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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] I'm a big shounen-ai fan myself, but I can tell you this. The only pairing that I've ever liked that has absolutely no reason behind it is Harry/Draco. That's not even anime...O_o Lol, anyways, most shounen-ai couples come from animes with lots of boys and few girls. Let's take WeiB Kreuz for example. The main characters are four cute mean who pretend to be flower-shop owners, and become assasins at night.The only 'main' girl is Aya-chan, the younger sister of Aya (Ran is his real name). So shounen-ai fans have a field day. I see nothing wrong with it! There are no girls, only men, what are we shounen-ai fans supposed to do? Same with Gundam Wing. OK, so Relena and that girl who liked Duo is in it. Let's talk about Trowa and Quatre. There aren't any girls for them, and I think [spoiler]Catherine is Trowa's sister[/spoiler] anyway. I don't think there are specific girls for Kurama and Hiei either. I'm not sure, though, I haven't watched YYH a lot. Same with Ryou and Bakura. But I've noticed that Milliefan has brought up the Vash/Wolfwood pairing. I don't think there are hardly any of these pairing, trust me, I know. I mean....I think Vash and Wolfwood are pretty straight. I can see how some people can get mad because a lot of people do make any anime male character gay with some other guy, but I beleive most pairings come from the idea that the guys have no girls. Take G-Gundam for example. Every main male character each has some girl that they're in love with, and I have [i]never[/i] seen more than two G-Gundam shounen-ai stories. Get my point?[/size]
  2. [size=1] Well, one of my OCs (his name is Matthew...need a better name) is not so much involved with the other four. I have numerous pictures of my female OC, and she's one of my favorites. I was thinking of developing an anime plot, probably something to do with some sort of legend. If you noticed, my OCs are all from succesful ancient countries (Greece, Egypt, China, Japan, and Atlantis) Heh, I don't know if I really beleive in Atlantic or not, but it seemed like a neat thing to add in. The first person (Greek origin)'s name is not really Tachi, as that's obviously a Japanese name. I guess it's his nickname or something.... The second one is Atlantian, he doesn't remember his name and was granded o3 by some guy. I still have yet to figure this whole thing out. The third one is Egyptian, and I think Seth was one of the High Preists of Ancient Egypt. I was hoping I could make my OC some kind of descendant of the real Seth. Ryouji is the Japanese OC, and I've made him a happy character, much like Duo from Gundam Wing or Ed from Cowboy Bebop. He's just...I don't know. I'm not planning on making him have some scarred past like the others. (hehehe) I have no idea what the name of my female OC is going to be. She's the one from China, and with a personality similiar to the Asuka from Evangelion. Except, not nearly as arrogant. If I were to make an anime, I would most probably make her the narorator (sp?!). Matthew is a characer that comes off and on, but I'm making him very important to the whole 'legend' thing. And guess what? I'm horrible at making plots and it'll take ten thousand years to come up with a good one. lol... But I have a picture of all five male OCs. [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27936]::cough::[/URL] Hope this plot doesn't sound too cheesy. [/size]
  3. [size=1] I was watching the Animatrix, and when it was over, my sister (huge Matrix fan) said that the first four were good and then the shorts slowly got stupider. ::shrugs:: I also liked the plot of Matriculated, but I really didn't like the art when they entered the other world. Bothered me for some odd reason.[/size]
  4. [size=1] ::shrugs:: I like Hiei from YuYuHakusho, I though he was a good swordfighter. He's pretty quick from what I can tell, and anyways, he's my favorite character! Lol. But I also like Himura Kenshin, though sometimes I wish he would kill somebody now and then, ^_^. It looks like he's pretty famous in this thread.[/size]
  5. [size=1] Heh, if you really like Invader ZIM and your a teenager, you should check out Jhonen Vasquez's Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee, and I Feel Sick. He has a very nice twist of humor that I love...[/size]
  6. [size=1] I was bored, and it was very late at night, so I thought, "Heck, why not?" Lol, they're just sketches, really. I have five OCs that I'm in love with right now...^_^ Yes, I do tend to hide the eyes when I'm drawing facing that look striaght forward. I don't know what happened to the third one, lol. I used to only draw characters looking to side or 1/3 away, so I've been practicing looking foward faces lately.[/size]
  7. [size=1] Oh, right! I just rmemebered this. I saw how Link was designed in Soul Caliber II, and I thought it was pretty nice. Maybe that's how Nintendo will go with it in the next game if older Link is in it.[/size]
