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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [quote name='Esther'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]What's with all the bashing of Fox News? [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Because it's funny. And their website is hideous.[/font]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms]A woman who becomes pregnant because of a rape should absolutely have the choice of abortion. And granted, I think in cases of abortion after rape, the abortion is early and not late. I don't expect anyone in this thread to act like they know the exact time a fetus becomes "living" (when it stops being a mass of cells and becomes a human), so I use the term 'early' generally. So in terms of abortion, I keep my opinion pretty simple: I'm ok with early abortions, not ok with 'late' abortions. And I hope to god no one brings up "partial-birth abortions". [/font]
  3. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]Me and Cat are not following the critics, we are our own people. Critics are kinda stupid sometimes.........................[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] When did I saw the critics were right? ;)[/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms] I love how Cat and Calypso don't like the only song by the Jonas Brothers that is considered ok/good by critics. [/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms] I will be rocking the 80s bad-fashion rave kid. [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08431/shorts861.jpg[/img] [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08431/serve.asp537.jpeg[/img] [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08431/2007-08-03-headband-1-400624.jpg[/img] [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08431/sunglasses553.jpg[/img] If anyone can recommend me an annoyingly retro shirt, feel free. [/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms] My friend got us free tickets to a concert with [b]One Republic, The Hush Sound, The Spill Canvas,[/b] and [b]Augustana[/b], so I've been listening to their music. My Thoughts: I really like [b]The Hush Sound[/b], but mostly their latest album [i]Goodbye Blues[/i]. "The Boys are Too Refined" is a cool song, catchy. I also liked "Hurricane". [b]The Spill Canvas[/b] wins the award for most annoyingly bad emo songs: "Black Dresses" and "Self-Conclusion". But I liked their song "All Over You", because it's catchy. [b]One Republic[/b] is ok. [b]Augustana[/b] is also ok. I guess. I am only going to this concert because it's free. lol[/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms] Lovebug video came out yesterday. Is amazing.
  8. [font=trebuchet ms] It's actually not as terrible looking as I thought it would be. lol[/font]
  9. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium] Does anyone know of a really clear and unbiased link that compares the candidates' positions on each major issue? Remember, I want something unbaised - no partisanship. Just a clear listing of how each compares. Then maybe I'll tell you who I'd vote for.[/font][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][url]http://www.foxnews.com/[/url] :D[/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms] @ Matt: Can I ask what state you live in?[/font]
  11. [quote name='Clurr'][FONT="Arial"] I hate how smug and eager to interrupt McCain was last night, or because a sizeable portion of his base is calling for Obama's death and are still considered patriotic and loyal. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] LOL. A bunch of people on my residence hall and I were watching the debate in our advisor's room, and as soon as McCain said that bit about his rally-attenders everyone was just like "oh my god/ooooh/damn!" McCain just failed that debate so badly. I mean, it wasn't even a matter of what his beliefs were, but he could not handle that form of debate and I felt embarrassed for him. He's a hater. ha[/font]
  12. [quote name='Boo'][size=1]Forget the Asian names. Go cool, go European. Boris is the way to go.[/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] ikr. Forget Asian names, name this dog Bear.[/font]
  13. [quote name='darkangelxX447'] scary! im ugly. :animecry:[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Having 2/3 of your face hidden by hair can do that.[/font]
  14. [font=trebuchet ms] Kiko. I don't know if that's even Japanese, it's the last two syallables of my Japanese aunt. lol And it was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw your adorable dog. :)[/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms] I know this is a captions thread, but this picture needs no captian. Keep in mind this is an original photo with absolutely no Photoshopping involved. [img]http://xs132.xs.to/xs132/08424/1224131947987417.jpg[/img][/font]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms] I'm voting for Obama, and I'm pretty confident that Obama will win, too. Honestly I don't even know why and I don't have any hard facts/reasoning, but I just feel very optimistic about it. It also helps that all the political people here, Dems and Reps, sort of blow me away with their intelligence and they tell me Obama will win. lol Also it helped that McCain just sort of withered away in the debate last night. The whole "up to 3 rebuttals" thing sort of blew up in his face and he became desperate at times. [/font]
  17. eleanor

    80's Music

    [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]Prince??? Really? Wow..........................................[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Prince-haters need not reply. :p[/font]
  18. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Well, I was trying to avoid an argument that I wasn't intending to start and yet seems to be happening without me. So there ya go. Still trying, actually. Very hard. (^_^)[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Don't hold back, pumpkin.[/font]
