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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. Wow, I didn't know stuff like this was in the forums! Cool! I wanna join it! Name- Jash (i never was good with names...) srry Race- Shiekan (is that all right? I'll change it if you want me to). ^^ Age-15 Location- A hidden Valley in the Lost Woods. Description-Blonde hair, long bangs running down the sides of his face, (kinda like sheiks except, more darker and shorter). Red eyes, (don't all shiekans have red eyes? I'm not sure..) muscle build, slightly less than Link's. Body suit like Shiek's but Black and ivory. He doesn't have a gossip stone eye on him. OH man, the rest is gonna be hard to explain. He has a black cap that looks likes Link's, and the part of the hat that is folded back, (you know at the top where it touches his head?) goes all the way down and covers his mouth and part of his nose. you see, it curves around his ears and covers his lower face and connected to the other side of the folded cloth. Then the rest of the cap looks likes Link's. ~whew~ I hope you understand that. THen he has soft black boots. Inventory- 1.) Quiver 2.) Deku Nuts 3.) Deku Sticks 4.) Ocarina 5.) Slingshot 6.) Bottle 7.) another bottle 8.) dagger 9.) Golden scale 10.) Lens of Truth 11.) Long shot 12.) Harp Weapon- Bow and Arrow Spell 1- speed- spell that makes Jash run super-fast Spell 2-teleport- can move from one place to another by dissapperaing, but can not do it with groups, only himself Spell 3-energy balls- just your regular enery ball... Fairy- okay, so shiekans don't have faries. Well, Jash found one okay? The name is Sari.
  2. I'm not sure if anyone did this tread before, but did anyone not like the ending to Ocarina of Time? I really didn't like it, but, i guess it had to end that way for MM. Just wanted everybody's opinions.
  3. eleanor


    HA! you don't wanna KNOW how bored i get sometimes! especially this spring break! Zelda: OOT- on the ocarina 1.) My Heart Will Go On 2.) Jurrasic Park Theme 3.) Simpsons Theme 4.) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Zelda: MM- same stuff Piano- 1.) Zelda's Lullaby 2.) Epona's song 3.) Lon Lon Ranch music 4.)Bolero of fire (somethin like that) 5.) Minuet of the forest 6.) Prelude of Light thats all.
  4. The BIGGEST triforce hoax was quite believable, but it wasn't. Some idiot girl named Ariana or something claimed that she could find the triforce, here it is- First of all I want to say that I'm really upset with most of the people who think that the picture I took is a fake, some sort of photo composition or something like that. Thats why because youre all losers, sorry to say this but you don't have the guts to go and find it for yourself, you need my help. And this guy that claims to have found it before me... C'mon boy, you just want me to reveal the secret. And I will never reveal it unless you treat me with the respect I deserve. I found it and I deserve something, maybe Nintendo should give me a prize or at least a disscount for the next game. And you still believe that Dark Link has something to do with this!!!! DARK LINK? Something else... it is not DARUNIA, its RAURU the SAGE WHO KEPT THE TRIFORCE SAFE FROM EVIL MINDS INSIDE THE TEMPLE OF LIGHT!!!!!! WHICH IS SEALED THANKS TO THE TEMPLE OF TIME!!!!!! Unfortunatelly, Link opened the seal and Ganondorf entered the sacred realm....BUT.... if you can skip this step you can GET INSIDE THE TEMPLE OF LIGHT AND SEE THE TRIFORCE FLYING IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES. STEP 1) first of all you should know that KAEPORA GAEBORA is RAURU incarnated. The OWL is RAURU helping you at the beginning of the game. If you want to know from where I get this information go to the SACRED FOREST MEADOW at the LOST WOODS and talk to the two GOSSIP STONES in there. They don't say that RAURU is the OWL , but they suggests this theory, and in fact RAURU IS KAEPORA GAEBORA. Ok, now.... STEP 2) .... ( I WILL NOT INLCUDE STEP 2, YOU'LL HAVE TO FIND THIS PART OF THE CHAIN BY YOURSELVES, OR WAIT A MONTH UNTIL I REVEAL EVERYTHING) STEP 3) SOMEWEHERE, SOMETIME, KAEPORA GAEBORA ( that is RAURU) will teach you a song. A song that you MUST LEARN ( Like the Scarecrow song) , so write it down on a paper or try to remember it. "THE OVERTURE OF SAGES" is called and goes like this C(up) + C(down) + A + C(right) + C(left) + C(up) OF COURSE, you MUST LEARN the song in the game , therefore nothing will happen if you play the OCARINA, so don't be fool and say that the melody doesn't work. By the way, You will learn this melody when youre child. ( what else do you need?) STEP 4) Ok, now this is pretty simple, go to the TEMPLE OF TIME BEFORE YOU GET THE SWORD. IF YOU GET THE SWORD AND BECAME AN ADULT THEN THIS WILL NEVER WORK. STAND IN FRONT OF THE MASTERSWORD ( don't get it please!!!!!! ) and play the "Overture of Sages" STEP 