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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] :P Something is wrong with my computer, so I can't view your last banner for Lan, but I [i]love[/i] your Vash avatar and banner. He certainly looks sexy enough. ::drools:: Like how you made the background of this banner, it looks cool. Text is good, too. So thumbs up from me.[/size]
  2. [size=1] At first, I thought you drew the girl showing her front side, so I guess you know what I was thinking. :toothy: But I get it now. ^_^ It's very good, considering it was drawn with a mouse. The base of her neck looks a bit strange, and...she has no mouth. O_o Nice job, anyway.[/size]
  3. [size=1]....Who said we had to leave it? I'll just carry computer with me everywhere I go....[hehe] But if I do move on, I don't think it'll be such a big deal for me. I could just get on with my life. [off-topic] Logan, I am in love with your avatar and banner.[off-topic][/size]
  4. [size=1] Never insult 8-bit theatre....::growls:: :toothy: I don't think they're that funny, but something about them makes it cool. Somehow. I loved that 8-bit Dungeons and Dragons, saw it a long time ago. ^_^ I had to watch it two times to get the full effect for some reason. The Return of Gannondorf had me laughing the whole time. The animation was good and I liked how The Legendary Frog designed the characters. The song he added in at the end had a nice effect as well. ^_~ If you're a Zelda fan, it's a must-see. Hm...this thread might get closed for using all these websites to advertise the movies, but I had to reply. :D[/size]
  5. [size=1] :D I used to like [b]Cloud/Yuffie[/b], too, but I've sort of gotten over it. She's better that Aerith and Tifa, anyway.[hohoho] But everyone knows that Cloud'll [i]eventually[/i] be mine. ^_^;; Meh...well, ever since I've played Kingdom Hearts, I've been toying around with the idea of [b]Leon[Squall]/Yuffie[/b] for a while. [spoiler]Rinoa is dead, and the only ladies around in Kingdom Hearts are Yuffie, Aeris, and Kairi.[/spoiler] Dunno if it's non-canon or not... [b]Spike/Faye[/b] from Cowboy Bebop. Call me weird, but I think it's a nice couple. O_o. :toothy: [b]Shinji/Rei[/b] ::dodges various pointy objects:: I dunno if this couple is cosidered non-canon, but I like to imagine Shinji with Rei rather than Asuka. [spoiler]Besides, Kaworu is dead. ::sobs uncontrollably::[/spoiler][/size]
  6. [size=1] ::sighs:: :P Looks like James has told off yet another person on the boards. It seems my idea was wrong in many areas, so I'll just drop the subject. >_
  7. [size=1] :P You can't judge people's intelligence from their acting skills. There are some very smart actors/actresses... Well...California isn't exactly in its prime form right now, with a huge debt and thousnads of jobless people. I don't know how good Arnold would really be, so I guess I can't say anything.[/size]
  8. [size=1] Look! It's hurricane cinco! It's not like the weather people are sitting around a table plotting against the minority groups.[/size]
  9. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Yeah because he [b]sucks[/b]. The show was obviously rigged. [/B][/QUOTE] OMG, teh racist! Heh, I kid. I loved that guy, he was funny. ^___^ Asian pride! [and other races, too?][/size]
  10. [size=1] :D I can't relate to him, but I love Cloud from FFVII. I like a lot of the characters in FFVII, even the minor ones [Zack!]. ^_^ I was interested in Cloud ever since I laid my eyes on him, and this scarred past (sort of...right?) is always a big, fat plus. O_o [/size]
  11. [size=1] Woo, boy. It's better to call it Sailor Moon, right? I've never actually read the mangas, but I've seen them. They take up about two shelves in the bookstore! ::grumbles::[/size]
  12. [size=1] I like birthdays, but I'd rather spend them with my family rather than friends. My birthday is Jan. 19, so I guess I still have a long ways to go. ^^ I'll be turning 14 next year...yay?[/size]
  13. [size=1] All very nice and simple looking [thought I'm guessing not simple to make], I love the lines and blocks you put in there. I don't like the second one so much, it seems a bit [i]off[/i]. Nice job, anywho![/size]
  14. [size=1] I am pissed, pissed beyond.....I'm very angry, anyway. I don't feel like getting into details, but something happnened at my school orientation and I'm pretty angry. So anyways, I just thought of making a thread. Have anyone of you gotten stressed or angry to the point that you felt like you had no meaning in life? [haha, of course you have.] What do you do to relieve it usually?[/size]
