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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] The eyes look a bit deformed, but everything else is great. Nice job with the detail on the hair and clothes, I think it looks great. ^_^ I also like the inking of this picture.[/size]
  2. [size=1] Parody? Parody of what....? O_o But anyways, the anime sounds interesting enough. Might check it out...[/size]
  3. [size=1] I would erase nothing. I learn from our mistakes and from other people's mistakes, and sometimes it good to have human emotions. I don't think erasing a human emotion would help us.[/size]
  4. [size=1]....Um...what exactly was Trouble Chocolate about?[/size]
  5. [size=1] The [i]only[/i] reason I entered Hot Topic was to get Invader ZIM shirts. This whole 'goth' thing at my school makes me turn away from some people. Ever since Hot Topic has come to our mall, many people decided to spend $200 buying black clothes that are outrageously over-priced. Oh yeah, and downloading bands' songs we've never heard of but decided to download them anyway because we saw a t-shirt with the name on it and then continue on to act like eveybody else is mindless sheep, unless one is wearing all black and listening to obscure bands. Evolution: I love N'Sync! *one year later* I hate N'Sync! Avril Lavrigne rocks! *two days later* Avril is SUCH a poser. Good Charlotte is the [i]real[/i] thing! *one day later* I hate the world. Watch me be evil. [/size]
  6. [size=1]A FFVII sequel would be great, but I'm wondering where they would take the story. Unless like...Zach appears out of nowhere and Cloud starts to have depression problems again. Anyways-- I found this article while seraching Google. I can't exactly label it as a reliable source, because the website isn't official or anything. [i]Months ago few Square's workers hinted that they would be willing to make a sequel for Square's biggest hit till date - FF7. Now it looks like theirs as well as thousands of fans dream is becoming true - development of the game has already begun and this week's Dorigama magazine was lucky to get a teaser story about the upcoming game to their latest issue. After FF7 was released in 1997 it was an instant hit and it's still Square's most successful game. It has sold the amazing 9 million copies worldwide and is still in sale in many places. How many other games from the year 1997 you see people still wanting to buy? Not too many, I'd assume. Because FF7 was such a success, some people in Square started thinking that making a sequel might work. It would please the fans, and they'd get a second chance to add all kinds of things that had to be left out from the original game because running out of time and money. But Hironobu Sagacughi, who was then the head of the game development, was strictly against direct sequels, and besides they had a new project in sight - FF8. So the sequel talking was only left on the stage of an idea, but it never developed anywhere. Then Hironobu stepped down, and the new executives weren't so much against the idea of sequels - if only the quality would remain the same, why not to continue the fantasy? FF8 and FF9 hadn't been such successes as FF7 had been and Square's financial situation was getting worse. Investing in a sequel, would be a risk, because they had never made a direct one to a Final Fantasy game before. What if fans of the series would be against the whole idea? However, FFX brought a lot of money to the house and the development of FFX-2 started, which had been the plan ever since they started working on with FFX. FFX would still be a new game, people would remember it, and if the sequel would sell, it might open new possibilities for making of other sequels as well. Then, few weeks ago FFX-2 was released in Japan and as it was assumed, it became a hit. Square's financial situation is pretty secured, the merger with another RPG giant Enix will take place at the start of the next month. But when mapping out the games this newly formed gaming house has in development - a new game had appeared on their schedule list: Without official name it was simply called "FF7-2". Square is now ready taking the risks that making a direct sequel to their old game might cause. The fans might hate it, think it will ruin the reputation of their best title. Also, because FF7 was such a fantastic game, the game developers have a tough job trying to top themselves. Having a bad sequel to a good game, might just ruin the reputation of the original as well. And because it's FF7, people will be waiting for something new, something spectacular, a game that is just "alright" won't be enough for the fans. And because FF7 is rather old game (the first one Square made for Sony Playstation), some fans who are playing the games now might have not even played the original. Graphics have also developed in giant leaps in six years, will Square be able to keep the same atmosphere that was present during the first game in the instalment? The world is still crazy about the FFX-2 hype, and the development of FF7-2 isn't very far yet, but once the FFX-2 boom will die down, we can expect more information of this new FF7 game. A short teaser story with only a few