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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I played in orchestras, bands, marches, competitions and whatever else for nearly 12 years and, personally, I don't really mesh with most of this lol. [/B][/QUOTE] It depends on how dedicated you are to playing music. *shrugs*[/size]
  2. [size=1] That's one of the things I love about Yoko Kanno's works. Her music ranges from orchestral, metal, vocal, etc. and she's very diverse in her work. [[i]And[/i] she's dang good at it, too] I think one of my favorite Cowboy Bebop songs is Space Lion.[/size]
  3. [size=1] Very nice job! ^_^ I swear I will never be able to draw Yugioh style, but I guess you know your stuff. The shading is great overall, and the picture is drawn well.[/size]
  4. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Leh [/i] [B][spoiler][size=1][color=4057b7][b]No need to apologize for me, I did nothing wrong. It was simply an opinion of mine.[/b][/color][/size][/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] I wasn't apologizing for you, I was apologizing for being suspicious of tracing. [the sharpie thing.][/size]
  5. [size=1] WOAH! I never knew violinists' hand could bend that way... I've been playing cello for four years now, and I've watched violinists play and the hand posture is difficult for me to capture and draw on paper. *shrugs* The one in your pictures is off, but like I said, it must be hard. [adding that you did this on the comp as well.][/size]
  6. [size=1] I think Gravitation's rights were bought by The Right Stuff, but I've visited their websites and they don't mention anything about it. Hm...I really want those DVDs. Should've got them off of Animeniacs while I had the chance...O_o[/size]
  7. [size=1] ^_^ Well than, I thouroughly apologize for it, Livingsoul. The lastest picture is great as well, even though the head is bothering me a bit. I can't really see any flaws, except that the hair looks a little different from the regular ole' Spike. Very nice job.[/size]
  8. [size=1] What the... Tracing a piece of art and labeling it as your own is something very stupid to do, but you people don't even have [i]proof[/i]! It's not impossible for someone to be great a drawing. *raises eyebrow* It looks like it was done by a sharpie that's about to run out of ink, though. Even if the odds are against me, I'll comment on it for the time being. Anyways, a very nice job. Drawing big pictures tend to be harder for me, but you seem to have a good grasp on it. The shading looks very cool in my opinion...^_^ 9.9/1o.[/size]
  9. [size=1] Aw...I thought you were going to make a nice AMV with an array of character death scenes. Ah...well... What kind of a comedy? [/size]
  10. [size=1] I sometimes get this idea of suffocating and I can't breathe at [i]all[/i]. It's like a wall comes down on me, and I have no idea as to why it actually happens. It just attacks me a random periods of the day, and I have to sit very still and breathe deeply. *shrugs*[/size]
  11. [size=1] *mouth drops* You've seen Totoro! [i]You've seen it![/i] Lol, I adore that movie, and nobody else I know has seen it! ^__^ It was my first anime movie, and it's one of my favorites. Well, Spirited Away is a great anime movie as well. It appeals to anime fans [i]and[/i] non-anime fans, if you will. My sister sees no appeal in anime and has no idea as to why I love the stuff. The minute she started watching Spirited Away, she was hooked. Miyazaki is a genious with movies, really. Well...my favorite character was No-Face. *looks around* There's something about that monster that makes me feel good. I actually felt [i]very[/i] sorry for him later on in the movie, and I just liked him. Er...yeah. Chihiro acted exactly like a girl her age would, except that she was very courageous and brave, which really makes me appreciate Miyazaki's work on this movie. I'm always seeing these child prodigies who act like depressed [i]weirdos[/i] to make it blunt, or the very bubbly-school-girl. All the spirits in the movie were captivating as well, and I loved those ducky-looking things. :P [/size]
  12. [size=1] Ah...I'm currently using my little Cloud-obsession layout with the wallpaper and...a matching winamp! *cheers* O_o;;; Because I love him...yes I do. [img]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/wpshot.bmp[/img] I used to have a very simple wallpaper with just a picture of Calvin and Hobbes [:D], but I felt like using the Cloud wallpaper more. =_=[/size]
  13. [size=1] Samurai X's dubbing annoyed as well. I liked the DVDs better than the Rurouni Kenshin series, but the dubbing wasn't something I ever got used to. Even though I complained and praised some animes, I rarely every watch the dubbed version of an anime. Subtitles are suited fine for me. I read fast, so I don't have a problem with lag either. [because I'm basically a nerd who reads a lot]=_= My friend will force me to switch to Dubbed version since she' can't keep up at times.[/size]
