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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] I have watched about 9 episodes of this anime, and the only thing I can say is that I would rather not watch it again. It's not a good anime, and yes, the plot has nothing to do with the FF games or FF: The Spirits Within. The story is about two kids, a brother and a sister, who's parents disappeared into 'another world'. The two kids go off on an adventure to find their parents by using some train [I don't remember correctly], and if they got on the correct train on the correct time, their would be transported to this alternate universe. They eventually get on the bus, and the meet with young woman with a huge chest that reminds me of Tifa, and all three of them go into the AU. Apparently, the lady has some magical powers. They meet some mysterious man who has this special weapon of some sorts, and he appears on screen on and off. We find out he's looking for a long-lost friend who was kidnapped. One thing that annoyed to no end was that whenever the lady used her special magical powers, they would use the came exact CG scene over and over...and over. Same thing would happen when the mysterious man used his weapon. *shrugs* I didn't enjoy it very much, and I heard it bombed in Japan, too. [/size]
  2. [size=1] It's a very hard thing to stay true to a character's personality in a fanwork, some of the time. But, you see, fanwork is not meant to stay true to the anime and all of the things within it. That's why it's called [i]fan[/i]work. If it were professional work, everything would be in order. Fans aren't professionals, and they tend to do whatever the hell they want with it. If you read many interviews with anime creators, most of them say they don't really have the power to control fanworks, and quite frankly, they don't care. Being a true fans does not matter whether or not they stay true to the anime while creating a fanwork.[/size]
  3. [size=1] If you're talking about Theme: A universal idea about life, scrmngfangrl, that would be impossible to actually download. You can't download something intangible. [/size]
  4. [size=1] I used to have three pen pals: one from Pennsylvania, one from California, and one from Singapore. One month, I blew them off and I never wrote to them again. [/size]
  5. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875] A fan fiction writer has as much right to make a character gay as they do to change his clothes, his hair or any aspect of his personality. If you aren't a fan...here's a hint: [b]don't watch/read it.[/b] That's the best you can do. [/color] [/B] [/QUOTE] Unfortunately, that's not what many people really do. I have seen arguments against yaoi/shounen-ai that focus around the point that yaoi fanfictions and websites are wrong and have bad things within them. The question then arouses: Why were you at at website/reading the fanfiction in the first place if you're against it? I've even heard arguments against yaoi that focus around URL links. Yes, links. If you don't like yaoi, and you see a link that says, "GUNDAM WING YAOI!", it's best to actually resists those meddlings hands and NOT click it. People who leave random insults aren't going to change anything, other than have some author's note at the top of the page insulting the flamer back. [Which is turn leaves about 1000 yaoi fans to read about it.] I cannot specifically explain the appeal of yaoi/shounen-ai other than the fact that some people like it, and that some people enjoy watching romance between two men. It's the same appeal many people can get from heterosexual romances, or shoujo-ai. There's no way people are going to get rid of the shounen-ai/yaoi fanbase by flaming stories and leaving insults at websites. And there's no way people are going to get rid of the anti-yaoi population. I also believe that all excuses people make that are against yaoi/shounen-ai in anime/manga is always fueled by either homophobia or the background of their morals. Yaoi fans against anti-yaoi fans is like a stupid battle; one battle that will have no winners, either. It's pointless to argue with each other about it. Lumi: I think homosexuals were discriminated and executed in ancient Japan, and there's no doubt that they're still discriminated against there. This world has gone through thousands of years of heterosexuals, and like any human being, people will shun the different and new things that are introduced sometimes. I believe religion has a lot to do with it. Japan culture is very different from ours, though, so it may vary.[/size]
