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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. eleanor


    [size=1] Ferrets are also able to circulate blood 24/7, you big jerk. :P Sorry. It was very tempting. I'm more amazed at how absolutely everything created on earth [in my belief] has been created from science. It's hard to believe that human beings developed from one-celled bacteria, but when you have several billion years on your hand, what do you expect? lol. I also think that earth is [i]not[/i] the only one harboring life. I think it's very possible for some random planet trillions of lightyears away from us to have just begun the evolution of life. [/size]
  2. [size=1] I fear dissappointment from others. It really crushes me to see someone who's just been dissappointed in me. But other than that, the unknown. That's right, kiddies. I'm afraid of not knowing whether or not some madman is going to jump out and kill me. [/size]
  3. [size=1] Er...I'm Korean, but I was born in America, so if you compare my Korean with that of a Korean-born child, you'd hear the difference. [/size]
  4. [size=1] Er..you don't piss me off, it's just that I'm more happy when spending time alone. ^_^ At least there are people are connect with me right now. I'm having a hard time, school-wise and family-wise. The only person I get along with well is my sister, who barely has time for since she's in her Senior year. She's going crazy with schoolwork, trying to get into a good college, and leading her orchestra. My mother is always pushing me to do better in my Geometry and Spanish class, saying that even though I'm still in Middle school, those subjects' grades count for college. She's not happy unless I get a 100. =_= It seems like she's over-critical most of the time, but with my dad's store opening, I don't blame her. They're all worn out, and I feel sort of useless. Today, I spend the day not talking to my friends at [i]all[/i] after school, and instead did my homework quickly and spend the rest of day reading the fifth Harry Potter book. It felt awesome, really. But it also sort of worries me. V_V Are 13-year-olds supposed to enjoy being alone 99.9% of the time?[/size]
  5. [size=1] To Queen Asuka: The pre-registration is over [I accidently missed it...] so you'll have to get walk-in registrations. It's pretty self-explanatory. You walk in, wait in line, and get a registration. Three days: $40 Two days: $30 One day: $20 I'm looking for a schedule, so that I can decide on what days to go. You can just go to the AWA website [awa-con.com], and get more info there. ^_^ Naru: Great! Haven't seen you in a long time. ^_^[/size]
  6. [size=1] It's sort a mutual thing between my friends and I. They usually would rather talk to someone else, and I would rather not talk at all. =_=[/size]
  7. [size=1] Yeah, yeah, I know. [i]Another[/i] relationship thread?! Sorry if this is spam since there already is an absolutely huge Relationship Advice Thread in Otaku Lounge, but I just wanted this thread to specifically be about friendships. --I feel out of it. My 'best' friend and I don't even talk to each other, and when we do, it's minimal. Basically, I don't feel I get along with her at all. Our interests and personalities are too different, even if they say 'opposites attract'. It's not amusing or anything... I basically don't enjoy the company of many of my friends now, and the people I do enjoy are people I barely know. Right now, there's only about three people I can talk to and not feel like punching them in the face. =_= If you want a challenge, it's to talk to me and make me [i]not[/i] get annoyed. Nobody in my entire life has lasted twenty minutes without me getting a bit annoyed. It's nearly impossible, really. My schedule in school is extremely crappy, and I'm not good at making new friends. I always feel like being alone or at least having a conversation other than the usual teenage chat. None of my friends are willing to talk about politics, religion, apsects of life, etc. If I do start a conversation like that, they pull away and change the subject. I'm in a rut.[/size]
  8. [size=1] I hate that MASH game. I don't want to get married, or have kids. [O_o] I actually dislike kids, so I wouldn't be happy raising them. I feel like choking kids when they're being annoying. *wanders off* I'd rather live in a very nice apartment or condo them a house. Somewhere in California, or New England. I don't like houses very much at all...takes too much time to clean and whatnot. YES, I would very much like a dog. ^_^ I love them. Or a ferret. :P Job? Hm....it would be awesome is I were to be a famous author, or better yet a voice actor. To work at Pixar or something would be great. But...yeah. :P I know for certain I don't want to be a doctor, lawyer, real-estate agent, police-woman, fire-fighter, pharmicist, 'soccer mom' [bleh.], company worker, telemarketer, or something to do with the stock market. =_= Those are to list a few... Psychology would be interesing, I guess... I feel like I've seen about 5 of these future threads in the last two months. [try to think of something else!] Lol...why the he** am [i]I[/i] posting in this...? [offtopic] Nezzyjean, cute banner and all, but those eyes are making me feel the need to throw something. XD [offtopic][/size]
  9. [size=1] My parents of the first generation of Koreans in America, and while my father has adapted to computers and knows how to use them well, my mother has no idea what I'm doing. Parents are just trying to protect you from what they hear in the Media, so I can't blame them. If they love you-- they'll most likely bring up the topic at least once. [/size]
