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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] I'm really sorry for getting this out to you so late, Logan. It's my fault, so I apologize and I'll try to stop being a huge procrastinator. >_< I am missing one person, I know, because I only count five people and I [i]know[/i] there was six...(because I'm paranoid). [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/1.jpg[/url] [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/2.jpg[/url] [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/little.jpg[/url] [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/plad.jpg[/url] [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/sakura.jpg[/url] Heh, me so sorry, I whipped this up for you as an apology. Hope you like it. [IMG]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/sidebyv2.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/sidebyv2.jpg[/url] I actually had two other versions of this, but I thought this one looked best. ^_^.[/size]
  2. [size=1] I have no idea what kind of emotional pain you're going under right now, so I cannot say I truly understand your pain. (that, and I barely know you) But I hope future children and your life will bring you further happiness; know that there are probably many others that love you very much. I also hope your close friends on OB will try their hardest to stay by your side. Please accept my apologies, and please keep a strong front and make your way throught this ordeal. [/size]
  3. [size=1] I think the itles on OB are fine. The word Newbie lets other members know what to expect and what not to expect, and I think OB handles newbies pretty well. I mean...I've been to other forums and they treat newbies like they're contaminated nuclear waste or something. People who disrespect newbies just because their title says 'newbie' are ignorant and stupid. ::shrugs:: I never really minded the title. I didn't even notice I was a member until about a week ago. O_o I spent a long time as being a newbie, and there was nothing wrong with it. Heh, but it is fun for me to look at back at my earliest posts and cringe at what I said. ^_~[/size]
  4. [size=1]I think The Harlequin is right with the translation of Tae Kwon Doe, it seems right. Hap Ki Do is mostly take-down throws, usually starting out by grabbing someone's wrist, chest, or arm.[/size]
  5. [size=1] I'd like to be a judge for this contest [i]if[/i] that's possible. >_< I love writing stories but I don't think I'll amount to much in this contest when faced up against some people on OB. ::lights shine on certain people:: So, if I can be a judge, I'd be happy to help. [offtopic]Uh, Logan, have I given you your pictures yet? I have them lying around and I don't remember if I gave them to you or not...I thought I did on AIM, anyway. O_o. [offtopic] [/size]
  6. [size=1] Oh come on, dbzanimegrl, don't be a cynic! (you're copying me! XD j/k...) Mystikal has her own website, so I know she's stealing other people's work. She's just very talented with her work. :D[/size]
  7. [size=1] Eh...I don't think the chest looks messed up, I think it looks fine. I like your dragon, you have lots of nice detail ^_^. A bit simple, but still good.[/size]
  8. [size=1] Mmm...I'd have to say that my favorite classical composer is Tchaikovsky, I love pieces. But, one of my favorite classical songs is Ode to Joy, the ninth movement of Beethoven's ninth symphony. Pure awesome, it is. I also like most of Tchaikovsky's music, and Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber. I also like Bach's Cello Suite No.1. I'm trying to learn it by myself currently.[/size]
  9. [size=1] Actually I don't have many hobbies....not anything interesting compared to the people here. Just the run-of-the-mill: drawing, anime, sleeping, snowboarding, tennis. Can't go snowboarding very often, though. >_< I try to play tennis every night, but I've been getting pretty lazy recently.[/size]
  10. [size=1] Well, if AI cannot be achieved by mankind, I guess that tells us that our own thoughts and decisions are not based on chemicals or atoms or whatever it is you guys are talking about (but I can't comprehend). I've always wondered, though...People sometimes say, "You got your stubborness from your mother!" or something like that. Is that really a gene? I mean....a stubborness gene. O_o That might mean your thoughts can be based on physical components, and is 'fake'. >_
