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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] Well, if we weren't allowed to express our opinion on shounen-ai, why should het writers be allowed to? :P[/size]
  2. [size=1] Naw, whether or not you like Eva or not, I don't think Hollywood will be able to pull off all the Eva units and fight scenes correctly. Or, capture the small bits of Evangelion that make it different.[/size]
  3. [size=1] ^_^ I think it looks good for something drawn quickly. Hope to see the profile soon![/size]
  4. [size=1] Eh, Plastic Little was sort of a failure in Japan, I don't think it's that good. Though it didn't work on my parents, you can show them Evangelion. Just make sure your parents aren't avid followers of their religion.[/size]
  5. [size=1] I admit that every time I see a Mary-sue story, I usually leave it. I've read Mary-sue stories before, and they annoy me. Badly. They're always too perfect and too powerful, I hate them. But the ones that are made to be weird or not perfect and stuff are sometimes good. Self-made characters can be a great thing if you know what you're doing. Self-insertions are allright, I've some good stories with those. [/size]
  6. [size=1] Yeah, some places don't like snowboarders and some places don't like skiers. I really think it's stupid, actually. I went to some skiing resort in Utah once and they wouldn't even let me bring my snowboard in.[/size]
  7. [size=1] I like it, a lot. ^_^ It's nice to see something non-anime once in a while. I like your smooth shading, I've always had a problem with that... I think it's pretty darn good for a sketch on did quickly. [/size]
  8. [size=1] Yeah, there is a point that Shinji and Kaworu don't love each other. [spoiler]But there's the fact that Shinji blushes every time he sees Kaworu. He never blushed when he say Asuka or Toji or anything. Even though Kaworu was another species, he was Tabris, the angel of free will, so I guess that counts for something. O_o Or maybe they had an extremely deep relationship. By watching Death and Rebirth, I can tell that Kaworu was with the Eva gang for more than a week, or something. I mean, the fact that Kaworu's job was to destroy the human race and he didn't for Shinji kinda tells you something, no? I don't know about Kaworu, but I think Shinji is bisexual. I think he did some feeling for Kaworu, but he pretty much liked Asuka was well. I guess.[/spoiler] But on the topic of shounen-ai. I am agreeing with Metatron on this. If you don't like shounene-ai/yaoi, just ignore it and don't say anything bad about it. It's not like the anti-yaoi people are going actually change the opinion of shounen-ai/yaoi fans.[/size]
  9. [size=1]Rhysenn=goodness. :P Like her stuff. But there are things I won't read. 1) Bad grammar. If I see a story that has more than three blatant grammar errors in one paragraph, I will stop reading it. If they have too many mispelled words, no way am I reading it. (yes, I'm extremely picky) 2)Stories that make fun of or try to purposely insult a chracter, a theme, or anything else. 3)Crappy five-minute stories with no plot or interest. [/size]
  10. [size=1] [i]Great...[/i] I'm hoping that this anime fad will soon be over. I don't think it's a good idea to do this to any anime movie, whether the live-action one is good or not. But then again, it would be kinda cool to see it if it was really good. O_o[/size]
  11. [size=1] And yet Hollywood is using anime as a new way to get more money. ADV films are already making a live-action Evangelion movie, and there's rumors of a live action Akira and Sailor Moon. ::shudders:: OK, so there's a possiblity that these movies could come out good. I've seen the promo picture for the live Evangelion, and I admit it. They look pretty darn good. But I think if you ever change an animation to a real life movie, it looses something special.[/size]
  12. [size=1] No, but apparantly girls do. Note: [b]yaoi[/b]-Really getting it one. Hentai, eroticism. [b]shounen-ai[/b]- just fluffy stuff, like hugging. (among other things) And the shower thing was added as a joke. Kaworu and Shinji seem to like each other anyway.[/size]
  13. [size=1] Another comment. I love the backgrounds and how you drew the planes! I have a huge problem with that stuff, so I'm still amazed by this comic.[/size]
