surely this banner deserves much more than that... I get annoyed when people give bad rating because the banners are plain. Do we have to work on each banner for 5 hours trying to add in every single special effect our image-editing programs offer?[/endrant] Anyways, I like the banner. The simplicity of it is nice, and the sentence at the bottom is amusing. ^_^ The Japanese [or is it Chinese? I think I see a familiar Chinese character] thingy next to the Panda makes it look...cooler. =_= [/size]
  16. [size=1] The ending to the Gravitation series is pretty well done in my opinion. ^_^ [spoiler] Tohma, the president of NG, loves Yuki Eiri and thought it would be best for him to stay away from Suichii because of the heartache and guilt of the murder of his tutor. When Yuki tells Tohma "I'm going home," he means Suichii.[/spoiler] [/size]
  17. [size=1] Hm... I personally hate Shakespeare's [i]Romeo and Juliet[/i], but I still like some of his plays. Even though I thought [i]Hamlet[/i] spent two-thirds of the book about Hamlet himself moping and talking and thinking while sitting on a rock or whatever, I still enjoyed it very much. Those of you saying that Hamlet was obviously insane and the person saying Hamlet shouldn't have killed the new king, well...those are your opinions. I don't think Hamlet is insane. If he is, it's not obvious. I recall that the two guards at the beginning of the story also saw the ghost of Hamlet's father. And yes, I also recall the time where Hamlet and his mother were in his mother's chambers, and the queen never saw the ghost. It is very possible that the ghost of Hamlet's father appears only at will to the eyes he chooses. I mean, the fact that a ghost is already in the main part of this story allows that, right? *mumbles*[/size]
  18. [size=1] Don't want to act like a mod, but please don't turn this into a shounen-ai/yaoi debate. I think the Anime Lounge has goen through at least three threads about it. The debate is always useless and all it causes are rivalries and flaming. Usually. to Bishie: Farfie for a roomate?! You'd probably be found in a hotel room mutilated and uh...dead.[/size]
  19. [size=1] The ending to the manga or the anime?[/size]
  20. [size=1] Ah...the banner is too complicated for me. If you made one image stand out the most and make the other less significant, it would be better. ^_^ Nice job, though.[/size]
  21. [size=1] Wow, rooming with a character from Gravitation would be so awesome! Lol. I'd probably pick Hiro from Gravitation, Excel from Excel Saga, Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing, and Pikachu. All the other characters from Gravitation have some major flaw with them, so I picked Hiro. Suichii is crazy and over-sensitive [a.k.a Annoying], Suguru is an orderly-freak who is occasionally snotty [a.k.a Annoying], Tohma reminds me of an Evil Quatre, Bad Luck's manager is insane, K is gun-happy, and Yuki is a bast***. But Hiro is the cool, guitar-playing man. :toothy: [and he's smart!] Excel would just keep me entertained. For hours. Duo is just laid-back and funny, so um...yes. I think it's obvious. Pikachu is just very cute. ^___^ [You know you love him. Her. Whatever.] Some people I would [i]not[/i] want to room with is Asuka from Evangelion, Rei from Evangelion, Heero from Gundam Wing, Yugi from Yugioh, Everyone from Pokemon except for Pikachu, Kurumi from Steel Angel Kurumi, all the crazy/insane/freakishly wierd people from anime [+10000 characters excluding Ed from Cowboy Bebop because she's cool ^_~.], Tomoyo from CardCaptorSakura, and all the other anime chicks who are unnnaturally nice and sweet are completely self-less are scare me. Asuka and Rei are probably the most famous girls in anime, but I don't know why anyone would want to room with them. Asuka is, although very cool sometimes, plain ole' arrogant, mean, evil, and arrogant. Yeah, I understand her past, but I still don't want to room with her. Rei would just sit there and stare at Gendo's glasses. Woo-boy. What a load of fun. Rei and her 1000 panties. Heero is self-explanatory. So is Yugi. And yes, everyone from Pokemon has annoyed the shi* outta me at one point or another except for Pikachu. Kurumi is a pink-hair airhead who at one point poked and fondled another girl's breasts stating how cute they were, and she's too nice. Hm, yeah, the crazy/insane/freakishly wierd anime characters are all very apeealing and awesome, but I'd like to keep my body parts, thank you. Tomoyo. Camera. Stalking. Camera. :twitch:[/size]
  22. [size=1] All anime that centers around gay relationships. No, really. Other shows that are underrated now are Dragonball Z and Yugioh. Not many people who insult them a lot have really seen the Japanese versions.[/size]
  23. [size=1] Dude...who cares? I am SO seeing that movie. What, are people no suddenly seeing a horrible wrong with making kid-oriented movies now? Let's see YOU try and make a blockbuster hit.[/size]
  24. [size=1] Instead of bombing the movie and ranting about how bad I thought it was, I will say this. The plot, themes, and symbolism are great. The way the movie portrayed them and went through with the storyline was not so great. Before I get attacked by Matrix fans, I still love the first movie, but it seems that the two movies that followed the first were...blah. They didn't live up to my expectations, and YES, I actually get tired of seeing people smash through walls and fly around after a while. I guess the Brothers used all their tricks in the first movie, and digged around for scarce resouces to come up with new ones. [Oh, wow, Neo can fly. There he goes. Again. And again. Hm.] My sister is a HUGE [I repeat, a [i]huge[/i]] Matrix fan, and she said the third one sucked. Yeeah...one second thought, I think everyone in the movie theatre thought it sucked, too. It's not because I'm stupid and I want to defend myself by saying the movie was stupid as well [as many of my classmates so eloquently stated], and I don't want to hear any crap about blaming critics to be stupid as well. I think I've heard that argument about a million times, and if a bunch of middle-schoolers can understand it, then so can a critic. Ok, so I'll still buy the Matrix Trilogy on DVD, and I still respect them for what they have done, but I was still disappointed.[/size]
  25. [size=1] [i]"You go yo' whole neighborhood addicted to crack! You win $50."[/i] *coughs* I read it in Newsweek on the page where they put all the ironic and stupid quotes people make. [This wasn't on the quote page, but there was this one article on Britney Spears. Britney said she was getting into Indian religion, and when asked one of them was the Hindu religion, she had no idea what it was. Bravo, Ms. Spears.] ANYWAYS, I think the whole idea of Ghettopoly is a stupid rip-off of Monopoly for random white kids in the rich suburbs who wished they were black.[/size]
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