5) Just watch the Cinema display showing Link travelling to the TEMPLE OF LIGHT. If you followed the story you'll see that this time you'll not be sealed inside the temple just as the regular way. And therefore Ganondorf will not be able to get the triforce because the SEAL IS STILL INTACT because you DIDN'T MOVE THE SWORD. NEXT STEPS) RAURU will talk and talk about you, him, Hyrule, The triforce and so on. He will ask you if you want to see the sacred relic ( its very funny to see the different dialogues, so don't worry, say no, say yes.... eventually he will show it to you inside a dark room or something like that. Rauru stands in front of you. The camera moves to an angle from behind Link. Rauru will move his arms and a hole will open in the ceiling. You'll see a light beam. The Room will turn blue. And one by one the triforces will come out from the hole and will get together. Then theres a rotation of the camera around the whole scene. You can even see the triforce from behind and inside the triangle that is formed you can see Link looking at it. Then Link will move forward as if he would like to touch it but Rauru will tell you that its not the time for you to get it. So I'm sorry to dissapoint all of you but YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY GET THE TRIFORCE, YOU CAN ONLY WATCH IT FOR ABOUT THREE MINUTES, NO MORE. Later Link will be returned to the Temple of Time and everything will be just as before, as if nothing had happened. So I'm sorry but , the mark among the medallions in the status screen is just that, a mark and will never hold the triforce icon in it because its only a decorative element. ( but IN FACT IT GIVES THE CLUE.... notice that the image with the medallions and the triforce in the quest status screen looks identical to the pedestal where the mastersword is kept) So as you can see it was not that difficult. You don't need to do stupid and silly quests like exploding the gossip stones or talking to Dark Link... Or that GLITCH in the wasteland that everybody thinks is a temple!!!!! BUT OF COURSE, I'm not telling the most important part... how to get the "Overture of Sages". Do you think I'm stupid? I'm sorry , this is my little secret and believe me, You'll suffer, you'll suffer a lot. ;-P PS: Falco, the picture is real. I took the picture with a Kodak Gold film inside my room in complete darkness. Obviously I didn't use flash. ( I'm not stupid, I don't know how to use pictureshop or painter but I DO KNOW HOW TO TAKE A GOOD PICTURE!!!!) And let me say something If you don't like Link's cap then go complain with Nintendo. Link is looking up to the triforce, the angle is different as the one in the actual game. Also, its not easy to take a picture to a screen, I was luky that its possible to see the triforce. I think I did a great job taking that picture. But if you need more, well give me sometime, I have to play the game again. But as youre SOOOO smart, I'm sure that everybody will find it before I can take more pictures. . Finished reading it? Well, I'll make link for you to the pictures too.[URL=http://www.tbi.bet/~max/zwow.htm]http://www.tbi.net/max~/zwow.htm[/URL] check it out. Okay so, a lot of people started believing it(idiots) and tried to find the triforce. UNTIL! a member of Zelda:Land of Hyrule (UNFORTUNANTLY, the website is gone! it used to be hloz.com, i think, the website was awesome. does anyone know where their new website is?:confused: ) found a mistake about it. The picture with Link standing in front of the triforce? 1.) the hat looks a little tooooo long......... that was just a small clue. this was what proved the whole thing false. 2.) there was a picture of Link standing somewhere AFTER he got the triforce. the problem was, THE SWORD WAS ON THE WRONG SIDE!!! as most of you know, Link is a LEFTIE. the sword was placed so that link was a righty, which is false. so then the idiot ariana left and never talked to the website again. oh yeah, and the website witht he pictures? check it out. it has lots os cool tricks and mysterys and stuff.:D WHOOPSIES! the link i gace you guys don't work on my computer. just go to [url]www.zelda.com/ocarina[/url] then go to VILLAGE SQUARE. go to ZELDA LINKS. click the first link and when you get to the website, go down until you see the subtitle with THE QUEST FOR THE TRIFORCE. click on the link ariana fooled us all. and look at the pictures and stuff. ^^ Why are they fake you ask? Well, first off a big obvous discovery I made (After gazing at the pics for awhile, was, in the image with Link playing the overture of Sages his sword is ON THE WRONG SIDE of his back. I thought that was a little odd. Second, the Font style on the "Temple of Light" is wrong, there should be more shadowing around the Letters. The image with Link's sword on the wrong side is what sunk this whole charade. First off, I don't care where you live in this world, wherever there is a Zelda 64, whatever language, Kid Link's Kokiri sword will always be point-facing-to-the-left if he is facing you. All ROMs are identical, there are no alternate ROMs with changes like this, sorry. There's another odd thing, why don't we see any N64 Controller cords in the picture of the TV. You would think that the N64 would be real close to that TV. Mine is right on top of my 27" with the cords draping down to the ground in front of my entertainment center. here are more reasons the triforce hoax was wrong. GEEZ! this is my third post in a row. i'll stop talking now... [color=purple]Please post all things in one thread. If you need to go back, you can edit your thread. Please do so nect time, thank you.