  14. [size=1] ::stops watching Evangelion to reply:: I'm saying guys like to watch lesbians get it on.....because guess what? From what I can see, most guys do. Lesbians kissing is even more popular in movies now, guys like it. And they'll watch it. Do you like watching girls on girls? No? Fine, most men do. So, if I like Kaworu, then it's not problem that I like the Kaworu/Shinji pairing. :P Besides, they take a shower together. And the point of the What anime character would you be... is just simply asking....WHAT ANIME CHRACTER WOULD YOU WANT TO BE? By saying Kenshin, Hiro, and Satohi (ha, I didn't say Kuramo XD), is hot, I'm not saying they're real. What you said in the eariler post was that if I liked Kaworu and I also like the Kaworu/Shinji pairing, I was being....a hypocrite? Men like girls on girls. If they see some good-looking girl, I don't think they'd mind if they saw her with another girl.[/size]
  15. [size=1] [b]Asuka[/b], definately Asuka from Evangelion. She can kick a** and look good doing it, lol. She's one of favorite anime characters of all time. But on second thought, if I were [b]Faye[/b]...that would be cool, too. >_< Wait...[b]Ed[/b]. WAIT! ^_^ But if I were a guy, I'd be [b]Kenshin[/b]. Because...because he fights....good. Or maybe [b]Hiro[/b] from Gravitation. Very nice looking, can sing good, pretty smart. ....or [b]Satoshi[/b] from DN Angel, because being an evil(hot), 14-year-old(hot), genious(hot) is cool.[/size]
  16. [size=1] LMAO! Double_D_Diago, jezzus christ! These 'people' are nothing but ink on paper, don't get so offended by me saying Kaworu/Shinji is cute. Yeah, so what if I like Kaworu? That doesn't mean Kaworu MUST be with a girl or I'm being a hypocrite. I don't want to show how 'good' he is, he's a freaking [i][b]fictional[/b][/i] character. I don't want to go out with some anime chracater, walking around and saying, "Hey! This is my boyfriend. He's a fictional character from this show called Neon Genesis Evangelion!" Pfft. ::still laughing:: So is this your reason of why you don't like shounen-ai? Because the girls who like it are being HYPOCRITES? come [i]on[/i], don't be an idiot. [/size]
  17. [size=1] Well...at least I get annoyed when guys run to watch girl on girl porn. So if guys like to watch two girls bonk each other, then we should like to watch...some couple. Like Kaworu/Shinji. ::hugs Kaworu::[/size]
  18. [size=1] Cross-country is evil. I almost died when I did that with my family. But, it is a huge challenge, a lot more challenging then snowboarding...skiing can as much a challenge as snowboarding. It depends on the person.[/size]
  19. [size=1] Mmm...Yami Bakura... O_O Anyways, very nice banner! I like how everything is clean and I like this blueness thing.[/size]
  20. [size=1] I've seen your earilier pictures and now I'm thinking about whether those are yours either.[/size]
  21. [size=1] ::shrieks:: I LOVE CLOUD! :: But you know what? It would have been better if you had drawn it. I knew your Goku and Chibi Eva-unit 1 pictures looked familiar. And from what I can tell from Davo's profile and your own profile, you two are NOT the same people. [url]http://davoproductions.150m.com/fanart/index.htm[/url] I'm sorry to break the no outside links rule, but I was a fan of Davo's art. I couldn't find this particular cloud picture on Davo's site, but judging by your earilier pictures of Goku and Eva, I'm saying this one isn't yours either.[/size]
  22. [size=1] Johnny Tsunami was a stupid movie. Moving on. I learned how to ski first, and I throrouhgly enjoyed it, but I started learning how to snowboard about five years back. It's also very fun, and I'd have to say I like snowboarding better. BUT, skiing is extremely fun as well. Just depends on what you like.[/size]
  23. [size=1] Keyblade's mom said something about coming, too, so...yeah. We should PM each other 'bout this stuff. Does anybody else on OB live near Atlanta?[/size]
  24. [size=1] Um, yeah. That's basically what I said.[/size]
  25. [size=1] Martial Arts is a form of self-defense, and people who really follow the martial arts philosophy will never attack someone unless it is imperative. And I don't think it matters whether it's too 'fowery' or anything. All forms of martial arts still have a way of self defense, and fighting people isn't really the main point.[/size]
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