  11. [size=1] Really, Milliefan, the people who are trying to support Heero/Duo relationships don't twist the anime around. All they do is point out facts from the anime that they think hints toward the pairing. Most of the time, the facts are pretty stupid and it probably just represents a friendship or connection of the two, so don't get so angry about it. I've hanged around the Anime Lounge for quite some time, I've never seen anyone argue that the writers intended for gay relationships in Rurouni Kenshin and Trigun. And I certainly haven't seen them in this thread. If there are threads like that around here, just ignore them. The only people who really know whether the anime is hinting toward relationships are the people who made it, and unless the creators come out and tell the world if the anime is or isn't, everyone should keep their mouths shut and not complain about what other people are doing. It's their own buisness, and no matter how hard you complain, nothing's going to change it. [b] **** In an interview with the creator of Gundam Wing, when he was asked about Heero and Relena's relationship, he replied that he was not good at that kind of thing [romance] and that they were not supposed to really have a boy-girl relationship. Even so, they have a connection, be it just friendship or a mutual respect. Still, Ikeda said somewhere else (I'd have to look it up again to tell you where) that he couldn't give real explainations about the characters because everyone sees them differently. He said that the characters are what the watchers make of them, and he cannot dictate what the fans think. **** [/b] Even the creator of Gundam Wing is leaving the fans alone. And what do you expect fanartists to do?I really don't see what you're complaining about. I can assure you that 99% of all high-quality fanworks and art is usually signed by the artist. If one's art is SO good and looks exactly like a screenshot from the anime....well, you know what? That's nearly impossible. I have never, [i]ever[/i] seen a person's art that looks like a screenshot from an anime. If there are some out there, well then I say good for them. If your friend is judging anime from artwork, tell her that what she's looking at is only Fanart, something very different from the official artwork. Heh, won't work on GW though, they hace official pictures of Heero/Relena as well as Heero/Duo. :P I have had tons of people telling me that all anime is pornography and hentai, or "Oh, I heard that anime was ALL about gay guys,". You're not the only one, I think a lot of anime fans have been told this. [/size]
  12. [size=1] Well, from Korean terms, each syllable has a meaning. I think "Tae" is punching, or using your fist. "Kwon" is using your feet, or kicking. I forgot was "Doe" was, but I think it was something about concentrating and harmonizing your spirit. I think many forms of Tae kwon doe originated from Korea, but a fair amount also came from China and Japan. I really have no idea what "Kung Foo" is. I hate the word itself, actually. People at my school are idiots and whenever they see some Tae kwon doe, they make fun of it and scream, "KUNG FOOOOO!" while people in the background horribly imitate Chinese.[/size]
  13. [size=1][i]Games relieve stress: EVERYONE has stress. It doesn't matter how old you are. Doing something to get your mind off those things relieves stress. Just like reading or writing or drawing or going to the beach or anything else.[/i] Yes, everyone does have stress, but I'd say a lot of little kids don't have [i]so much stress[/i] that they have to blow things up and kill people in a virtual world. Ergh, I don't know. Just my two cents. [i]Games improve your litercay: It's literacy. And yes, I strongly agree with this. I've been playing RPGs since the mid-80s. I really do think that Dragon Warrior, among other games, can be directly attributed to my reading and writing skills. I would be nowhere near my current level without those things. I also should add that there isn't simply "two pages". They don't all have moronic storylines. Many are more complex than some books I've read. Some games actually have well over a thousand pages of pure text for you to read. [/i] Heh, I guess I was wrong. >_>I was thinking more of the recent games about breaking out of jail and killing terrorists. But to back up my "Video Games cause Violence" thing, I wasn't saying that people who play video games will go outside and try to maim people. I'm trying to say that if someone plays enough video games, it does tend to make them think of more violent things and talk about violence, but not really make them kill someone or anything. But then again, if someone does think about violence enough, they probably would. So in my opinion, I'd say video games are more bad than good. You can releive stress by doing anything you enjoy, like playing a sport or drawing. You don't exactly [i]need[/i] video games to help your litercay, I did it with plain workbooks at home. Video games could be social via the internet, but sometimes you have to get off the computer and do something that does NOT include video games. [/size]
