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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. eleanor


    [size=1] Okay...that little happy boy in the middle is kinda weird, everyone else seems evil and brooding or soemthing. O_o But still, very nice pictures. [/size]
  2. [size=1] Um...in case you haven't noticed, this contest is over. [/size]
  3. eleanor

    Teen Titans

    [size=1] I thought the little anime version they threw in there was nice. It's my opinion that America is going to start making more anime-based cartoons, and this is just the beginning. I mean...I don't think Japan is going to be the only country that supplies anime. Korea and China has its fair share of anime as well. So anyways, I watched the show and the theme song bugged me...a lot. But other than that, I thought the show was ok. The characters are a bit overused, but hey, which characters aren't? I thought the personalities were weak, though. Very weak plot, just a buncha teens fighting bad people...[/size]
  4. [size=1] At least you have the passion to actually work on peices of art for long periods of time! Be proud of that, because I'll never be able to work 15 hours on something. I would die, I say. Or something bad. [/size]
  5. [size=1] I went to a three-week camp called TIP (talent identification program) at Davidson College in North Carolina, and it was probably the best three weeks in my life. It was a very fun and exciting experience, and it was fun to experiece living in Dorm rooms with a roommate. They gave us plenty of freedom there, and it was SO fun! Lol, my friends and I would go to CVS and stock up on Sunkist and gummy bears whenever we could. But I'm not doing anything else until school starts.[/size]
  6. [size=1] Well, in the whole "gay marriage" thing, it could be about people pushing their beliefs. In my opinion, people [i] are[/i] using their 'God' to hide their own prejudice and discriminatin against homosexuals. When I used to be a Christian, I brought up the topic of homosexuality in bibly study class, and my teacher stiffly said it was a sin since God said so in the bible, and therefore all homosexuals were bad. Of course, after reading what amibasuki quoted from that...person (srry), the people who are rallying together and protesting against gay marriage are wrong. (If they are Christian) But I guess some of the people protesting [i] know [/i] that they're wrong by saying homosexuals are bad in Christian terms, and they say that being homosexual is being anti-american. And that, from my point of view, is incorrect. [/size]
  7. [size=1] Naru, I finished the banner you wanted! [IMG]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/narubanner.bmp[/IMG] [/size]
  8. eleanor


    [size=1] She means posting a reply two times in a row. You have to wait for someone else to post before you post again.[/size]
  9. eleanor


    [size=1] O_O Woah....::makes masterbird favorite artist on OB::.....I think I'm going to sit here in awe of your pictures. Very, [i]very[/i] nice shading! I love how you do it, and your fantasy-type drawing really pulls me in. Very good, solid 10, as Ginnylyn said. And repeating what she said again, it's nice to see something non-anime and more realistic, and I know for certain that realistic is harder than anime. Anyways, I love your drawings, you're definately going to get into the Otaku Artists Elite club. Somehow....::cackled madly::[/size]
  10. [size=1] ?? I guess you can start drawing/writing/graphic-ing(?) now. I've already started my picture I'm entering.... Oh, and scratch the idea for me being literature, I see the judge spot it already filled. [/size]
  11. [size=1] Woah, bumped! lol, Thanks for the comments! The yellow stuff I use is the Aged Newspaper effect on Paint Shop Pro. I'll try to stop using it so much... Here are the two pictures I showed before without the effect, Ginnylyn. [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/glaringdreamori.jpg[/url] [url]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/foundoldori.jpg[/url] Okay, so while I'm at it, I'll post some more pictures. [IMG]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/groupshadeariv2.jpg[/IMG] Lol, Chris informed me that the girl standing up has a pretty big butt, and I think it looks abnormal as well. [IMG]http://maladjusted161.250free.com/vcross.jpg[/IMG] [/size]
  12. [size=1]...wow, big feet. Anyways, it's still good. Aside from the feet, though, her fingernails look like they can chop up vegetables, and that's all. Very minor, anywho, and I really like your CG skills as I said before. [/size]
  13. [size=1] My pet peeve is when people remark that they're horrible at something or really ugly, just so they can hear someone say, "No, you're really good/pretty!" or something. Of course, I hate internet ads as well, and....when you're walking in the hall at school and a friend grabs your bookbag and HANGS ON and drags you back while talking to you. [/size]
  14. [size=1] Can I be a contestant in the art-contest and be a literature judge at the same time? [/size]
  15. [size=1]Hm...what Chris said is nice. You should learn some self-defense....very useful, hehe. O_o[/size]
  16. [size=1] I love anime in general for its wide variety in every subject. No, I'm not in love with every anime series available, and I hate some anime series. But I think most anime is a step up from American cartoons. The anime series I like tend to deal with real-life situations, and not the "I lied to my parents, oh I feel so guilty and WAIT, I love this girl but she loves this other boy..." stuff or the typical...over-used stuff. I like how deep the plot can really go and mature themes anime can deal with. And the cute guys. [/size]
  17. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Make them watch Evangelion. That should make them realize that anime isn't for kids.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I tried to do. Then, my religiously-obsessed mother found out that the Evas were killing Angels. She was not pleased. I was not pleased with her sudden outbreak of incessant preachings. O_o, lol, but I guess it would work with other parents! My sister, who was neutral about anime, saw Evangelion and she actually thinks well of anime sometimes. (GASP!) My dad...I don't know what my dad thinks about it. He's never really home. But seriously, if I'm watching anime and my mom sees ONE gun, she freaks out. I got back from TIP (three-week camp) and my mother had 'cleaned' my rather well-cleaned room again while I was away at camp. My precious Zelda mangas seemed to disappear. ::hollow laugh:: I've looked over the whole house for them...even the bathroom cabinets....[/size]
  18. [size=1] Ah, yes, FFVII! I would really want to see a good anime of that game. I love Cloud...[/size]
  19. [size=1] It did have some stuff that little kids would cringe at... but Nickelodeon cancled Invader Zim simply because it wasn't getting enough ratings. A lot of the people who liked were older people that didn't watch it regularly. This is just a guess, though. [/size]
  20. [size=1] So, as in the anime art, can it be fanart or does it have to be original? Rather, can I copy an official picture and enter it for the contest instead of making up new stuff?[/size]
  21. [size=1] So I'm not the only person who liked the ending of Evangelion! Lol. Well, I think the End of Evangelion wraps up the movie nicely anyway, and yes, I'm strange. [/size]
  22. [size=1] On the day before New Years Eve in 1999 in New York, I rolled down our car window and screamed the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star song. [/size]
  23. [size=1] They were gentle about it......? Did you try to at least [i]resist[/i] them? ::sigh:: I'm sorry if that sounded rude, but in most rape cases..well, I thought the victom was brutally forced. [/size]
  24. [size=1] What's wrong with internet sympathy? Dayday, it must have been awful to go through that, and I must say you have a pretty strong spirit to have gone on through life like this! But, yeah, you should definatly tell your parents. I can't give you advice, I don't think any of us can! I don't think many ppl actually know what you've been through. Most definately, talk to someone about it, rather your parents of a counselor. I hope everything works out good! [/size]
  25. [size=1] I really like how you draw your lines so clear! Something I need to work on, anyway. I like your Neo one the best, and I like the third one as well. His face isn't too small, to counter what Taylor said. I don't think I really like the numb picture with the lyrics, the person's head seems...weird. [/size]
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