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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] I give in, that's my fault. I basically know nothing about rappers other than the mainstream ones on MTV. Sorry about that. But the whole 'Hard-core' stuff. What exactly does 50 cent mean by 'hard-core'? There's nothing wrong about being sensitive. [Well, unless you're like Shinji. Then you have some problems.] Ok, call me paranoid, but another thing I don't like about most of these 'hard-core' rappers is that you have to have a certain image. [Yeah, same with practically every other genre of music, but..] I hate to bring this up in an argument about Rock vs. Rappers is that 'hard-core' rappers can't stand gay people. It shows up in their music. [I heard the songs on VH-1 on this show called "Totally Gay" about homosexuality in Hollywood] Should all rappers have to wear certain clothes, with certain necklaces/chains/etc.? That, and I don't like to hear the word, "Fu--". [/size]
  2. [size=1] I believe that I am more emotionally mature than most people my age, [13], but not actually so mature that I'd be able to get through anything. I really don't think [i]anyone[/i] can be truly emotionally mature while being 13 years old in the first place. I tend to overthink things people say to me, and I can get offended easily in some subjects. But like I said before, I think I'm more emotionally mature than most people my age. I feel that I'm very independent, and I know when I need help or not. I don't complain about...well, anything [to some extent] compared to many others at my school. I accept things as they are, even though I can get a little fired up about some things. I handle things relatively well while under pressure, and I don't tend to rant about my depressions to my friends. [whether that's a good thing or not...] I actually hate it when I try to coax my best friend into telling me what's wrong, and then they automatically say that I wouldn't understand. =_= Yeah, I'm the one going around talking about all my problems 24/7. :P Yes, I have a problem with making fun of people, though. I guess that's a sign of immaturity. I guess my turning point was this summer, before school started. I could tell because I become more withdrawn and distant with my friends. My whole view point changed, and my attitude has altered a bit. I don't like talking about boys or anything to do with my friends' 'crushes' or whatever. -_-;;; I don't know. I [i]do[/i] tend to act mature most of the time, unless I'm really happy and giddy [which is not often, let me tell you...] [/size]
  3. [size=1] I have listened to [i]Where's the Love[/i] by Black Eyed Peas, and I love listening to it when I'm in the mood. I agree that some rapper artists sing/rap about things other than girls, sex, drug, money, I got shot in nine times, etc. but [i]most[/i] rap does. If you compare artists that sing about the non-cliche stuff and artists who sing cliche, the artists who sing non-cliche are a pretty small amount.[/size]
  4. [size=1] Heh, I read your other thread and everybody said there was something wrong with proportions. Well...there really isn't any proportion problems when I see it. [Only the neck....it's a bit too long] No need for me to get nit-picky. I love the drawing. The shading is [i]excellent[/i], and the picture look very elegant. ^_^ Everything seems to complement each other. Excellent job.[/size]
  5. [size=1] He's just doing his job, and it's to be expected. But anyways, nice job. His arm and fingers seem to be in the wrong position, as if he's being forced to turn his arm/hand that way. Good job on everything else, though. The backgound and coloring are great. ^_^ [9/1o][/size]
  6. [size=1] [b]First banner:[/b] The picture is amusing, and it's clean, but the text doesn't match. It'd be much better if you had some cool-looking text that...well...matched. [8/1o] [b]Second banner:[/b]*laughs* Very cool. I would use it if it were mine. ^_~ [1o/1o] [b]Third banner:[/b] The picture is cute, [i]and[/i] the text matches [good job!], but it's not balanced out well. Also, it looks very pixelly. =_= [8.5/1o][/size]
  7. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]I use Tifa and Yuffie. I have ribbons equiped on them. And Cloud had a white cape I think. I use debarrier at the begining and everytime he put it back up. I use the wall too. I just can't survive Super Nova when he used it the 2nd time and if I do I can't pass it the 3rd time. [/B][/QUOTE] You could try using another character, for one...those two girls aren't exactly the strongest.[/size]
