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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] 50/50 with Fall and Winter. I love cold weather for some reason, and Fall is just a beautiful season. ^_~ I also thouroughly enjoy Winter break better than summer break. Our family usually goes skiing/snowboarding during winter break, so that's always something to look foward too. Summer and spring are just too hot for me...>_< [/size]
  2. [size=1] Whenever I'm stressed out over something I can't solve, like a school project, etc, I usually listen to music, play music, or draw. Just do [i]something[/i]. You can just do a hobby of yours, or go out with your friends.[/size]
  3. [size=1] ^_~ Newb-wraiths are just OB moderators. The reason Otakusennen was in there is just a joke.[/size]
  4. [size=1] His arms, proportinally, are much too short. .... *gush gush* Everything else is wonderful! ^_^;; 'cept for his thumb...looks very cartoon-ized for a realistic-type picture. Very nice job.[/size]
  5. [size=1] Life was never meant to have an 'undo' button. That's why it's never there for us. ^_~[/size]
  6. [size=1] Woah, woah, WOAH. I am not a fan of the Dragonball series, but I know one thing. GT looked pretty crappy next to DBZ and the original DB. I think DBZ and DB were made much better than GT, probably because Akira Toriyama didn't work on GT as the main director. That's my opinion, anyway. As for X, I think the manga is a lot better than the anime.[/size]
  7. [size=1] The colors and textures just don't seem to match and coordinate with each other. The background and the flower and text seem to be two wholly different things. Just doesn't seem right. [/size]
  8. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]You can use it, but why am I warm and fuzzy? -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] The word Shy sort of gave me a feeling. I made these things up on a whim, really.[/size]
  9. [size=1] Three words for 'ya. [size=5] Neon Genesis Evangelion.[/size] -- This was probably the most recent anime I've watched, and it's beaten all my other favorites so far. Hideaki created a whole [i]new[/i] mecha design [even though the Evas aren't robots] with a leave from old-school an awesome design. ^_~ The anime also has good music, extremely good plot, complex characters, action, bit o' romance, dash of humor, and much angst. :toothy: Many animes have borrowed ideas off of this absolutely incredible anime, and more animes in the future probably will as well. Anyways, what really caught my attention was the plot. It's far by extremely original and twisty, and there are still many question left to be answered. All the things inside Evangelion, if studied, would probably leave me with hundreds of connections to religion, culture, real life, etc. This anime went all the way. End of Evangelion gave me the impression of a gruesome fanwork, but it's still my favorite anime movie as well. [b]Cowboy Bebop[/b] is an amazing little anime as well. The music is probably one of the best things about it that appeals to me. Jazz, blues, vocal, etc. It's really great. The animation and storyline are both very nicely done, and that last episode was killler. [b]Gravitation[/b]. Probably the most underrated anime of all time since it focuses around a gay relationship. Tons of humor, ranging from slapstick, expressions, etc. Everything you can think of. The whole series runs at 13 episodes, but everything wraps up very nicely. It has its fair bit of angst as well, even though it may not seem like it. Well, anyways, it's in my Top Five. [b].hack//sign[/b] is another good anime is my standards. The plot moved too slowly for my tastes, and some episodes bored me at time. Nonetheless, I give it credit for a great plot, good animation, and just a fun anime to watch. It was a bit confusing for me, but most good animes are. ^_~ Other animes: Escaflowne Rurouni Kenshin FLCL Ghost in the Shell [manga, rather than anime] Card Captor Sakura DN Angel [manga version] Hellsing [/size]
  10. [size=1] Ew, he's gay?! *shamefully walks away*[/size]
  11. [size=1] I missed my friend's birthday party for Anime Weekend Atlanta, practically one of the biggest anime conventions in the southeast. "Why are you not going to her party?" "I'm going to an anime convention." "You're missing a birthday party for a stupid ANIME CONVENTION?" "....." "Yeah, I am." "You're such a loser." Heh. Well, this was my train of thinking. Hotel filled with anime in every corner VS. Birthday party. Cheap anime stuff VS. Getting something for your friend that you don't even like. :toothy:[/size]
  12. [size=1] *scratches head* We've never really had a problem with that at our school... The whole Principal-not-letting-you-hang-signs thing is really stupid. You guys should talk to one of your teacher about it, and talk to your [evil] principal. Ha. Princi-PAL. Yeah, right. At our school, it's always Band did this, Band did that, Chorus did that, Chorus did this, but does the orchestra ever get credit. NO. Anyways, the football players who call band people fags are just inconsiderate and close-minded. And then you take into mind that I REALLY dislike homophobia, so I would get pretty fired up if someone said that to me. Well, many people at my school think people in the orchestra and band are losers and nerds, but they wouldn't know jack. I don't think they know how much dedication and practice it takes to play an instrument well. Orchestral music is practically the root of most music, so they should shut up about us being losers if it's one thing. I have no idea why so many people think being in orchestra means your an outcast or a moron. Musical talent is a wonderful thing to have. [/size]
  13. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by InuyashasLover [/i] [B]Ya know....I hate ppl who take yaoi into consideration. It's not true. Hiei and Kurama have been given the Yaoi title on another messageboard that I post at and I hate it...I pisses me off...Yaoi is just....stupid [/B][/QUOTE] You're just inconsiderate, close-minded, and mean.[/size]