  8. [size=1] Heh, I'm only in Middle School, so the goals I want to achieve right now is to definately learn Chinese or Japanese. It would seem very useful in the future, wouldn't you think?[/size]
  9. [size=1] Nope, not Rhysenn. What does that author write?[/size]
  10. [size=1] Really? I liked the first one better...::shrugs:: Here's my third picture: [img]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/seth.jpg[/img] >_< I don't like this one at all...[/size]
  11. [size=1] Lol, the brush part is very easy. If you have Paint Shop Pro, you just go to Add Picture Frame and you use Photograph 2 and it gives you that....brushy look. ^_~ You can find out how to do the different style (i.e. second one from the left) very easily if you mess around with it. Funny, the violet one was the one I thought turned out bad. O_o Oh, well, thanks.:P[/size]
  12. [size=1] Lol, I prefer suspense mived perfectly with anticipation, of course! I love it when an anime does that, it's very good....for some part. Sometimes the preview does ruin it, and I hate that. As for the title thing...it never gave me a problem when I was watching anime. Some animes do an excellent job of making you want to see the next episode, some don't. It just depends for me...[/size]
  13. [size=1] I like them all! ^_^ Even though I'm not fond of Hamtaro, it's a very well-made banner. [/size]
  14. [size=1] Yet Domon still has a nice point...I'm just saying it could have been both ways.[/size]
  15. [size=1] YAY! Good backgrounds! lol, thanks Jean, even if I did force you to reply...O_O[/size]
  16. [size=1] Very nice! I love it, especially the coloring. I like your style...[/size]
  17. [size=1] Nice banner, it's very simple. ^_^ I love DN Angel, Satoshi is so cute...O_o ok, going off-topic there.[/size]
  18. [size=1] I was just thinking...(and very bored), what do you think will happen to Zelda in the future? I mean, I really like the cell-shaded graphics on Windwaker, but I liked the grahics in the small excerpt that Gamecube showed at that....place. O_o...Was it E3? I'm not sure. Sorry, I sound confuzzled. And more so, what do you think will happen to the plots? Do you like the continuous Link vs. Gannondorf and the dungeons? Heh...I wonder how long the Zelda series is really going to last...[/size]
  19. [size=1] I really think the guy in a blinfold was Riku...I mean, who else can do that?! Lol...just my own opinion speaking there. I really like the song that starts when the bottle washes up onto shore...It was piano, right?[/size]
  20. [size=1] Um....not to sound mean or anything, but two boys and a man following them around in a fully loaded minivan seems a bit suspicious... But you have a very good point Domon. A lot of small children are nervous when they do these things, and if you talk to them in a harsh tone, they just might get a little too nervous.[/size]
  21. [size=1] Yeah, I believe these kids are forced into doing it...::shudders:: I think they even go as far into abusing them. And Messenger, how is he supposed to give us proof? lol...[/size]
  22. [size=1] NOTE: I also entered this into the art contest thread, I'm very sorry if this is against the rules...close it if it is! ::looks around nervously:: Heh, my picture is a bit big, width-wise, even after I sized it down some. It's just a big line of my original characters...I'm quite proud of them.^_^ Well...took me some time to finish, it's the second picture that I've actually worked on for more than two hours. O_o It's not what I wanted, but it's ok with me. [IMG]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/collagev2.jpg[/IMG] The thing is supposed to say "A series of cuts, faults, and imperfections." if you couldn't make it out. My sister couldn't read it... (thank god I'm not in the graphics contest, lol!) Here's a link to the original version...even this one is sized down from the [i]real[/i] original. Okay...that made no sense. [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/artwork/collage.jpg[/url] Hm..hope everyone likes it![/size]
  23. [size=1] Don't worry, your CGI skills are awesome. As expected. The only problem I have with it is that her open mouth is...white. Very interesting. I like the bunnies, very cute. Nice job! Everything is good, and I love your CG.[/size]
  24. [size=1] I think their rule about letting councilman without going through the metal detector is stupid. Who cares if they're councilman? The world is full of lying people, anyway. I think it's sad, actually, to kill someone just because they're your rival and you're jealous of him/her. It's just...STUPID! [/size]
  25. [size=1] Collecting money for a faze organization is definately illegal...right? I mean, you can't just go around claiming to give money for some fake charity.[/size]
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