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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1][i]Oct. 6 issue No subject can't be helped with a cheat sheet, even school prayer. That's why, after the Texas Senate passed a bill giving students a full minute of prayer or silent time, Deborah Knapp published some help for the school's shortest subject. Filled with Bible verses and blank lines, Knapp's "My Sixty Seconds" takes its readers through 180 school days -one minute at a time. Day 1 starts with Genesis 1:1 ("In the beginning...") and then gives this prayer jump-start: "Dear God, Thank you for new beginnings! Thank you for this new school year, my family, my teachers and my friends! Most of all thank you for this time I have with you! Today, Lord, please bless...?Four blank lines follow. (The book advises students to "Pray in your head," but not to do anything "With the book that makes you feel uncomfortable.") Each page closes with "In Jesus' name I pray, Amen." "My daughter was so worried," Knapp says. "She didn't know how she was going to be able to pray for a whole minute." If necessity was the mother of Knapp's invention (it's selling steadily in Christian bookstores and to church groups), she credits Texas lawmakers for creating the need for her book. She offers a "special thanks" to the 78th Texas State Legislature on the book's dedication page and prints an excerpt of the law in the back. -Geoffrey Gagnon [/i] [url]http://www.msnbc.com/news/972470.asp?cp1=1[/url] [from Newsweek] I don't have time to comment right now, but I posted the article. EDIT: My computer is screwed up. I sometimes makes English characters into strange Korean symbols, and I don't know how to fix it.[/size]
  2. [size=1] >_< I don't know how to break it to you, kids, but bluntly, Final Fantasy Unlimited is possibly one of the worst anime shows ever. It's not a rumor that it was canceled in Japan, because it is indeed true. This is all my opinion [except for that cancelation thing], but many others agreed with me.[/size]
  3. [size=1] I read half of the first manga at church, but I had to leave before I could finish it. ^_^;;; Anyways, I wasn't suddenly in love with it or anything [like DN Angel], but I thought it was pretty good. There are about three romance animes I really do enjoy, and Kare Kano's animated version by GAINAX is one of them. I heard there's no real ending to the animated series, though, because GAINAX dropped the project and left fans hanging. [/size]
  4. eleanor


    [size=1] To Milliefan: I've seen the last episode of Trigun unedited in the Japanese version, and I don't think there's any scene of where Vash meets up with Meryl and Millie at the well. *scratches head* Well...I don't [i]remember[/i] it. ^_^;;; [/size]
  5. [size=1] Music has got to be one of the most important things I look for in anime, and if a show has good music, I'm hooked. ^_~ I dreaded the Evangelion manga because I was used to the animated action and cool-sounded music [sometimes]. But Chobits is a counter-example. I've seen both the anime and the manga, and I'd have to say I enjoy them both equally. The manga is just...[i]cool[/i], but the show has the animation and funny humor scenes, so I guess I liked them both. *sweatdrops* Overall, though, I prefer the animation. I just think it looks better with action stories [which is my favorite genre] and you add in music, color, etc. [/size]
  6. [size=1] It was selling for about 30 DOLLARS or [i]something[/i] at ANIMEniacs.com. =_= I should have gotten it while I had the chance. ^_~ But I'll definately be waiting for the re-mastered version.[/size]
  7. [size=1] The coloring and the drawing are both great, so be proud of yourself. ^_^ The bunny ears [right?] look a bit strange, since there's no shading there. Nice job on everything else though.[/size]
  8. [size=1] Well, there was this tiny part...I could be exaggerating, though. *shrugs* I'm not sure if the cut anything out...don't they just keep everything on DVDs they sell at Best Buy etc? O_o I hope they don't cut stuff out on American release in stores...[not TV. Lord knows how much stuff they edited out of anime shows for television]
  9. [size=1] *claps* I love DN Angel, so I'm looking forward to that. I think Tokyopop is also releasing the DN Angel manga next spring. [/size]
  10. [size=1] Yami no Matsuei is also known as Descendants of Darkness. They changed the title while making it ready for US sales. It's definately shounen-ai, but there are some parts that could make your parents uncomfortable about pre-teens or teens watching it.[/size]
  11. [size=1] The first Evangelion DVD Vol. One in the Evangelion box set is the remastered one, and from what I've heard the fans were very pleased with it. ^_^ I'm waiting for the whole set to be remastered before I buy it.[/size]
  12. [size=1] I am the abosulte master of Fall Up. XP I spent about an hour playing that game on my TI-83+ once. I don't play with too many games. Some guys in my math class are practically obsessed, and there's one who programs games. [/size]
  13. [size=1] *says 'Oh My God' numerous times* I [i]love[/i] this band [b]very[/b] much. :D [i]Iris[/i] is probably my favorite song by them, followed by [i]Here is Gone[/i], or [i]Slide[/i]. *shrugs* I like the song [i]I'm Still Here[/i] by John Rzeznik, the one he sang for Treasure Planet. I fell in love with them after watching [i]City of Angels[/i], and when my sister bought the soundtrack.[/size]
  14. eleanor