  14. [size=1] Ahhh! I [i][b]adore[/b][/i] Gravitation! ^__^ It's probably one of my [i]favorite[/i] animes of all time. The series is nice and short, and I love the storyline. Suichi's expressions were priceless, really. The comedy is always good, and I never went through a single episode without having some sort of laughing fit. --Anyways, the music was a huge plus for me. I used to be obsessed with the ending theme [i]Glaring Dream[/i] and all those orchetral pieces in the anime. Well, two parts of the anime confused me at first. [spoiler] When Ryuiichi was listening to Suichii's video, seen as Kumagora, and he then walks past Suichii very coldly....I never really understood that. Ryuichi said it "Wasn't reaching.", and I'm guessing that he felt that Suichii wasn't putting his real passion into singing. *shrugs*[/spoiler] Ryuichi and Suichii's relationship interested me very greatly, since Suichi started out [spoiler] as an admirer of Ryuchi, and then given a choice of being his rival or friend.[/spoiler] Heh, Ryuichi's little change on stage reminded me of Rurouni Kenshin....a lot. The next thing that confused me was [spoiler] when Yuki arrived in New York, [beginning of episode 13, me thinks] and he stares at that beat-up old man and then in turn the old man ends up running madly away from him. I finally figured it out not too long ago....the man was the person who raped it! *giggles* O_o I actually connected that gun and the gun in the man's waistpocket before, and I felt extremely stupid.[/spoiler] :D In point, I love Gravitation. I've started to read the manga as well, and I love it too. ^_^ The OVA of Gravitation is a nice extra video to watch. The art style is something new, but I liked it anyway. ^_~ Well, I also love Yami no Matsuei. If you haven't checked it out, you should. It's sold at Best Buy, to my surprise. It's based around roughly three guys, Tsuzuki, Hisoka, and Muraki. The apparant couple in the anime is Tsuzuki/Hisoka, but Muraki is the insane doctor that goes around doing bad stuff to get Tsuzuki to come. :P I should add that Tsuzuki and Hisoka are what people call the "Shinigami", basically a force of dead people [that look alive and kicking] that go around fighting supernatural forces. Tsuzuki is actually a very lazy Shinigami, and Hisoka was tricked into being partnered with him. Well, anyways, you'll later find out that Tsuzuki is actually a very talented Shinigami. Er, back to Muraki. He's the insane doctor who likes to...*cough*molest*cough* Tsuzuki [i]a lot[/i] and is certainly a weirdo. It's still a good anime, although very corny at times. My favorite yaoi coupling so far is Shinji/Kaworu. ^o^ I really do love them... [/size]
  15. [size=1] Your introduction of the journal entry was very good; it's hard to come up with catchy ones nowadays. Anyways, the structure of the whole story is laid out very well, and you get the point across well. The story's not too long to bore the readers, and not to short to seem like a 5-minute whim. Great job, Leh. ^_^ Hope you get that position![/size]
  16. [size=1] *gets hand slapped away from GooGooDoll's CD* ... *reaches in anyway* I'm a sucker for this group. I really love them. ^_^ Er...anyways, I think it would be hard to find a good song not about love, because most songs revolve around that theme in general. I'll try to think about it.[/size]
  17. [size=1] The story is simple--but in a good way. ^_^ [doesn't know what's she's talking about] But like Braidless Baka said, it's not good to just get the girls back and everything is gung-ho again. It's nice to build up a tension or suspension and then do something cool with it. :P Nice story, Leh.[/size]
  18. eleanor


    [size=1] I actually cannot say anything good about them that stands out. The pictures are very pixel-ly and the thought bubbles aren't really that special if you think about it. [/size]
  19. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh [/i] [B][size=1] So a character can't change his hairstyle? And they can't dye their hair? And doesn't Sora have spikey hair anyway? And can't people naturally change hair colour as they age? [b]And what's wrong with seeing Mickey doing the somersault get-up? I dunno about you, but I'd rather see him doing stuff than Goofy and Donald.. *shrugs and walks off*[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You know...dying brown/silver hair to silver/brown hair would actually be very hard. Right? :P I had to say something.[/size]
  20. [size=1] The color looks a bit chunky and uneven, but maybe it's just the pencils themselves? ::shrugs:: Everything else is very nice. Good job. ^_^[/size]
  21. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B] maladjusted- No! Were not freinds or freindly acquintances. We probably hate each other more than anything. WE have long drawn out arguements about almost everything and its proably one of the most fun activites i've ever participated in. [/B][/QUOTE] I do not [i]hate[/i] you, we just have very different viewpoints. But the debating is always a plus. Hm. *looks around aimlessly*[/size]
  22. [size=1] I think it's great for a first try. ^_^ [those little white spots kind of throw me off, though.] The picture itself is also good. The only thing I'm not liking about it is the head....it's probably just me. :P[/size]
  23. [size=1] Hm...well, er...Anime [i]does[/i] teach you life lessons [Evangelion--sort of]. Rurouni Kenshin and other animes set in historical moments could be education. O_o Er...yeah. [/size]
  24. [size=1] It's very common [from my experience] that people who don't watch anime, or only Pokemon or something, can't tell the difference between girls and guys very well. If you've watched various animes with different styles, I guess we just have a better understanding of the style of anime.[/size]
  25. [size=1] Trust me...I practically never get giddy. :P I am happy most of the time, or at least content.[/size]
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