promotional pictures of the characters was seen in this week's Dorigama magazine still gives a good glimpse what the future game will be like. The game is apparently taking place only two years after the meteor hit. The humanity survived and are now trying to start their lives again. Tifa seems to be the main character, and it was promised that many of the old friends from FF7 will be teaming up when the game develops, as well few new friends too. After the hit, Tifa woke up in Cosmo Canyon without her friends. Everyone thought they were dead and Tifa hasn't heard of them in two long years. Midgar was ruined completely and without Shinra, it has become a place of crime. Midgar used to be a wealthy area and many thought they could become rich by going there after everyone had died, and those people ganged up forming a new population, and soon no one dared to enter the ghost city anymore. Tifa hears news concerning the new leader of the gangs and he seems strangely familiar¡¦ Tifa plans to start her journey to Midgar to solve the mystery, if the leader of the gangs really is Cloud. Looks like he has once again lost his memory and thinks he is someone else¡¦ Cloud seems to be villain in this game, but it's not carved into the stone that he wouldn't become a playable character at some point. Motorcycles seem to play a big role in the game and there were hints that maybe it would be a whole new minigame that would play a bigger role in the storyline than the motorcycle chase we witnessed in FF7. Not much else is known, but it's assumed that the game would give answers to the game that were left unanswered in the previous game, and it will probably explain the scene we see after the credits in FF7 that displays a ruined Midgar covered in greens. But who is that guy in the GG picture kissing Tifa? (if that's Tifa at least, but no one else was mentioned in the text) Square is now working on with numerous titles at the same time and soon they'll merge officially with Enix, this one company has enormous amount of games in process at the same time. FF11 still hasn't been released in North America/Europe, FFX-2's NA copy is suspected to come out next autumn and in Europe maybe for Christmas. FF:CC for GameCube will be released soon and new versions of that for NA and Europe will be coming on their way. No news how far in development FF12 is yet, but we've already seen a teaser picture from that too, so it must be coming out sometime - maybe next year. FFOrigins is also coming¡¦ and there has been rumours of Kingdom Hearts sequel that Square would be developing with Disney. Not that long ago IGN gave hints that FFX-3 might be in plans as well, though nothing has been confirmed yet. Looks like us Final Fantasy gamers will be treated very well in the future, not to mention all the other RPG titles Square Enix will be producing. The personnel has been divided into their own individual groups that will be working on their own titles. This is a clear sign that Square Enix is ready to challenge the big gaming companies, such as EA and Infogames that are releasing numerous new games every year. But will people get bored of Final Fantasy if they start releasing more games more often? If the quality stays the good, I doubt it. I'm not too keen on FF7's sequel myself. FF7 was a good game and wouldn't need a sequel, especially when you think that what scene the game ended. But we'll see how it will turn out, it's understandable that the game developers would like to continue their most successful game. It wasn't said that what platform the game would be for, but PS2 would be the most obvious one. No estimate that when the game will be coming out hasn't been heard yet, but this was only a "teaser" so we can expect that information when the process in the development has reached a bit further. [/i] [img]http://ffwa.org/news/images/2003/31`03`2003/magazinescan.jpg[/img] [img]http://ffwa.org/news/images/2003/31`03`2003/magazinescan2.jpg[/img][/size]
  7. [size=1] When I think about it, the only anime yaoi pairings I like are pairings with people who really do make people think they're gay. For example, Kaworu and Shinji. Anti-yaoi people might argue that Kaworu is [spoiler]an angel and therefore cannot be 'gay'[/spoiler] and that Shinji and Kaworu just had an extremely deep friendship. Yeah, that works too, but in the series, Kaworu [spoiler] actually says, "I love you." Not in the friendly sort of way, but Japanese for I [i]really[/i] love you.