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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. Fro-ish? lol Well, it's very good job! I like the shading and the uh...'fro-ish' hair for some reason. >__>;;
  2. The way you shaped it makes it looks kinda wierd, but I like it. I don't think the font matched very well, but I like everything else.
  3. ...I hate that magazine. But nice job on the cover, it looks...uh..real. The dog is cute.
  4. Answer: Ikue Kimura Question: What event was the anime Black Cat Banzai trying to refer to?
  5. By Yaoi, she means graphic drawing. Yaoi: hard-core boy/boy relationship Shounen-ai: fluffy scenes with bubbles in the air whilst boys hug each other. Yes, I'm a shounen-ai fan, but I also don't think Vash/Wolfwood are a good couple. You're right about people who slash guys that...can't...be slashed. O__O But it's just fanworks, so I don't really mind. XD
  6. You get paid for your sketches?! Wow. Well, thanks for the offer! I'll let you know if I need any help...
  7. O_o;; I can't believe nobody noticed how FLAT the middle finger is...heh, maybe that's a good thing.
  8. Ergh...I've decided to postpone this manga. I just found out about a manga contest that Tokyopop is holding, and I decided to work on a manga that I can enter into the contest for the summer. The one that I just started is already way too long, and the one for the contest can only be about 15 pages. I'll post stuff on the new one to keep people updated. It's going to be about the Haulocaust (sp?) I believe. I think I'm going to try and jam the 1000 Cranes legend in it. Somehow. O__O;;
  9. ARGH! The CUTENESS! ::runs off a cliff:: Nice job, but it looks too pixelated.
  10. EoE is End of Evangelion, the final movie of the series. No, it's not a hentai movie, it just has one part that implies something. But it's not hentai, don't worry. You should see it!
  11. I finished the chracter profiles. Actually, I didn't even work hard on them. They're just sketches, really. [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/cp1.jpg[/IMG] He's playing the violin, if you can't tell. I messed up on it, so it looks wierd. His arm is deformed too. [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/cp2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/cp3.jpg[/IMG] They're supposed to be twins, that's why they look the same. I messed up on the guy in the corner...
  12. Does your personality change when you get on the internet? I sometimes stay the same, but mostly I sound more pessimistic.
  13. I'm mostly like Tsukasa, since I'm a loner and I usually like to be alone. And anyways, people on the internet usually think I'm a boy...O__O.
  14. Maybe a Moderator combined them or something. I was kinda confused also. Well, I think most girls who like guy/guy relationships mostly like shounen-ai. I think. At least, I do. There IS a difference between shounen-ai and yaoi for those of you who think they're the same.
  15. Here's the original. Stare at it. lol I inserted the image in my post in case it looks screwed up if you use the attatchment. [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/glaringdreamori.jpg[/IMG]
  16. Actually, I have more than 'much' free time. I am constantly drawing every day. Yes, I'm that pathetic.
  17. I love my name. Heh, thanks. Keyblade told me to look at her avatar and I noticed it was Calvin and Hobbes. I kinda went on from there.
  18. I agree with Transtic Nerv. There's a huge difference between yaoi and shounen-ai contary to popular belief. Like I said before, I prefer shounen-ai more than yaoi. Heck, I don't think I've experienced yaoi before anyway.
  19. YAY! Someone else like 1x3! ::claps hands:: They seem to go well together. I'm from Alpharetta.
  20. Zelda OOT: This is was the first Zelda game I ever played, and I thought it was amazing. I thought the graphics were pretty good too. (for its time) I liked the way they set up the temples and all the little side quests.
  21. I live in Georgia too....::feels left out:: Lol. Who are Blade and Star?
  22. Thanks! I actually worked on this one.....^_^;;
  23. I just made a Calvin and Hobbes avatar....I thought it looked nice.
  24. The whole thing is sort of out-of-proportion, but nice job.
  25. My name is Ginny. Yeah. Okay, thanks everybody!
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