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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] There's no artwork [i]not[/i] worth posting if you put effort into it. ^___^ Thumbs up for you since you posted. It's not the best kenshin fanart I've ever seen, but the mistakes you made will gradually vanish as you keep on practicing. :P It happens to everyone. Nice job on the picture! :D[/size]
  2. [size=1] ::scratches head:: I think this contest is a dud. I forgot about it a looong time ago.[/size]
  3. [size=1] Do any of you have any habits that get to you when you're online? For example, on OB, I [i]must[/i] look at the closed threads for some reason...I can't really explain it. Also, when I start up my computer, I have to get Kazaa, AIM, MIM, and all the pop-ups gone before I open up Internet Explorer or some other program. Whenever I write an email or a post, or even something on Word, I always use the smallest font size. That wasn't a problem with me a long time ago, but now it is. O_o One particular thing I do in the Art and Design forum most of the time, is nit-pick everything. [unless the picture is perfect. ::coughcough::mystikal::coughcough::] The only time I don't do this is when everyone else nit-picks it. :D[/size]
  4. [size=1] And then I come and spoil all the ego-boosting. :toothy: [b]Babygirl[/b]: Her wrist is [i]very[/i] thin...it's like the hand is going to fall off it someone pushes it. The eyes are also a bit mis-matched. Like other people said, the hands also look strange. One of her ankles is also extremely thin. I like how you drew her hair and I like the clothes. ^___^;; [b]Queen Asuka[/b]: Your style is somewhat new to me, but as far as I can tell, there's nothing majorly wrong with this drawing. The middle region looks a bit strange, though. [b]L_M[/b]: Her abdominal region looks too long...and once again the wrists are too thin. Her eyes are also mis-matched, and her hands look weird. I understand what kind of position you want them in, but try [i]not[/i] drawing her wrist. It should be hidden behind her fingers.[/size]
  5. [size=1] :toothy: My all-time favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! character. ^_^ Very nice pic, I like the coloring. The chin [i]is[/i] a bit off, but I'm sure that'll be easy to fix in future drawings.[/size]
  6. [size=1] You guys are nit-picking it too much. :P Even thought that's what I love to do... But I'll stop myself this time and say that the picture is great. The ink you used really suits your art, and it looks very clean yet detailed. Nice job, Ginnylyn.[/size]
  7. [size=1] I really...didn't like it. The animation was great and all, but the movie itself didn't appeal to me. Something didn't 'click', and I was bored half the time. I think it had a nice plot, with the whole "Knockin' of Heaven's Door" thing, but how the showed us the story bored me. I've read reviews saying that this movie was, "Anime at its best." I disagree with this, and I'll quote something I do agree with. "The movie had the potenatial to be great. A movie that's good to watch when you're bored, but I wouldn't call up my anime-watching friends and urge them to see it." [or something like that] I think the only song that went well with the movie was "Ask DNA" and that song Faye was playing in the ship. The other songs that they played when Spike and Elektra were fighting and when all those planes were flying and Faye went to the Weather control-place didn't fit at all. In fact, I think the music ruined the scenes.[/size]
  8. [size=1] Hey...hey! GAINAX even had [b]offcial[/b] pictures supporting the Kaworu/Shinji pairing. ::sticks tongue out:: I really think Shinji and Kaworu would have made a great couple. Pushing aside the fact that it would be impossible now. Lol... Shinji needed someone who could talk to him and give him company while not judging him, and Kaworu was the perfect person. :toothy: I think the scene when Kaworu and Shinji met is one of my most favorite [probably my favorite] anime scenes of all time. But there's a lot of controversy on this. Shinji never gave the audience a feeling that he was gay, or even bisexual before he met Kaworu. He even sounded a bit offended when Kaji asked him to get drinks...I don't remeber exactly. Either Shinji loved Kaworu, or they had one of the strongest friendships I have ever seen. I don't remeber what this is from, but at one point Asuka calls Kaworu a 'homo'. [it isn't in the series, but some special extra thingy in Japan, methinks] So I guess that made me happy. Lol But my next favorite couple is Kaji/Misato. :P I love what happens between them...I love the angst. O_o I personally believe that [spoiler]Misato killed Kaji[/spoiler] in the series, so