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Everything posted by eleanor
Hm, does anyone know why Suiichi looses his voice after Ryuiichi passes him in episode 11? I never really pay attention so...
I believe the head is a tiny bit too big, but overall, it's pretty good! 8.9/10.
My sister and her orchestra are in Orlando right now. ::gets jealous:: They play at Disney World for twenty minutes and they spend the next three days playing around. >.< Well, my sister called me and said she was at the Japan country in Disney World, and she said she would get me this anime encyclopedia, so....I guess I'm happy.
I never saw the OVA, but I heard it was more yaoi-ish. ::shrugs shoulder:: Do any of you know what episode Eiri's little brother shows up in?
I just downloaded several episodes of this series, and I think it's good. (i love the expressions!) Has anyone else seen it?
Have any of you ever witnessed something disgusting in your opinion? I don't mean "ew that girl threw up on me" disgusting but behavioral.
I respect the show for being better than most of the crappy cartoons that Nickelodeon puts out now, but I really don't see the appeal.
Well, is anyone else going to Anime Weekend Atlanta?
Well, there are always better books than those you mentioned. But I think you're right, Domon. In "The Little House on the Prarie", I think there wasn't anything bad. But, I recall a part when Laura wanted to have an Native American baby or something, and the mother acted as she didn't like Native Americans. Maybe that's something they can hold against the author, but the author based the books off of a diary the real Laura Ingells wrote.
If there's one thing I hate about this war, it's George W. Bush. I know he says all this crap about giving freedom to Iraqi people and stuff, while his top priority is to obtain the oil. (that's what I think) The only reason I support the war NOW is because of the American soldiers fighting for us. If you think about it, the U.S. is really a country full of bast****. Ahem. For everyone who thinks that we're NOT in this war for oil, I think you're all a bunch of naive idiots. Just because Bush wants oil doesn't mean he's a dictator or he wants to take over the world. Sure, maybe he doing it for America's economy, but it's still bad. Iraqi peopl don't even want our help. All that stuff on the news about Iraqi people cheering on America? Yea, about 1/40 of the population in Iraq believe in that. I think America has granted itself the title of the supreme country, and in that title they can whatever they want. I think the leaders want to feel important, so they help anyone even if they don't want help. And anyways, America's economy didn't begin to slump after 9/11. That is the most stupidest, most ridiculest thing I have EVER heard. The economy slumped after Bush became president, it just wasn't publicised as much then. [QUOTE]Its odd how something that could be a fun sharing of opinons boils down into children fighting amongst themselves. I guess thats how some of the more opionated people of OB find pleasure- proving themselves the worser person by engageing in confrontational debate that ruins threads that could offer new ideas and thoughts. Hm. Sad that fact holds true.. And its the same people that ruin these threads with petty debates too. Cloricus, Gokents. Sensitive, Defensive, Opinonated people who ruin threads with a 'holier than thou' attitude. Bah. Also i'd like to ask some form of upper justive- God, I guess- to bless the familes of the Iraqi casulaties and the American casualties. Poloticans never fight the wars themselves, they just send other people in to do their work, and die for them..[/QUOTE] ...you remind me of the US.
You don't care what your parents think? You're grades are good? YOU DON'T CARE THAT YOU'RE GROUNDED? (crap, I no I hate it when I'm grounded) First of all, I'm 13 also, and I'm currently recovering from this whole "I don't care what anyone else thinks so I'm going to do whatever I want and I'll be fine" stage, and it was horrible. Unless your parents have mistreated you (and don't say they gave a youa spanking or made you do workbooks), I don't think you have any right to not care about what they think. Do you realize everything they've done for you? So what if they screamed at you? You're the one who "experimented" with weed. Your thirteen years old, and you should be responsible for everything you do. Okay, so you said your grades are good. Does this mean you study all the time or what? What do you define as good grades anyway? The only think I know is, is that if you keep this up, your grades WILL go spiraling down and down until you have a F or something. Failing in school is something you joke around with with your friends and laugh about. (unless you're on weed) I know this cliche is used too much, but knowledge is power. Do you want to be a druggie that sleeps in the streets and end up dying knowing that nobody's gonna care. Oh, and by the way. Just because you don't go to a couple of parties doesn't mean you're a loser. I hate people who think like that.
Ocarina of Time was the first Zelda game I played (it was the first video game I ever played also), and I loved it! Actually, the only two Zelda games I ever played were OOT and MM since I only have a n64. >.< I almost got MM first, but my mom said the mask on the cover looked freaky and told me to get OOT. ^__^ OOT had all these extra side quests and since I never played video games before, I'd sit in front of my tv screen doing stupid things to get this door open or to get across a room. It was fun, even though it usually gave me a massive headache...
Just when I get out of school.... Uh.. ::tries to comprehend and passes out:: Right...what's the point of this again? ^__^ j/k
Don't you hate when you see the "downloaded 13 times" thing and nobody's replied? I know I do. >.< Anyways, good job!
If you think I draw good enough (look at my other threads), DRAW THE EYES FIRST NO MATTER WHAT ANYBODY ELSE SAYS. I know that in all the "How to Draw Manga/Anime" things it tells you to draw the shape of the head first and then put the eyes in. I thought that method was horrible. Actually, when I first started drawing I was horrible. But after I practiced A LOT (key words there), I thought I drew okay. Make sure that the head is proportional to the body, so it doesn't look messed up. Always see if you drew the hair so that it made the skull look normal (many people draw it way too thin). When you draw a sideways view, make sure that the chin goes out a bit unless you're drawing a little kid. That's all I can think of right now.
The drawing is okay. The only reason I really don't like it a lot is because the pose is used often with him. Be creative! Other than that, it's good!
I came across this petition that was trying to shut down this website caled Bonsai Kitten. [url]www.bonsaikitten.com[/url] Anyways, the site sells jars and equipment. Normal, right? Well, the website talks about putting kittens IN the jars so they're squished up and stuff, and the owners just keep the kittens there until they die. They feed them with a tube and stuff and they have equipment to clean the jar out, but isn't that freaky?
I don't adoption is somewhat good and bad at the same time. It's good because many people hope that their children will have better lives if they live with someone else, and they do it for a good cause. It also allows people that can't have children to be able to adopt unfortunate ones. But one day, the child will probably learn why she was put on adoption. If I were that person, I couldn't help but to wonder of I was just someone that a teenage girl threw away. To know that you were born with hate and contempt isn't really a nice feeling.
Yeah, I feel sorry for your friend, but it was strictly her fault. Health teachers always talk about not having a sex, and once our math class started arguing about abortions. We all know that she's probably going to regret this, right? Last year (evil sixth grade...), I totally slacked out in a lot of my subjects, and I got a 40 something on my pre-algebra exam. My mom was, of course, pissed and I got grounded for two months and got a harsh hitting. I felt bad about it for about three days and then I was back to my usual habits again. I failed about every math test that whole year. Things got worse and I landed in two days ISS once. Everything is okay now, but do you get my point? Even though getting pregnant is much more extreme than failing math tests, you gotta make sure she doesn't make the mistake again, since I hear a lot of girls do.
Has anyone cosplayed before at an anime convention? I'm going as Yuffie (she rulz!), but my friend doesn't know who to go as. We're trying to find an anime character that has short, brown hair.
How many of you have watched this show? I thought the plot was good but I didn't like the animation. For those of you who don't have a clue...
I made another banner! ^^ I made it pretty quick, though, so it's not that great.
I made the text white.
.....woah. Can you do that on Paint Shop Pro?
I cam across this picture. I did a long time ago, last year I think. >.< I don't like it...