[/color]
  5. The biggest I caught was 22 lbs., which is the Hylian loacher or somethin like that. You go into the fishing place right before the rooster crows or wolf howls and the lake will be all misty like. then you find the sinking lure, (around the sticks, the opening where the stream comes through, the log) and you put on your iron boots and zora tunic. The you'll see this giant fish. you cathc it if you can. ^^
  6. My theory? Well, it's quite simple to me. Some guy and girl met an BAM! they had Link. Maybe, Hyrule had a war or battle with another country, and maybe link's father was a knight and he died in battle. So Link's mom brought him to the Great Deku Tree probably knowing Link was the Hero of TIme because she could have had magically powers or somethin. So Link grows up in Kokiri forest never knowing who his parents were cuz he was too little to remember! OH YEAH! and that part when Link's Uncle say "Zelda is your....." My friend did a little researching and found that really, in the JAPANESE version it said, "Zelda is your destiny..." SO THERE! ZELDA IS NOT LINK'S SISTER!!!!!!!! ~whew~ okay, I'm done here.
  7. ahhhh! Don't hurt me!!! just wanted to say that the images dissapointed me, but the quality is much more important!:nervous:
  8. it does look like a fanart drawing of sephiroth. But Yori Peacecraft is right. they should know what characters wear and look like before drawing them. O.o
  9. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! the end of dbz is FINALLY COMING! can't wait to see buu get his a** kicked by goku when he goes ssj3. ON TOWARDS GT!!!!! anyways, i wanna see gundam wing again. but i never heard of he-man. but from what other people say, i guess it will be good.O.o wow, three hours, that is a long time. it's about time they changed it again. the kids wb toonami suks. they never should have changed it anywayz.
  10. well, really i think the quality of the story and plot matters more than the animation quality and cgi. and in dbz, the put lines there to show that they're a helluva lot faster than humans. And like when goku fights cell, they show lines cuz they're constantly repeating instant transmission (i think) and fighting. The artists aren't lazy, they just draw lines to indicate that they're going FAST. i tend to go towards old-school, cuz i think they had better story lines, but new anime today is good also. and anyways, i don't see anything wrong with cgi. In fact, i think it looks cool.
  11. let's seeeee...........i hafta think about this one. I'm one of those people who haven't seen many anime's cuz my mom hates anime.... Son Gohan (DBZ) Son Goten (DBZ) Duo (Gundam Wing) Mirai Trunks (DBZ) Quatre (Gundam Wing)-i don't know what role he plays but he's GOOD LOOKING...........me an idiot........O.o Touya(CCS) Syaroan(did i spell that right?.......i'm really am an idiot...) Li-(CCS) ah well, that all, i can't think of any more...really.
  12. The new dragonball movie....i hope it's not the usual plot where the bad guy comes and tries to take over the universe and goku eventually blows it to bits.:sleep: Of course, i guess it would have to have some evil guy...... As far as the special effects, they should be good considering the new technology we have and stuff. but still, i think it's gonna take a LONG time for a make-up person to style Goku's and Vegeta's hair...O.o gohan's would be easy enough. and so would the girls' hair. and i HOPE that they won't make the outfits all cheesy and junk. that would be bad. and another note. LEONARDO DIcrapIO AS TRUNKS?! ::starts going insane:: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!! i bet he doesn't even KNOW what dbz is. Much less who TRUNKS is. Dicrapio-huh? i have to play a pair of BOXERS??!! as for pan, I guess they'll have to get some new actress that IS attractive for SOME people. the matilda girl MIGHT be able to play her. maybe not. oh yeah, and how are they gonna put all that extra muscle on for the people playing goku and vegeta? i really don't know...............but this movie better be good. If it is bad, then people at my school will start dissing me and anime and i'll go ballistic.........