  14. [size=1] I also live in the suburbs, and the only places I can buy anime is Best Buy, Media Play. or Waldenbooks for manga. There aren't any stores dedicated to anime or anything. In my whole school, I think there are about three-four people who really watch various animes. All the others just watch DBZ and nothing else.[/size]
  15. [size=1].............Well if you take the word 'slut' as everyone else does, you bascially wear clothes revealing half your body, and you go to bed with every man you see. Thought everyone knew that by now. [/size]
  16. [size=1] [b]Games make you Dumb[/b]: Not necessarily. I play tons of video games and I can safely say I am not stupid academically. But yes, if kids get too addicted, they don't study and they don't do their homework. They can get you stupid. [b]Games isolate you[/b]: Unless you meet a group of video game-addicts as youeself. But mostly, yes, I agree. Video game addicts can get so abosrbed into video games that all they can talk about it "Oh, did you beat that level?" or "Yeah, those monsters are so easy!" and everything else bore you to tears. But like I said, if you can control yourself and have control over your video game playing, it doesn't isolate you. There are some video games that you play online with other people you meet and work together with, but not as much as single players. [b]Games addict you[/b]: Yes, yes they can. I cannot stress this enough. [i] SELF CONTROL HELPS YOU.[/i] [b]Games mess up your body[/b]: I have no idea, really. I have no opinion on it, either, since I know nothing of it. [b]Games cause violence[/b]: I'm a huge follower of this saying. Video games do cause violence. I admit that I've become much more violent ever since I've started playing video games, and it makes little kiddies violent, too. I'm not sure about this, but I guess if you start playing video games when you're mature, it might not effect you as much. [b]Games make you smart[/b] Uh...being able to do several tasks at once and being able to play sports and fly planes well does not really mean you're smart. Not academically, anyway. [b]Games improve your litercay[/b]: Yeah, two paragraphs of old english and legends will DEFINATELY make your literature grades soar! Ok, maybe for these 'specially designed' games, but not a lot of other. What novel? What great dialogue? From what I can tell, regular ole' video games don't have extremely well-written dialogue. [b] Games are social[/b] Only the ones that you can do online. I don't know the ratio of home players agianst online players or both, so I'm not going to say anothing. [b]Games relieve stress[/b] Only for stressed-out high schoolers and adults. I don't think a lot of kids have so much stress that they must blow things up in order to releive it. Sure, I guess it could work for older people, though. [b] Games heal the body[/b] Games are fun, nevertheless, I like them. :P Though if you get addicted, the consequences are never good. Unless you speak fluent Japanese, can draw extremely well, is a computer freak, and lives right next to the Enix building. (do they have a Enix building?)[/size]
  17. [size=1] Heh, I absolutely [i]hated[/i] those 13 Orders, they kept on slowing the video down and it froze all the time. >_< There's also: [b]"A fragmented tale....A world without you....The eyes will close..."[/b] [bottle washes up onto shore.] [b]"Something so natural."[/b] [blank screen] [b]"The memory beyond."[/b] [another blank screen] [b]"Something so simple." [/b] [::cough:: blank screen] [b] 13 Orders correction [/b] [13]: [b]"Where's Sora?"[/b] And then very quickly it says, [b]"We must find him."