  8. eleanor

    50 vs. Shady

    [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Oviously your both extreme Newbies. I don't want to actas a mod, but You gotta put more quality in your posts or the Mods will shut the thread down. [/B][/QUOTE] *raises eyebrow* Ahem. I personally would rather listen to Eminem then 50 cent if I really had to choose. At least Eminem has songs about things other than girls, sex, money, etc. [wow, I got shot nine times, praise me now] He seems more intelligent, too. [QUOTE] --The Bouncer-- Eminem now only raps about how he hates his mom, and he wants to kill his ex. who cares no one wants to hear you problems. he can spit some tight lyrics when he wants. but othr than that .....[/QUOTE] Yeah, having sex while stuffing yourself with drugs and dancing [somehow, at the same time! WOW!] is much more fun to listen to. I really don't see anything wrong with singing about one's problems, even though some singers over-do it.[/size]
  9. [size=1] Hm....I just thought of this. I basically think everyone in Lizzie McGuire is amusing except for Lizzie. She annoys me. God, no. Hillary Duff dressing sexy? No offense, but she doesn't have the body. Sex sells when people who have big breasts, abs, tiny waists, and nice legs dress sexy. [i.e. BRITNEY SPEARS] Hillary is what...14? She might try it, but I don't think it'll work.[/size]
  10. [size=1] Maybe that's because some singers don't want to sing about sex, girls, and money in rhyming lines/stanzas. I think any good singer can ryhme. Can you ryhme? I know I can. Everybody can. Rappers would also have to have good singing voices as well. I don't think anyone can really 'rap' and have an absolutely horrible singing voice. It's nearly impossible. I mean...anyone who raps well. Most talented artists probably understand other music genres. --I really think this whole fight is stupid. It's not like rap fans will actually ban rock, and vice versa. Everyone has their own opinion, so ignore it if you don't like it.[/size]
  11. [size=1] [b]Best[/b] [b]Cowboy Bebop[/b]- Like...[i]woah[/i], dude. The voices actually go well with the characters....*claps* [b]Trigun[/b]- Well, I've never heard the Japanese cast for Trigun, so I wouldn't be able to tell correctly, but I think the voices are allright. [b]Spirited Away[/b]- Same with Trigun, but I think the voices fit. Er...sort of. Isn't the voice of Chihiro the same as the girl from Lilo and Stitch? [b]Princess Monoke[/b]- Another good job...I think they did a good job with the dubbing. But I've never heard the undubbed one. [b]Bad[/b] [b]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/b]- Oh, please. Do not even [i]try[/i] to compare the English casting to the Japanese casting. Rei sounded like she was about to [b]die[/b]....like she was in a hospital bed the whole time while recording it. Asuka sounds like....like....something horrible. No, no, NO! The girl who plays Asuka for the English dubbing [b]never[/b] should have been picked! Shinji's voice was tolerable, but it was still bad. Misato's voice was OK, and Gendo sounded like a robot. [b]Yami no Matsuei[/b]- Geez...[i]no[/i]. I need not explain. Watch the Japanese ones...watch the English ones... The voices just don't match. [b]Yu-gi-oh[/b]- Er...the only voice I like here is Yami Bakura's because it sounds cool. Mind you, all the voices basically suck in my opinion. I like the Japanese cast much more. And talk about dubbing away the violence... [b]Pending...[/b] --these are for animes that aren't yet released in America, but they will be. *shudder* [b]Gravitation[/b]- If they screw this up, they will screw up big time. I have absolutely no idea how The Right Stuff [or however you really spell the company's name] will dub some of the parts, because it will be extremely hard. You've had to have watched this anime to understand, but there are parts when Suichii [the main character] says something and in Japanese, the word has several different meanings, and Ryuichi [another character] is trying to cheer Suichii up and gives him all the things that the word mean but nothing the meaning Suichii is trying to get across. Understand? No? Eh... [/size]