  19. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]Chris Brown, I have no clue why girls go crazy over him. He's ugly. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Dude, it's his ballin' [i]dance moves[/i]. :p[/font] [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial][I]*sigh*[/I] Yeah, I know.... I should probably wash it here soon, too, 'cause it's starting to smell like Teen Spirit. Yeesh.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] OMG! You're so ~cool~ for ignoring 99% of my post and instead making a sarcastic reply. APPLAUSE [img]http://i38.tinypic.com/2wlyra1.gif[/img][/font]
  20. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I hope that doesn't apply to you also. :animesmil 'Cause that would render the whole rant moot. [/picking] Right back at'cha, hun. It's catchy rock-pop, time to find a new obsession. (^_^) And everyone should make note of the popular artists point. We have no musicianship in the pop sector anymore because [I]now[/I] music is no longer crafted. It's mass-produced. Better check the back of the JB's necks, see if there's a "Made In Taiwan" tattoo there. :animesmil Although I [I]will[/I] agree with the deal about calling artists talentless. If there was no talent, the boys wouldn't be singing/playing [I]anything[/I]. Cooldown time, girl. My gripe with Disney and other "blockbuster" pop record labels is that they find young [I]moderately[/I] talented people and encourage them to pump out a record or two of the exact same sound that people liked in one song. There isn't a push for experimentation or growth as an artist, just a need to sell records and make money. (Hmm. Seems I could tie this point in rather neatly with our current economic situation, since the prevalent attitudes are identical.) I bought Mraz'z [I]Waiting For My Rocket To Come[/I] because I liked "The Remedy", thought it was innovative, and wanted to hear more by that artist. After listening to the cd, I realized that all but two of the tracks on it were almost cookie-cutter likenesses of each other, and that put me off him immediately. Still love "The Remedy", and also "Wordplay" off of [I]Mr. A-Z[/I] (oh hey, they sound like each other, too), but I have no desire to hear anything else by him just because of the overwhelming [I]same[/I]-ness of what I paid to hear. WDFXXUP??? :p Actually, that's human nature. Some people will hate on bands because others have expressed a distaste for said band, and said person is trying to feel like their opinion means something as well. (woo, vagueness!) Myself, I hear you listening to JB and I instantly surmise that you have no serious formal music training. I could be wrong, but that's what comes to mind. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Wow, you sound like a douchebag! ^_^ And btw, your ironic smilies lost their wit after its second use. First of all, the fact that you're bashing on me for liking JB is just incredibly ignorant and elitist. So what if I do enjoy listening to generic catchy rock-pop songs? Is it something you can't handle? lol (And note: things that I obsess over doesn't make me think they're truly the best of what they are. I am incredibly ****ing obsessed with [i]Gossip Girl[/i], but that doesn't mean I think it's the best show I've ever watched. Lol, quite the contrary, but I'm still obsessed. I'm sure it's the same with a lot of people. And yeah, it is easier to be obsessed with a band that's really active and always doing stuff. Because, you know, you have stuff to obsess over. I was obsessed with Justin Timberlake when he was active, and now he's not so I don't think of him much anymore. So I reject your advice to find a new obsession, because I'm quite comfortable with it as I am.) And you know why record companies have artists put out these kinds of songs? Because a lot of resulting songs are catchy and popular and a lot of people like them. Oh god, it's the end of the world. We're not all listening to obscure indie bands that are ~true musicians~. And I could go into the subject that JB is not pressured by Disney in any way with what kind of music they make- everything is done by the boys and their band. Yeah, I love Justin Timberlake and Timbaland and Chris Brown and the Jonas Brothers and Britney Spears and what have you. It doesn't mean I have bad taste. Maybe it means I can appreciate more genres of music for what it is and not get my panties in a bunch over it. I'm tempted as hell to sit here and list off all the other bands I listen to, but in the end that's just me trying to prove that I'm not a complete moron in the eyes of elitists. And I don't think people who listen to just those kinds of artists are complete morons either, because not everyone has to be deeply interested in music. I'll use an example. I really really like movies and tv shows. I enjoy watching all types of movies/shows and I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about movies. About half of my friends' favorite movie lists of all time include generic rom-coms and humor movies like [i]Madagascar[/i]. And... I don't care. I offer to let them watch some of my favorite movies, but I realize a lot of my favorite movies are not ideal for having a good time with friends. And yeah, I do know how to enjoy generic and terrible films for what they are but then watch [i]Cinema Paradiso[/i] and cry my eyes out. I love watching [i]Gossip Girl[/i] with friends and then going home and watching [i]Mad Men[/i]. They told me that their interest in movies was simple to be entertained for a couple of hours, and I completely accept that. I don't bash on them, I don't feel a need to "show them the way", because they all have their own interests that they're passionate about. I offer, but that's it. So, yeah. I see you flaunting your superior music taste, and honestly, it's really not that attractive.[/font] [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Uhh. [INDENT] . . . . [I]what?[/I][/INDENT] Take heed, friends. [I]That[/I] is blind devotion. [I]*applauds*[/I][/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Actually, it's pretty much human nature to get defensive when people bash on things you like. Making fans like JB more when people rag on us. :)[/font]
  21. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff]So... how dead would I be if I admitted I like Brittany Spears' new single?Not enough to buy the new CD, but I do like the song... I also liked Lucky. [/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I have the Womanizer music video saved to my Mac.