    [size=1] Ah...thanks for that. I was getting a bit confused. Is the Trigun manga much different from the anime? >_> I've never even heard of a Trigun manga.[/size]
  15. [size=1] *shakes head* Trust me, it's one of the worse animes. It's never good to just buy anime at random and find out if you like it or not. It's a waste of time and money.[/size]
  16. [size=1] Hey, the whole womanizer thing could just be a cover-up, right? ^_~ Er...sorry. *wanders off* Just let 'em do whatever they want. If someone made the Gravitation guys striaght all of a sudden, I admit I would get a bit edgy, but I wouldn't say anything. [/size]
  17. [size=1] I'd say the movies are pretty decent. I guess it all depends on one's tastes. The storyline was cool enough, and that's one thing I like about good animes. The plot was also confusing at times, yes, but I never really had a problem with it.[/size]
  18. [size=1] *shrugs* Maybe the creators of FF had something to do with it. Yes, I've seen on-screen appearances of the Chocobo, the only good thing about the show. It's very cute. ^_^ There's also this funky ending theme and it has these 8-bit chocobos running around.[/size]
  19. [size=1] A: Ryu-oh Q: What historical event influenced the anime Black Cat Banzai?[/size]
  20. [size=1] *smiles stupidly* The majority of fanfiction does ensure the readers of a waste of 30 minutes as they read ten pages of crappy grammar. But since I'm such a nerd, I usually sift through many pages looking for a good fanfiction. *shrugs* I've found numerous stories I've enjoyed very much, most of them written my college students. Guess that explains it. But to stay on topic, I'd have to tell anti-yaoi-ists to get over it. Homosexuality is slowly entering society and the media more and more, and with a hit show called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy", I think there's more to some. Actually, I don't see what's so great about that show. I personally think it's stupid.[/size]
  21. eleanor


    [size=1] For Metatron: [spoiler] I thought Legato kept all of his limbs.... I saw a episode towards the end where he forced Vash to kill him.[/spoiler][/size]
  22. [size=1] Answer: Kouta Hirano [I'm not sure....^_^;;;] Question: [relatively easy] Which movie greatly influenced the creator of Bubblegum Crisis?[/size]
  23. [size=1] Actually, I was in love with Totoro, since it was the first anime movie I ever saw. ^_^ I still love it. But anyways, I thought Tenchi Muyo was stupid when I saw it. *shrugs* It was the first time I watched an anime other than Totoro, and I was in 4th grade. I wasn't impressed or anything, and I ended up watching Nickelodeon. [/size]
  24. [size=1] Heh, well then it's pretty simple. You can type in "Vegeta's Theme" or whatever you're looking for and search for it under Music only. [/size]
  25. [size=1] *rolls eyes* You don't have to go around insulting PoisonTongue. The avatar is pretty cool-looking to me. XP I still haven't learned to use my Animation Shop. The text "PoisonTongue for Moderator" looks a bit..er...corny to me with the blue and red lining. Corny isn't the correct word to describe it, but it doesn't look great in my opinion.[/size]
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