  6. [size=1] This book fell into my hands while I was cleaning my room, and I remember enjoying it immensely. I read it in sixth grade for a book report [my teacher didn't know the book [i]Night[/i] so I just picked Angela's Ashes out. How can a LA teacher not know [i]Night[/i]?!] It was one of those books I couldn't put down, anyway. First off, I really liked Frank McCourt's style of writing. The innocence of the narrator was something new for me, and I was fascinated with all the bad happenings in his life. ....I sound like a sadist.[/size]
  7. [size=1] Oh, the memories. The original [i]The Texas Chainsaw Massacre[/i] was probably the first scary I watched and [b]remembered[/b]. I was about 6, and I was pretty freaked out. :P I saw it again about three years ago, I enjoyed the thrill I got. I'm always a little edgy when it comes to re-makes, but I've seen the trailor and it looks good so far. I'm not going to go watch it in theatres, though. I'll wait for the rental store to get it. [/size]
  8. [size=1] I can understand what you're saying, D_B_D, and it's better to just ignore those things. I'm a fan of fanfiction.net, and I have visited both the Inuyasha, Trigun, .hack//SIGN, and G-Gundam site. Now, if you think about it, all of those animes don't have a single character that is openly gay [i]or[/i] doesn't seem gay. [Maybe Tsukasa is bordering that edge.] Well, from my viewing experiences of the fanfictions under those catagories at ff.net, there's a very, [i]very[/i] slim number of yaoi/shounen-ai fanfictions. Now, go to the Gundam Wing site, and you'll find oodles of yaoi/shounen-ai fictions. It's pretty self-explanatory.[/size]
  9. [size=1] I will tell you right now that, yes, 75% of the yaoi fanbase is looking for straight-up shounen-ai/yaoi fanservice. So is 75% of guys. *shrugs* Is there something wrong with finding something that spikes the interest of some people? It might sound immature, but I believe it's simply a natural thing. NO, yaoi is not some cheap way of getting free hentai and porno, so don't go there. There are several hard-core yaoi shows I've heard of, but from the reviews I've read all of them also have a plot, and they're not just senseless sex. So, yes, while many yaoi/shounen-ai fans are willing to go for the fanservice, there are also yaoi/shounen-ai fans that are looking for a regular romance. I read an article about "fanfiction" once; especially yaoi fanfiction. The author interviewed some popular yaoi/shounen-ai authors, and all of them stated that they were outraged when people would make an assumption that their stories are just pure smut, with erotica. Also, gay guys do [i]not[/i] equal sensitive.[/size]
  10. [size=1] ^_^;; I've [i]never[/i] seen the uncut Japanese version, so I guess I'm in no position to say anything about it yet. >_> I really don't like the dubbed version, though. [/size]
  11. [size=1] Well, for one thing, 99.9% of the yaoi-fanbase are young woman [such as me. XD]. I guess it's just the opposite of men. Most guys like to watch lesbians, so I'm guessing some ladies like watching two men get together. Perhaps one of the more popular yaoi animes, Gravitation and Yami no Matsuei [if you've heard of them] aren't just blatant fanserice either. Gravitatin is one of my favorite animes, not because of shounen-ai, but because of the comedy, plotline, and music. Yami no Matsuei also has a great plot, beatiful art styles, and some humor. *shrugs* I think those two aniems are very well made, and the only reason they're not wildly popular is because it focuses on gay anime pairings.[/size]
  12. [size=1] Like Queen Asuka said, repitition is an [i]awful[/i] thing. :P DBZ is a perfect example, Q_A. Ahem. Same with Pokemon and Yugioh...and Sailor Moon for that matter. Ok, so I've only seen so many episodes of Sailor Moon, but they pretty much follwed the same plotline. Of course, it's possible for an anime to have a repitition of action and still be very interesting. =_= [yeah, that didn't make very much sense] For example, when I first heard of Evangelion, I was wondering how the anime could be so great if the only thing they did episode after episode was destroy the enemies [in other words, the angels]. ^_~ We all now how that turned out. Er...for anyone who's [i]watched[/i] Evangelion. I'd have to say that Evangelion is probably my favorite anime series. So...I'll just nit-pick that. The action is great, and it's nothing like I expected. Hideaki's new deisgn for the Eva's were extremely original for the mecha anime. [even though the Eva's aren't robots, the new design was cool. O_o] The way the whole action sequences were designed interested me greatly. --This might sound strange, but I also love depression. ^__^;; I hate animes where everything is always happy-happy and the only problems there are is that OOPS! I forgot my lunchbox and home, HEY! Let's go on an