  13. The BETTER have some special effects. hmm, i wonder how they'll make the super saiyans turn out. O.o AND HOW THE HECK ARE THEY GOING TO MAKE PEOPLE'S HAIR LOOK LIKE GOKU'S, GOTEN'S, AND VEGETA'S?!!!?!? i think...it is phisically impossible. And wigs would look stupid and fake. Was the first action movie bad and corny? i don't think it wou;d be very good, even though i've never seen it... what was it about anyway? oh yeah, and how are they gonna make a green man? Piccilo? and krillen has no nose and is a midget. (not making fun of him, i like the little guy).
  14. WAIT A SEC! LET ME TAKE THAT BACK! making a movie with all the anime shows would be....well, almost impossible! There are HUNDREDS of anime shows and moviesa out there. and some combinations.........just think about Sailor Moon with POkemon.....and then, Gundam wing with digimon, and then dragonballz with........uh....a show. anyways, i don't think a movie like that will ever happen! but, it would be FUNNY like hell if they did make a movie like that!
  15. I meant that i KNOW that the content of the game is always the most important thing, but i think it would be nicer if the game looked like the clip of link fighting gannondorf at spaceworld. thats why i posted the thread.
  16. eh, good idea! i would love to see that...but it sounds pretty complicated. and it would be LOOOOOOOOOOOONG.......
  17. .................wow. yes, well, even if you could blow up stuff with your own ki, it would take YEARS of training. And to mention, gku and people are saiyans.
  18. hey, was there a thread on this subject before? cuz i thought there would be. anyways, has ANYONE seen the new graphics for zelda gamecube? They're horrible! It just makes me so mad...:flaming: grr....if they wanted to make graphics so bad, why didn't they just make it on n64?!!!!! geez! Well, after thinking a while, the graphics aren't the main prioroty. The content of the game is. but still....
  19. yeah, of course they'll take dbz down fomr televion. :rolleyes: hahaha! :laugh: don't get all worked up now! just hink about it. a lot of people watch dragonball z, and with high ratings, they get money. Sorry to say, but they don't give a crap about the audience. All they want is for us to become little addicts to dbz and telelvion. Hey, it's buisness! they don't care if some stupid bunch of parents wanna replace it with tom and jerry. I watch dbz from toonami, and toonami hosts action anime. The parents are probably reabelling about the action, thinking that it's too violent or something. :demon: heehee, well, yeah it does have violence in it, but so does the other shows on toonami. it just makes me laugh. how stupid can people really be? pretty stupid is my answer. that would mean parents would just try to take toonami out, and that is NOT going to happen. i could bet my life on it. And ayways, tom and jerry? moral stuff in tom and jerry? ~starts laughing head off~ anyways, tom and jerry isn't anime, and cn is not gonna take down one of its most popular shows on the channel. and to put it bluntly, these people don't care. all they want is money. yes, thats right all you little kiddies, and if you haven't figured that out by now...well....thats kinda sad.
  20. [QUOTE]Anyway.......my point being anime fans have a hard enough time getting taken seriously by most people who think we spend all out time watching cartoons, this would just ruin it's reputation once and for all.....and be completely pointless ........and harry potter overkill [/QUOTE] EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING! i already get a hard time from people at my school calling dragonballz and tenchi "cartoons"!!!! GEEZ! the only person i know at my school that knows the DIFFERENCE between anime and cartoons is my friend Karen. HARRY POTTER AS ANIME? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!!!!!!! i think this harry potter mania has gone tooo far! toonami airing Harry Potter? i might as well kill myself. i already don't like the fact that tonnami airs batman beyond! it's not even anime for heavens sake! well, thats what i think. sometimes people know when to stop. but the people who suggested this are INSANE!! okay, so the books are good, one the best in my opinion, but harry potter as anime isn't right.
  21. [QUOTE]What were the artists smoking when they drew then!?!![/QUOTE] YES i think the artists were smoking! the fairies in OOT looked like... :nervous: um...never mind. what i know is that is that Miyamito didn't draw those THINGS!
  22. OMG! i forgot to mention trunks......i can't pick between those three:love: :love: :love:
  23. gohans SOOOOOOOO cute! strong, smart, caring.... i could go on forever!!!! videl is SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH...and gotens a hottie in GT too.:love: :love:
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