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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] Play? Oh yes, I saw it and read some of it in Hot Topic. The magazine looks allright, but it wouldn't be something I would buy. [/size]
  2. [size=1] Yugioh is actually a very mature and violent anime show if you watch the uncut Japanese version. WB couldn't even play first season since it was too violent and etc. I also liked DBZ in the beginning, and sometimes I watch it when I'm bored. It's not a good anime by my standards, but I give it credit. I think the whole 'saiyan' plot thing is interesting, but it gets so predictable and boring. =_= Hey, I even used to like Pokemon, too.[/size]
  3. [size=1] Nice story lines, as I said on IM. ^_^ Hope you make a good story outta this one.[/size]
  4. [size=1] Most of anime [i]does[/i] suck. There are thousands and thousands of anime series, and out of those thousands I can only name about ten-fifteen good animes. As for mainstream anime, I guess I'll count shows like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Inuyasha, and FLCL in it. I think all four of those series is allright [some great], but like I said.....there are thousands of anime shows. I think a lot of people like DBZ [mostly guys] because it has action and lots of 'cool energy thingies!' in it. I mean...I really can't expect kids to stay up until 12:00 PM watching good anime. I can't dislike them merely because of the fact that they watch DBZ and like it, but when they say they're the master of anime, I get ticked off.[/size]
  5. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spotg67 [/i] [B]How the hell did you do that? I don't sleep walk, I mummble in my sleep tho. And sometimes when I'm having a bad dream, I yell when I wake up. One time I said "NO!" real loud and my dad asked me what happend. Another time I said "My binders right here!" My moms all 'What?' [/B][/QUOTE] I took my fish out of the bowl and get this, put it under my candle. O_o. Poor fish...I can't beleive I actually killed something while sleepwalking.[/size]
  6. [size=1] :toothy: Nice job, I like 'em. The only one I have a problem with is the one that has the body side-view since her face seems a bit too flat. ::shrugs:: But in a way, you're being truthful to what most asian's head shape is. Lol. Good job, I hope to see more of you stuff later on![/size]
  7. [size=1] Tsuzuki, you are my new best friend. I agree with everything you said, and I thank you for it.[/size]
  8. [size=1] ::eyes pop out of heads:: Wanna see it! Lol...but I'm guessing what they mean by 'eyes falling off head' is that part of the eyes are going over her actual face, as if the half of the pupil went over the line. ::shrugs:: But I dun know...[/size]
  9. [size=1] I swear, I'm going to kill my computer.... My computer is screwed up, so I can't view it. O_o If anyone can host it and post it with image tags, I'd be grateful.[/size]
  10. [size=1] ....I really don't think that "The Matrix" is hard to understand. I mean, it's a pretty understandable plot, and the [spoiler]conversation with 'The Architect' was a bit confusing and made me think a bit[/spoiler] but not that much. [/size]
  11. [size=1] I don't know about the other two, but one item I really want would be Misato's necklace. :toothy: It just looks cool. In fact...I want Misato's red jacket as well. ::laughs::[/size]
  12. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]*Falls over laughing* I make one comment and you all go balistic. That is super hilarious to me. Well, I know my artwork is awesome. Hey maladjusted, it's better than yours. ^_^ I'm not trying to sound rude, but try not to be so hypocritical. I saw your stuff and let me tell you, there's much to work towards. ANYWHO, I just wanted you guys to see the sexy Adam's Angels! Not critique my work! Silly OBers...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] The point of the Art and Design forum is to post your artwork and receive comments and critism. Not to post your work and expect everyone to be razzle-dazzled and recieve a 10/10. I believe you have a hard time actually accepting the fact you need a lot to work towards as well. Insulting my artwork is not helping yours, it's actually damaging my thinning respect for you. I can truthfully say that my artwork does need a lot of work, but it's the same for any developing artist. [/size]
  13. [size=1] I started drawing...about a year ago I beleive. :toothy: It's somewhat fun [and humiliating] to go back and look at your first drawings. Lol, I do that all the time when I'm cleaning out my room. It's good to know that all artists have their beginning. :P[/size]
  14. [size=1] You shouldn't interrogate your friend, just have a coversation with him. [/size]
  15. [size=1] ...inside sources. Lol. Even though I think it's true, I don't really care if it is or not. It's not like it's a terrible secret that's going to kill us all or anything...[/size]
  16. [size=1] Regular teenage angst? Ha...nevermind. I've never truly been depressed for more than three days, even though I worry about my family, [i]a lot.[/i] If you've been away from your parents, who's been your legal gaurdian?[/size]
  17. [size=1] ::tries to picture Kenshin and Usagi together:: Ahem. Anyways, I think your friend is only trying to impress other people. Maybe he feels insignificant and unimportant, and merely made up this fact. ::shrugs:: You should sit down and have a talk with him or at least force him to tell the truth, lol. I'm guessing a lot of people that go to your school are going out or whatever, so he feels embarrased. If he really does have a girlfriend [which I seriously doubt from what you wrote].....maybe he's afraid some perv will molest her or something. ::laughs and then shuts up quickly:: There's a possibility that he's gay, and he's trying to hide it by saying he has a girlfriend? I believe that it's a slim chance even though it's possible.[/size]
  18. [size=1] The moon landing was just a result of jealousy between the Soviet Union and the US, anyway. [...right?] :P But I definately [i]know[/i] it happened.[/size]
  19. [size=1] I think it's a hoax. I don't beleive in things like "oh, the spirits came and made the statue cry!" ...lol[/size]
  20. [size=1] I [i]killed[/i] my pet fish while sleep-walking. KILLED. O_o I used to sleep walk all the time, but not so much now. Too tired, anyway...[/size]
  21. [size=1] If you hate it so much....why were you reading the comics in the first place?[/size]
  22. [size=1] Mm...I thought Mai/Jounouchi was a canon pairing...[/size]
  23. [size=1] It's comical relief. It is for me, anyway.[/size]
  24. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Hold on. I think the word I'm looking for is "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa boohoo." :rolleyes: I'm sorry that I didn't incorporate your idea of perfection in my artwork. Next time I'll call you up before I draw a picture. :D[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I really have no idea whether you're trying to offend me or you actually mean it. EDIT: I'm going to drop this and not reply anymore, but I have stuff to add. First of all, I am not saying that I'm a "Professional" :P. None of us on OB are 'pros' until we go to an art school and graduate...right? Heh, whatever. Anyways, all I was reading was "Wow, that's so awesome Queen Asuka!" when I could point out some errors from the top of my head. It's fitting to see that when a popular moderator on OB posts something, it gets about ten times more posts than any other person's drawing. Her drawings are good, but there are still errors.[/size]
  25. [size=1] Uh...I can't beleive I actually understood that. Try using names, it's probably a 1/20000 chance that we know them. You know, about three other people have given you good ideas of what you should do. The problem is having the courage to act them out.[/size]
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