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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. WOW! I think I read every post and I only found one post that had this show on it. WeiB Kreuz. Aya is HOT. :love: ::drools::
  2. Episode? I never saw the show, but the manga is good. I think it's worth buying.
  3. Not saying that I am popular (I think I'd rather die), but why is there all these stereotypes about popular people? Have they really ever made fun of you or talked to you? Maybe some people think they're snotty or something because they don't talk to you. But hey, I never talk to them. I've never really quite got over the time when I was stuck in a class when lunch time was, and I sat at the corner of the table and a group of "popular" girls ignored me completely. I HATED them, but to tell the truth, I'm not exactly Ms.Oh I'm so nice lets talk and be friends. If I saw a lone popular kid I'd probably say "Hi" and never communicate with him/her again. So in truth, I WAS being a hypocrite. Yes, it's true in our school that the popular kids tend to like clothes and makeup, etc, but it doesn't mean that they're mean. And the clothes thing, why would you hate someone who had different tastes? I wear big t-shirts with freaky, non-humorous sayings on it, ans none of the popular kids made fun of me. (at least not to my face) If you're so ticked off about people going around talking about how wonderful their shirt is, don't talk to them. And of course, if they come up to you (heaven forbid) and talk....I have no positive advice.
  4. Original is a section at fanfiction.net. You can't write about shows there... I've been neglecting...wait. I've ABANDONED the Zelda section a long time ago, and the only story that I know is good is Eternal Ark by Fierce Deity. Sooo, if anyone knows ay good fanfictions there, please tell me.
  5. Okay, um, does any of you know any good original angst fics? Don't ask why I need them...
  6. I agree with Justin, how CAN you be surprised? This kinda thing (or something very closely related) happens probably every day! They probably just decided to post that story just for the heck of posting...it. Um, yeah. I think the lady was either too desperate for someone in her life, TOO absorbed in the internet, and also didn't care much for her kids. And counting that the desperate and internet things are true, I really can't think of any other option that I would choose. Baby-sitter? Yeah, maybe if there some kind of 13-year-old babysitter who's willing to babysit two kids for 4 dollars an hour for that long. Family? Unless her whole family is like that,then, no. Friends...uh....I'm guessing that if her friends are good and not mentally disturbed, they'd try to HELP her, and of her friends are the kind of junkie she is, they'd be too irresposible to help.
  7. eleanor

    Invader ZIM

    PHPPPT. Yeah, like Nickelodeon is ACTUALLY going to put all the Invader ZIM episodes on VHS or DVD and sell them. As far as I've heard, Nickelodeon HATES IZ.
  8. Heehee, I have digital cable.... But, yeah, I kinda hope it's a paying thing so that anime won't just become another fad with everyone else.
  9. My sister usually gives me books after she's used them for school, her highschool picks some pretty good books, they always become my favorites! I guess movies that are based on books of action are more appealing than the book, since kids these days seem to be getting more violent. (I think it's due to video games)
  10. Our counsler is Billy Joe. She's a woman. She used pom-poms to cheer us one because she thought we would become depressed just because we just started seventh grade. Everyone at my school hates our counslers, they just say, "Hm, yes, your friend isn't nice. You should try talking to her/him." " I already have!" "Yes, well, try again. Now go along to class!" My friend said thats what happened at least...
  11. [QUOTE]And a_g, ^_^, how in the world do you think old members are scary? Anyone that you have in mind? I want to know. [/QUOTE] ::clears throat:: *looks around nervously* Hahaha....of course not...*people look suspiciously* ehehe...I LOVE OB! Guys? Guys! Can you untie me now!? Yay! Go GA! I think it's because Georgia is probably one of the most anime-deprived states in the world. The stores around me have no anime whatsoever, and the ones that do don't have a lot of animes I like.
  12. I don't know if your question was directed at Rain or everyone, Mnemolth, but what do you mean by anime features?
  13. Yeah, my mom knows Japanese fluently and she said the translations were horribly wrong. Haha! Srry, I'm kinda gonna get off track here, but on the news they showed translations in China that said wacky things like "No Walking" next to a crossroad and stuff.
  14. I was trying to think of ideas for a new manga, since my other one was a dud.(I failed the crativity test for TaG two times in a row, yet I still got in) What do you guys do when thinking of ideas? And, suggestions are welcome! ^^
  15. Yeah, some people just hate people who like DBZ just becuase THEY don't like it. It annoyed me sometimes, because I USED to like DBZ, not anymore though. But then they are the people who think they're the masters of anime becuase they "own all the shows and have watched them about three time each" (quoted from my arch enemy at school...god I hate that person, not becuas he likes dbz though)Even I can't call myself an otaku, since I only know eight series and two movies that I truly know and understand. It also annoys me when people claim to be the masters of anime or something, yet they know nothing. I asked someone once to name all the series they knew, and she answered with about all of them, even ones I never heard about, but she didn't even know what most of them were about. She couldn't name any characters, since she only knew about two series well enough to explain. (haha, she looked so flustered). I order National Geographic for Kids(I don't even pay, and it still comes), and they recently had an "anime" section. But I could hardly call it that. The only shows they could come up with Yugioh, Pokemon, Hamtaro, and DBZ. And they also had a tiny box in the corner talking about "Spirited Away". The article ranted on about how japanaese animation was unique because of the 'deep characters' and 'unique plots'. The only examples they gave were Vegeta. Wow. He's SUCH a deep character. Now, I guess you can blame for that criticism for Vegeta, who knows, maybe he is a deep character, I wasn't a BIG fan of dbz when I liked it. Compared to some other anime characters, I wouldn't call him a 'deep character' at all.
  16. And of course, they're are plenty of mangas that have Shoujo and Shonen mixed together. ..........I think.
  17. Yeah, I'm just fine around here, even though I've gotten no welcomes. ::starts crying:: Anyways, other older members can be scary even if they don't say stuff to you...
  18. Does anyone here go to fanfiction.net regularly? I just wanted to know, becuase I have a bunch of questions to ask since I've been neglecting so many categories lately...::smiles stupidly::
  19. Otakuboards IS one of the best boards I've been to. (Even though I don't hang around here much) I've visited other boards, and they DO worship their staff sometimes, like they're lives depend on being on that boards! Other boards also don't have rules like Otaku, leaving people to run wild with threads and leave spam all over the place. The grammar in some places are HORRIBLE and so is their staff.
  20. eleanor