I guess it was a love/hate relationship? I dunno... I don't think Shinji matches well with either Rei or Asuka. It wouldn't be possible for a Shinji/Rei couple after what happened in End of Evangelion. [thought I like this pairing more than Shinji/Asuka] I [i]know[/i] that [spoiler]Asuka and Shinji were the only ones left in the end[/spoiler], but that doesn't mean they're in love with each other. Asuka's personality is a bit damaging to Shinji's well-being....I really don't have a valid points, though. I don't like the Gendo/Ritsuko pairing, althought I feel sorry for Ritsuko. She was one of my favorite characters, surprisingly. The Gendo/Yui pairing is a major one, but I don't the series gave us much insight into it. Even if Gendo [spoiler] risked the whole world to get Yui back, [/spoiler] he still has some serious issues to work out. The Toji/Hikari pairing is very tragic, and even though the series never tells you whether [spoiler] Toji actually dies, but he's probably going to be damaged for the rest of his life. But I really think he's dead.[/spoiler] Well...that's my take on the subject. ::gets ready for shounen-ai defending:: EDIT: Vertigo, in EoE, some of the dubbing went wrong. In the very end, Asuka says "How disgusting" in the dubbing and subbing, but if more accurately translated, it would have come out something like, "This sucks."[/size]
  9. [size=1] Heh, sorry 'bout that post, but most of it is true. :toothy: I almost forgot, though...Tofu! ::gives a huge smile amongst the disgusted groans:: Koreans usually put tofu in spicy soups or something...hot and spicy. And I personally think it tastes delicious. Once again, people who aren't Asian usually cook in a way that it tastes bland and nasty. ::shrugs:: Don't beleive the magazine articles that tell you how to make tofu taste good. I read one and it said, "Salt makes it delicious!". Salt makes it disgusting. But one food that I like that isn't Asian is pasta. ^_^ And pizza with fresh tomatoes on it. ::drools::[/size]
  10. [size=1] And I thought everyone would pick Sara or some other OB-God. :P[/size]
  11. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] I know what Kimchi is. My friends and I were in a "House War" and my team lost. We had to sleep with a huge tube of the thing under the bed. :sick: It smelled horrible. It looked horrible. It tasted horrible. It [i]is[/i] horrible. It will [b]always[/b] be horrible. I know that's pretty vapid. I'm usually an open-minded person, but no person should have to be [i]that[/i] open-minded. *Goes the the bathroom to vomit*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Mwaha, Americans cannot handle the awesome taste of delicious Korean food. [they're too puny.] :P Just kidding. A lot of americans absolutely hate kim-chee and how it tastes and looks and etc. Ahem...and that's because Koreans are more special than joo. :toothy: Woo! I pride myself in being very open-minded. :( I love Kim-chee... ::throws hotdog made of various unknown meats at America:: Tee-hee. Kim-chee is actually really healthy for you...I read in the newspaper that kim-chee helped people in Korean from getting SARs. [it's that good] Wow, this post sounded pretty racist. ^___^[/size]
  12. [size=1] My worst teacher was last year in seventh grade [the year of many problems and depression]. She was my LA teacher, Mrs. Copland. We never liked each other from the beginning, and she was a complete moron. She was always talking about Science stuff and she was pretty much stupid for a teacher who was teaching Language Arts. She should have just teacher science, for god's sake. We were supposed to read some biography, and I asked her if I could read "Night", and she didn't even know that a book called "Night" existed. She also didn't know "Angela's Ashes", and I was seriously considering the fact that Mrs. Copland either had a memory problem or was just plain stupid. And now...for my darkest secret. [which is probably the one thing I regret most in my life]. I plagarized a story and turned it into her, and of course I had a bad feeling about it. They caught me a few days later, and I was immediately went to ISS (in-school-suspension). I was practically crying the whole time, and I swear if I ever plagarize something again, I will...do something violent to myself. O_o But anyways, Mrs. Copland decides to tell the whole class about it. Is that even ethically right? That was an extremely private thing, and she tells the whole class without telling me. I would be fine if she made me apologize to the class of make me tell them myself, but [i]no[/i], she tells them the day I'm missing from class. I returned the next day and everyone knew every exact detail. That the real author's name was, where I got the story, blah blah blah. I was furious, but I thought it would be better if I didn't confront her. :P But I guess that was a very good experience for me.[/size]
