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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [font=trebuchet ms] Ok, I'm definitely feeling the effects of the economy. I've been placed in a nice college bubble with a work study program for a while but all of my friends who have finished finals have reported that literally no restaurants are hiring right now. I'm still holding out that somehow I'll get a SAT tutoring gig, but it's unlikely. boo. [/font]
  2. eleanor


    [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson] So, yeah. Good counter defense, in my opinion, to the "rap is not music" camp.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Every "rap is not music" person I've encountered are either Britney/Beyonce/Lady GaGa stans, so I don't even bother.[/font]
  3. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"] ...Why Lunox if I might ask were you given such an esoteric subject to write about as bogs in Irish poetry ?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Because I had to write about Seamus Heaney, and that was the topic that came to me most quickly when I had a thesis due three weeks ago. And college English is a *****.[/font]
  4. [quote name='Cat']I just finished the draft of my Term paper. Its a bit sort being only 6 pages instead of 7 but I just can't write no more and its due in a few hours anyway. I will never again do a paper on Edgar Allan Poe short story "The Black Cat" using the cats in the story as metaphors. I need more Advil from my head pain. :worried: Who knew that two cats could mean 6 different metaphors.[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Talk to me when you've had to watch a movie scene 35 times in a row. And then had to record every single detail in every shot. Or when you write a 14 page paper on bogs in Irish poetry. BOGS. [/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms] For the first time in my life I wish I knew someone who had some extra Adderall. [/font]
  6. [FONT=TREBUCHET MS] I'm literally going to go crazy from all the studying I have for finals. I have been living as a hermit for the last week, ordering food or eating granola bars for sustenance. Not seeing the light of day. [/font]
  7. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I disagree with this. When someone hits rock bottom, it's the pinnacle of their depressed state. When they feel that there is nothing left for them and nothing can be done to assist in curing or treating their depression. I've known people that have killed themselves in both the recovery stage and when they hit rock bottom. So to say that even most people kill themselves in the recovery stage is a gross exaggeration. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Um, it's not really a matter of disagreeing or agreeing. It's a statistical fact, according to my abnormal psychology professor, who I am more inclined to trust than anyone on OB. She works as a clinical psychologist so I'm assuming she knows what she's talking about. Also, theoretically, whenever someone is in their worst state of depression, they simply lack the energy and will to even bring themselves to commit suicide. [/font] [quote name='John']Holy ****, this thread got real tl;dr real fast. [/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] lol irl[/font]
  8. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]If they're mentally disturbed they belong in a mental hospital on the off chance that they have an actual legitimate medical issue that can be resolved with proper medical treatment. If it's a chemical imbalance, that can be fixed. If they're mentally retarded, they better possess enough of their own wits to know they want to die before some 'merciful angel' decides that mentally retarded people are better off killing themselves and unburdening society. Otherwise you're taking advantage of someone's condition to fulfill your own desire to see people you deem as better off dead actually dead.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Interestingly, most depressed people commit suicide while recovering, not when they're at rock bottom. But that's besides the point. My post was questioning if it's morally ethical to apply terms like "cowardice" to someone who has a mood disorder. Which I find similar to using "stupidity" to describe mentally disabled people.[/font]
  9. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I guess at this point my question to all of you is, why are you so adamant against the word coward, cowardly, cowardice, etc? I'll tell you what I think of it, as someone who has been there, it[I] is[/I] a form of cowardice. You can be politically correct or attempt to be more understanding [SIZE="1"](or rather sound that way with softer words)[/SIZE] of what events lead to me attempting to kill myself, but the bottom line is, I did it out of fear and terror of facing the rest of my life. A life that at the time, was filled with more pain than I knew how to deal with. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Is it morally ethical to call a mentally disturbed person cowardly? Would you call a mentally retarded person "stupid"? [/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms] I just realized I've survived off of granola bars for the past three days.[/font]
  11. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Yes they are. The difference is that they are not open to [I]our[/I] reasoning. No matter who a person is or with what they are afflicted, be it circumstance or mental, every human makes decisions based on what makes sense to them at the time. Logic is always involved. It may be twisted, warped logic that a normal sane person would recognise immediately as wrong, but to the person who is making the decision the logic is clear as day. I am imposing nothing on anyone. Rather, I am looking to understand [I]their[/I] reasoning without subjugating it to my own. But I'm not trained in this sort of thing. I only know people by instinct. So I brought this up to someone whose field [U]is[/U] psychology. