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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ladyscorp2006 [/i] [B]No offence but I think I am the only girl who doesn't stress over her weight. I am 15 yrs old 5'5" and 120 lbs. As I see it the way I eat (only one meal a day) I should be much more skinnier than I am. But I'm not and I don't care. I like the way I look in a swimming suit. Even though all of my friends say I have a butt bigger than J Lo's and the thigh's to match. I think that most people should not even care. As long as your happy the way you are nothing else should matter. [/B][/QUOTE] You're crazy. How can you only eat one meal per day? That's unhealthy...not to mention stupid...[/size]
  2. [size=1] I love Yami no Matsuei, it has beautiful artwork and a great story... Once again, tsuzuki, I whole-heartedly agree with you. ^_^ Although some people may not want to watch shounen-ai/yaoi anime, they should never make assumptions or believe rumors.[/size]
  3. [size=1] :D I love the shading and the hair. And the eyes. And her clothes. Lol... Her neck and shoulders look a bit too small for her head, but it's still great. ^_^[/size]
  4. [size=1] ....you've actually made real anime? As in animated it an stuff?[/size]
  5. [size=1] I would be honored if someone made a gay couple outta my anime. Because guess what....? MY MAIN CHARACTER IS GAY! O_o. Right....well, anyways. How can you say that you hate yaoi/yuri because the pairings aren't canon, when you've probably wanted to see a non-cannon het couple? Because gay-ness isn't natural and it should be banned? What the hell! Let's gather all the shounen-ai/yaoi and shoujo-ai/yuri fans and all the creators of anime with gay people in them and all those evil fanfiction writers and throw them in the dump! Whattaya say?! Do you know why shounen-ai/yaoi fans get angry and diss people who say yaoi/shounen-ai suck and should be banned? Because the people who are against this theme are the first to provoke the anger. I assure you, 99.9% of the time, it's the people who don't like gay writings or pairings that start the argument depsite the usual "IF YOU DON'T LIKE YAOI, STAY OUT. DO NOT ENTER THIS WESITE/READ THIS FIC." Do you see gay people going around calling striaght couples evil? No. So if you don't like it, ignore. You're not going to suddenly change anyone's opinions. Heck, you'll never change our opinions. So if you don't like it, don't read it, don't look at it, don't enter the websites that say it is absolutely filled with yaoi fun just to flame everyone. I have no problem with anti-yaoi websites. Drumroll please! Because I choose to ignore it. As for this post, I know I'm being hypocritical, but I had to get it out.[/size]
  6. [size=1]......15 animes? You've got some [i]serious[/i] time on your hands. I have on anime [666-protector] with a corny title, but I haven't fully developed it yet. I sort of abandoned it to start on my new manga/anime titled Synonymy. I'm not good at creating original animes...so bear with me. I've always had a facination of making an anime with Lucifer and the fallen angels in it. So, Synonymy is sort of based around that. The whole story is basically about some messed up agency/company that's power hungry for domination of the world [woo...that's original] and captures 'a fallen angel'. Specifically, a good angel that made friends with Lucifer and got part-evil and then fell onto the earth but didn't make it to Hell for an obscure reason. So they company/agency makes a robot clone of this fallen angel, who in turn looks exactly like Lucifer. The company/agency transfers most of the fallen angel's memories into the clone but has not yet triggered the memory that they need the most. So they put the fallen angel and the clone in the care of some chick and blah blah blah I haven't come up with the rest. But I know I'm going to have some kind of depressing, angsty end. I love that stuff. [NO, I'm not going to make the apocalypse come.] Yay. My first developed anime.[/size]
  7. eleanor


    [size=1] It's funny at times, Vash's expressions make me give a small chuckle now and then. The animation is allright, althought it has its many flaws. The dubbing...well I'm not exactly a fan of dubbing so I won't say anything. The plot? I actually like it. The whole idea of a Wanted gunman with a 50 million [or billion?] bounty on his head and how goofy he actually is is pretty amusing. His friends [i]are[/i] annoying. Meryle.....I personally hate her. Millie is allright, but once I again, I'm not fond of her. She's too...innocent? Lol. OK, forget that. Wolfwood is quite the character...a priest who goes around fighting people. I think the only characters I really appreciate are Vash, Legato, and Knives. I guess you like the more finer-quality anime, Semjaza. Lol....Trigun appeals to many people, and the dubbing of the violence and such is trivial. Not much is cut out, methinks. Trigun bores me to death at parts, and at other parts it gets me interested. I think it's a good anime, but not great. I've seen much better anime.[/size]
  8. [size=1] I thought this thread was about helping Leh break the news to his family? Lol. Hey, if Leh says he's sure about this, then I'll beleive that he's sure about this. Like I said before....do it when you're ready and you feel that the time is right. Everyone's beliefs are different, and you should respect them. My friend Jean as a Catholic, probably an avid one at that. When I told her I was Athiest, she didn't give a rat's ***. Maybe she thought I was slowly going insane, but at least she didn't rant about it. She probably does think I'm going to burn in Hell....but whatever. It's probably a fact that your parents might talk to you for a while since they're devoted Christians, but if they love you, they'll get over it. [/size]