[/spoiler] There are a number of yaoi pairings that are insanely popular, but most of them are based off of probable personalities. The HeeroxDuo pairing came in top five for Favorite Anime Pairings in the Animerica magazine. Why? [OK, right off the bat, most everyone hates Relena and what else are shounen-ai/yaoi fans to do when they see an anime show about 5 cute men and about 2 woman?] I actually have no idea. I have never seen Gundam Wing, but people claim that Heero and Duo are a good couple. I personally don't like the couple, but whatever. Let's talk about a more 'based on facts and not fanservice' couple. TrowaxQuatre. I seriously do think that [spoiler] Catherine is Trowa's sister[/spoiler] and Mr. I'm Perfectly Okay Wearing a Pink Shirt is at least bisexual. There are no possible girls in the anime that could pair up with them, either. And judging by Trowa's personality and probably scarred past, he has only let Quatre into his life. People argue that the creators of these anime series never inteneded for certain couples to be gay. ::coughcough::HIEIXKURAMA::coughcough:: But the creators have also said [in more polite terms in real life] that they don't give a rat's *** about what fans do. Let's take a look at my signature. Many of the pairings there are pairings someone like Milliefan would dislike. No offense, but I'm judging this off of what you said before. Kenshin/Sanoske? I'm a huge yaoi fan, and have no problem with it, but many people will argue [and are right] that both Kenshin and Sanoske are definately straight. Same goes for couples like Vash/Wolfwood. But fear not, yaoi fans. There are plently of animes that actually have official gay couples....:toothy: ::hugs CardCaptors::[/size]
  8. [size=1] Rewind to sixth grade, begin life over. I would really enjoy that. I truly would. The amounts of mistakes and regrets I have over sixth and seventh grade are astounding.[/size]
  9. [size=1] :D I loved those chibi strips. Domon was so cute. ^__^ I like the banner, very amusing. [/size]
  10. [size=1] You'd be surprised at what mangas won last year's contest. I've talked to many artists with extremely-well drawn out mangas that did not win at all. The winners' mangas' art was worse than many of the artists I've talked to, but they reason they won was because of their storyline and unique-ness. --Well, :/...there was one manga entry that won, and it was a magna style version of some story by Hanes Christian Anderson. The artist won because of her spacing...=_= [/size]
  11. [size=1] Er...Can't see them well. They're very small... =_=[/size]
  12. [size=1] [b] From [i]Animation Insider[/i][/b] -[i]Cartoon Network officially announced today IGPX, confirming our previous report. However, the network has clarified that IGPX is not a new series, but in fact, a "new total immersion event." On Monday, September 15, the network will air Toonami: Immortal Grand Prix (IGPX). Airing daily September 15-19 during Toonami (5-7 p.m.), Cartoon Network's action-adventure programming block, IGPX will feature a new 5-minute episode each day. Produced by Cartoon Network and Production IG, the well-known Japanese production studio that created Ghost in the Shell the story of the 12th Immortal Grand Prix concludes on Friday, September 19. Throughout the week, Toonami fans will be able to go online to watch episodes and play the new IGPX game, which incorporates characters from the on-air story. It is the year 2035. Team Suzaku and Team Sledge Mamma are preparing to meet in the final round of the 12th Immortal Grand Prix (IGPX). Takeshi leads Team Suzaku, which is made-up of a group of young amateur pilots who must make the most of their limited funds and weaponry in order to prepare for the competition designed for professionals. Team Sledge Mamma consists of three professional, cybernetic opponents who are known to be merciless and have remained undefeated throughout this year's competition. Each IGPX battle matches two teams with 3 Mechs, high tech fighting machines. Utilizing any form of weaponry within the regulated weight limit, the pilots of these fighting machines must defeat all of the Mechs belonging to the opposition. The pilots are protected from injury during battle in a Hide Shell. Once a Mech is significantly damaged during competition, the Hide Shell is ejected. After achieving 12 victories in previous rounds, two teams advance to the championship competition. Cartoon Network.com will unveil an all-new IGPX game to coincide with the on-air event. Sponsored by PlayStation: Jak II, IGPX is a tactical fighting game that places fans in the driver's seat of a team of three IGPX mobile fighters. After successfully defeating one of the IGPX teams, registrants will receive either a Team Suzaku or Team Sledge Mamma Orbit cRing. [/i] I've seen short previews for it on CN, and they only thing I can really say about it is that I think the animation quality looks great. ^_^;;[/size]
  13. [size=1] Oh yeah, you can't forget the two chicks in the elevator and [spoiler]Kaworu's death scene.[/spoiler][/size]
  14. [size=1] Um...I wasn't aiming that statement at you...I was just using your example. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.[/size]
  15. [size=1] Arkadyz, you are my new best friend. ^_^;; Like I said in my previous post, I liked the ending as well. To Artemis: Well...I haven't taken any philosophy classes [I will be taking one next summer...huzzah!], but I believe Hideaki Anno was actually diagnosed with depression at that time. [/size]
  16. [size=1] Ideas like "Love conquers all, including God." and the existence of demons and witches don't bother me at all. Well...I don't believe they're trying to [i]force[/i] these ideas on you, it's just part of the anime. Good anime movies and shows [in my opinion] explore themes and ideas that you aren't introduced to many times, or never at all. And you must keep in mind that they are only cartoons; ink on paper. [/size]