  14. [size=1] In a few million years, I think we'll all be dead or we would have found the technology to support ourselves. Japan would probably be protected by some dome or whatever. If China is in fact already a world power, then I think it's going to bigger and better places. [offtopic] Anime can be drawn in the US; I think it can be drawn everywhere. It's the plot and making of the anime that counts. 99% of anime is crap, really.[offtopic][/size]
  15. [size=1] Sleeping vs. TheOtaku. Dying vs. Spending five more minutes on TheOtaku. Being dead vs. TheOtaku. Stop asking me such a hard question.[/size]
  16. [size=1] What is this, the Bash-China thread? If China is launching the third man into space, then good for them. I personally think their first case against sexual harrasment [some lady in the office sued a man for sexually harrassing her and actually won] is more important, but whatever. The people in China are probably proud of themselves, and they should be. Saying that they have a brutal history is stating the fact that you belive one cannot change one's ways. And uh, what country [i]doesn't[/i] have terrorism? Oh yeah, Norway. *rolls eyes* I personally want to learn and understand the Chinese culture adn language, just because of the fact that they could very well become a world power sooner or later. You're not going to ignore them when they become a world power, right? So there's no need to ignore them now, either. Japan isn't going to get any more bigger than what it is now. And if the tectonic plates keep it up, Japan will soon be the country under the ocean. [I wonder where all the anime and video games are going to go...=_=] Technology if the only thing the country really has, and it's practically racing with Korea neck-and-neck over the particular buisness region. There's a good chance they're going to lose, too.[/size]
  17. [size=1] The Zack/Cloud pairing was actually quite possible. [spoiler] When Cloud and Zack were being used as expermients with the Mako poisoning, they spent years together, knowing that the other was the only one to confide in.[/spoiler] ^_~ That's my take.[/size]
  18. [size=1] *eyes implode* WHAT HAPPENED TO ROGER AND DOROTHY?! Ah...I loved that pairing. ^_~ I hope one didn't die or anything. ....... So someone can tell me, because I'm not planning on watching Big O soon. :toothy: The calling of the Dark Side is unresistable. Heh. But I'll just state the obvious again. If you don't like it, don't read/watch it, and don't flame people about it because it only causes for problems.[/size]
  19. [size=1] I would hate to have school start later. I wake up around 6:00 AM anyway, and I get a basis of eight hours of sleep. I heard it's unhealthy for 13 year olds, but I've gotten used to it. I always have numerous activites right after school. Piano lessons, cello lessons, SAT tutoring, orcheatra rehearsal, soccer, etc. If school were to start at 10:00 AM, end at 5:00 PM [!!!] my activities would drag into the night. Give or take an hour on the beginning of school thing; it's still too late. I don't see why people at my school are complaining about not getting sleep. I'm in middle school, and the most time our homework will take up is 2 hours. People in my classes moan and groan about 5 hours of homework because we're in TAG [gifted program in GA] and honors, but I've never had over 2 hours of homework, and I'm in all TAG classes. My sister is a Senior in High school, taking about 7 AP classes, and they homework she gets doesn't nearly take up the amount of time she spends studying for the SAT, tests, etc. It's all called time managment. [/size]
  20. [size=1] Well, for beginners, you can use the usual 'circle first, then draw eyes, etc.' Any anime drawing tutorial on the internet will start off with that. I, however, did not use that method. I first began by copying [not tracing] pictures off of the internet, and looked at other people's art and tried to mimic their styles. Now, you have to keep in mind that it took me about 8 months to finally be able to draw something and call it 'better than average'. Don't expect to start drawing and automatically be given an amazing drawing talent. ^_~ Even the best of artists had to start somewhere. The things most artists tend to draw wrong are body proportions, clothing [wrinkles, etc.], and hands. Yes, it took me a year until I could draw decent hands. Just practice on them, and you'll get better.[/size]
  21. [size=1] Well, I'm going to wait around for Shy and Syk3 to give me the OK to use it. *fiddles thumbs*[/size]
  22. [size=1] ^_^ I fixed the timing a bit. Keep in mind that I measured the time according how fast I could read them, and then added lost of more seconds because I read faster than average. Sorry if it's still too fast.[/size]
  23. [size=1] This is a thread I'm making that will soon include all my drawings for a original anime series I'm coming up with right now. ^_^ I posted these pictures in The School Sketches thread as well, but I'm just reposting to get this thread off to a start. The original [colored and all] took me roughly 45 minutes. I messed around with it on the computer for a while.[/size]
  24. [size=1] ^_~ I edited the banner and added some 15 more slides in. I have to fix the timing, though.[/size]
  25. [size=1] I'd have to say yes to the imagination question, but not as strong as yours, Baron. When I'm thinking about what to draw and I imagine a facial expression, I end up getting the same expression I'm imagining on my face. If I think about running or some other excercise, my leg twitches. But it's not to the extent that I must also do some physical action to stop imagining.[/size]
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