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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] Yeah, teacher can be like that. But, if you ask a teacher to print out all the grades you've earned this year, they pretty much have to do it here in Georgia, especially if your parents write a note. Just go to your teacher at the beginning of class and arrange a time as to when you guys can discuss your grades. [b]Always[/b] remember to be polite, or your teacher won't like you. It's very simple, really. Being rude and insolent will only get you in trouble. ^_~ Being nice will get to everywhere in school. Fate: Dude, you have an A in chemistry. When my sister took it [my sister, the freaking PERFECT student], she had a B. Don't freak. To may family, anything under a B means I'm failing school horribly and I must be given an extremely long, [i]angry[/i], lecture, and a good ole' spanking. >_< I'm not kidding or anything. Be grateful that your parents don't think that a low B is failing and a low A is bad as well. Be grateful that you're not in eigth grade, taking SAT tutoring three hours a week AND *passes out* So anyways, just be grateful for what you've got..or don't have. ^_^;;[/size]
  2. [size=1] Yes, I've heard of this, and to tell the truth, I'm extremely interested. It's not a rumor, either. ^_~ It's mostly based around the CardCaptorSakura characters. [b]Plotline[/b] --Setting: Land of Clow [ancient times, methinks] Touya is the king of the Clow land [or whatever], Yukito is the magic priest-person for the kingdom [sorry, my memory is fuzzy], and Sakura is Touya's younger sister, which makes her the princess. ^_~ Of course, she has a mad crush on Syaoran, her childhood friend. [i]And[/i], of course, Touya doesn't like Li at all. So anyways, Sakura somehow 'loses' her memories. Strangely enough, her memories are feathers. [don't ask] Syaoran is the son of the archaeologist Fujitaka, and is the only one who can find the feathers of Sakura's memories. He has to go on a quest with Fye, and Kurogane. And then you add in this thing about Li being the 'chosen one' and Sakura having hidden magical powers. [i]Examples of crossover characters include Mokona & Rayearth from Magic Knight Rayearth, Chii from Chobits, and Sakura, Syaoran, Touya, Yukito, and Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura. (One large note to keep in mind: This is NOT a sequel to Cardcaptor Sakura) Some chapters cross over with chapters from XXXHolic. [/i] [b]taken from:[/b] [url]http://www.kawaiisakurashrine.com/info/tsubasa.php[/url] I hope Tokyopop gets some rights to it. ^_^[/size]
  3. [size=1] I don't have one favorite books, but I can name several I enjoyed. [b]Angela's Ashes[/b] --I'm in love with Frank McCourt's writing style, and I think the memoir is definately a moving one. It was one of those books I couldn't put down until I was finished. ^_~ I reccomend to everyone, although you should at least be 12 or something. That's when I read it. The sequel, 'Tis, is also a good book. I really prefer the first one, though. [b]Lord of the Flies[/b] --Awesome, awesome book. I read it in seventh grade, and I got extremely interested in it while writing the book report. The whole story and theme really got me. [b]The Bell Jar[/b] --It's a story about a girl, who was a victim of society. My sister first recommended it to me, and I think I finished it in two days after I read on and off. I still liked it a lot, though, just because of storyline. I love reading good books like those, where the narrator will tell you absolutely everything. I don't really remember anything specific, just that I enjoyed it. Lol [b]Catcher in the Rye[/b] --Funny book, to say in the least. I just read it for the humor, really. ^_^;;; [b]Slaughter House Five[/b] --*forces everyone to read it* Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, etc. This is spam, but whatever. >_< Recommended books: [b]Brave New World, Animal Farm, Night, Harry Potter series, 1864, Hamlet, Redwall series, Ender's Game [and its sequels], Of Mice and Men, I am the Cheese, Julius Caesar, Alice in Wonderland [you heard me], and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. [/b] ^_~ Sorry for the spammish ending.[/size]
  4. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The Simpsons previously was far more witty than the Simpsons. There were jokes in that show that I didn't even catch until recently and there are plenty more I don't even get. A lot rely on your knowledge of the show as well. Family Guy has very little of that, and so it seems to have much more of a payoff for the average viewer... especiall considering how much more aggressive Family Guy is with its jokes. It doesn't hold back anything. Lately the Simpsons seems to have become more of a Family Guy Lite... I barely watch it anymore, unless it's a rerun. [/B][/QUOTE] Hm....that first sentence really threw me off there. The post also insulted some people, [>_
  5. [size=1] I wanted to add that everyone's sketches are looking good. ^_~ I want to keep this thread going...it seems very cool.[/size]
