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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duelist22 [/i] [B]I dont like Yaoi pairings AT ALL. They make me angry. :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] I don't like your attitude AT ALL. It makes me angry. :toothy: It was unresistable.[/size]
  2. [size=1] I don't care, but it's better for it to be removed. The constitution talks about freedom of religion, and there's a Ten Commandments statue in front of a state house. [b]Christians who think the removal is stupid:[/b] Would you like it if there was a Satan worshiper sign in front of your state's courthouse? No. It's ridiculous that one would assume that since most of America is Christian--Let's build statues of Jesus while we're at it! Woopee.......no, I don't think so. P.S. I don't like saying the Pledge of Allegiance at all. [/size]
  3. [size=1] The typical stereotypes about the popular people ['preps'], 'goths', and 'punks' are stupid. What do we judge them by? What they wear? What they listen to? I listen to the Backstreet Boys and System of a Down. What does that make me? The prep/goth? Oh, wait, the [i]real[/i] goths think I'm a poser since System of a Down isn't the 'real stuff'. Right.[/size]
  4. [size=1] Ok, well...hm...this isn't an anime character, but whatever. [b]Jim[/b] [Treasure Planet] -I know, I know, it's a Disney movie. [you got a problem with that?] Hey...I like Disney movies so--shut up. :P I kid. Anyways, when I first saw the movie, I almost cried [trust me...I [i]never[/i] cry during movies....except for Grave of the Fireflies] because of the resemblance Jim and I had. So, I look back at that time and think I was the [i]stupidest[/i] moron then, but still. I [i]hate[/i] getting jobs or positions that make me feel that I can do better. Whenever I get in trouble, I feel that I don't have to go through a talk with my mother, and I [i]know[/i] what she's going to say. The main part of resemblance was that I felt the need to do what my passion was, but was never allowed to. Since all Disney movies end happily, I can't say the ending is same for me. [b]Asuka[/b][Neon Genesis Evangelion] -Hey, it's only on the inside. I used to have an extreme jealousy problem, so if someone did better than me in areas I did well, I went overboard. ::coughcoughDRAWINGcoughcough:: I used to feel like I [b]had[/b] to beat the one person or do better. It's actually a different story now-- I don't even care. Whenever I hear someone say to someone else: Wow, that's an awesome drawing!-- I feel no need to butt in and steer the conversation into showing people [i]my[/i] art. When someone shows me their art, I don't even mention that I also draw. I don't even draw much anymore. I think there's something wrong with me. Heh, I have this drive to now write and study philosophy. :toothy: Which is perfect because I want to become an author when I grow up, and this very, very, very x1000 fun academic camp [TIP] has a philosophy class. [b][insert any quiet, observing anime character][/b] -I tend to point out facts and observations that make people ignore me or not want to talk to me. I'm usually very quiet now [a huge change from last year] and I don't feel to talk very much. [/size]
  5. [size=1] ::rolls eyes:: I hate the word, 'poser'. My friends and I were playing SMBM, and this girl named Jean was playing with Roy. So [i]I[/i] played with Roy and she went insane. She kept on calling me a poser and the only person she would attack was me. [i]Oh my god.[/i] That girl is wearing her hair just like mine. POSER! [I actually heard someone say this....] Anyways....I think Linkin Park is allright, but definately not one of my favorite bands.[/size]
  6. [size=1] In the long run, I'd say booksmarts are more important. Common sense is also important...but, you just gotta have booksmart to get a good future. :toothy: They say the smarter you are, the less common sense you have. [/size]
  7. [size=1] I mean...her legs are VERY short. Even if you are short, the legs should always be proportional to the rest of the body... For the next picture: I'm still new to your style, but everything seems to be allright. ^_^ Good job![/size]
  8. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fiasco [/i] [B]Well, it's not the only reason why I'm the way I am. Secondly because I'm not talking about all blacks. Just the niggers. The ones who think they are a "gangsta" or whatever, I hate it. And they mess with stuff and it ticks me off. And when I start something with them, they won't fight me for two reasons. One, I've got my crew with me, two, we are stronger then them. And even if they pulled a gun or something on us, we have...We just don't show. :) So there. [/B][/QUOTE] Ouch. If I don't remember correctly, the N-word [ha! The N-word...] you said is very offensive and just bad. ::frowns:: I suggest you don't use it.... I know that some whites try to 'become black' and join gansters. It happens everywhere.[/size]
  9. [size=1] Nice picture, but her legs are extremely short. I don't know if you were going for the chibi-stuff, but it looks a weird either way. Her fingers are also positioned in the wrong way...but the rest is fine! ^_^ I like her hair...[/size]
  10. [size=1] ::laughs:: I believe that I am one of the very few people who [i]liked[/i] the ending. What did you expect from Evangelion? A happy ending where Shinji saves the world and kills the last angel? :P I don't think so... The last two episodes actually dissappointed fans [i]very[/i] much, and many people said that it was weak. Ok, the whole "Congradulation!" thing was a bit corny, but I liked it. ^_^ Anyways, Hideaki made up for it with one of absolute favorite anime movies...[/size]
