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Everything posted by eleanor
Hiei is good, isn't he? He's amazingly fast...even though I've only seen about three Yu-Yu-Hakesho shows. But I'm still leaning towards Kenshin! I haven't seen many Rurouni Kenshin, but he impressed me in the episode where this guy has this really fexible, long sword. I forgot the plot, really. >.< I think if Cloud and Kenshin did go up against each other, Kenshin would win. Even though I LOVE Cloud.
I read in Newsweek that the hazing was a ritual at that school, and the Juniors didn't pay for it to happen to them. O__o The article I read said that the Juniors were forced to the middle of the field where buckets were put over their heads and the Senior girls hit them with baseball bats. It also said that in the rules of the 'ritual', no boys were allowed and nothing could be forced into their mouths. I believe one of the Senior's parents provided the pig intestines and the alcohol. It also mentioned that the Juniors accepted the punisment for social acceptance, which kinda disgusts me. I don't have contempt for the people who got hurt, I feel extremely sorry for them, and when I first read it, I was quite angry towards the drunk Senior girls. But going through all of that just for social acceptance isn't right. I mean...I wouldn't do it.
If this contest is ending, I would like for more judges to rate my first drawing since the new versions don't count! I only got one score for it.
I like it a lot. Especially the colors and the font, even though I hate the color blue. O__o The blurred background adds a nice touch, also.
They all seem to have extremely short necks. And they're heads are a bit too...well, round. But they're good. Vash- 7.9/10 Mimiru- 8.9/10 Crim- 8/10
I saw the preview when I was waiting for the Matrix Reloaded to come on. I don't think the movie will be any good compared to the oldies. Especially when everybody started laughing after the preview was over.
::reads Final Flash's post and sprays soda everywhere:: Woah, you really liked it, eh? I personally thought it was a HUGE dissapointment. Yeah, it was a good movie compared to the other new releases, but compared to the first one....erg. First. Maybe I have no idea of how hard it is to make CG scenes like ones in the Matrix Reloaded, but I HATE the CG. I don't know if they were using the finest technology or what, but it wasn't good. Neo's trenchcoat looked like bended iron. Second. I thought the lovey-dovey scenes were bad, and [spoiler] after Neo and Trinity had sex, that scene was corny. [/spoiler] I think the scene that I hated most was when [spoiler] Neo reached into Trinity and magically brought her back to life. He reminded me of Jesus.[/spoiler] I didn't think it was too confusing, but I had to really pay attention to the part [spoiler]Neo and the architect were talking. [/spoiler] One part I enjoyed was the part when [spoiler] Trinity rode the motorcylce on the freeway[/spoiler]. I think the part of when [spoiler] Neo fighted the multiple Agent Smiths was complete crap. Neo was like God or something. He beat them up like they were clay figures. Not too mention that they did looks like Clay figures whenver Neo grabbed one and threw him into the crowd. [/spoiler] I also didn't like the fact that the Control room of Zion was incredibly WHITE. It practically killed my eyes since were sitting in the second row because my friend forgot her friggin' glasses. EDIT: Too many slow-mos. I'd like to take back the thing I said about how crappy the graphics were. I guess they were okay.
O_O Then why did you rate my new version?! ARGH! This is confusing me...
Hm, well, I don't think you have the right to say that unless you've checked with every person in your school! I think I'm an okay artist, but I rarely enter contest. Especially ones in school. :/ Ahem. >.< I really like the texture you pet on the dragon, and I like the way you drew the trees! But I think the cliff looks a little bare. 9.5/10 Good job!
Oh right, I forgot to ask something. Since I made a new version of my pic, does that mean the judges' scores for my new version doesn't count?
And even when I do open it, it's mostly coverd by a huge black thing.
Hatake Kakashi, you're absolutely correct. O__o Or maybe we're just pervs who're imaginging things. >.< Nice graphics, though. But, I think the red stuff is a little wierd looking.
O.O Woah, that's nice! I like the shading and the way you can draw realistically so well. One of the faces just seem off though. 9.9/10
Yeah, at first when Frank jumped on Vash and pinned him to the ground, something shounen-ai...ing...was going on. But, after I watched the whole episode, it seemed like they were just really drunk.
I think the manga really screws up the storyline. Not majorly, but in some places it does. But I thought the manga with the part Touji got picked was really sad.
Hm, I think if you blended the skin colors together it would look better, but it just seems a bit off like that. Maybe it's just me >.
O_O! If he did put all of the member's names, it would take up about 1/3 of the ending credits! lol Yeah, I was wondering if it would be in animated form or live acting...
>.< Hm..It looks clear on my computer...:/ I don't know how I can make it more clear.. EDIT: I made two new versions of my old pic. The first one is only a little bit lighter, while the second one if more sharpened and a lot lighter. I hope you can see it more clearly. [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/imaginev1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/maladjusted161/imaginev2.jpg[/IMG]
Pencil crayons? O__o Or do you mean colored pencils? I like markers better for some reason.
Ergh, my mom is forcing me to go to the DUKE TIP thingy! >.<
O_o. One person?! Wow, I thought more people would be interested in it at Centennial.
Great job! I hope the whole thing works out nicely, and I'm excited to see that final production!
I thought there was a thread about this, but I couldn't find it. Well, I was wondering what you do is anime clubs anyway.
Suichi? A girl? ::thinks for a few minutes:: PWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't think they'll go as far as turning him into a girl...and if they do, they're going to have to cut out the parts where he dresses like a girl. Unless they make him...er..her, dress up as a guy. Which would be wierd. Gravitation was made to be about shounen-ai, and I don't think they can change it. Like, in the beginning where [spoiler] Hiro takes Suichi's pocky and licks it[/spoiler], and when [spoiler]Tatsuha hugs the screen where Ryuichi is singing and then 'molests' Suichi [/spoiler] and a whole bunch of other stuffs. I thought those were the funniest parts, too.