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Everything posted by eleanor
[size=1] I like the Backstreet Boys. The lyrics and music in the Millenium soundtrack are chessy, but I still like listening to it when I'm drawing. I guess when an oddball out sees people following the trend, they don't think about whether the people really like the music. Like I said...I listen to BSB but I don't like Avril Lavrigne or Good Charlotte and the new 'hit songs' that are coming out. I prefer listening to BSB than GC, seriously. ...Actually, my like for BSB is odd because I didn't like N'Sync or Britney Spears who sang in the same genre of music and were popular. Call me a moron or a prep, but I really do like the Backstreet Boys. ::shrugs:: I don't like Hillary Duff, so I choose to ignore her. I don't watch her show or listen to her music, so it's all good. I don't watch the Disney Channel in the first place...only Even Stevens. Louis can pull off very funny faces. The cheesiness of it attracts me. :P I bet if you guys were a super-popular actor and sang...ok...you'd like it to.[/size]
[size=1] Yummy, yummy. ^_^ Nice banner, like always. [yaoi rocks!] I like the picture...[/size]
[size=1] Confronting someone after you have wronged them. ::shrugs:: I'm just too proud sometimes.[/size]
[size=1] Nice banner, although the game's art style is a bit weird to me. The picture is nice, though, and I like those two bars on either side.[/size]
[size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Many say different, maybe its just you. All i know is a large percent of Athiests that i have seen are Goths. My goth g/f, i pretty sure she was. Alot goth kids in my school, athiest. Anyway, what is the deffintiton of a Goth? And why are you insulting me in the first place? Calling me "the single most aggrivating person on the OBs." How is that. Maybe i made a few mistakes here and there all i'm said was that Einstien thought there was a hire being, even though he knew so much about the scientific properties of, well, everything. I never said any one was stupid. Infact, you have. On more than one occasion. YOu have no right to call a person stupid on there opinions? As i said before, i never said all goths were athiest, nor did i say that all athiests were goths. [/B][/QUOTE] Double_D_Daigo, you are pathetic. This is the second time you have quoted me wrong... and how the he** can you have a girlfriend that is Athiest when you're obviously against it? You're a liar, or someone who likes to make things up and later call them mistakes. Although I am also at fault here. I cannot scientifically prove to anyone that God doesn't exist. It's a stalemate; nobody will change anyone else's opinion here.[/size]
[size=1] Oh, yeah. Ok...well, the example I'll give you isn't exactly a dangerous situation, but... In LoTR: TTT, the part where [spoiler]that giant walking tree comes out and sees that all the other trees were cut down,[/spoiler] I started laughing my head off. I often laugh at situations...like once, my insane dog attacked my sister and I started laughing.[/size]
[size=1] ^_^ Cell-shading is a distinct shading anime uses and is used in many fanarts. For example, Mina, look at your banner. See the picture on the far right where Kurama's demon form is? See that part of dark tone near his jawline? Perfect example of cell-shading. Some people use smooth shading, which blends colors together so it looks more real. Cell-shading is making one part lighter or darker, without the blending.[/size]
[size=1] Coloring is great, I'm just going to restate that. If he used the same program I have, then the coloring is awesome. The coloring is clean and yalborap had a good amount of cell-shading.[/size]
[size=1] I have an urge to draw sad people. ::shrugs:: Don't ask, but I think sad people are more fun to draw than happy people.[/size]
[size=1] The Jhonen Vasquez art-style is one I have [i]always[/i] admired. I adore his humor...even if it's morbid and sick. Heh...I love that Squee book. Especially the part where Jhonen shows us those letters from obsessed fans/haters. But anyways. Nice picture, it's actually excellent considering the fact that I will die before I can even try to imitate his art. Satan and the lice monster turned out very nicely. Looks exactly like Jhonen's own work. [/size]
[size=1] Yeah...because I just looked through this entire thread and three people claimed to be Athiest[inculding myself]. I might be wrong about the number, but absolutely nowhere in this thread does an Athiest person say that he/she is Gothic. I've been here longer than you, and at no time do I remeber that someone added that they were a goth if they were Athiest. Are you stupid? Or maybe you like to make things up. Did [i]I[/i] say that you said "all?" No. You are possibly the most aggravating person who has posted in this thread.[/size]
[size=1] Brutal stereotypes tend to be true most of the time. Most Blacks are average or below average on the educational scale. When you see a smart Black, he/she is usually the smartest person you'll ever meet. Most 'Americans' are average or above average. Asians are usually equally split between below average, average, and over average. Most Mexicans are average or below average. Most cheap labor workers are Hispanic or Mexican. Most rich people are white. Call me ignorant and racist, but I beleive what I want to believe. Can you truly look at a black person and think that he must be smart? Can you not look at a group of construction workers and not note that most of them are Mexican? I will never verbally, mentally, or physically abuse someone because of their skin color, but some stereotypes tell me what to expect from some people.[/size]
