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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]There shall be no banning of eyeliner. As someone who doesn't really give a damn how a look [spoiler]'cause I always look cool[/spoiler] I would like to state I love eyeliner and make up. I get more 'you're pretty' with that on. Trust me, I did tests one day =p.[/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Yeah eyeliner ftw, and also foundation and mascara ftw. [/font]
  2. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Why would you spend money on a horse that you have no chance in your life(unless your 2) of ever riding without breaking it? It makes no sense to me! None! Why in the name of everything sane did someone even breed a horse that has almost no purpose but to pull those little buggies? Can anyone explain that to me? If you want something loyal and smaller than you...get a dog...they eat less.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Because you're rich and can do whatever the hell you want, and also if you are Emma Watson. [spoiler]Also it's a photo shoot, not real life.[/spoiler] [/font] [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Every day I curse whoever designed those shoes in the second photograph for being stupid enough to design those shoes in the second photograph. Also I would like to permanently ban the sale of black eye-liner to anyone but actors until women start figuring out that makeup applied generously makes them look less like people and more like props. Hopefully that would also eliminate the Egyptian curl as well. Guys can wear it all they want, since they're free to look like posing morons all they want as well and the two kind of go hand in hand.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][img]http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/7214/meangirlsohwell.gif[/img][/font]
  3. [font=trebuchet ms] Fierce ***** appreciation post. [img]http://www.etoday.ru/uploads/2008/09/01/emma_wattson_vogue_italia_mark_seliger09.jpg[/img] [img]http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/383/teenvogue0902.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.etoday.ru/uploads/2008/09/01/emma_wattson_vogue_italia_mark_seliger08.jpg[/img] Every day I curse god for not making me Emma Watson[/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms]If any of you like solid pop, you'll probably love these songs by Demi Lovato. I really like her, hope once she leaves Disney she can succeed with another label. Anyways, her new album leaked and I really like some of the songs. 'Here We Go Again'=solid/catchy pop song, 'Every Time You Lie'=more..."soulful", idk how to describe it, but I love it, 'Remember December'=another solid pop song. [YOUTUBE="Demi Lovato- Here We Go Again"]yzPRfOAR0fs[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE="Demi Lovato- Every Time You Lie"]vWFWRLE1X3Q[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE="Demi Lovato- Remember December"]9KPW68aQr8I[/YOUTUBE][/font]
  5. eleanor


    [font=trebuchet ms] Do any of you guys listen to Little Brother? If so, any song recs? I only have their song Watch Me and I want more but I'm also lazy.[/font]
  6. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Eh, I think I'm one of the few girls out there that doesn't really like shoes. I have a pair or every occasion and that's it, dress shoes, flip flops, and sneakers. That's all I need that's all I want. lol. And all three pairs I got for under $15 bucks and have had for over 2 years. Heh, yeah I'm a bargain pirate. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I am so ****ing spoiled when it comes to shopping, I'm a total ***** about brands lol[/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms] Harry Potter was awesome. [/font]
  8. [quote name='Stephanie'][size=1]I just made peach cobbler from fresh, Georgia peaches. I am now very full and very satisfied =D[/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] What the ****, I'm so jealous of you right now. GA peaches ftw[/font]
  9. [quote name='Jessica2011']So what did everyone think of Transformers 2??? [/QUOTE] [img]http://i29.tinypic.com/2exv52f.gif[/img]
  10. [quote name='Stephanie'][size=1]=O Really?! Which campus? If Newton, did you help with open house the other night?[/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Dunwoody, sorry haha[/font]
  11. [quote name='Stephanie'][size=1]Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I have a [i]face[/i]. =O Aaaaand I got accepted to GPC on Monday.[/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Georgia Periemter College? I'm taking summer classes there right now. In other news now I'm looking at $300 for the concert tickets rofl[/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms] I just got a refund check from the government and now I'm seriously considering spending $100 for a concert ticket.[/font]
  13. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]So when did this get from a transformers thread to a hot girl thread? I find that interesting. Ugh...men. lol. She is kinda hot though. LOL[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] imma girl, girl.[/font]
