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Everything posted by eleanor
1)Nowhere...and I'm glad too. The last few years, we couldn't celebrate Christmas at home. We usally sat in front of a fireplace as I treid to melt the block of ice round my snowboard. 2)I plan to sit in front of my computer and try desperately to download HQ invader Zim shows...^^ And to try to get to a higher level at another forum. 3) Smash my alarm clock at 7 am in the morning. Then wake up at noon and wait for my family to wake up an hour later as I watch cartoons. 4) We're probably going to my aunt's house. She's like a millionaire or something! My cousin has a closet full of anime dvds...*drool*
First of all, I don't think it's your fault entirely, just if you think it is. Your friend is overreacting..or somethin. I have a friend exactly like Andrew, I either catch up with her and STOP her from running 80 mph away from me and I tell her EVERYTHING. All the apologies, it was both our faults etc. If you do that to his face and you give him a day or two (more like 5 minutes for me) he SHOULD come around. If he doesn't, well, I don't think he's a very good friend. Maybe you friend has parents that are really strict about his grades and he was punishes harshly and your teasing made him feel worse, or mabye something personal, but you gotta ask.
I guess that happens when you decide to be obsessed with anime and you sit at your computer all day...
^^ I'm going to AWA next year with my friends, and I've never gone to a convention before either. But people say to shower....a lot, and it's much better to stay at a hotel and go to the convention for abouw two days so you can fully experience it. And if you're 13 or younger, you need supervision...*starts muttering*
Jeez, I KNOW I've been in that situation before. 'Cept, it's my mom. My dad doesn't care unless I get a C or something. Oh yeah, and my mom gets mad at me if I get a low A, so I guess you could think about how *cough cough* LUCKY *cough cough* you are... When I first got obsessed with anime and video games in fifth grade, and grade when down a lot in math. Funny, it was only math, too. All hell broke loose with my mom and she went mental with me for about a year...(my mom is scary when she's mad...really scary) So of course I forced myself to stop worrying about anime things and started to pick up my grades. Now, though, I have to take...*counts on fingers* 10 hours of tutor a week because the I'm taking the SATs in January to see if I can make it into the Duke program.
NOT that I'm going to a convention anytime soon...(the next Anime Weekend Atlanta is Sept. 26-68!) Is it a good idea to stay in a hotel near the convention? Because people on websites are saying it takes moer than a day to enjoy a anime convention.
Does anyone know if there are any anime conventions coming up in Atlanta? I never thought of Georgia to have a good convention...
Is the Japanese version a WHOLE lot better that the dubbed english version? Because I REALLY used to hate Sailormoon. But before that, when I was really little (the only other anime I saw back then was Totoro...I love that movie) I got all excited when it came on, and my cousin was disgusted...^^ But maybe it's just because of the dubbed thingy. I've seen a couple of shows, and they were okay, but I think I didn't like it becuase the topic was overdone too much. Bad villain. Oh no. Yea!, the scouts are coming! Oh no. They're losing. Oh, wait, they win!
Thanks for answering...*looks at the viewed list and looks at the answered list* ::cough cough:: Lizzie WAS the main suspect, but John Morse was another potential suspect...just telling you, not that I think he did it.