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Well, I don't know if I'm interpreting this wrong but you've almost proved my point. What I am trying to say is that we cannot impose our logic, as non-suicidal people, onto the emotions that arise from mental disorders. Of course, to a person afflicted with such a disorder their way of thinking is what they believe is logical (we can't even be sure of that, of course. Suicidal people do retain a want to live, but their decision to go through with it is often due to an inability to seek help). I'm not trying to say that logic has no place in a suicidal person's mind, but rather that to call the act of suicide cowardly from logical deduction is to impose logic when you can't. By trying to understand suicidal peoples' logic, you ARE imposing your own logic upon them. By publicly admitting that you do this because you cannot understand or fathom their emotional processes, you are also admitting that you are, on some level, trying to understand their actions through logic. But in context with my previous paragraph, this does not line up perfectly. What did the psychology-educated person say, btw? From what I've gotten from my abnormal psychology teacher, your argument is moot when it comes to helping suicidal people. While your argument may help you try and understand suicide, the important thing is that people are impressionable and it's generally not a good idea to link together the words "suicide" and "cowardice". In general it doesn't help how people look upon diseases such as depression and etc. [/font] [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Also I did not say suicide is coward[U]ly[/U]. It is Cowar[U]dice[/U]. There is a stark difference. (Although I suspect you may view that statement as "splitting hairs".)[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Could you expand on this? If an suicide is an act of cowardice, how is the person who has committed not cowardly in that moment of the act?[/font] [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Not quite true. It expresses my thoughts exactly. and that preciseness is where the snags begin. So far, I have caught all my repliers by my word choice. It was not my statement that caused the reaction; it was the word I used. 'Cowardice' is an ugly word. It makes people uncomfortable. And it should, because the qualities of character that it embodies are not desirable by any stretch of the imagination. And therein lies the issue I have been driving at with this sequence of posts. I refuse to accept being comfortable with suicide. I refuse to accept that any of us have the right to sit around discussing suicide without fully comprehending its seriousness. I am met too often in my day to day life with people who are content to hold discourse on topics like these as if they were discussing Thomas Aquinas or Ludwig Wittgenstein. It is easy to say "suicide is terrible". You can forget you said it after twenty minutes.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I don't think anyone here is comfortable with suicide, or trying to make you more comfortable with suicide. If anything my argument is that there are some mental/emotional processes that we cannot understand, and the best we can do is to offer sympathy rather than try to understand it through our own logic. Cowardice is an ugly word, I agree, and so there should be some tact when you use it in writing. While I see that you are doing this to help you understand an action that you cannot emotionally sympathize with, there is a difference between what you believe and how you articulate it. [/font] [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]So while a lot of you will remain hung up on an ugly term and whether or not we have the right to "label", I instead desire to use such knowledge to help the people in question. I wish to focus on how to dissuade someone from becoming a coward because I do not want them remembered as one.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] To be honest I followed you up till here. You want to help suicidal people by persuading them that suicide is an act of cowardice? I'm sorry, but there is no way I accept this. Trying to save an emotionally disturbed person, who probably has a mood disorder, by trying to tell them that logically suicide an act of cowardice sounds incredibly...not good. We are not professionals, none of us are truly fit to deal with suicidal people, I doubt any of us are actually experienced in the matter. I respect you and your argument, but please don't ever try and deal with a suicidal person on your own. Enlist the help of a professional. As much sense as your own logic makes to you, there is a reason why psychiatrists and psychologists go to school and go through tests to see if they are fit to deal with these kind of people. Also if any point this post reads stupidly or inanely, I won't be surprised because writing these posts is my break from writing annoying as hale English papers. -_- [/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms] I don't even know if I've had the flu before. My parents never took me to the doctor when I got sick, so I basically treated each cold/flu/I don't even know the same way and knew it would go away eventually lol. So, no, I'm really not concerned at all.[/font]
  13. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] I am. But we're defining the idea differently; I am not speaking of a person who is suicidal, but of suicide itself. The act, not the person. I don't "want" to call those people cowards. I don't want to call anyone anything. (It's why I hate racists.) I can only return you to my initial statement: I cannot fathom the hopelessness and despair that would drive a person to suicide. I cannot. So I am left with only my own understanding. Which is, and despite all my efforts will remain, limited.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] The point is you can't impose logical reasoning onto a psychological action like suicide. Often there are deep mood disorders at the root of the problem; these feeling aren't logical or open to reasoning. And as much I think about it I can't see how you separate act from person. Even if the kindest person you know did something really mean, they were being mean when they committed that act. If you call suicide cowardly, you are implying that the people who commit suicide, at that moment, are being cowards. If you're going to impose logical deduction upon something only because you "cannot fathom" the emotional reasons that drive it, you're simply avoiding the issue. I find it very hard to believe that you don't have the sympathy to understand that when people commit suicide, a word like "cowardly" should not be applied. [/font]
