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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. Sure, you can do whatever you want with it! You have to zoom in a couple of times to see her face well.
  2. No, she's actually kinda funny and nice. Even though she brags about the stupidest things sometimes.
  3. ^__^ Thanks! Can anyone resize it and post it again? I'd appreciate it a lot.
  4. I added some text, even though they're pretty corny.
  5. Go to the room where you first saw Ruto. There should be a hole right under where she used to be. Go down the hole, and go through the door BEHIND you. I forgot the rest...but you soon come to this cunfusing room where you go in doors and fight these tentacle things swinging from the air and you kill them with a boomerang. The red thing yousaw should be gone if you defeat them all.
  6. Oh gawd, Jean, Kelsie's not that bad! (she kinda lets me look at her spanish homework) The person you're talking about isn't two-faced, she's afraid she's going to get made fun of. Everyone at our lunchtable hates her ('cept for me. gotta love the homework) and she's just trying to fit in. I doesn't matter what she hears from you, she's under peer pressure. *cough cough* mallory *cough cough*
  7. I got my scanner working, and I decided to post my artwork. You have to zoom about once to see it well, though. My paint shop pro7 didn't have enough 'memory' to go through with the size change.
  8. This is my first banner, i just wanted to know how good it was...or something. I didn't put any test 'cause I couldn't think of anything to put, and I didn't want to put "anime_gurl" on it.
  9. Does anyone here know how to make winamp skins? I wnated to learn how to, and I couldn't find any good tutorials for it.
  10. I don't think Paradise Kiss is rare. I alo of people at my church read it and I saw it at Waldenbooks.
  11. My mom has to do some interview thingy for a bible study class she's in. She has to ask people who don't go to church: 1.) What thoughts or words come to mind when someone says, "Church" 2.) Give two reasons why you don't go to church 3.) What qualities do you think a church needs to be a "good" church? I'd greatly appreciate it if just one of you answered these. My mom is pretty desperate... (It's kinda scaring me)
  12. Ha. Ha. Ha. If we do get into a war, I believe reacism will pop out agsinst Koreans, regardless whether we're from North or South.
  13. Haha...I kinda agree with you. Whenever I read shounen-ai or yaoi stories that have a big fat "WARNING, YAOI CONTENT. NO HOMOPHOBES" and they decide to read it anyway and flame the crap out of it, it just gets me mad.
  14. In the movie "The Sum of All Fears," a man says that Hitler was stupid. He shouldn't have fought both Russia and the U.S., for that was stupid. Instead, he should have made Russia and the U.S. fight each other, and then they would destroy each other.
  15. I heard on the radio that a leader of North Korea said something along the lines of, "We'll be ready to attack any U.S. military base anytime anywhere." Or something like that. My mom asked me what I thought about it, and me being the stupid seventh grader that I am, answered that North Korea was the stupidest country to ever be created. My mom then told me a story of a mouse that was trapped in a room. A cat was let in, and started to chase the mouse around, trying to eat it. When the mouse was stuck in a corner and had nowhere to run, what do you think it did? Anyways, it just made me think of a lot of people like Hitler and stuff.
  16. I agree, Lady Macaiodh. Well, this is what the Webster dictionary says. 1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims 2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics [QUOTE]But enough about that. I honestly want to know what goes on in the mind of a gayperson. it's kind of weird to me, so i woudl liek to udnerstand. Keep the discussion going.[/QUOTE] Well, judging by that the dictionary says, I believe you were being prejudice the moment you wrote that. Who said gay people had a totally opposite mind then straight people? The thoughts that are swirling around their heads may be exactly the same as our thoughts. Who knows, judging by [I]another[/I] opinion, I could be commiting an act of prejudice right there. I'm probably just making simple matters worse, but hey. I also beleive that nobody can go on in life and not once be prejudice against something, or have a stereotype. For example, if I said, "North Korea," what would pop into your head? Judging from their actions, most people would probably think along the lines of evil, dangerous, etc. I happen to know for a fact that the people who live in North Korea are extremely polite and generous. How many of you have used the word "Sped" in your life to insult someone? When you see an African-American or Mexican person in an all-white school, what thought do you think would pop into your brain? Although I'm ashamed to admit it, I would think he/she would be in a low or average class. Of course, stereotypes have a seed of truth in them.
  17. I think the hardest of the three to learn is snowboarding. If you want to learn how to ski or snowboard, I'd probably learn how to ski first.
  18. I don't know if anyone has done this before, but which anime character do you hate the most?
  19. Daniel Day-Lewis's performance was AWESOME. You're exactly right, Crazy White Boy. You could literally feel the character in him. But I think that was the only thing good about it. I heard the director tried to make th movie for like, twenty yrs. or something, and he finally got to make it, so I admire his ambition. But, I think he didn't make the great movie he wanted to.
  20. Well, uh, I'm kinda hoping that the sue will be sucessful since I DESPISE that show... ::gets beat up:: But anyways, it WAS the parent's fault. Who knows, maybe they planned it or something...
  21. Eh, I've been neglecting all Zelda-related things lately, so I was wondering if people could tell what the bgest sites are now. I used to go to Zelda Elements all the time, but I think it went down of something.
  22. I LOVE snowboarding! I've been doin' it for nine years now. ::smiles proudly:: I live in Georgia though, so we have to go to other states to go to good resorts. Skiing is fun too, though. They go faster than snowbaords, I believe, and are easier than snowboarding. P.S. Yeah, snowboarding is when you use both feet on one boards, Lan.
  23. I'm going to Anime Weekend Atlanta in.....ATLANTA. I live in Alpharetta, (a city near Atlanta)so I don't need hotel rooms either. ^^
  24. Heh, I never thought Kiley as hot, and I probably never will. ^_^ ::gets evil:: DUO WILL NEVER BE HOTTER THATN TROWA! NEVER! MWAHAHAHAHAHA...um. Yeah.
  25. Finally, my friend will get to see Evangelion! I've tried to show her the shows that I have on my computer but she refused and decided to take my mouse and click on Gundam Wing... But I hope CN doesn't dub Evangelion too badly, I don't think the show would be good if some of the explicit stuff was cut out. I can't help thinking though, since Neon Genesis Evangelion deals a lot of psychological themes, maybe some viewers won't understand it, making them assume that it's a bad anime. I think if CN does keep on playing any of these shows if the "Giant Robot Week" is a hit, Evangelion should be placed in Adult Swim. Just my opinion, though.
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