  9. [size=1] Very cool....I love it. ^_^ I like the simple-ness, and the lightness of this graphic. Nice job![/size]
  10. [size=1] The other day in science, we were doing this 'Lego Lab' and three other people were in my group. We were basically talking and laughing etc. when something made me say that I heard the pope was marrying gay people together. And just after I said it, a chorus of "ew..." erupted from two of the three people I was working with. And with that, a nasty argument ensued. I told them I was Athiest and a girl said I was going to burn in Hell for all eternity and kept on insisting me to answer the question, "Where are you going to go after you die?". Which I answered over and over, "When we die, I think we die and the earth decomposes us." And I absolutely [i]hate[/i] it when everyone thinks I should be super-smart since I'm Asian. Now, I'm not saying I'm stupid [I'm in top classes, mind you], but a lot of people expect Asians to get perfect 100s on everything. Or at least something similiar to that. It ticks me off...badly. I guess there's not too much racism in Alpharetta, it's mostly a quiet suburb. But I've been subjected to racism, anyway. Asians are a tiny, [i]tiny[/i] minority in where we live. I think there's five asians in the eigth grade. Workers at supermarkets will go through our food sloppily, and that can go for any other worker at any other place. I remeber saying "excuse me" to a lady in Kroger, and she hesitatnly moved and muttered, "those damn Chinese..." Which sort of got me angry for obvious reasons, and the fact that I'm [i]not[/i] Chinese.[/size]
  11. [size=1] ::applauds for T_N:: I'm Athiest and my mother is a devoted Christian. ::shrugs:: In fact, I have [i]not[/i] told my family about this, and I don't plan to until I'm 18...or whenever the time is right. It sounds stupid, I know, but I just feel that our family is going through enough troubles as it is. But to Leh, I suggest that you tell them when you're ready. Like Transtic Nerve said, if your family loves you, they will accept you for who you are or learn to. [/size]
  12. [size=1] First I thought this manga would be centered around some army thing, but [i]now[/i] there are talking cats? Right. Lol, very nice job! The colorings and the backgrounds are great...I love it.[/size]
  13. [size=1] :toothy: My sister's high school has a blue, electric violin for show. The concertmaster played with it at a cluster concert two years ago and it was awesome. [go Cenntenial!] Ahem....anyways. I've never actually [i]seen[/i] a white violin...it looks a bit strange. I just definately think that a standard violin would go with the color scheme better. The white violin and multi-colored feathers throws the color scheme on the girl way off.[/size]
  14. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B][COLOR=green]No. Telekinesis isn't real. If it were, science would have proved its existence by now and it would be a generally accepted, if rare, talent. What's with this board lately? Have people decided to throw the real world to the wind and start to believe whatever is written in the National Enquirer? Good grief...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly right. If it were really proven, it wouldn't just stay small in some weekly magazine. Scientists would be studying it and everyone would probably know of it.[/size]
  15. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]Well, DectectiveMike actually has a valid arguement. Of course the soul goes on. Everyone knows that. They just don't want to admit it. There are many special cases, most christians by the way, of a person having a near death experience, or where they actually die. Then when they go to Paradise, they see old realitives, friends. Often times greeted by a mysterious figure. He says it is not their time, and simply sends them back. And then the people who get sent back have memories of this. Vivid memories. They explain how they had all this knowledge of what would happen, what things were, questions that know one could answer, like how a spider spins a web. Then when they went back, the felt all the knowledge leaving them. Well, most of it. They still have a little bit, and a memory. Then when they tell people about this, only other christians ever believe them. Many scientists said that this was only a few occurances, and was simply a dillusinal state when they were dying/being revived. So they did a search for this. They got back thousands and thousands of results. Almost all christians. These people had no knowledge of the other people who went through this. And it has been happening for as far back as when America fought the british. Now, a few maybe, but thousands of accounts throughout history of the almost exact same thing? Each with almost no knowledge or contact with another person? I think not. They tried to explain this by saying that when dying, the brain releases a chemical that causes a person to become dillusinal and see things, and it happens with all deaths and only those who ever said anything only said what I said above simply for their believes. Now, they have no clue what chemical does this, nor can find any trace of it. They have nothing to go on. As far as they say, it just happens, and left it at that. Now, as for telling the future, the bible clearly does that. It was written over a thousand years ago, and is rediculessly accurate. But you said that you had a dream about 4 or 5 months before 9-11 with New York on fire. That is a long time. That dream could have just been a dream, and