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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] Um...hot rice with kimchee on a cold day. :toothy: *looks at Semjaza's post* *stammers* How can you [i]not[/i] like peaches! If they're ripe and juicy, I could survive off of them. They're so [b]good[/b]. *drools* Ramen is yummy, too. NO, not the crappy instant ones, but the real stuff where you can put extra ingredients in. Well...I actually like a lot of foods. But I hate spinach.[/size]
  2. [size=1] What's there to explain? Suichi, the pink-haired boy you see in the slide right after the big [b][size=2]DUN[/size][/b] is the main character from [i]Gravitation[/i], an anime focused gay relationships. The Shinji/Kaworu thing is something you can't ignore in Evangelion. ^_~ Just take a look at my signature.[/size]
  3. [size=1] If the AMV is done right with good quality and time, it can be an excellent tribute to anime. [/size]
  4. [size=1] It's a guy. ^_~ If you object with the long hair, just think Legolas.[/size]
  5. [size=1] ^_^ Thanks for the comments everyone.[/size]
  6. [size=1] ^_~ I don't think you were around for it, Dagger, but I did make an [Adult Swim] ripoff once. Lol.[/size]
  7. [size=1] *WARNING* There's a TINY TINY VERY SMALL hint to a spoiler for Neon Genesis Evangelion. If you really don't want any detail to be screwed up for you when you watch it, don't look at the banner. *WARNING* This is a banner idea created by Otakusennen [he also helped me out with the images and planning. ^_^], made for fun. I'm not trying to insult anyone here; it's just a joke. [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Other/new-wraiths.gif[/img] [url]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Other/new-wraiths.gif[/url] So, if anyone objects to the banner, I won't post it under my sig.[/size]
  8. [size=1] I don't know about bum papers, but I've been in Honors Language Arts ever since sixth grade, and every time an essay is due I write the rough dragh and final the day before. ^_~ It usually takes me two hours, tops, and I've gotten 100s on every single one of them. :toothy: That's the only thing I can actually do in school without slaving over work. I guess that'll change when I get to high school. And I personally think Health class is a waste a time for most of the part. Hm....I play the cello and piano. I never practice the cello seriously and I've managed to be best in the cello section and uh...my piano playing is well above average but not great. Most of my friends say they only practice fifteen minutes a day. I think that's the reason I'm over average, since I practice an hour a day. Again, the cello thing will change when I get to high school; the orchestra is one of the best in Georiga and it's though competetion. ....I'm fluently bi-lingual. I don't think anyone really knows a language until they can think about stuff in that language in their head. So that goes for English and Korean. ...Yeah. I'm gifted with speed-reading and managing to thouroughly understand the novel/essay/etc. [i]And[/i]...in seventh grade I pulled my math grade up 10 points in two weeks. :toothy: [/size]
  9. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Katana [/i] [B]*nods head* Yes, KittyLynn, what you see today on the OB's thread "The School Sketches" will be the next hits of anime in twenty-some years. :D[/B][/QUOTE] Yes, yes, baby. :toothy: YAY! Scary people!: [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Artwork/sbv2.bmp[/img] [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Artwork/pgv2.bmp[/img] Those two were drawn fairly quickly. ^_~ And the grand finale. Sort of. [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Artwork/vdtwov4.bmp[/img] ^ Is version 4 of a colored picture I scanned in. Here's the colored version: [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Artwork/vdtwov3.bmp[/img] XD I made the original version [colored and all] in science class. Our teacher was sick, and the only reason she came to school that day was to prep her Honors Algebra class for the test. So...she didn't care about us basically and told us we could have a free period. The other versions of the sketches are at: [url]http://synonymyproject.blogspot.com[/url] That's all folks.[/size]
  10. [size=1] Well, the 99% thing makes sense to me. There are millions of anime shows, most of which we have not even heard of. They all usually suck. The ones you see sold at Bestbuy are the ones that did well in Japan ['cept for Big O]. So...from my experience, I can name 20 shows that I really think are great. 20 out of a million? ^_~[/size]
  11. [size=1] The only thing I hate about school that isn't my own fault is the cliques and stereotypes.[/size]
