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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1]No, it's still really good! And nice job with the 'modern' clothing.[/size]
  2. There is absolute NO YAOI in CCS. TO remind everyone who doesn't know, again, yaoi is hard-core, nudity, etc. Shounen-ai is just hugging and etc. Er...yeah. Lol, personally, I love the shounen-ai in CCS. They do hint a lot at Touya/Yukito/Yue, but no yaoi.
  3. Ooo, nice scanner. O_o;; Heh, very nice picture also! I love the coloring and the shading. 9.8/10
  4. Yay, but I think this should go in the Anime Lounge area. ^_^ But I'm happy.
  5. [size=1]Children today [i]are[/i] growing up without knowing the difference between right and wrong. The bored mommies thing was put in there for a little humor, I wasn't exactly trying to insult anyone. About the little children watching CN. I don't think there is anything bad on Toonami, so kids can't exactly get scared. You're right about the Akira thing though. I was 11 when I watched it and the toy scene freaked me out.[/size]
  6. ::laughs:: I used some CD case to make straight lines, but it didn't work out well...
  7. I think this should go in the fanart section. ::shrugs:: I'd help you after September...^_^;;;
  8. AH! The....CUTENESS! ::runs off cliff:: Lol, very nice sketch. But it seems that you draw the fave, hair, and eyes incredibly smooth and then when you start to draw the body, it gets sketchy and rough. Not saying it's a bad thing, though! What do you mean by modern stuff?
  9. [size=1]I sort of admire Japanese students. I'm learning Geometry from my Japanese tutor so I'll bee ready for the school year, and she says, "Oh yeah, fourth graders in Japan know how to do this stuff." O_O Even my mom agreed. I think I died right there. Of course, Queen Asuka, every culture is DIFFERENT from others all the time. Maybe Japanese kids are mature enough or something. ::mutters about little kids knowing geometry:: But I also think it's necessary that they dub anime shows, because if they don't, bored mommies will complain until they cancel it or dub it anyway. Then again, I wasn't corrupted by watching unedited anime either. I think the topics they discess in anime sort make you more open-minded sometimes. But, I don't think many teens watch WBkids or FOXKids or whatever, and little kids don't really care. ...Do they? O_o It would be much better if they didn't edit them, but nobody can stop them. If you're a big anime fan, then you'll be driven to buy the unedited stuff. I mean...I was. And the people who buy lots of anime DVDs and whatnot aren't usually the little kids who watch KidsWB. P.S.- Yes, they really did currupt Yugioh. The original series that was released was aimed for older audiences and had very mature themes. They couldn't even release the real first season since they couldn't edit it enough so that it would be appropriate.[/size]
  10. I have to go to that Duke TIP thing. Argh, I am NOT a very social person.
  11. eleanor


    WOW. O_o You're a great poet. ::mutters about self:: I suck... Well, all of the poems are really good, and they're so sad! T_T You have a lot of talent! ::gushes more::
  12. eleanor


    O_o You sound too depressed, lol. Nice poem! It's really good.
  13. I have no idea what the white space is doing there.
  14. I need help with spacing and setting the mood, and the backgrounds, of course. I tried to space it out a little, but it looks weird. O_O The story- Takes place post-holocuast (not sure where), when some Jewish gangs were formed. Well, I'm not exactly sure about that, but I read a book by Elie Weisel called Dawn and it was about a Jewish gang that killed German officers. I think. The boy with the hat-thing is orphaned, and wants to join a gang. He has to 'prove' himself by killing a German officer or someone connected to them. The girl is the daughter of the German officer that killed his parents while they were marching to the concentration camp. The reason he was able to track her down was because the officer spared him, and he dropped a photograph of himself and her daughter. He found a bottle of craned belonging to her, and he waited for her, knowing she would come looking. He knew she was trying to make 100 cranes, because he did that when he was little, but of course, his wish wasn't granted. He's been a cynist ever since, and he tells his story about how his parents were killed and then confronts the girl. He tries to kill her, but he can't, and his deadline was 3:00 AM. Since he couldn't kill her, the people watching him kill him. Page 6- [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/manga6.jpg[/IMG] Page 7- [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/manga7.jpg[/IMG] Page 8- [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/manga8.jpg[/IMG]
  15. I got a favor someone at another forum to CG my pic, Glaring Dream. I just felt like posting... [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/glaringdreamCG.jpg[/IMG] It was sort of hard for him because the original picture was shaded and stuff, but I like it.
  16. ::gapes:: Wow, that's a really nice picture! The first one is much better. In the second one, her hand is holding the plate up on one side. It's like the plate is magically floating there or something.
  17. Haha, don't worry. We have until about September. page 4- [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/manga4.jpg[/IMG] page 5- [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/manga5.jpg[/IMG]
  18. Well, that picture is amazing. I love they way he can draw realistically and the colors/textures of the piture!
  19. Second page- [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/manga2.jpg[/IMG] Third page- [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/manga3.jpg[/IMG]
  20. You have to answer my question first BEFORE you ask another question.
  21. Maybe I should have put this in my other thread, but here's the first page of my Tokyopop manga. It's still in rough form, but I'm pleased with it. Actually, it's my first version. O_O I thought drawing the rough wouldn't take so long, but I use up and hour and a half of time to finish two pages. I'm tired. I have 10 pages done, but my scanner ir extremely slow. I need a new one. [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/manga1.jpg[/IMG]
  22. [size=1] Haha, Chris, that DOES NOT look like Santa. The little boy had an overactive imagination or something. Anyways, very nice job! haha..[/size]
  23. [size=1] Wow..uh..that's a lot of avatars. But they're good. They're not extremely special or anything, but they're good. [/size]
  24. eleanor


    Juu, you're so PRETTY! Argh.. Well, very nice job Kaisuke! I like the textures and the lightness of the whole pic.
  25. [size=1] I like the texture and the colors! I think it goes well with your friend. [/size]
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