  13. [size=1]...Hm...I'm sure most of you have never heard of this food, but it's called [i]mae oon tang[/i]. It probably doesn't sound right, lol. But I first tried it when I was little. We were in New York, and my parents and my sister kept on going to these sushi restaurants. I was dead-set against eating raw fish [but it's actually quite good], so my mom ordered it for me. They take the leftover fish and make this really, really hot soup. :P My mouth is watering. :toothy: And then there's this food called kim-chee. [/size]
  14. [size=1] Voice acting would be my dream job, I think I would enjoy it. A lot. :P And then there's my fantasy dream that I become the creator of a famous anime, but....you know. ^_^;; But I have always considered being a writer since I was a book-a-holic when I was young. I've polished my writings skills ever since I've been taking SAT tutors and the class I attented at TIP. [talent indentification program] So...I hope to do well in the LA department at school. My last year's LA teacher disliked me and I disliked her. She had a tendancy to embarass me and some other guy in front of the whole class with private issues. I think she's racist. O_O lol When I was little, I always wanted to become some surgen, but now it's the job that's definately in the 'NO' section.[/size]
  15. [size=1] Myself. :toothy: I have a huge obervser-type personality. I know for a fact that I'm a thinker and not an acter most of the time, and it leads me to beleive that I can be more mature than a lot of people my age. [or maybe it has made me more arrogant] I guess I'd have to say my parents are a huge influence, no matter how many times they're used in answers to these questions. I have probably given my mother 99% of all her worries, yet she's still there whenever I need her and she loves me. And all the creators of anime, since anime practically killed most of my social life and grades. :P So I thank my math tutor, who saved me from failing math and actually getting high scores. ^_____^;;;[/size]
  16. [size=1] The American version completely sucks compared to the Japanese version, really. I think they butchered it while dubbing...[/size]
  17. [size=1] :toothy: Why, Gravitation, of course. My kind of manga, with gay bishies running around everywhere. ^_^ I like the art style and Suichi makes me laugh every now and then. I also like DN Angel, not exactly my favorite type of manga, but it's still good. ^_^ I also like the Akira and Ghost in the Shell mangas, they're both excellent.[/size]
  18. [size=1] ^_^ Very nice stuff. For Rikku, everything seems to be good, but the stance is actually a bit akward if you think about it. Her fingers also seem to be a bit stubby as well. But judging from our other art, I'm guessing it's just how you draw fingers. >_< Lol...nice mushroom dude. [/size]
  19. [size=1] Yeah...it is. :toothy: But I definately think Hamtaro lacks a certain...thing...that makes me like other anime a lot. The plots aren't so great, and it's just pretty boring to me.[/size]
  20. [size=1] I usually [i]always[/i] have a indifferent face on, and most people don't know whether I'm angry or happy; just always neutral. But like I said, when I'm aggravated and someone pushes it, I usually break out and start arguing for stupid reasons.[/size]
  21. [size=1] AUGH! ::goes insane:: How can you people sit through an episode of Hamtaro and not fall asleep? Yeah, the hamsters are cute and the girls have heads twice their size, but it bores me to [i]death[/i]. [/size]
  22. [size=1] I used to have an extremely bad temper, but not anymore. When I'm already a bit ticked-off and someone annoys me furthur, though, I go into a mad rage and scream my head off. :P I usually handle it by drawing feverishly until the anger or irritation burns off. Either that, or I watch anime and go to sleep. :toothy:[/size]
  23. [size=1] The new version of Evangelion is already out! The first DVD in the Evangelion perfect collection set is the remastered version of Evangelion.[/size]
  24. [size=1] You do not know how much I hate DeviantART. It's pure evil and more. :toothy: But now that I've gotten that done with, it's a very nice picture. Yes, her face does seem a bit [i]off[/i], but nothing major. How long does it take for you to make something like that? O_o It would seem impossible for me, lol.[/size]
  25. [size=1] The banner [i]is[/i] jpeggy. O_o But very cool banner, I love the silhouette you used on it. :/ My program can't do it well. [/size]
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