not forseeing anything. Heck, I bet I had a dream about huge city buildings being blown apart within a year of 9-11. That does not nessicarly mean that we are seeing the future. Also, when a lot of people try to predict the future with their claimed psychic powers, they say very vague stuff, and are often times wrong. Just because my spirit will tell me when something is up/wrong, doesn't mean I can predict the future. Many peoples souls tell them stuff. Mine does. So does the rest of my family. Ever walk into a place, familiar or not, and something sending a chill up your spine is telling you to get the heck out or that something bad is going to happen, then it does? Yeah, that. That "why not" thing is what I tell to people whenever they say that christianity is wrong and that there is no rules and such. They can't. They say: How is it possible? I say: How is it not? There is simply no way to explain many of the things that I have seen. Well, there is one way... Now, the brain does have its own electircal signal with its own electircal signiture. Then again, so does an electric eel, ghost knife, and other electrical fish. Our brain, if it was actually brodcasting something other than just the presence of electricity being there, would only brodcast it at about 1 volt of electricity. A very powerful radio would't be able to pick that up right next to that persons head. Something like bending a spoon. As Maladjusted said: How do you become a spoon? Your spirit isn't going to bend a piece of metal so you can lie to people. I bet some people who claim that can't bend the spoon with their hands, let alone their mind. That "If you don't believe, you can't do" thing is also crap. There are many next to impossible things I have done that I swore I wouldn't be able to do, and yet I pull them off effortlessly. How? I do not know. Reading another persons mind would be next to impossible, simply because although each brain has the same basic structure, it is alomst completely wired differently. A persons soul will not tell another one what the mind is thinking. They have pratically no contact with one-another. Why would one soul pick up anothers thoughs? Simply put, it wouldn't. How can you be sure that what you think they are thinking is actually what they are thinking? You can't. Lets say that you know the person. And you were succesfully able to tell what they were thinking by consulting them. Was is psychic power? No. You just know the person, so you probably can get a base idea on how they think. Besides, they could be thinking about many things at once. Lets say it is a total stranger. Chances are, they are not talking about what they are thinking right now, but what they thought from a certain only known to them time. If you said that I though about food, videogames, and going here, you would be right. Even If I didn't know it was you, because you probably could easily picture that from many things, that is still a very basic and general prediction. Like I thought about Pokemon today, and that is a video game, so I though about a video game. If I was hungry today, or if my stomach simply isn't full right now, that would mean that I though about food, or was thinking about food. Since I am a member here, I abviously have thought about popping in and saying hello. Not so tough for the average joe, eh? About predicting the future. If your soul is in a wild sleep, then it is asleep! It is not really doing anything. Why would you randomly be told something about the future, past, or very near present for no apparent reason? If you look at it in the bible, everything that was going to happen was set in stone 2000 years ago. Not written, but planned out. And since God told his children to write the bible, with rediculessly accurate predictions, there is no need to be told what is going to happen in the future, or near present. The past? Memory. I've heard about things in the past such as pirates, the war between Britian and the 13 colonies to soon become America, and other stuff not coming to mind right now. I had basically only a few lines of text, word of mouth, and maybe an old picture or two (Possibly not even that) to go on. I could vividly picture what it was really like, down to how they acted, which was not nearly like the movie stereotype, how they talked, and the magnetude of many things. Then when I finally saw actually documentaries of pictures, descriptions, and actual diaries written by them, I found that what I though back then was fairly accurate. Was my soul telling me about the past? Of course not! I was just smart enough and had a vivid enough imagination to picture what it was like. Now, I had a pretty good base idea, but some of that was wrong. Maybe a good, solid detail, but that was it! Sure, it may seem like I knew a whole lot, but actually I knew a whole lot less! You saw New York on fire. But you didn't see a plane crash into 2 very large identicle buildings. There was actually little fire in those wrecks. A persons sould leaving their body will not strengthen it. A persons spirit maybe stronger, but not everyone has a spirit, so it would make some people impossible to read the mind of if going by that. A persons sould is set in stone from the second that it ever exists. It never really gets stronger, or weaker, or changes. In fact, they are all pretty much the same strength. You know what, how about I make a prediction? I predict that since now I have brought the Bible into this, that people are going to shift from the main topic, and get personal and start to discuss stuff about christianity, saying stuff like how it is just about a person having psychic power and trying to explain why. Then a