[size=1] Oh, so since we mortal OBers are [i]so[/i] stupid, we can't be Athiests since we aren't as smart as Albert Einstein? We have to smarter, right? There are excellent theories about the Big Bang and how earth was created, and the people who made them are certainly smarter than you. You can't scientifically prove that the human body has a soul. It's not like scientists can observe a martial artist standing on a teacup and use computers and math to measure how much 'soul energy' they're using. Oh yeah, [i]great[i] statement. Most people who don't believe in God are goths? Right. I bet you've never met a 'goth' before. Kids who try to dress punk because Good Charlotte does don't count. Hm. I think all people who beleive in God are goody-goodies who can't even hit a ball. Does that make you feel warm inside? [no.][/size]
[size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ladyperson7890 [/i] [B]hey QA, not to be rude n all, but does it accur to you that some girls actually act that way in real life(except for the spy thing...i think)? and that some people(like me) enjoy watching american cartoons that appeal to them more than PPG does? and as for topic: i like the american cartoons w/ the anime style...and if you dont...you dont have to watch it...or complain about it...(i should take my own advise...):wow: [/B][/QUOTE] Queen Asuka is merely stating her opinion. Totally Spies may have girls that are true to teenager's personalities, but the way they show it and go through the show bores me. I think Totally Spies is a [i]bad[/i] example of how animators borrow ideas from other animators. I beleive that Totally Spies used to be played on Fox Family, but the ratings were bad so Cartoon Network bought it. I'm not sure about it, though.[/size]
[size=1] Well, I got the scanner working without re-starting the computer for some reason. ::shrugs:: Here's the same girl I drew my style: [img]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/mg3v2.jpg[/img] I resized it to be smaller, since it looks better this way. ^_^ I hate her hair...[/size]
[size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by nezzyjean [/i] [B][size=0] [color=silver] Well its great, considering that you usually don't draw this kindof stuff...its magnificent! Well, u havnt posted ur art in a while..well i like it alot, and i dont really think that either one is much better than the other...they are both so good! Well i give u an 9.o average overall....[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] ::grins:: This is the reason I don't post as much anymore...35 views and 2 replies. ::raises eyebrow:: But anyways, thanks for the comment, keyblade. [and kilanime too] After what you told me on IM, I drew the same girl in my style[sort of] but I don't feel like plugging my scanner in right now. :/ Will do that later.[/size]
[size=1] Because your mother wants you to look your best and stay healthy. Everyone has some kind of problem...nobody's perfect. Learn to ignore it and move on.[/size]
[size=1] :P Here are my attempts at drawing happy girls with fluffy outfits. Of course...you can see many Mystikal rip-offs in here. :toothy: There are actually two versions, the first drawing you see if the 2nd version. [IMG]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/magicalgirlv2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/mgv2.jpg[/IMG] The first version sucked, so I made a new version. Heh. All together, this took me about 45 minutes roughly. I want to color them, but alas, I suck at CG.[/size]
[size=1] Have no idea where that chess piece came from, but excellent picture. I like the CG even if you did mess up [I can't see it, though]. ^__^ Your pictures have got me drawing all these big-eyed anime people...it's actually very weird for me. I usually don't like them. :toothy: Nice, nice, job. [/size]
[size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sniglefager [/i] [B]Actually, there is a scinetific formula that proves that God exists. My friend told me about it last year. I forget where he heard it, but I think it was in a news paper. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm going to take a minute and try to beleive this. But I can't. How can there be a formular proving that God exists? I think it would be bigger news that a obscure article in the newspaper/[/size]
[size=1] Female.....Ash? Very, very strange. But anyways, good job with the coloring. It's done nicely....the artist of the picture is also quite good. ^_~[/size]
[size=1] Well, you can't exactly wish for the Media to dissappear. We wouldn't know what was going on.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Celia [/i] [B][color=0099FF][size=1]If there is no 'God', why would you be posting here? I just found it ridiculous how you don't believe in God; he created everything. Sometimes, our eyes can't see everything. And do you have to see him then you would start believing in him?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Will you beleive there's a super-genious Dodo bird playing pro basketball while bringing Albert Einstein back from the dead and even making lasagna at the same time if it's in a book claimed to be written by the avid followers of the Magnificent Dodo Bird? I don't think so. I beleive many Christians just stay avid believers of God since their parents are probably Christian as well. Can you scientifically prove that God exists? I find it ridiculous how you can assume that everybody who doesn't believe in God is automatically a big moron. Why am I posting here? Because I beleive in the Big freaking Bang and the one-celled bacteria that eventually evolved into nice little organisms. [/size]
[size=1] I HATE forwards and chain letters of all sorts. I see no point in them, and there a waste of my time. I used to get porno ads and credit card deals in my email account, so I had to change it... [b] There is a child from Ghaktafugsistan that is going to have his arms and legs sawed off this week! Send this letter to 100 people in the next five minutes, and he won't some to haunt you. If you send this to 300 people in the next five minutes, your crush will kiss you! Yay![/b] [/size]
[size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angel [/i] [B]My mom doesn't like it when she they curse in anime. She got mad at me when I was watching Yu Yu Hakusho on Adult Swim and she heard a curse word. She says it's senseless for them to curse in cartoons. [/B][/QUOTE] Then tell her it's senseless to cuss in real-life movies and TV shows.[/size]