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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [b]Piromunkie[/b] 1)I really like this one, it actually reminds me of some kind of rock and foire. Good job! [i]9.3/10[/i] 2)Great graphics, but the hand and the background seem to have no connection. But, on a second thought, maybe you made it that way for some obscure reason. By looking at the title, "Wasted Touch", the picture seemed to make more sense. [i] 9.6/10[/i] 3)I like how you drew and colored the knight, but I don't think the background goes with it. I like the steam effect, but it looks like the steam is coming from the ground rather than the knight.[i]8.2/10[/i] [b]Dan Rugh[/b] 3)I love how you drew Sango, but I have a problem with the boomerang-thing(sorry, I don't watch Inuyahsa much). The place where she holding it? It makes no mark of where she grasping the rope, and it makes no wrinkled against her clothes as the rope goes across her body. Good job, though. [i]8.5/10[/i]
  2. [size=1]::snorts and sprays soda:: Ha, that's a funny banner you got there. I like the way you colored it.[/size]
  3. [size=1] You know, I beleive that sign thing would've been a good idea. O_o. But it doesn't matter. [/size]
  4. [size=1] Eh, the pencil I had sucked and it was getting down to a very dull point, so I just stopped. Here's another version of the guy on the left. [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ephemeral884/boybent.jpg[/IMG][/size]
  5. [size=1]Here's something I drew. [/size] [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ephemeral884/boysmess.jpg[/IMG]
  6. eleanor

    a start

    [size=1] I love the image you used, and I also like the texture that came out in the banner. Good job. [/size]
  7. [size=1]...the penguins are cute but I'd have to say they don't have much artistic value. You shouldn't double post, either. [/size]
  8. [size=1] O_O Right...uh, married, I see. (wt..) Anyways, I like the first banner, but I think it could do without the girl on right. As always, though, it's a very nice banner and I like teh background. I love the anime you used as well! ^_^ [/size]
  9. [size=1] Ha, fear me since I'm hard to please! O_o [b]Hataki[/b] 1)Very nice banner, I like the black and white contrast. [i]8.9/10[/i] 2)Good banner, but I think the image on the right throws the whole green setting you got there. The text also looks a bit weird... [i]7/10[/i] 3)I'm going to have to agree with DarK DeatH, because I also think the images you took don't exactly go with each other. The text doesn't fit very well. [i]6.3/10[/i] [b]Dan Rugh[/b] 1)Nice job! I like it overall, and you drew everything perfect Inuyasha style! The only thing I don't like about is the eyes. One bottom line is curved and the other is straight. (??) The nose also seems a bit off. [i] 9.5/10 [/i] 2)Eh...I have no idea what AFI is...O_o But nonetheless, I love this banner! For reasons I don't even know. I like the way you hid that...(probably AFI, right?) person thing in the background, and I like the texture. [i] 9.4/10 [i] 3) n/a (get it in soon!) [b]Shinobi[/b] 1)Wow. I heard you did this with your mouse that was sticky as well! I like the coloring, but when you got down to the shirt, I guessed you decided to stop shading. O_o Also, on the right side of his face, the bulge is bigger than the one on the right. [i] 9/10 [/i] 2)I love the background, but something about the black swirly lines throw me off. Good graphic, though. [i] 8.3/10 [/i] 3)I like the background and the image, but the glow coming off of Gotenks bugs me. [i] 9/10 [/i][/size]
  10. [size=1] Why don't you like ratings? O_o [/size]
  11. [size=1] I already think the list is too big, but what the heck. I hope a lot of people are willing to join! [/size]
  12. [size=1] Yeah, Jean, that's why I need for you to pose again! Lol, but you're right. My violinists are bad violinists. Bad posture...::shakes head sadly::[/size]
  13. [size=1] I can't tell what it says. O_o But I like how it was designed.[/size]
  14. [size=1] I couldn't see the hole at first, but I finally noticed it, lol. I like its hair as well, and I like the arms but the legs look a bit too big. Nice picture, though. [/size]
  15. [size=1] No, I wouldn't mind. [/size]
  16. [size=1] I think you should just...make the area beneath the bag darker with smudge or something. I'm not a real expert, I've only CGed once. [/size]
  17. [size=1]No, you're right. The violins do look messed up. I made the curves too small and the edges stick out too much. O_o[/size]
  18. [size=1] I steal food. And I lie. Quite well, actually. But it's nothing to be proud of. [/size]
  19. I don't think they'll be able to pull of the purple hair or blue hair, I think they'll just make it a different color.
  20. [size=1]Very nice! Your friend must be very talented, I like his comic-style drawing as well.[/size]
  21. [size=1]Yeah, it's not good quality but I like the beat and sound of the song. I have a bunch of Japanese songs downloaded just because they sound cool O_o[/size]
  22. [size=1]Cool avatar, I like it. Well, thanks for the comments, everone![/size]
  23. [size=1] Yeah, I think the second one is much better. I like how you designed the banner, but for some reason I think it would be better without the guy on the left. But maybe you put there to keep it in balance...::shrugs:: but it's a good banner nonetheless.[/size]
  24. [size=1]What are you going to do, BLEED on me?! Lol, Monty Python and the Holy Grail is so funny, I nearly died of laughter. I thought the animated part with the jumping sun and clouds were hilarious....for some...obscure reason. O_o[/size]
  25. [size=1]I think I'm going on a feverish line of boys playing instruments...O_o Here's two I recently drew. I'm really having a hard time drawing the violins, they're surprisingly hard to draw (in my case). But, I did my best. [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ephemeral884/boyplayingviolin.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ephemeral884/boyplayingviolin.jpg[/url] [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ephemeral884/boyviolin.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ephemeral884/boyviolin.jpg[/url] ...yay.[/size]
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