  10. [size=1] I believe that dreams are unprocessed thoughts that come to us when we're sleeping [NO, I don't know how that's possible...] and that many of our problems or beliefs are contained in them. I usually forget most of my dreams if I do remember them when I wake up, so they're all pretty much blurry. I have no religion, nor do I believe in any God, and I do not think I should live my life just to obtain a certain truth or knowledge. I basically think we should live our lives the way we want to, and when we die, that's the end of it. [/size]
  11. [size=1] Oh, that sucks. =_= I have about...no one to go with. I mean, I do, but I don't think the people that are going with me actually like anime as much as me. lol. I hope it'll still be fun.[/size]
  12. [size=1] This convention is getting close! [Sept. 26-28] I'm thouroughly excited about going...it'll be my first convention. ^_^ I missed the pre-registration, so I'll have to get a walk-in membership, but....=_=. Oh well. I'm going to have to miss the morning activites for Friday, because my mom will die before letting me miss school for this event. Anybody else going?[/size]
  13. [size=1] I already made a post about this in that big sticky, but whatever. IGPX is 20 minutes long, and each episode is about 5 minutes long. Or something like that. I just know that IGPX is extremely short. It's about this tournament with numerous pilot groups sent out to destroy robot....sorry, my memory is a bit fuzzy. =_= The art is good enough, and I think the quality is nice.[/size]
  14. [size=1] I think DN Angel is a very interesting anime....I think it was manga in Asuka Comics first, though. I've never read the manga, but it's expected to come to Tokyopop next spring. [yay] I think there are two good DN Angel sites, but all you really have to do it Google it.[/size]
  15. [size=1] I wasn't able to watch it because you said we needed the latest version of Realplayer, so the only advice I can give you is to not make it so that it's only available on RealPlayer. It's annoying enough to just get a free trial of it...[/size]
  16. [size=1] Yeah, I was lacking of self-control. I'm not obsessed with anime anymore [as some of you have assumed], and I've taken an interest in other things. I barely even talk about the stuff anymore, even though I still like it. I blame myself for what happened to me, but how much self control can a fifth grader have? [...yeah. O_o][/size]
  17. [size=1] Hey, drawing all that stuff must be hard enough...I think they deserve it.[/size]
  18. [size=1] Don't worry, this thread is brought to you by a full-blooded otaku fan. :3 It's just that anime has made a more negative than positive effect on me. Anime is a very interesting and fun thing to have as a hobby or interest. It's just that many people tend to get obsessed/addicted to it, and can't leave the TV screen or get off the computer while looking at anime stuff. In my own experience, I've suffered from low grades [a frightening experience for me, since I was used to getting striaght As], attitude problems, and being so 'into' anime that for a while I could not talk about anything else except my favorite anime shows. It also shows you a world of pornographic fanfictions and art, and some people get addicted to that, too. =_= On the up side, I've been introduced to drawing the stuff, and I really enjoy that. EDIT: Oh yeah, and it striped me of all my money as well.[/size]
  19. [size=1] I practically forced one of my friends into watching anime, and she likes it a bit. :P None of my other friends like it, though. In fact, they don't even know what it is. =_= I know this girl named Kala I just met, and she told me she liked anime, but that's just two people. [one of which was forced] I actually don't want everyone to suddenly start liking anime, it's actually something I'm afraid of. :3[/size]
  20. [size=1] I'm 13 and I still watch cartoons....mainly anime, but still. Many people are under the impression that cartoons are just for kids...but they're [i]not[/i]. Wow. I actually hate Spongebob, and the only cartoon on Nickelodeon I ever enjoyed watching was Invader ZIM and Angry Beavers. :P But anyways, I know lots of teenagers that are in love with Spongebob, so you're not alone.[/size]
  21. [size=1] Arm...we had to do that brush art in the Korean school I go to. Very hard stuff.... Anyways, nice job. It's better than a lot of people can do. [/size]
  22. [size=1] Yay! O_o Heh, very nice picture. Especially the dialogue! ^_~ The coloring and drawing are both very nice and well done. I'm quickly growing onto your style...[/size]
  23. [size=1] [i]Also, please try to clean up your posts a bit...it is very hard to decipher what you are trying to say at points...[/i] .....yeah. The War on Iraq was a huge debate amongst many people, so I'm guessing that some soldiers thought it was stupid, too. Heaven's Cloud is right...in practically every aspect. Soldiers should know what they're getting into in the first place, anyway. And I highly doubt that the recent war was caused by love--lusted love or real love. [/size]
  24. [size=1] I don't know much about this topic, but I believe that love can cause an interference with many things. It can create problems, arguments, etc. I really don't believe that love has more rewarding things than the negative results, but if there's no bad days, how can you enjoy good days? The example of love you use in your thread [of how southerners [i]loved[/i] having slaves and the love of freedom] is probable. Maybe the southerners were sadistic. =_= But I guess anyone would yearn for freedom. I just know someone is going to come and make a smart rebuttle to this, but yes, I think love can be an indirect cause of war. Or anything smaller, for that matter. Love is a pretty big thing, so I'm guessing it can cause pretty big things...[/size]
  25. [size=1] I hate history, but it's my best subject. =_= Anyways... Very nice poem. I think it flows well, and I also think the middle stanza is nice. :P I really know nothing of poems, so I wouldn't know. Great job.[/size]
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