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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] ::laughs:: The dialogue for Cid will be easy. Cid: FU** x100. :P Anyways, the picture you posted in this thread is great, I like your style [i]and[/i] coloring. ^_^ Keep up the good work! [/size]
  2. [size=1] Pfft. You're complaining about not being able to go to a K-Mart down the street during lunch? You're complaining too much. My school is extremely uptight, and from the day my school was created, all of those rules you stated were installed into the Rule Book. [except for the nametags. That's actually kind of [i]too[/i] secure. =_=] [/size]
  3. [size=1] I don't think the series ever tells us that Spike and Julia are married. But anyways, I liked the ending. I'm a sucker for endings that are either depressing/angsty/someone dies. O_o Don't ask...[/size]
  4. [size=1] How could I survive without a backpack.... Well, our lockers are pretty small, so it gets annoying when there's hardly any space for me to shove my backpack in, but it's better than no backpack at all. I think the 'No Backpack' rule was made with best intentions [though nothing ever good comes of that...]. It's scary to think about some outcast who just got dumped raid your school and kill people. =_= I could live without a bookbag. Our school doesn't allow bookbags during the school day, anyway.[/size]
  5. [size=1] I used to be a huge sucker for Link, but I'm the best with Roy. :P At first, I would play with no one but Link, but I started playing with other characters. Zelda, Kirby, Mario, Young Link [bleh], Mr. Game and Watch, and Marth. None of them were to my liking, [especially Young Link...], but as soon as I started to play with Roy, I was actually winning. :3 [/size]
  6. [size=1] Without commercials, there would be no way for the workers/actors/directors/etc. to get money from their job. You expect them to do it for free? But I hate them, anyway.[/size]
  7. [size=1] Yeah...I'm hoping that Kingdom Hearts 2 will give us further information on Riku's and Sora's relationship. :P I'm very curious, anyway.[/size]
  8. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I'd like Cloud to die. Not any way specific, just die. I'd also like Squall to die, although I have specific methods in mind. I hated that idiot. At least Cloud has some sort of meaningful side to him and a purpose for his existance. Celes was an awesome character in every respect. She had a great power, great backstory, great art... she was just a very well rounded character that I think actually worked well. Especially her scenes with Cid and that other guy (his name escapes me). She almost seemed like the focal point, ahead of Terra even. I'd go with her or Cecil. If FFXII turns out as amazingly as I'm expecting, I'll probably change my vote heh. [/B][/QUOTE] *places Semjaza Azazel under list of people to Maim* How can you not like him? I love his hair. I mostly like Cloud because of his appearance. Shallow, I know, but whatever. Maybe that's why I hate Squall...I think he's actualy very ugly. =_= But I have another character I love, from FVII as well. Cid has always been a peak of interest for me...don't ask. O_o;; I can't explain it, I just think he's a cool character. Unless someone [i]else[/i] wants to kill him off, too. :3[/size]
  9. [size=1] Oh, geez don't get me started. I was a part of Wormbaby forums, and I swear, if the OB mods were unleased upon that spawning ground of...spam, 100 people would be banned on the spot. OB is a good board, actually, I think it's excellent.[/size]
  10. [size=1] Well, overall, I usually like anime better for some reason, but I'm 50/50 on this topic. The manga does get very serious towards the end, while the TV show is always making me laugh. ^_^ Music plays a huge part for me when I watch anime, and I can't say there's many songs I like in the Chobits animated series. The theme song was very catchy, but I don't like it too much. I have not seen the whole anime series, though, only about four episodes. [/size]
  11. [size=1] I saw the Green Mile a while back, I liked that movie as well. :P I thought it was pretty good... I don't own the movie either, but my sister has somehow watched it about 20 times. =_= I'm planning on getting her the DVD.[/size]
  12. [size=1] :P Semjaza Azazel was the first angel after Lucifer to betray God, right? Not sure, really. I read something of it a very long time ago. But anyways, I don't believe in angels. Mainly because I don't believe in God or some Spirit either. I really do think all these 'angel' sightings are made up or some other supernatural thing.[/size]
  13. [size=1] Her arm is way off, but the rest is great! ^_^ I've never really tried my hand at painting, and I don't think I should...lol. The painting looks very nice, anyway.[/size]
  14. [size=1] ^_^ Very nice job. I think you did great on the coloring as well. Now that I think of it, his legs are [i]extremely[/i] long, but it still looks great.[/size]
  15. [size=1] ::dies laughing:: Extremely well drawn picture. Yes, well, the pairing is a bit disturbing to say in the least, but what do you expect....? :P[/size]
  16. [size=1] :twitch: Well...um...nice pictures. They're actually very well drawn, methinks. The theme of the whole thing is a bit unconventional....but whatever. Nice job.[/size]
  17. [size=1] Well, his facial expression kind of ruins the whole thing. It looks like he doesn't give a rat's a** about it...[/size]
  18. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Braidless Baka [/i] [B][color=orangered] *grins* Whenever this topic comes up I can tell you almost straight off the bat which members will find it and make comment ;) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Like me. :toothy: Same here. I've been in too many yaoi debates...O_o Many people make jokes about yaoi couples because they feel like it. It's a joke, nothing something to be taken seriously. It's not like [i]I[/i] get angry when someone makes an obviously [b]gay[/b] character and makes him straight. It's all part of the fanworks.[/size]
  19. [size=1] I saw this movie very long ago, but it's still one of my favorites. ^_^ Most movies with Morgan Freeman are good. Anyways, the movie is mainly about this guy [I don't remember his name] and how he's thrown into jail. Morgan Freeman is the narrator of the whole movie, and I think he does a damn good job of it.... I loved the movie, and I never get tired of it. :P The warden got me a bit angry, added with his obsession with religion. O_o [moron.] [/size]
  20. [size=1] Very cool. :D I was going to reply to this before, but I never got around to it. ^_^ Both the art and coloring is great. Keep up the good work![/size]
  21. [size=1] What font did you use? I see it all the time, but I don't have it....:3 But anyways, excellent banner. I love the background, it looks...cool. ^_^[/size]
  22. [size=1] I really think it's just a coincidence. [/size]
  23. [size=1] Nice coloring, I think it's great for a first-timer. [Though, I wouldn't know because I've never CGed....::grumbles::] :D[/size]
  24. eleanor


    [size=1] ::kills DeviantART several times:: Ah, that felt better. You know, the best thing I like about that picture is the background and text. Fits very nicely. The girl's fingers look a bit short, but it's all good. :toothy: If there's one thing I don't like about the picture, it's that big gray blocky thing underneath the crying girl and behind that green-haired angel person. I really have no idea of what it's supposed to be. Nice job, anyway. The coloring is excellent [as usual! ^_^], and I really do think you did a excellent job with that background.[/size]
  25. [size=1] Awesome. :toothy: Excellent picture. It's very clean well-drawn. Keep up the great work. ^_^[/size]
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