I'm doing a Social Studies Fair project, and I need some survey results, so I would greatly appreciate it if you answered the questions after you read the paragraph. Please read the paragraph below. It?s August 4, 1892, John Morse, the Bordens? uncle had slept at the Borden house the night before, but is now out. Emma has been staying with friends in Fair Haven. Bridget is taking a nap in her attic room. Abby has been dead for a couple of hours. Andrew has just been killed on the sitting room sofa. People Andrew Borden-Father of Lizzie and Emma Borden Abbey Borden-Stepmother of Lizzie and Emma Borden Lizzie Borden-Daughter of Andrew Borden; was the first suspect to be accused of the murdering of Andrew and Abbey Borden. Emma Borden-Lizzie?s little sister, daughter or Andrew Borden John Morse-Lizzie?s uncle; came over the day before Andrew and Abbey Borden were murdered. Bridget Sullivan-The Bordens? maid Evidence On August 3rd, Lizzie had attempted to buy prussic acid (a dangerous toxin that spreads throughout bloodstreams) from Eli B., a clerk at a drug store. She told Eli she wanted to kill the insects in her sealskin cape. Eli refused. A customer and another clerk witnessed this. Lizzie, however, denied that this ever happened. Abbey Borden had gone to Dr.Bowen complaining of being violently ill later that day. Lizzie?s friend, Alice Russell, confirmed that Lizzie said she was concerned that something was going to happen. Lizzie returned that night to her house to hear her parents and her uncle, John Morse, talking loudly in the living room. Lizzie said she didn?t see them, however. On August 4th, Bridget Sullivan, the maid, was up at 6:15 a.m. She confirmed that Uncle John Morse was also up at that time. Abbey (the stepmother) ordered Emma (Lizzie?s sister) to start washing windows just before 9:00 a.m. Some time between 9:00 am and 10:00 a.m., Abby was killed in the guestroom. Abbey had not gone out during this time, although Lizzie claimed that Abbey got a note from a sick friend asking Abbey to come over. The note was never found. Lizzie said she might have accidentally burned it. Andrew Borden (Lizzie?s father) came home at about 10:43 a.m. after going out to work earlier. Since the door was locked, Bridget had to open the locks, and she said she heard Lizzie laughing from upstairs. Bridget went to take a nap at 10:55 a.m. and she said she saw Andrew going to the sofa. Lizzie said she went out to the yard to get fishing sinkers. She said she returned at 11:00 a.m. and found her father dead. Police found a hatchet (similar to a small axe) that had no handle and was covered in ashes. It was collected for evidence. About this time, Uncle John returned. Police saw that the barn Lizzie had been in to get fishing sinkers was heavily coated with ashes and dust. No evidence was found there. Bridget saw Lizzie burning a dress in the stove. Lizzie said it had paint stains on it, and it was of no use anymore. The police arrested her and was held until her trial. 1.) Do you think Lizzie is guilty? ________ 2.) Why? / Why not? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.) If you don?t think Lizzie is guilty, whom do you think killed Andrew and Abbey Borden? __________________________
I HATE Lance Bass...I found out he was voicing Sephiroth when my friend brought her Kingdom Hearts manual to school for some reason. She got mad at me because I almost tore the book apart when I found out.
Wow..I never knew Catholic schools had 'gangstas'. My city is going insane...they're building ANOTHER Catholic church, we already have four... Well, our school doesn't have problems like that, but there are these idiots that are failing school who walk around like rapper-wannabes. I saw them trying (but failing horribly) to rap, and they were trying to act all popular...but then some guy tripped and all the other guys did too. It was funny...
....they do? I never saw plushie pattern books at craft stores.
I hate neopets...I think my pets are dead.
[url]http://ufocatcher.net/hatsukoiplush/customgallery.html[/url] copy and paste on the adress bar. It'll get you to the plush gallery....they're actually really good! [url]http://ufocatcher.net/hatsukoiplush/customorder.html[/url] That'll get you to the page that says that the plushies are 300 dollars...
....Well someone had already preordered it...
Does anyone here make plushies? I've scoured the internet for how to make them, since the good ones are three hundred dollars.
No, I'm not getting horrible grades right now. I'm in all honors and my lowest grade is a 94. *looks at my B average friend with about five game systems* *starts attacking things*
My name's Ginny....and it means Virginia....*sweatdrops*
Argh! I wish I had a PS2 so bad, but my parents are paranoid about education. Do any of you guys have parents like that? I only have an n64...and it's not even mine.
[QUOTE]What about Hamtaro? Every episode of that has a moral at the end.[/QUOTE] I've never been able to finish seeing one of the episodes..the story is is seriously the worst I've ever seen. I think Evangelion has a morale...um...something about how you can be someone better in life..or something.
Yeah, it would get hard to understand what was going on in the show yugioh Shadow...but I think it's still annoying...
That picture is excellent! I can't find anything to say bad about it.
You're right, outlawdragon, it IS your opinion, but um...eh..nevermind. I know there are better looking anime guys that Trowa, but he's till my favorite anime character! But, I've only found about three Trowa dedicated websites... *knocks Quatre out of the way and grabs Trowa* Trowa- T____T
I speak English, Korean, Spanish, and- *notices dancing bananna thing on Break's post* *starts laughing really....loudly..* I always laugh at the stupidest things...and people look at me strangely, but I think thats funny too.