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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. Oh. Well, I like the coloring of the hair and eyes, but the sideburn seems to be plain black. The nose is kinda curved wierd, but overall, good job! 8.9/10
  2. Have any of you watched this show? I watched it once, only because this girl in my Language Arts class sang "Blue" in it. But I realized that the person they pick can only be talented in the performing arts, and the show's judges are pretty crappy from what I cant tell.
  3. Yeah, if there's ONE THING that's remotely good about Spongebob Squarepants, it's Patrick. I have watched it, seriously, and I still get the reason people love it so much. Maybe i'm just messed up. yeah, probably that.
  4. LOL the duck part was hilarious! I think I died of laughter right there. (I laugh EXTREMELY easily)
  5. ::sobs:: HOW COULD YOU DO BETTER THAN ME?! Ah well. Good job, I have to admit. Oh yeah, this is anime_gurl by the way.
  6. It's extremely hard to make me sad over movies, so...I guess this movie will test me.
  7. ^_^ This isn't really anime_gurl, it's her sister! I made a banner, and I wanted to know what people thought of it other than my sister...
  8. WOW! I love your coloring... It's really good 'cept for the face and that extremely long finger.
  9. eleanor

    the blurr

    ::looks at own post and feels shamed:: I guess I really don't like the blurry thing, eh? I think I'm going to change my rating, I think you deserve better. ^_^;; 9/10 You have a lot of talent, I believe.
  10. Wow, nice ink job! I like it. 9.2/10!
  11. ...Uh...woah. I'd really have to say that I liked your Rei picture better. ^_^;; sorry, I just liked the Rei one! Well, it'd good but there's some circle around the pupil and it looks pretty wierd and the bags under your eye makes you look old. (I think. It's reminding me of Treasure Planet) And Psycho is right, the face is too oval-shaped. The hair is....um....kinda scary to me. I don't know if those curves above your shirt are the collar bones or your chest. If it's supposed to be the collar bones, they should be more far apart and if it's the chest, it's way to close to the neck. Your shoulders look really really round and well, I guess that's all I have to say. ::sweatdrops:: Sorry if sound mean and stuff, I'm kind of in a bad mood. Oh yeah, one more thing. You're left-handed? That's cool! Most people I know that are left-handed can't even write well. Quite a different style than the one you drew Rei with, but oh well. 7/10.
  12. Ah, well, I've never cged so I shouldn't really say anything... but I wanna know if you drew that on the computer before I judge it. Also, of you did draw it on the computer, did you use the mouse or a tablet?
  13. Hey, pretty good pic! Just that the flames look a bit wierd and the coloring of the pants is pretty choppy.
  14. I'm going to see the movie tomorrow, and I heard it was extremely good. (and sad) Has anyone seen it?
  15. eleanor

    the blurr

    It pretty nuch too blurred, but I can sorta tell it was a good pic before that. 7/10 (since it was so blurry)
  16. HIRO. (he's now currently my new obsession)
  17. eleanor


    I think it looks good, although it looks choppy near the picture and the bottom right side is blank.
  18. The head, hands/fingers, and upper body was drawn beautifully! I love the way you can actually DRAW fingers well. >.< Me jealous... BUT, from there on down it doesn't look exactly great. To put it plainly, it kinda looks wierd. You made her bottom too skinny, and the it doesn't have much curves. Other than that, I like you pic, and great job on the shading as well. 7/10
  19. I was feeling bored, so I made this. It was pretty quick, so it's sloppy, but I kinda liked the way it turned out. I hafta add some text, though.
  20. ::hugs Trowa:: Thanks you guys!
  21. ::stuffs the cookie down throat:: Thankies! ^_^ I've never gotten so many compliments on my drawings before! My mom said the last one looked like a soldier too.
  22. ^____^ This is my THIRD thread today for my drawings! ::sweatdrops:: I combined 4 sketches in this one. It was sketches of Link riding Epona, random girl holding some weapon thingy, Trowa holding an umbrella, and Dark link w/ link facing him. Well, actually, the Dark Link doesn't really look like DL, but that's what it's supposed to be.
  23. I didn't want to post three new threads for my pics, so I combined these three. All three sketches are supposed to be the same person, but I don't think that turned out well...
  24. ^_^ Thanks! You're right, the hair is kinda messed up, but thanks for your comments! I tried to post all of the drawings I had scanned, but my website was messed up.
  25. I drew a quick sketch of Duo since I was bored. I hope you guys like it!
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