[/b] [9]: I think that [b]"The Gathering"[/b] is part of the 9th one, not seperate. [Between 5 and 4]: It just repeats the 11th order. (Bedhind the darkness is not the door to the light] I definatly think the blindfolded guy is Riku. I mean, he has white hair and stuff...O_o But I believe the person you see first is an unknown. For obvious reasons, I think. His keyblades doesn't look like Sora's and Sora has dark brown hair. I think the next unknown is the man fighting all the heartless and then runs up a building. At first I thought the unknown that came out from the rock and the unknown that fought the heartless were the same people, but during the 3rd order, (Paradise "We'll go together") it showed four people in hoods. [from left] The first one I beleive is the first unknown one we saw (coming from the rock), the second one (from my opinion) is Riku, the blindfolded guy who jumped off the building. I can't tell if he's wearing a blindfold in the shot I'm explaining right now, but I can distinguish him from the three others since he's not wearing a hood. The third one: the unknown that fought all the heartless. The fourth one: another unknown that...is standing on an island. I remeber hearing that there are four unknowns, but then again, I have a bad memory. In the video, it seems as if the four 'unknowns' are talking amongst themselves somehow, so I don't think any of them are Sora. In the 13th order, it says, [b]"Where's Sora?" [i]"We must find him."[/i][/b] So if my 'communication' thing is correct, then none of them are Sora, since they have to find him for some reason. And judging by the scene where it shows the four unknowns and the last part when two of the unknowns talk, I guess they all know each other and they're looking for Sora? From the 13 orders, I'd say that these three other unknowns (one being Riku is my opinion) are from this "World between" which is a "world forgotten" in order 9. Then, in order 8 it says that the third enemy is nobody, which is the nonexistent. And then I might be able to connect these two and say that the third enemy are the three unknowns that aren't existent to other people since they come from the world between and- ::sighs:: But I'm actually making random guesses here. I think that some of the orders are things the four unknowns are talking about, and some of the orders are between someone else and Kairi. O_o[/size]
  18. [size=1] I can only hope for them to get cheaper by Christmas. O_o[/size]
  19. [size=1] Paint Shop Pro can make good banners as long as you know what you're doing [i]and[/i] you keep it simple. But I guess Photoshop would be your best bet.[/size]
  20. [size=1] Yes, the violin looks a bit weird. With the way it's positioned, we shouldn't be able to see the finger board, just the girl's fingers. The violin position itself looks strange. Most violinist make it so that the violin's pegs are resting near or on the chest, with the bottom in their laps when they take picture or anything. Also, her girl's shouler isn't matched well with the rest of her arm, it looks a bit weird. Everything else looks allright, it's a very well done picture. I love the CG as usual. I like the layout, too, it's nice. But I liked the previous one better. ^_^[/size]
  21. [size=1] I guess I'll put off the marker stuff for later, I need more practice on the light effects anyway. :P I found this tablet for fifty bucks on thinkgeek.com, but judging from what you said, I'm not sure about it now, lol.[/size]
  22. [size=1] ^_^ Thanks for the advice. I've seen artists do great stuff with prisma markers (look at my banner), but just recently I found someone scan a peice of paper that had a streak of Prismacolor and Tria. [img]http://members.aol.com/starvixsf/triavsprisma.jpg[/img] So I was confused, since I thought Prismacolor was [i]really[/i] good. >_< Maybe I'll get a tablet and just learn how to CG.[/size]
  23. [size=1] All OCs aren't Mary-sue's, but most of them are. I absolutely hate it when I see fanfiction with an OC in them, usually if they have a love relationship with one of the characters from the anime/book/etc. No, I'm not saying fanfiction writers are all horribly uncreative and stupid, but fanfiction is much easier to write than your own story with your own plot and characters. Most fanfiction writers on ff.net aren't exactly author-material, and they choose fanfiction because the characters and plots have already been established. So if you take that into fact, I guess you could safely say that if these authors were to create an OC, they wouldn't be so interesting. With that, the Mary-Sue's pop up.[/size]
  24. [size=1] :P I spend my time on the internet usually just going to website such as these not talking to anyone. So...I wouldn't really miss them for a day.[/size]
  25. [size=1] I couldn't think of any other place to put this topic, sorry if it's not allowed in here...O_o I was thinking about getting either Prismacolor markers or Tria markers, but I don't know which one is better quality-wise. Anybody know anything about them?[/size]
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