  11. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by yalborap [/i] [B]We all hope. But like I said in that post, at least none of us live with her. And for your amusement, I made a scenario: User: Mom, can I watch [insert really good anime that's pretty mature like end of evangi-whatever]? That woman: Sure, dear. All cartoons are violence free, even at 1 in the morning.*sees that anime*OMG!! What is that?!! That's not a good cartoon like what my husband heard about from his 20-something friends! I must complain for my lack of parenting skill and write a ****** article about this! Onward!*runs in her 1950s style dress to the computer* Eh, I could never use this new fangled thing. Son, will you write up a horrible article about that quality anime you just watched? user: Sure, I don't have any other life, why not?*writes the article* woman: How'd you do that? So, now everyone around the world can read that? They must see us! Hurry, destroy the evil japenese spying device!*destroys comp* user:*gets t mobile sidekick/laptop/DC* THE END So, what did you think? [/B][/QUOTE] [i]Evangelion[/i]. =_= I couldn't resist. I guess some people just don't watch late night TV much. Don't worry, I'm 99.9% sure that FLCL was not cancled because of that article. It wasn't a huge article, and it's on some random website. [/size]
  12. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]Sheesh, accidentally leave an extra "l" in and you never hear the end of it. :p Cel shading is what everyone else said, though. And yes, the coloring is simply excellent. For an example of what is [i]not[/i] cel shaded in your image, look at the shadows of the floor. Blurred. Not sharp at all. As for me, cel shading and I do not get along. I get this inate urge to just blur the edges, because my attempts always look far too blocky. Heh. Again, that image rocketh. I'm keeping that one. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks, but I really thought you spelled it cell-shading [i]with[/i] the extra 'l'. My bad. But I have to say to Piromunkie: the floor's blurry colors and the cel [ha, no extra 'l']-shading seem like a strange contrast. :P Still a very nice picture, though.[/size]
  13. [size=1] Very, [i]very[/i] cool. I like the simplicity and...uh, gray-ness. ^_^;; Nice job, anyways.[/size]
  14. [size=1] One year and counting....or something like that. Heh, I really am not affected by it at all. I still love anime, but not to the extent as I used to. I'd rather have me earn money and buy the DVDs. But anyways...I actually have other things to do now.[/size]
  15. [size=1] Dude, I [i]love[/i] Dexter's Laboratory! The show is awesome...and I guess you can tell that the creator is an anime fan because of the old-school mecha designs he uses. Sometimes.[/size]
  16. [size=1] Well, the younger blood are the kind that tend to have problems stringing sentences together. I really don't want 1000 people joining and then never post on OB again. ::frowns:: ...I take that back, I'm pretty young myself. Lol. But I do believe that many people will be joining the boards soon.[/size]
  17. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IloveBebop [/i] [B]I know that some jokes about yaoi couples are funny, [/B][/QUOTE] They sure are, aren't they? I really think it's unnessecary to actually make a [i]thread[/i] about you hating yaoi. Keep it in your sig...[/size]
  18. [size=1] My mom would kill me if I were to stay up until 12:00 AM watching television in the first place. Parents are responsible for monitoring their children, and that includes what they watch.[/size]
  19. [size=1] What exactly did the commercial say...? Just wondering.[/size]
  20. [size=1] ::frowns:: If you've seen anime, you've seen cell-shading. It's when an artists does not blend the colors as they get darker or lighter, but instead making one part darker in a 'blocky' sort of thing and not blending. It's kind of hard to explain...[/size]
  21. [size=1] Anime has changed me in both positive and negative ways. I got hooked on anime in fifth grade, and my grades dropped and my became obsessed with watching TV and going on the computer. On the other hand...it got me into drawing anime and has made my mind more open. :P[/size]
  22. eleanor

    The Classics

    [size=1]Ode to Joy [Beethoven],Adagio for Strings [Samuel Barber], Bach's Cello Suites [Duh.], and many of Tchaikovsky's pieces. [rant mode]I don't think many people can truly appreciate classical music until they try playing a string instrument. Because let me tell you...it's hard. The amount of practice and concentration you need to play a string instrument well is...[i]huge[/i]. No, I am not trying to insult other instruments, but I believe that string instruments are the hardest to play. Yes, I do play the piano and used to play some flute. Orchestra itself in under appreciated, while marching bands get most of the attention. My sister's high school has an [i]excellent[/i] orchestra...they've gone to Austria, Washington DC, and Disney World to play. They've been invited to countless festivals only for the top of the cream, and what do they get? Two seconds on the intercom...sometimes. It gets my sister angry sometimes. [rant mode off] [/size]
  23. [size=1] Oh, [i]man![/i] Tchaikovsky absolutely owns everyone. ::laughs:: He's my favorite composer of all time, really. I fell in love with him last year. I love all of his songs, and I think he's a genious. ^_^;; He's really just great...[/size]
  24. [size=1] Well....I guess the Jhonen-style in Piro's picture is evident because it's an actual picture on the back of a "SQUEE!" book. :P The coloring is great, and I think you did a good job with the cell-shading. ...and I [i]still[/i] think that the lice monster and Satan turned out amazingly well. Erm...I didn't notice Tickle-me-Helmo in the other picture you posted...but I do now. Yeah...he was pretty disturbing. I have puppet-phobia or something. Hm...nice robot man in the background as well. I don't remember what it was called, only that it had something to do with Jhonen himself and Happy Noodle Boy.[/size]
  25. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i] [B]I don't even like FLCL and I think this is rather intellectually deficient to say the least. Oh, and by the way, FLCL is rated TV-14 here. Or at least five of the episodes were. I think the other was indeed TV-PG. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know what you're trying to say. Are you saying this thread is intellectually deficient or the article about the lady hating FLCL? ::shrugs:: It's not like the lady is going to win. I did a search on Google and nothing appeared about it on the first page. It's just some dinky little article at a website I've never heard of before.[/size]
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