  12. [size=1] Well, actually, I didn't pay [b]any[/b] attention in Spanish last year, which was extremely bad because last year was my first year... So this is my second year. I basically know how to conjugate regular verbs, some irregular verbs, and we just started to learn the preterite tense. =_= I [i]hate[/i] preterite, it means we have more endings to learn... I know to speak the basic stuff. Like where you live, how old you are, how are you doing, food, the beach, school, and birthdays/parties. We're now learning about Spain and its history and whatnot. Basically, I never study, but I usually gets As on my quizzes and tests. Good memory, I guess. Dan Rugh: The "No me gusta tu." would be my fault, I guess. You see, our teacher was reviewing the 'Birthdays/Parties' chapter and she went around asking if we would go to her birthday party. Eventually, this guy said, "No.", which was follwed by a "Por que?" So he just said, "No me gusta tu." and the teacher laughed. Hm...I'm in my 7th year of Korean school, and if I go on at the pace I'm going, I'll be able to graduate that school in Sophomore year [I'm eigth grade right now] and take the SAT II for Korean. :P The high school I'm going to offers Japanese, but there's absolutely no way I'm going to quit Spanish for it. I think Spanish is going to be [i]much[/i] more useful for me in the future, and I think it would be better to learn Chinese rather than Japanese. It's quite possible that China may be a world power when I grow up.[/size]
  13. [size=1] I was sick yesterday, but I forced myself to get to school because it was the last day of ITBS testing. -And I missed Korean School today because my head aches and my throat is dry and itchy and painful. =_= I [i]hate[/i] getting sick. I can't even talk, literally. If someone asks me a question and I try to answer, no sound comes out.[/size]
  14. [size=1] Heh...my Spanish teacher always asks, "Preguntas?" and everyone accidently says "Ci." :P I think it's very funny...[/size]
  15. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]She's gotten this big head now and she thinks that she's too good for Disney channel and that she's sexy enough to be on MTV. How old is she, 14? She wont last long, I hope she realizes that.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] :P I agree with you on that. I don't think she'll last long at [i]all[/i]... Her voice also annoys me. I heard while watching a re-run of the VMAs, and she was announcing some winner. It was like the two other people were blocking her out of the way....very amusing.[/size]
  16. [size=1] Yes...the only two German words I know are [b]Zestorte[/b] and [b] Gutenburg[/b]. Amazing, no?! I'm studying Spanish right now, and it's very easy for me. ^_^ [b][i]No me gusta tu.[/i][/b] I also know how to speak Korean fluently because I'm Korean in the first place. I think it's sort of sad when someone who is a certain race [i.e. Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc.] don't know their native language.[/size]
  17. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anime_Forever [/i] [B]Its a very good picture after looking at it but the first thing I thought when I saw it was SERIOUSLY: AAAA!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!OHMYGOD!! OHMYGOD!!! HES SMILING!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] More like [i]smirking[/i], wouldn't you say? :P Well, I like the picture. One of his eyes looks a bit off, and his hand position looks weird, but I like everything else. Nice coloring. ^_^[/size]
  18. [size=1] Agent Cody Banks? I hate that movie! O_o No offense, but I really did. I was dragged into watching it because I had to look after my mom's friend's third grade daughter. I am definately [i]not[/i] a fan of Hillary Duff, and I rarely watch the Disney channel, but she's a decent actor and singer. I guess she's gotten extremely popular, with her album selling quickly, and the fact that she has gotten #1 on TRL for two consecutive days. I don't think there's any point in me making fun of Hillary, because she's achieved many things other people don't. But like I said, I am not one of her fans and will never be one of her fans.[/size]
  19. [size=1] Cowboy Bebop has some [b]great[/b] music. I love the jazz and blues included in many of the songs, which are orchestral, and good ones at that. ^_^ Yoko Kanno is probably one of my favorite modern artists, and I absolutely adore Cowboy Bebop's music. I got the special edition Cowboy Bebop CD, which includes four CDs that have songs from all the single CDs and songs that were never released. I practically worship it. I'm going to say that Cowboy Bebop is probably the only anime that has orchestral peices that match what's going on in the show perfectly. I also think Gravitation has great music, especially the ending theme. Fukai Mori [Inuyasha's ending theme] by Do as Destiny is also a song I am fond of. [/size]