  17. [size=1] I do not see how time can change things in a way so that everything is opposite of what we're used to. I don't think it could be probable...but who knows? In repsonse of Heaven's Cloud 'bowl' theory: -I actually think it makes sense. =_= I don't know a thing about all these figures you people are talking about [hey, I'm only 13].... If the marble were to spiral down the bowl, and the bowl had no defined center and was infinite, I guess you'd use that to define the 'time' we're in right now. Going into a black hole, in my opinion, would not make the 'marble' to actually go any faster. I personally think the force of gravity in the black hole would kill you, but...yeah. But if the marble were to slow down, that would mean it would go faster into the future, yes? Well....doesn't that mean that we must slow the speed of the marble to go into the future? :/ And we'd have to go faster to go back into the past....it's interesting to say in the least. If I were to imagine time was a ray going on infinitely, how could we go into the past? Could we slow something down so much that it would go [i]backwards?[/i] ....In movies, we usually get the idea that when someone time travels into the future, they are surrounded by a futuristic world. But if we take the bowl theory, and the ball looses its acceleration and jumps into the future, will anything be there? Will anything actually be changed? If that marble were to be Earth, the marble would stop, how could it stop somewhere if the bowl is infinite with no center? O_o[/size]
  18. [size=1] For one, I believe Justin is admirable because of his devotion to Christianity. I admire anyone deeply devoted to his/her religion...I really do. Which actually makes little sense because I'm Athiest....but whatever. I really don't care, as I said before, but if it isn't removed, it's violation the constituion. [i]And[/i] it is the spawning ground of many arguments about religion.[/size]
  19. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]Actually schools are the perfect place to teach religion. [/B][/QUOTE] No...no, it isn't. It's a very [i]bad[/i] place to teach religion.[/size]
  20. [size=1] Oh, geez, I forgot about MyOtaku, I really did. [I'm serious] But in truth...I thought it would be cool if a bunch OBers could just post 'em in the same thread.[/size]
  21. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]They are right. In the catagory of Nu Metal even there is better stuff than SoAD. If you want to get more hardcore then stray into the underground, lol. SoAD isn't the 'real stuff' for the genre their sound puts them in. *puts on some Mastodon* There we go. ---- [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ::raises eyebrow:: Yeah...I listen to music I like and I'm a [i]poser.[/i] Go figure.[/size]
  22. [size=1] Excellent, excellent coloring! I love the girl's pink hair in the second one.... Serena does look strange, but I'm still in love with the coloring. The Rayearth picture is also very well done.... Keep up the good work![/size]
  23. [size=1] I don't know if this is a good topic that won't get closed, but I decided to make a thread about what happens in your life. =_= Well, anything significant. :P [b][Friday, August 29][/b] -I am [i]still[/i] worrying over the geometry test I took today. I beleive I got an 85 at the highest. Lord knows what I will get....My geometry teacher [Mr.Szigety] won't allow curves either because we're in middle school. ::frowns:: Some people in my class are really good with it...but it's strange because those same people did horrible in algebra last year. Maybe because geometry is a different concept...? Dunno. So I was in a bad mood when I came home today, but I was surprised by a brand new cello sitting in a beautiful burgandy case. The cello was magnificent, and a light from the heavens came down, and small animals gathered around it.... Flowers bloomed everywhere! Ahem. Yeah. I'm pretty pleased with it.... But my mom hasn't bought it yet. My sister's high school orchestra teacher wants to check how it sounds... me: But Mr. Kim [high school orchetra conductor] isn't even my teacher. sister: *still in daze about becoming Cenntenial's concertmaster* Yeah.... me: ..... sister: I got...[i]concertmaster[/i].... So that's basically what all the conversations were with my sister yesterday. But I'l proud of her because...well, Centennial has an excellent orcehstra (when I say excellent, I [i]mean[/i] it) and Haynes Bridge (my middle school) has an extremely crappy orchetra. Lol [/size]
  24. [size=1] Pfft, unlimited money, [i]of course[/i]. Heh, I'm a greedy little kid. :P But I mainly want money so I can help my father's new buisness....and pay for my sister's college tuition [she's a senior]. ^_^ Then use the rest to get myself stuff...[/size]
  25. [size=1][size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ayokano [/i] [B] [strike]Invader Zim!!!-I am wierd when I am close to people...And have this strange feeling I want to take over the world some times....[/strike] [/B][/QUOTE] ::laughs quietly:: ::laughs more loudly:: ::laughs insanely:: ...I love Invader ZIM. Yes, well...I'm a bit like Gaz at times. [/size]
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