adventure and get it back! .......XP Don't worry, I made that up. I'm a sucker for the sad endings and depressed scenes in an anime. So, I love Grave of the Fireflies a lot. Philosophy and themes that are connected to real life are always something I will definately by concentrating on when watching anime. Those things spike my interest level, so my eyes are pretty much glued to the screen when those pop up. In short, Evangelion and I were a pretty good pair. Anyways, another thing I absolutely love about some anime series is the music. Good music is a [i]must[/i] for me, so Cowboy Bebop is another one of my favorite anime series. Yoko Kanno's music is great, and I love the jazz songs in that anime. Her music ranges from metal, jazz, vocal, etc. and they appeal to many different genres of music. So with that, Gravitation and FLCL are added to my list of favorite animes. Another thing I enjoy a lot, [which is ironic compared to my love for depression] is humor. With humor, I mean [i]everything[/i]. Face expressions, slapstick humor, smart humor, randomness/insanity, etc. Gravitaiton is a great example for that, along with Excel Saga, Trigun, Ramna 1/2, and other series. And yes, I do enjoy a little romance now and then. [though very rarely] Card Captor Sakura [NO, not the crappy little Cardcaptors you used to watch on the WB, kids] is another anime I really like to watch. It's pretty much a magical-girl anime with romance and action, but I still like it. DN Angel, Marmalade Boy, and Chobits are other animes/mangas I enjoyed watching/reading. Another major thing for me is the art style. If I like it, I like it, and if I don't, there's a good chance I won't watch the anime. The art styles of animes are usually what draw me into researching the anime more, actually. ^_^[/size]
  13. [size=1] Hm...I've heard the Inuyasha dub on Adult Swim, and I thought they were decent. I believe the longer you listen to Japanese cast voices on an anime, the harder it is to adapt to the dubbed version. *shrugs* I know many people who love Evangelion's English cast, but I've been listening to the subbed version of that show for a long time, and I absolutely hated the English version. But there are some shows that I don't mind listening to dubbed. Cowboy Bebop for one example. Also, .hack//SIGN. I've listened to both Japanese and English cast for .hack//SIGN, and even though I like the subbed version better, I'm perfectly fine with the dubbed version. =_= When I was little and liked Pokemon for a while, I didn't have any problem with the dubbed version on TV. I've listened to the Japanese version, and I'd have to admit that I'd gotten used to the English, so I disliked the Japanese. Yeah....don't ask.[/size]
  14. [size=1] A very easy way of finding pictures is just going to Google Images Search and type in "Medabots". Works every time.[/size]
  15. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Braidless Baka [/i] [B]O_o Talk about impatience, Daigo... A: Rose Q: In Yami no Matsuei (Decendants of Darkness), Tsuzuki makes a habit of summoning guardians to protect him and fight for him. Who else [i]wants[/i] to be able to summon them? [/B][/QUOTE] *scratches head and sweatdrops* Hisoka?[/size]
  16. [size=1] I made a thread about this a [i]long[/i] time ago, but it was closed. I think I remember a thread about this some time ago as well, but I just decided to make another one. :P DN Angel is basically a romance/part action manga/anime. Now, romance manga/anime aren't exactly what I'm typically interested in, but I got pulled into this anime by an online friend. ^_~ The anime is pretty good in my opinion, and the use of CG in the anime series is something new for me. I actually prefer hand-drawn background [i.e. Cowboy Bebop--I loved the backgrounds on that show], but the CG is pretty cool. There's also a manga, which was made before the anime, in Asuka comics. It's supposed to be released by Tokyopop by next spring, the last I heard. ^_^ I think I'm going to actually buy them, too. The story is about a boy named Daisuke [14 years old], who has a huge crush on a girl named Risa. Risa rejects the poor guy before he even gives the girl a love letter [XP]. So, blah blah blah he's heartbroken blah blah blah and THEN he finds out that his family [which has a bit of a magic background, methinks] and all the men in his family took on the form of a man called Dark Mousy at age fourteen. [which I will mention is a very fine man.] :P This is the fun part. When Daisuke sees Risa, he turns into Dark. Now, in the first episode, Dark develops a crush on a girl named Riku, who is actually Risa's twin sister. [Riku is a bit of a tomboy and she plays lacrosse, while Risa is 'girly-girl'] So when Dark sees Riku, he turns into Daisuke. So I guess you can imagine the troubles. On top of that, Risa develops a huge crush on Dark [who can [i]blame[/i] her?] ^_^;;; And then you can add in some humor and a cute 14-year old genious trying to capture Dark and you've got this anime. [/size]