moderator will say that this shouldn't be another "Debate Religion" topic, and that they will close it down if we don't get realivant. Now, I bet you probably could see that happening too. Know why? Because it is simply common sense! Any blow-joe could see that coming a mile away. I am currently thinking that even though I have posted that, and that it my persuade many to not say their opinions just because I decided to say it out loud, I think that many are still going to do exactly what I said, regardless of what I'm writing even now! Of course, if the prediction I just made is ever completely accurate for about 3 or so posts, doesn't mean I have psychic powers. I mean, so what if the generality of what they said is likely to happen. So what if it does? Doesn't make them psychic. P.S. You know what? That is probably the longest post I have ever put on these boards without cutting and pasting anything from a different site. [/B][/QUOTE] If what you said about the brain releasing some special chemical is true, then maybe this chemical causes people to see these 'mysterious figures' and dead relatives. Many people joke about seeing a light at the end of a tunnel, or seeing the Grim Reaper when they die. So since this idea is drilled into their brains, the chemical just makes them see it. I don't know why I'm talking about this, because I think it's false. Everyone knows the soul moves on and they just don't want to admit it? That's your opinion, and that's based off of what you think and your religion. Most of your argument is based on Christian ethics and beliefs, and since I [i]don't[/i] beleive in God, your argument didn't convince me at all. [You [i]also[/i] quoted me wrong. I never said what you claimed I said. I don't even understand what you wrote in your post. Re-read my post or stop making things up, Crimson Spider.][/size]
  16. [size=1] I beleive in the fact that when we die, our body is decomposed and our spirits do not go to a happy place in the sky. Or Hell. But anyways, I really have no idea of how someone can read minds or bend spoons or look into the future. Some psychics claim that we only use 10% of our brain, and they 'tap' into the unused 90% of their brain. I think it's a load of bull. I will never understand how someone can sau 'I bent a spoon by using my brain and becoming the spoon!' What, does the unused 90% send out invisible 'spirit rays' that force the spoon to bend? Or maybe that 90% makes the whole [i]world[/i] just so you can see a regular spoon that looks bent. How do you become the spoon? If you say that people could discover endless amounts of things when they die, how will they come back to earth and show us how to bend spoons? I just don't beleive it. If people claim that you are a psychic, DetectiveMick, how do you explain reading minds and looking into the future? [/size]
  17. [size=1] Milliefan, there [i]is[/i] going to a live-action Evangelion movie. It might turn out good, though, since Hideaki gets a say in it. Maybe... But a Trigun movie would be nice, but I'd rather want to see a Gravitation one. :P I should shut up now...[/size]
  18. eleanor


    [size=1] Well...uh, since you traced it, I can't give you much credit. But nice job...I guess. Try to draw things freehand, it's harder but it pays off. ^_^[/size]
  19. [size=1] Despite some choppiness and other errors, they're good drawings. ^__^ Nice job.[/size]
  20. [size=1] Uhm...I personally don't like Tokyo Mew Mews. It reminds me of Sailormoon and I don't like that show either. Lol, but anyways, it sometimes bothers me to see 13 year olds wearing tight, revealing clothes and transforming partly into cats to fight aliens.[/size]
  21. [size=1] Woah, ok. White violin=strange. Lol...it just looks so weird. And that little design thing...I think it would be better if it looks like your normal violin. ::shrugs:: Oh...her nails do look [i]extremely[/i] sharp. And all four violin pegs are below the scroll, rather than right next to it. I see you got rid of your little notes in the background, which somewhat dissappointed me. Her hair is beatiful, though those mulit-colored feathers throw the color scheme off. But it's your choice, of course. Other than that, the picture is great. Keep up the good work.[/size]
  22. [size=1] Cold rains soothe me for some reason. It's my second favorite weather; cold, windless days in the fall are my favorite. But, I hate it when it rains and the days are hot. [/size]
  23. [size=1] Other than the blocky violin, the picture is [i]amazing[/i]. I have no idea how you can shade so smoothly and...correctly! Lol. Great job again, mystikal. Where did you learn how to shade like that? :D I wanna shade well....:P Lol, 20-30 bucks? How big is that picture? [/size]
  24. [size=1] The Marmalade Boy mangas are good, I like to read them sometimes even thought romance isn't my type of anime. Now on the other hand, I don't like the anime. It just drags on. And on.[/size]
  25. [size=1] I've actually stayed the same. In elementary school, I got all A's or my mom would kill me. So when I got to middle school I did the same. My mom got even more harsh in seventh grade because I started taking two high-school classes [algebra and Spanish], and I barely got an A in algebra since I never studied. :/ But anyways...my mom has gone mental this year since I'm taking Geometry now and she wants me to get above 95. ::scratches head:: Dunno if I'll be able to do that. Lol...I also have to study for science a bit if I want to get good grades in it, and same goes for Spanish, lol. Everything else is fine with me, though. I've never really had to study LA and SS.[/size]
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