  15. [size=1] :D That picture looks awesome! At least you can draw the violin correctly [i]and[/i] put it in the same place![/size]
  16. [size=1] Well, I think we were close to being robbed. My mom noticed that the screens on the window were all taken off, and they were lying on the ground. Nobody in our family had taken them off, and better yet, I have to spend the night alone in the house. O_o [/size]
  17. [size=1] Exactly my thoughts. It probably won't effect older people, but I think kids are prone to getting violent.[/size]
  18. [size=1] I don't have a cold or anything, but do you guys have sickness problems? I tend to get headaches a lot, and they get on my nerves. I get at least three headaches a day, at random times. >_< God...[/size]
  19. [size=1] I am not saying that people who play lots of violent games go outside and go on a killing spree. I'm saying some people who play lots of video games tend to like watching violent movies or anything violent. Little kids are influenced by what they see and do when they're little.[/size]
  20. eleanor


    [size=1] I have...one good friend, who is my absolute best friend. It's actually a strange pair, methinks. She likes to shop and do 'girly' stuff, and I'm just sitting there on the computer and whatnot. :D I don't have many internet friends, either....>_< I don't think I'm exactly the friendly type.[/size]
  21. [size=1] Ah...fanfiction.net is down. [i]Again.[/i] I used to read the Zelda section a lot, and it was becoming overrun with '5-minute fics' which were basically crappy stories that were just plain stupid. >_< I think that's why I left. But if any of you do like Zelda, [i]The Five[/i] and [i] Legend of the Ark[/i] (I think that's the title) are both very well written stories by Fierce Deity. His original characters=awesome. He's a great author... I love writing funny stories, it's very fun. I don't ever post them on ff.net, though. Sometimes my humor fics has vulgar humor and they usually have character froms different games. [/size]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Interesting poll. [b]Games Cause Violence:[/b] No. There isn't a single research document that conclusively proves this point. It is a point largely whipped up into a frenzy by mainstream media, who themselves are quite happy to scapegoat without any real information or evidence. If a game influences you to be violent, then you must have in-set mental problems in the first place. If a game doesn't influence you, a violent book, movie or music track will. The whole idea that games cause someone to be violent is ridiculous. If you have violent tendencies in the beginning, almost anything will influence your behavior. You'll go looking for something to feed that; games won't suddenly push you over the edge. I'm mentally healthy and while I have played many violent games, I've always hated real life violence. There is a massive difference for me, even on a subconscious level.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]All humans have violent tendancies to begin with. I think I heard that somewhere in this thread, anyway. Well...I [i]still[/i] beleive that video games can cause people to be more prone to these 'violent tendancies', I actually don't care if there isn't a report on it. I can say for myself that ever since I played video games, I've been more interested in violent movies/anime and other things. And jeez, the only game I play regularly at home is the Zelda games for the N64. I see little kids playing Teen/Mature rated video games, and their eyes are pratically [i]glued[/i] to the screen when someone gets impaled.[/size]
  23. [size=1] When I was little, I woke up really early in the morning and went to the fireplace where the fish bowl was. I took the goldfish out and pretended to be a 'butcher' and I imitated a chopping knife with my hands. The fish died pretty quickly. I was afraid of getting in trouble, so I just put the dead fish back in the bowl. We also used to have a pet rabbit, and I would always poke it with chopsticks. I was a very strange and sadistic child.[/size]
  24. [size=1] Oh yeah, I have a huge compulsion. Something just tells me to read it, and I do. Very weird...[/size]
  25. [size=1] The day I draw cellists and bass players well is the day George Bush becomes a good president.[/size]
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