  6. [size=1] I am not a die-hard Simpsons fan, so I'll say that I think Family Guy is better than the Simpsons. Why? Well for one thing, it makes me laugh...tons more than when I watch the Simpsons. And you know, that's basically my only reason. Both shows were meant to be comedies, and Family Guy makes me laugh more. I sttill think the Simpsons is a great show, though. ^_~ It probably has an extremely huge fanbase...[/size]
  7. [size=1] I have never recieved a curfew, really. I think my parents trust me, and they now I'm not going to go out and do drugs or something. Anyways, I usually know my limit, though. If I'm hanging out with my friends, I'll usually call at 10:00 PM or sometime around that. My mom is pretty carefree on this particular subject. Like I said, they know I'm not a bad kid, or anywhere near it. ^_~ I'm basically a goody-goody when I need to be. The latest I have stayed out at night was 1:00 AM, which was the day I was at the anime convention. That was a exception of course...[/size]
  8. [size=1] Proportionally, the guy's nose is much too big. His shoes also seem to be bigger than his face. It might just be your style of drawing, but I think the body's clothing and all the extra things are a bit too plain. As in...it'd look better with more wrinkles or shading. ^_~ But I like the character design. I used to have a manga with Lucifer [Satan's name before he was...Satan], but I dropped it. Now I have a manga with one of the fallen angles Satan associated with. lol. Everything else looks nice, so I hope to see more of your work soon. ^_^[/size]
  9. [size=1] The head and neck are off according to body proportions, the eyes are a bit out of place, and the body looks a bit too plain. ^_^ But it's still a nice picture. Since it's just a sketch, I'll give you credit for some things. Keep on drawing![/size]
  10. [size=1] The website isn't uploading, and it's not allowing me to view it. Can you please upload it with the IMG tags?[/size]
  11. [size=1] BWEE! I love doodling, and school sketches make up 99.9% of my artwork, anyway. ^_^ Great topic...for me. lol. [img]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/sketches/girl.bmp[/img] ^ That is my orginal character [Asuka], and she is...standing with crooked sunglasses that will never be straightened due to the artist's laziness. :toothy: I drew this during Geometry while by Yankee-obsessed math teacher was talking about his son and how he got to meet Bill Gates. [how cool, huh?] [img]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/sketches/boy.bmp[/img] This is my original chacater as well, the same series the my OC girl is in. [Synonymy] That was him in his past life, with ONE EYE! ....I'm just kidding. I have a habit of drawing one eye and then leaving the other blank. Then I try to cover up the blank space with hair, with results with one neat side and horribly overgrown, wild hair on the other. So I just left it this time, and it looks mighty strange. ....Oh, God, all those Brer Rabbit stories we're reading in LA are killing me.[/size]
  12. [size=1] *moves to Baron's neighborhood* I thought that was like Child Labor or something. ....I'm just kidding. *walks away*[/size]
  13. [size=1]kenshinsbabe=crazy. Lol, just kidding. It would be really awesome if I had dreams where I was anime-style and set in a show like Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop or something. anime_guy: You can always grovel for two months. ^_~ That's what I did.[/size]
  14. [size=1][i]Ranma and Evangelion will never be coming to Adult Swim.[/i] -Thank [b]God[/b] for that. I don't want to imagine the results from meddling parents after watching Evangelion. *imagines butchered Evangelion anime shown on Toonami* *dies* [i]It is nearly impossible for them to make new Family Guy Episodes.[/i] -Ouch. I really loved that show. [i]FLCL did excellent, and Adult Swim was very happy on how it did.[/i] -It [i]is[/i] an excellent anime show... [i]Saturday nights: Adult Swim is very interested in re-gaining Saturday night, and that Saturday could possibly be the movie night, they also mentioned showing the Inuyasha movies.[/i] -Oooooh...YES! ^_^ That would be very nice. [/size]
  15. [size=1] *rolls eyes* I am 13 years old, my mother doesn't pay me for doing anything around the house [or anything else], there are absoulte no kids in my neigborhood to babysit, and my parents aren't friends with anybody around my area, we don't even know our neighbor's names, and I'm a minor. Where do [i]you[/i] expect me to get a job, Baron? You could make a deal with your mom, maybe. Pull up your grades, maybe she'll allow it. When you get bad grades, most parents tend to limit your privileges. It happened to me. You can save up your allowance and wait until next year, if you're that ambitious about learning how to snowboard. Or, you could enjoy skiing for a year and wait until next year and see if your mom changes her mind. The more advanced you are in skiing, the harder it is to learn how to snowboard. It was really a hassle for me, after skiing about 12 years. [/size]
  16. [size=1] According to the Bible, God will never stop forgiving you. If you truly were a devoted Christian, you would not look down on that lady as someone less worthy than yourself. [/size]