  12. [size=1] 99% of anime is bad, really. ^_~ There are few shows that would really make an average parent interested.[/size]
  13. eleanor


    [size=1]First Name: Ginny Age: 13 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Dark Brown Height: 5'7" Wardrobe: Usually comfortable jeans, various t-shirts, and [i]always[/i] a jacket or sweater. Personality: Half the time, I'm talkative and funny. ^_~ The other half is my very quiet side. I'm more of an observer at times. Hair Style: Straightened black hair, usually tied up somehow. I never leave it down because it annoys the heck out of me. Favorite Music Type: Orchestral [string insuments], rock, techno/instruments only, pop. Orchestras/AFI/Liquid Tension Experiment, Dream Theatre/J-Pop music, anime music. Favorite musical Band/Artist: Orchestras/AFI/Liquid Tension Experiment, Dream Theatre/J-Pop music, anime music. Hobbies: Drawing, writing, cello, drawing, reading. [/size]
  14. [size=1] :D Awesome-ness! ^_^ *scratches head* I don't see any green fuzz.... Both the drawing and the coloring are really great, so I congradulate you on this fanart. Excellent job. *saves picture* See? It was that good. .... I love Sesshomaru. Anyways, everything seems to be in order. The only thing that's irking me a bit is the chest plate, which is sticking out a tad bit too much? *shrugs* The coloring is very nice, but you don't seem to have any on his sleeve. Still a great picture overall.[/size]
  15. [size=1] Don't forget the 13-year-old. [let's just call 'em teenage artists, eh?] Now, actually, I have never really seen Tailes. Only Sonic. ^_~ Yes, the proportions are off, but it's a widely-made mistake with young artists/beginning artists. Nothing you can't fix with practice. The coloring is average, to say truthfully, but I can't really say anything because I [i]suck[/i] with coloring on the computer. Nice job with the hands, though. Lol. I had the hardest time learning how to draw those tricky things.[/size]
  16. [size=1] ^_~ No, its not bad at [i]all[/i]. Every artist is has their beginnings, and if you notice, I'm only tough on the experienced and talented ones. :toothy: The shading is nice for a first try. It's a more of a beginning stage of the way I shade. [grin] I think you will notice that shaded drawings won't get as much attention around here. *glares at noone in particular* If you do want to get better, though, it's a good thing to keep on practicing. Hm....you are missing the mouth, but don't worry. I know tons of people who don't draw mouths. *laughs* ^_~ Keep on practicin'![/size]
  17. [size=1] Man, those eyes are [b]addicting[/b]. Lol. ^_^ Nice job, again. [/size]
  18. [size=1] :toothy: I knew you were a good artist. ^_^ I'd have to say that I like the first one's whole outfit the best, and the third one's artistic-ness the best. I love the way you draw your eyelashes [I know, sounds stupid/weird], but I don't know how to draw them like that and not make them look like an evil demon who's power is killing people with eyelashes. ^_~[/size]
  19. [size=1] The more you obsessively draw, the more you learn of the technique of sketching rather quickly and being very detailed at the same time. ^_~ You know, one reason many peoples' sketches turn out "fuzzy" looking with uneven lines is because they draw so slowly. Just let your hand do its stuff, and don't be paranoid about getting it perfect. From my experience, if you keep on drawing quickly but slow enough to make the picture look decent, you learn how to draw quickly and get a good piece of artwork in the end.[/size]
  20. [size=1] Woah...like, those heads are [i]huge[/i] [referring to the first drawing more, rather than the second]. Lol. It you chopped their sizes by about 1/3 - 1/2, the drawings would look great. Not to say that they're [i]not[/i] good already. I like your creative-ness with the outfits, and the eyes are very cool-ish looking. [/size]
  21. [size=1] *coughs* I really think JK Rowling has no definate writing style, and bluntly, I think she's just an average writer. I just think she has an extremely good plot.[/size]
  22. [size=1] ^_^ I remember seeing your fanart a long time ago, and I also remember they were all extremely well-drawn. I hope you get into MIT.[/size]
  23. [size=1] ^_~ So did I, in seventh grade. It's good to know someone who knows what it's like to have paranoid parents, grade-wise. Lol... I really just learned to get used to it. I don't mind so much now, but it will anger me once in a while. [/size]
  24. [size=1] Yeah, I missed a bunch of explorer notes in Georgia History class [ZZZZzzzz....] because I was drawing.[/size]
  25. [size=1] ^_~ Don't worry. Take your time and just practice if you really want to go places with your art talent.[/size]
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