    Invader ZIM

    [QUOTE]Juu: There are two good shows that are on Nick currently. Rocko. And ZIM. well, rocko is almpost NEVER on, and ZIM is on once a week.. yagghh.. I watched nick religously.. then they got rid of the original all that ( i think i know how people who watched the first seasons of SNL feel about the new cast etc. as i watch the new all that, which has none of the original cast members.. but SNL is actually funny thoyugh.. *shrugs*[/QUOTE] Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either. Juu, you said you hated the show. But, Dib's awesome! Dib and Zim are tied to be my favorite character. Then comes GIR and the Tallests. I've used more than $200 on Zim stuff... I have a "I am ZIM" shirt, a Dib shirt, "I'm Advanced!" Shirt, "Ride the Pig" shirt, Gir socks, gir necklace, zim hairband, gir hairband, bought all episodes on dvd on ebay, Invader ZIM soundtrack, Zim wallet, zim stickers, gir patch, zim patch, zim keychains, Zim pins, and uh, I can't think of anymore. I have about 6 High quality IZ episodes, and most wavs of the show found on the internet. I have over 100 images and gifs of the show also. [QUOTE]And the animation isn't very good nor are the drawings. I guess I'm a pretty hard critic, having watched Japanese Anime for so long.[/QUOTE] Haha! You've gotta be kidding! I love the animation, and I've been watching anime all my life. The animation on Invader ZIM was one of the reasons it got cancelled. Since it was high-quality, it needed one million dollars for each show! [QUOTE]well, i dun have kazaa cause i have a mac, so...[/QUOTE] You need to download it from Mirrors, because VIACOM has practically hunted down and destroyed all the websites giving out free Zim episodes.
  21. Name: Ginny Age: 12 DOB: 1/19/90 Location: Alpharetta,GA One Word: huh? No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: annoying Occupation: um....I....do...stuff. Color: GREEN! Food: ....meat Beverage: Dr.Pepper Alter Ego: Kevin Sun and Ryan Del Campo AND James Kim. All you stalkers, go and...STALK! Dream Job: Animator Self-Proclaimed: Loser Ethnicity: Korean Extracurricular: mmmm. cheese. Hobby: Drawing, snowboarding, skiing Dessert: ice cream Musician: Tchaikovsky (Go him!) Group: GooGooDolls, Utada Hikaru Mac or PC? PC Nics: Tada, Guinea Pig, loser, Shinji (don't ask) Blog: Oh yeah! Blogs! ::nods head:: Yup...blogs.. mmhmm.. yup..hmm...yessiree. Uh huh. MMhmm....ehehe.... Home Page: don't have one Religion: Presbetarion (can't even spell it...) Book: Harry Potter Series, Of Mice and Men Collections: postcards, mangas, cards Sport: Snowboard, Ski, tennis, soccer Won't Eat: Mushrooms and Avacadoes TV Show: Invader ZIM Words to live by: All the Little Children, eat grass! -Deanna, in an act of random insanity Addicted to: anime, food! Comic: Happy Noodle Boy Movie: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Gangs of New York, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Akira
  22. Ah, I'm really bored and I'm wondering if anyone here likes Jhonen's comics. Like JtHM, Squee, Happy Noodle Boy, etc...
  23. EEEEEEEEEEEEe!!!!! CrazyBones were scaring the crap outta me, SaiyanPrincess! Everywhere I looked were these scary....head....things....um, yeah. I only played one game and I never played again, but my friends were obsessed. They would fight over how they should get to reroll because the figure bounced off a tree or something. My obsession is DRAWING. I'm so obsessed, I've wasted about 10 packs of notebook paper, literally. I can't post anything cuz I don't have a scanner... A new obsession is Evangelion. I only heard about it and I heard it was good, but my friend would scream over how horrible it was and she would kill if I ever watched it. ^^ But it's really good, now that I've seen the show. And Kaworu...........::drools:: I used to be obsessed with Trowa for GW (he's still cute...), and now both my friends is obsessed with Quatre. They kinda abandoned him for a little when I said He was always paired up with Trowa in GW fics. Mmmmmm, yaoi... ::looks around nervously::
  24. eleanor

    Invader ZIM

    MMyup, you missed the Christmas Special...
  25. eleanor

    Invader ZIM

    Anyone here like *cough* *cough* obsessed *cough* *cough* with Invader ZIM? Pressure pmed and wanted to know if anyone else here like the show... Zim Junkies rule!
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