  14. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Using The Lonley Island to make a point? I LOVE it![/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] i no im so original rite?[/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms] Apparently [u][URL="http://thesuperficial.com/2009/07/michael_bay_has_secret_audtion.php"]Michael Bay filmed Megan Fox washing a car for an audition[/URL][/u]. At first I was like [img]http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/9029/edmundwtf.gif[/img] but then I was like [img]http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/654/jizzpants.gif[/img][/font]
  16. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]For some reason, I always read this as "Quite F***ing True"....[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] What the hell? That's amazing, I'm going to use that phrase now. [/font] [quote name='chibi-master']You know, this is not making me feel any better about school... I'm freaking out over high school work, but then there's horror stories about college! I can taste the failure already...[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Don't worry, once you get to college you stop getting most of the BS assignments. [/font]
  17. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I will never understand why so many people find her so attractive. I have never seen her have a facial expression that didn't want make me want to stop seeing her forever.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] It took me a while but I just think of her as a sexy girl now. Not beautiful or pretty, just...idk, hot. Her boobs are weird and she looks like a dumb hooker leaving her mouth open all the time, but hot.[/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms]It's not terrifying, it's just ****ing annoying.[/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms] WOW. That seriously sucks, I hate it when science/math courses make you do writing supplements. Lab reports were such a pain in the ***.[/font]
  20. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Just thought that point needed restating[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]Unfortunately I'm still a girl and I respect film.[/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms] WTF. I can't believe I paid money to see this. The movie was offensively boring and too long, and apparently did not take into consideration the merits of a coherent plot. And then after the movie ended I went online and read **** like "WOW BEST ACTION MOVIE EVER!"
  22. [font=trebuchet ms] Emma Watson going to Brown makes me bitter about college and in turn makes me hate myself and hearing of Nick Jonas visiting Northwestern and calling it his dream school makes me curse the day I didn't get in.[/font]
  23. [quote name='Dagger']Haha, this thread rocks. I hate it when female characters overreact and/or become abusive for comedic effect. The whole trope of women as uptight, humorless, and misunderstanding-prone is just as tired in anime as in Hollywood. You know what I mean--imagine a male and female character falling down a set of stairs together (or some other equally improbable but often-used scenario). He lands on top of her. She yells "Pervert!!"--despite the fact that it was entirely unintentional and there was no way either of them could have prevented it--and punches him into outer space. I fail to see how this kind of writing is supposed to be charming or clever, much less amusing. It certainly wouldn't work if you flipped the characters' genders. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] This. Like the whole tsundere thing is weird to me. There's such a minority of normal, well-adjusted girls in anime- they're either all soft and passive and can barely speak over .5 decibels or assertive "strong" women who hit you a lot. And another major thing about anime that annoys me is when fans commit [u][URL="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ptitlebqmxtrir9bav?from=Main.WhatDoYouMeanItsNotSymbolic"]what do you mean it's not symbolic?[/URL][/u] (GOD I love TV Tropes). Like when NGE fans think the opening sequence is ~meaningful~, but really it's just a bunch of irrelevantly mashed up batch of religious symbols and naked girls. Like, really, a cross? How original. [/font]
  24. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"] Also, Andy Roddick vs Roger Federer today was just incredible. I really have to take my hat off to both of them. Some of the best Tennis I've seen was played today. While I was sad that Roddick lost, I really have to give it to Federer. The man knows how to win. Great match.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Epic match, although I'd say not nearly as good as last year's (god that match was [i]orgasmic[/i]). This year's match was just [i]surreal[/i] and almost ridiculous, I mean once they reached 13-all I was like biting my nails down to the skin. So happy Federer won, although Roddick did awesomely this year at Wimbledon. Hope he brings his A-game to the US Open, although I am dying for a Federer/Nadal final for the US Open. Federer is definitely the GOAT, although this win validates that statistically. I've been fighting bitter Roddick fans all day lol.[/font]
  25. [quote name='Boo'][size=1]I thought the undead couldn't die? What happened? Somebody used a phoenix down on him?[/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Ugh, seriously? Get some class.[/font]
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