  14. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]It is the easy way out. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I can't imagine the hopelessness and despair that would drive a person to suicide. But I cannot excuse, I [I]cannot condone[/I] the cowardice that makes the final decision. And it is cowardice. It is the single fastest way to make everything stop. Once you are dead you no longer have to worry about debts or pain or sorrow anything that exists in the physical world. You no longer have to struggle, you no longer have to fight. You are running away. Thus to assist suicide is to approve cowardice. And this I also cannot excuse.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] You're really going to apply a word like "cowardice" to a serious and complicated issue like suicide? I mean seriously, have you really been educated on suicide or mood disorders? And no, random news stories about Myspace suicides don't count. Anonymous internet posters that talk about cutting and suicide don't count. You might want to call these people cowards, but in the end they're often victims of mental disorders that have failed to seek help from others. If you're willing to call some mentally disordered people cowardly, and lump all suicides into one category and assume they're all the same people with the same circumstances, it just shows that you don't know much about the matter. I guess you could reply to this and say, "yeah I might sound like an *** but to kill yourself to end personal pain IS cowardly." Then my response is if your concern is so lacking that you're willing to call suicides cowardly, then I question why you're so against these people dying in the first place. [/font]
  15. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][RIGHT][FONT="Times New Roman"]Personally I think it's morally pathetic for these people who are too helpless to kill themselves and morally bankrupt for people who aid and abet the death of others.[/FONT][/RIGHT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] By "these people" do you mean the suicidal people or the group that is assisting the suicides? [/font]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms] Does anyone here love KevJumba? Like I just discovered him and I've since watched all his youtube vidoes. One day I will meet him and demand that me marry me, and he will agree. [YOUTUBE="KevJumba is Crippled"]Xn5oierYyJk[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE="Be Happy"]rUD4tofpsR0[/YOUTUBE][/font]
  17. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I had something like that happen once from hiking, Lunox. Turned out that I had somehow managed to strain some of the muscles in my foot. o_O So then I got the fun of taking stuff to ease the pain and waiting a couple of weeks, while staying off it as much as possible, for it to finally get better.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Ah, really? Did you take an x-ray or anything? Being the paranoid person I am I would like to have one taken just in case, but at the same time it's very expensive for me. Hopefully the podiatrist will be able to tell me what's wrong without taking one. I'm mostly disappointed because I won't be able to run/dance for a while, because I really look forward to doing those. [/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms] Update on my life: The bottom left side of my left foot hurts like a MOTHERF---ING B--CH when I walk/run, (maybe bc I randomly started running this semester...idk) and I have to walk on my toes or endure stabbing pain to walk to class. Except there is no swelling/tenderness/redness/bruising. And I put on my new running shoes with intense arch support padding to see if it lessened the pain but it intensified it. So maybe the shoes caused it. But my right foot is fine. So now I am seeing a podiatrist tomorrow, and I have to pay all the medical bills. fml[/font]
  19. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]Let us entice them with a number of hookers.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Ok. I'll go get my cat ears and purple wig.[/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms] I want a random huge influx of new members. I would love that.[/font]
  21. eleanor


    [font=trebuchet ms] Thanks, man. This will give me some good procrastination material. :animesmil I really like Nas and A Tribe Called Quest so far, and I randomly already have a ton of Jay-Z on my iTunes already lol. Guess I'll get started on Wu-Tang Clan first, since a bunch of people have told me to so far. Random notes: "***** that Hipster *****" by Grip Plyaz is my new favorite song hahaha[/font]
  22. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]Next Tuesday, the math department is having a cookout. All of the math majors will be there, and there will be free food and (presumably math-related) games for everyone. I intend to go, but everybody I know is refusing to go with me on account of the word "math." I really don't want to go alone, because there's something about being the friendless guy in the middle of a bunch of math nerds that would really make me feel like I've hit rock bottom socially.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Math nerds are the best, no lie.[/font]
  23. eleanor


    [quote name='John'] From the cursory glances I've given [I]Midnight Marauders[/I], it seems to be a bit more inventive lyrically and varied tonally.[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I've only listened to Midnight Marauders, but from what I've read/heard I think it's Quest's A-game album. I pretty much love Award Tour. [/font]
  24. [font=trebuchet ms] On the topic of excercising... I've started up a regular excercise routine again. Running an hour Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun and 30 minutes on other days (if I choose to run on the off days). My body feels good, I got a new pair of performance shoes, but a lot of people attack me for running, or running on a treadmill. I got grilled by two of my friends who said I should be running outside instead of ruining my knees on a treadmill. And then a bunch of other people are just like, "running is the worst thing ever for your body. USE THE ELLIPTICAL". :rolleyes: Needless to say it's annoying. I mean I guess it'd be smart for me to talk to a physical therapist, but I grew up in a household where my parents regularly told me to suck it up when I asked to go to a doctor. lol[/font]
  25. eleanor


    [quote name='John']1. Delete all of this 2. Replace with Edan, '90s hardcore, and anything with Prince Paul 3. Win[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] NOOO I love my vapid, catchy Flo Rida songs too much. What else would we play at clubs? I'll check out those two, though. My favorite results have been from typing in "cwalk songs" into Google and seeing all the playlists people put up for it ahahaha. I've actually started to practice some basics of cwalking because of the songs, hopefully I'll get better. Anywho I just discovered A Tribe Called Quest.
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