  20. [size=1] If you think about it, all or most of Disney's classics are solely based on fairy tales, legends, and other short stories that were created a long time ago. The only famous Disney movie [made a relatively long time ago] I can think of that [i]wasn't[/i] based off of a story is [i]The Lion King[/i], [i]The Little Mermaid[/i], and [/i] Sleeping Beauty[/i]. I'm not sure about Sleeping Beauty, really. I forgot, [i]Bambi[/i] as well. =_= Ok, so that's 4 movies. The characters in those four movies were liked by many children, so I'm guessing Disney ability to create good characters isn't as good as today. Walt Disney himself is one person I really admire, though. Um...I don't think there was a point to this post.[/size]
  21. [size=1] *looks around nervously* I liked [i]I'm Still Here[/i] by John Rzeznik *gets pounded with various objects* Erm...but I love the Disney Classics. There were more like musicals, like Semjaza Azazael said. Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and Beast [I [i]so[/i] a musical piece of [i]Tale as Old as Time[/i] for the cello], Hercules, and Mulan. I absolutly adore Mulan. Unfortunately, I still don't have the DVD. V_V The recent popular Disney movies [[i]Lilo and Stitch[/i] and [i]Treasure Planet[/i]] aren't so great. I love that John Rzeznick song, but the rest is over-played.[/size]
  22. [size=1] No [i]way[/i], people. [b]I[/b] am probably the most nostalgic person around. I worry about the nostalgia I'll go through in the future. =_= I never cry about it, so I do guess that it's not that bad with me... Er, I guess you have more badly than me, Q_A. :P I always liked the word nostalgia. O_o The only other time I will cry is if I get hurt very badly, [i]or[/i] the injustice and over-criticism I receive daily from my mother. >_> I really hate it. I cried just yesterday over what my mother said, and I almost cried while practicing my cello today because of what she said earlier. You'll never see me crying over anything else, though.[/size]
  23. [size=1] V_V The courses I'm taking [Geometry and Spanish] are high school courses, so even though I'm in middle school, our teachers spend about 30 minutes on the first week of school telling us that the grades I make in Geometry and Spanish affect your college transcript. :P But who knows? You're the one who's just gone off to college, so...[/size]
  24. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]I can't agree with this. If I buy a CD and let my friend borrow it and listen to it, there is no chance in hell that I should go down for a lawsuit. Yes people are taking advantage of the system. But the fact is, they aren't COPYING anything, they are sharing their music with other people. No exchange of money, and frankly I have little sympathy over RIAA. We aren't stealing anything, I think it's just sharing :D. The only issue is that people have taken granted of what they have. That sounds familiar, people taking advantage of some industry... wait... that sounds like the industry itself when it claimed as CD's FIRST came out "The CD will be easier to use, easier to play, and much cheaper." Which SHOULD be true. Nope, CD's came out initially costing well over the price of casettes. Record companies haven't even bothered thinking of the consumer, merely the fattening wallets and the wallets of their stars. No sympathy here. I know some of you will argue: But it is stealing, you get a cd and put in on Kazaa , people just take the music from you, they don't share it like anyone else, and you OWN that music! Wait wait, there IS a feature on kazaa where you can stop uploads. [/B][/QUOTE] You are a new artist, trying to make money, and about 10,000 brats decide to rip you off and not buy your stuff. Instead, they feed off of some obscure man who actually bought your CD and is now sharing it on Kazaa. This makes you feel very good. Smile.[/size]
  25. eleanor

    Fro Barret

    [size=1] [i]The[/i] Legendary Frog?! *immediately falls down the ground, worshiping "The Return of Gannondorf:* Ahem. You are very lucky. Because you know him, [i]and[/i] your artwork is great! ^_^ I definately like your style, I think it's very cartoon-ish, in a American sort of way. O_o[/size]
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