  22. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff]I'm not going to lie, but I will say for myself it's just because I don't like the music. It's a presonal preference for me. I'm not going to shun you or make fun of you for liking them. I mean everyone has to have fans right?[/color][/QUOTE] [quote=Lunox][font=trebuchet ms] Disclaimer: this isn't aimed at anyone in the thread, just talking from experiences I've had with people when they find out I'm a JB fan.[/font][/quote] [font=trebuchet ms] The chart was a general observation, so it goes under the disclaimer too, I guess. I didn't want everyone saying "PERSONALLY I really don't like their music and think it is worse than normal pop stuff" because it would start to get annoying.[/font]
  23. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] [IMG]http://graphjam.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/jonas.gif[/IMG][/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08421/jonashate944.png[/img] Don't lie, it's true. Disclaimer: this isn't aimed at anyone in the thread, just talking from experiences I've had with people when they find out I'm a JB fan. I understand why a lot of people hate the JB, mostly bc their fans are obnoxious and crazy as hell, but other than that the other reasons are not very valid. Saying they are "just another creation of Disney" is such a dumb argument, because that can be applied to most popular artists now except you replace 'Disney' with whoever their record label is. And it's not even like all music companies actually suck artists' souls away, it's something people like to say and run around with to justify their hate. Ngl from personal experience most people who say this to me annoy me, as they think they are superior and awesome because they listen to ____. Lol seriously, people blow up about how crappy the Jonas Brothers' music is, but it's on par with most of today's popular artists' music. Granted, that still makes it mediocre music, but I love how people act like JB music is much worse than it really is. It's catchy rock-pop, time to move along. (Also there is the "they're ugly" argument. Self-explanatory.) And yeah, I think Nick is incredibly attractive. Does that help the fact that I really like the JB? Yes. I also don't see the big deal. I thought "Burnin' Up", "SOS", and "Hold On" were awesome songs before I thought any of them were attractive. I've gotten a lot of looks of disgust when I say I love the Jonas Brothers, and it just annoys me. Like wtf is up with judging people based on what music they listen to. One of my best friends thinks Radiohead is God's gift to earth, another one thinks Jason Mraz is amazing, the list goes on. Also, to repeat what Clurr said. Calling any artist "talentless" is obnoxious. [/font]
  24. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff] Still don't like the Jonas Brothers, seriously what is with children born in the 90's trying to dress like they came of age in the 80's? Ick.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Are you talking about the pictures I just posted? They're imitating 40s for their music video. If not, Joe does go for the retro 80s look sometimes but other than Nick is pretty preppy punk and Kevin is very modern gent. I will go die now for saying this. [/font]
  25. [font="trebuchet ms"] skdja4;5jargjskfdjg New pictures leaked from making of Lovebug music video. Nick and Joe look especially beautiful. [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08416/lb1199.png[/img] [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08416/lb2811.png[/img] [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08416/lb3496.png[/img] [img]http://xs432.xs.to/xs432/08416/lb4778.png[/img] [img]http://xs132.xs.to/xs132/08416/lb5428.png[/img] [img]http://xs232.xs.to/xs232/08410/lb6572.png[/img] [img]http://xs232.xs.to/xs232/08410/lb7771.png[/img] [img]http://xs232.xs.to/xs232/08410/lb8531.png[/img][/font]
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