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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. I think it's partially my fault people don't like anime at our school. I used to be obsessed with DBZ *dodges bad things*, even though I now think of the show as trash...very bad trash. I used to draw cute, huge-eyed anime things that were sickeningly cute last year, and I was swamped when yearbook time came because people wanted some sparkly-eyed animal in their yearbook.*popular people actually talked to me.....but I don't think of that as good* Strange, I draw more serioud anime now, and nobody likes it. Kinda expected it...
  2. In annoys me when Yugioh characters always explain cards. And it looks really stupid when Yami Yugi (what is he, the king of games, right?) says, "What's that card!?" But really, all these shows we're talking about, (sailor moon, dbz, pokemon, etc.) are really popular, because little kids are all excited when it comes on...and stuff. So, I think those kind of animes are goona be around for a long time. *starts beating Sailor Moon with a metal rod*
  3. Everybody thinks I'm insane because I think Trowa from Gundam Wing is hot.....ah what the hey it's not the first time someone called me crazy. In my opinion, anime girls with huge breasts that are abnormally big doesn't make them sexy. In fact, I think it's really ugly. *starts muttering about OutlawDragon*
  4. You know...I think THE hardest thing about drawing mangas is just actually getting an original and axciting storyline. Whenever I try to think of storylines, Evangelion always pops into my head for some reason.*Starts drooling over Kaworu* Youta, that drawing is REALLY good, especially the detail, but I think the neck is a wee bit...um....small...lets scratch out the 'wee' part, shall we?
  5. There's a manga contest for Tokyopop, a company that translates and makes some mangas. If you win first place, your 2500 dollars.
  6. I've played the cello for about four years now, I don't practice though.
  7. OH, come on! Some of the most popular people who are constantly mentioned and talked to on otakuboards are saying there not popular on the internet, I fail to believe.
  8. Signs of Courage is the theme for this year's reflections contest. I'm just wondering if some of you guys are going to participate in it.
  9. Yeah, I guess you're right Amiboshi, but at my school, most of the popular kids are like I mentioned. I forgot that my school wasn't the basis of all of them.....*starts walking around because my attention span is about three seconds...* Yeah, I guess hate is too strong a word, but some of the people that are popular really get on my nerves sometimes. I wonder how the snotty cenceited popular people got popular....
  10. My rank at school? I'm not popluar, and I'm not an average person. I'm semi, a lot of people know me and I have a lot of friends, but because I don't LOVE clothes and I don't LOVE makeup, and I don't exactly LOVE the way popular kids act, I hate being even semi popular. It really is, just annoying to me. Oh yeah, and then you get home, free of all that junk and you do your homework and then you lie around the house and get on the computer. DING DING DING! *realization hits my thick skull* Isn't the internet just the same? I've noticed the popular people on the internet are funny, cool, etc. All of those goody things that fun people have. Well what about the other people? Some people just don't have a sense of humor, some people don't have that cool attitude that can handle anything. I know a lot of people's personalities change instantly the second the log onto that chatroom. But some people, they just can't be funny or fun, are they left out, just like at school? The internet rejects? I don't know about you guys, but it really sucks sometimes. I think it's better to be your average ranked kid at school and at the internet sometimes.
  11. Oh yeah? I got all of the Zim shirts! Um, cept for the one with gir watching the scary monkey show...Anyways, back on topic...I like allnighters, they're fun.
  12. *sigh* I wish I had a gamecube....... Anyways, I wonder what the music will be like. I liked the sound of it from the movie.
  13. I've been reading this magazine called Squee and JtHM ever since me and my friends saw this robot from a cartoon show...yes...my recent obsession is a cartoon show...
  14. I always pull all-nighters whenever I go over to my friend's house or something! We would just sit there as Jean ranted about how I was going to turn into a goth because I shopped at Hot Topic... Ah well, this guy name Jhonen Vasqeuz didn't sleep three days straight because he hates to sleep for some reason...
  15. Hm, well when I moved, I made a lot more friends and they're more trustworthy than my old ones. But still, I was shy and stuff like that.
  16. [QUOTE]*rolls eyes* Some of you are taking this way too seriously. Life's too short to nitpick about one person--or what he says. In all honesty, I get offended easily--and I wasn't here. Maybe a little bored by how loooooooooooong the posts were, and amused (especially at the guy part--my boss from my problem I'm discussing in another thread is like that), but not offended.[/QUOTE] Yes, I think you're right, but that post....was reaaaaaaaally long.....hey, my name is Ginny....
  17. [QUOTE]I think wars would be more Tatical and well planned, where no mistakes would occur. I'm not a woman, but I feel that women plan things better, and think it through more. Men can be quite rash, and if you anger them they make bad decisons fast sometimes. [/QUOTE] Hm, well it's a proven fact that most men are smarter than girls....but I guess men can REALLY stupid sometimes. *looks around school to see guys walking into lockers and drooling*
  18. *looks at username* Um, gee, what a original username...
  19. Hey, well, I had a long dream, like those Scream movies, and I woke up right before I was stabbed to death...O.o....no, seriously...
  20. You guys never heard of it? I didn't like it much but I heard of it a lot...
  21. Yeah, well, I think everybody has heard that books are better than the movies.
  22. I have a feeling that if they do make the movie, it's going to VERY screwed up. Just like all the Live action anime movies.
  23. *stares at dot and keeps rocking head baaaack and fooorth...* O.O *starts drooling*
  24. Yes, I suppose that in Korea, it's even more harsh. The only way a teacher gets fired is if he hits the kids without a good reason. But most kids don't call the cops on teachers anyway. Abusing and getting bruises aren't held as illegal in Korea, even in America, I got a bruise on my arm. Though, it is kinda scary when my mom gets mad. I didn't do as well as my mom expected me to do on my Korean School Test, so practicall ripped the book apart when she was hitting my head with it...
  25. Yeah, I guess I went a little overbaord. But no, seriously. I got hit with a wooden stick, I'm serious! And most Koreans I know are hitten with a wooden stick also. 20 years ago? I'm not sure Juuthena. Okay, so they don't beat them, but something similiar to that. I think it's due to that the son was probably depressed his whole life, that he got so mad. I mean, having no friends for your entire life?! I know it seems okay, but I know how it is too walk around trying to make friends, and people completly ignore you. Fortunatly, I made lots of friends in middle school. I think thats why he did so poorly in school.
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