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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1]The 'strict-ness' of the moderators sometimes vary depending on what place of OB they moderate. Some places are are usually made up of newbies (the Anime Louge) and I've noticed that the moderators there are a bit too strict. [i] SOMETIMES [/i] Queen Asuka and Heaven's Cloud do a very good job on monitoring the place, but the number of threads that have been closed there seem more than some other places. It's about equal or less to the Otaku Lounge, (I have no idea who runs this particular place) where I think it's about half and half between the ranks. NO, I'm not trying to insult the Newbies around here, but when you look at a closed thread, it's usually started by a newbie. Well, form what I've seen. But I haven't been here that long. Somtimes, the moderators are too lax to me. For the fast couple of days in the Art and Design place, I've seen a thread that someone made full of double-posts and wierd grammar, but I don't think anyone's done anything. I'm not trying to make fun of the person who made that thread or the moderators of that place, it was just an example. (although, true.)I've rarely seen many closed threads in the Art and Design, or the Square Enix or the minor places. And I'm not trying to insult those places. I happen to go to those places a lot anyways. Well, what I'm saying is that moderators are more strict in the more popular places of the board, but it's fine. If they weren't, this board would a spawning place for spam. I say they do a good job. EDIT: Completely off topic, but I just noticed I'm a member now! O_O! ......::goes to sleep::[/size]
  2. Tenchi came out very nice, and it's much better than your previous drawings! The girl looks a bit distorted, though.
  3. [size=1]^_^ Thanks, I might make a better version of it while at Duke, since I liked the idea. I started laughing my head off when I first saw the original thing.[/size]
  4. I've witnessed one messed up 'closed thread' but the moderators aren't that harsh, really. I think OB is a better forum compared to some others I've been to.
  5. O_O;; I made this comic in about three minutes after I got inspired by a doujinshi pic at The Final Seashore: A shrine to Kaworu Nagisa. It's pretty messed up and bad, but....I wanted to post something before I left for Duke. For three weeks! >___>;; [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/nge1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/nge2.jpg[/IMG]
  6. It may be a style of your drawing, but I beleive it's unproportional that way...
  7. [size=1] Don't worry, the game isn't very good. They just used same pictures over and over again, and sometimes you could tell they cut it out from the anime! [/size]
  8. [size=1] He looks like he has horns on his head. O_o;; His hair is too spiky, and the eyes are on the forehead. If you changed those two things, it would be a good picture. [/size]
  9. [size=1]Where do you download it? EDIT: Woah. The thing I downloaded is...horrible. I don't know if it's the real thing or not, but it was poorly made. In my opinion.[/size]
  10. [size=1][color=red]PERSONAL[/color] [b]Member Name:[/b] maladjusted [b]Former Member Names:[/b] anime_gurl [b]Member Since:[/b] 02-01-2002 [b]Current Status:[/b] Junior Member [b]Nicknames:[/b] Tada (don't ask.), Guinea Pig [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] Art and Design, Anime Lounge [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] n/a [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] You know what? I don't have one. [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] I don't use smileys. [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] ....... [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] Where the fu** are my cuchillos?! (I forgot who said it, just one of my friends.) [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] n/a [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] Something good, at least. [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b] n/a [b]Favorites:[/b] Green, black, brown, drawing, eating O_o, anime, soccer. gaming, internet, writing, thinking [b]MOST AND BEST[/b] [b]Most likely to succeed:[/b]James? I don't know...O_o;; [b]Most likely to secede:[/b] This is kind of mean, isn't it? [b]Worst spelling:[/b] Look at previous answer. Actually, I have no idea. [b]Best poster:[/b] Shy/James [b]Cutest couple:[/b] Er.... [b]Best writer:[/b] Mitch, Sara, Charles [b]Best artist:[/b] Mystikal. Yeah, she's new and all...but she's good. Ruaki(not on OB)Sara, ky3s, Ginnylyn, Fate. Syk3 for graphics. [b]Best...spar-er?:[/b] what? [b]Craziest:[/b] Many people. Right? [b]Funniest / wittiest:[/b] Who did that comic, Magik of the Bees? [b]Interesting-er-ist:[/b] n/a [b]Random award:[/b] If you feel the urgent need to award someone a title not listed here.. No, I don't.[/size]
  11. eleanor


    Um, shouldn't double post. Yeah, I also have a problem with drawing too fast, and I never really take time on anything.
  12. eleanor


    [size=1]Actually, it doesn't really matter how old you are to me. No, I'm not trying to insult you. But I agree with Hataki Vash. You shouldn't draw on lined paper...it isn't good. O_o;; Hm..the shoulders are too short, and the eyes look like they're on his forehead. Also, the head look too long. But! Nice job on his hand. Very nice hands you got there...^_^ I also partially agree with Solid. Sometimes if you draw the same picture again, it looks much better.[/size]
  13. [size=1] Asuka? Jealous? .......::runs to buy game:: Lol, that would be fun to watch! Demondrake, you can PM me for a site, since we can't directly link. [/size]
  14. There is an Evangelion game for the N64, but I think it's only Japanese. I believe the game that has Mana is for PC.
  15. [size=1] I hate you. And I hate your CGing skills. Lol, j/k! That's an awesome pic you got there! I love the coloring and shading, and you drew the girl well also! [/size]
  16. Yeah..hm..it's supposed to be cliffs. O_o;;
  17. [size=1]PWAHAHA, YEAH, HE'S WORKING FOR ME. O___o Lol. Actually, I think he's doing most of the work right now. ::hides:: What's your manga going to be about anyway?[/size]
  18. Can you guys tell what the background is? I'm having trouble with it....O_O
  19. [size=1]Well, you do need to get some of your proportions right when drawing people, but it's still very good. ^_^ I hope to see more![/size]
  20. [size=1]I think the song is in Japanese, but thanks for all the help! It comes at the end of Death and Rebirth, not EoE, after the first half of the movie. But anyways...[/size]
  21. [size=1]^O^ Yeah, I really loved the Final Fantasy music! I usually managed to get my hands on some of the orchestrated versions; I really liked those. The computer generated sound kind of annoys me as well.[/size]
  22. [size=1] You were bothered by the words in Final Fantasy Seven? ::coughs:: The only 'bad' words were damn and sh** (as Charles stated), and the rest were blocked out by symbols. Anyway, it suited the chracter personality, didn't it? O_o Oh, right, he said *** also. ^_^ Of offense Queen Asuka, but when the first thing you say is "The Japanese have low morales", all sense kind of went out the window for me. Sorry if I was too angry or something. >___>;;[/size]
  23. [size=1]I like the Evangelion music as well. The battle scene music got me hooked. O_o;; Well, does anyone know the song that plays at the end of Evangelion: Death and Rebirth? (the very last song that they play after part one of the movie, not the recap.) You know, the one that sounds really sad, and then all of a sudden it gets all happy?[/size]
  24. I think the text should be Century Gothic, with Boards bold. It looks good, but the two Vashes look weird.
  25. [size=1] ...yes. I've tried my hand at CGing, but I'm no good. [/size]
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