  17. [size=1] I've heard numerous times that the PSAT [i]is[/i] harder than the SAT. *shrugs* I actually scored higher than my sister's PSAT score with my 7th grade SAT score, so I guess that's saying a lot. Queen Asuka: No, I don't know Katie. There are about five different locations for the camp. Davidson College [the one I went to], Duke East, Duke West, Appalachian, and some college in Kansas. XP I heard that Davidson was #1 in the Liberal Arts colleges, but the building really does suck. The dorm rooms and bathrooms are pretty bad lol.[/size]
  18. [size=1] Heh, no. PSAT is the Pre-SAT [I think]. We take 'em in ninth grade in Georgia. I've already taken the SATs, which was last year in seventh grade. It was like this Duke-sponsered thing, and if you got a high enough score, you got to go to this camp. ^_^ The camp was surprisingly the best three years of my life.[/size]
  19. [size=1] Anime_guy, I just listed six anime conventions in New York to you. Do you read the thread at all?[/size]
  20. [size=1] Well, the picture Dagger used is probably the only picture she has access to since the movie release isn't known very well, and the picture she used is low-quality itself. I still really like it, though. ^_^ I really think it's an awesome banner, and a nice text would make it very cool. Nice job.[/size]
  21. [size=1] It's been a pretty big issue in Georgia for the time being, methinks. I believe that our governer, Sonny Perdue, wants to connect the HOPE scholarship to a minumum SAT score. Many people are against this, because most African Americans make around 800-899 on there SAT, and if HOPE is now applied with a minumum SAT score, 800-899 would not be enough. So naturally, they decide to call him a racist. *rolls eyes* I think connecting the HOPE and the SAT is a great idea, anyway. Most African Americans who get around 800-899 on the SAT don't manage to pull off a B average in one of the Georgia Universities into the second year, anyway. Anyways, 800-899 is a pretty low score for the SATs. Then comes in the issue that African Americans grow up in Inter-City Atlanta and southern parts of Georgia are not as exposed to good education as caucasion people. I think it ties in well with the issue, but I'm still for the minimum SAT score. Not that I desperately want to go to a Georgia state college. As far as I know, UGA and Emory are harder to get into these days, but I'd rather go to an out-of-state college. ^_~ For the people who have no idea what HOPE is: HOPE scholarship is a scholarship given to people who can't afford to go to a Georgia state college on their own families' money. A student must have a B-average to recieve it, which inculdes payment for full tuition, books, etc. Students must also recieve a B-average in the college they go to in order to maintain the HOPE scholarship.[/size]
  22. [size=1]To anime_guy: O_O No anime conventions in New York?! You've got be be [b]crazy[/b]. [b]AnimeNext[/b] October 3-5, 2003 Rye Brook, NY [b]Genericon[/b] January 16-18, 2004 Troy, NY [b]UBCon[/b] April 2-4, 2004 Buffalo, NY [b]Shoujocon[/b] August 20-22, 2004 Rye Brook, NY [b]Big Apple Anime Fest[/b] September 3-5, 2004 New York, NY [b]Miraicon[/b] Fall 2004 Queens, NY SIX, count 'em, my friend. Six anime conventions in New York. Anyways, no, I'm not 'misunderstood'. [most of the time] I get annoyed when people who've never even looked into the subject think I'm a loser who sits in front of my TV all day watching DBZ and Yugioh. Most people at my school don't know a single thing about anime, except for the fact that they know what DBZ, Pokemon, Yugioh, Sailor Moon, and Digimon are. I heard from my sister, though, that many people from her high school went to AWA [anime weekend atlanta], and they have an anime club there. Thank God for that.[/size]
  23. [size=1] It's probably illegal, or at least something most law enforcers looks at as something low and sneaky. Dowloading any sort of copyrighted material for free off of a P2P program [like Kazaa], isn't something to be proud of. I do download some MP3s [although I delete them after listening to them and then go the store and buy the CD if I like it], and I have about five anime episodes on my computer. ^_~ Many fansubbing groups make the excuse that's it's allright because in their subbing, they specifically add a sentance that goes along the lines of this: Please delete or stop sharing this episode after it is liscenced in the USA or country you're living in, etc. Nevertheless, it's still copyrighted in Japan. I don't care about people who download stuff off of P2P programs, really, but when you have 20+ episodes on your computer, you should reconsider what you're doing.[/size]
  24. [size=1] It matters to me because religion and public schools never really mixed well together. I really don't give a moment's thought when I see a student at my school praying at lunch. What I give a moment of thought to is when one is verbally harassed or given punishment when praying in school. Bluntly, I don't care until I see something result from religion in school, which is inevitable. It's probably not a big deal to most people, anyway. It was a tiny article in the corner of Newsweek magazine. I just wanted to generate some discussion.[/size]
  25. [size=1] All banner do [i]not[/i] need a border. Those are always optional. But I admit that the banner would look nice is you had a border or a wash-out border.[/size]
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