  17. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kent [/i] [B] I haven't seen igpx, nor gundam sd... regardless of what you guys may think of those shows, Im gonna give them a chance. [/B][/QUOTE] I've actually quite interested in IGPX, because I'm a sucker for goos animation and action, whether it's cheap or good. :P I've heard of Gundam Seed, but all I've really seen of it was some green-haired boy. *shrugs*[/size]
  18. [size=1] I actually find it very weird for a manga to be about middle-schoolers carrying on a serious relationship. A bit young, if you will. I guess that's the main thing that's keeping me away from it. The art style doesn't interest me either. *shrugs* I've read on manga of Kodocha, and another main reason I didn't like it is because I really don't like romance manga/anime. My friends at church are utterly [i]obsessed[/i] with it, though.[/size]
  19. [size=1] My friend collects the manga series, so I've read them from time to time. Romance really isn't my type of genre, but the mangas were fun to read. ^_^ I heard that the anime wasn't that great, though. I looked up on it, and I think it has 50+ episodes. It must sort of drag on with the story is it's that long...*shrugs* I really don't know the usual difference in number between manga and anime.[/size]
  20. [size=1] :P Same here. I seriously thought Shippo was a girl... I seem to be good at distinguishing most anime's styles to tell whether or not a character is male or female. All you really have to do is watch anime obsessively for about a year.[/size]
  21. [size=1] I'll have to agree with D_B_D on this one, even though I think both of them are great. The first one gives you feel of warm atmosphere, or the afternoon. You did the background and coloring well. ^_~ The second one looks great, too. It's as if the house Ed's in is very melancholy and dark, since it's obviously still daylight outside. [/size]
  22. [size=1] I also thought Haku's dragon formed looked [i]very[/i] cool. ^_^ The animation looked very smooth throughout the whole movie. *raises eyebrow* Well, you know, most anime movies do, but whatever. One thing that I found sort of odd was when [spoiler]Chihiri was crying while eating those rice-meals, and her tears were [b]huge[/b].[/spoiler] I loved the movie to death when I first saw it in the movies, but I always get bored when watching it again. I don't know, it doesn't interest me as much. Strange though, because I've seen my Evangelion: Death and Rebirth about 10 times and I never get bored of it. ^_~[/size]
  23. [size=1] *shrugs* I've had friends look at a picture of Kaworu from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and they think he's a girl. [spoiler] Even if he [i]is[/i] an angel and some people claim he has no gender, I'm pretty convinced he's a guy.[/spoiler] [/size]
  24. [size=1] I'm in eigth grade currently, but I already have a good idea of what college I want to go to. I would like to go to Berekley, but I guess it's not really a great choice right now because of California's money crisis. Stanford would be [i]awesome[/i] but I'm not smart enough. :P Like my dad says, you either have to be extremely rich or extremely smart to get into Stanford, Harvard, etc. *shrugs* University of Chicago, Northwestern, UCLA...I'd be happy to get into any of those.[/size]
  25. [size=1] [b] You have put your friends in two seperate catagories - band friends and non-band friends ...[/b] --*shrugs* Whenever I talk about one of my friends, I tell people whether they're in orchestra or not. [b]Your instrument has a name.[/b] --Hey man....my cello has a name. [b]Bus rides are fun.[/b] --They ARE! *looks around happily* [b]You're sitting in class and begin practicing your fingerings on your pencil.[/b] --*looks up from pencil* What? [b] A metronome doesn't hurt your ears anymore.[/b] --It never hurt my ears in the first place. I [i]must[/i] be a music genious! [b] You think of what life without band [spoiler]ORCHESTRA[/spoiler] would be and begin to cry.[/b] --Music is up there among the more important things in life. [b] Uniforms are sexy.[/b] --Good violinists in uniform are sexy. [b]You can actually sight read.[/b] --If you want to be good, you better get off your butt and learn. [b]You know that your instrument is the best...[/b] --Flutes are [i]so[/i] gay. *walks away with cello* :P Yes, I know I changed them around to fit for orchestra. [/size]
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