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Everything posted by eleanor
[font="trebuchet ms"] Man, I'm also the only person who's not in love with the duet Michael Cera* and Ellen Page. lol But [i]Juno[/i] was nominated for Best Original Screenplay for the Oscars, and it damn well better win. :) *Also the only teenage girl not in love with this guy[/font]
Interesting Mythology, Folklore, and Urban Legends
eleanor replied to Patronus's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='2008DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"] Not much for Greek mythos. The names are just annoying and stupid.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Because Norse mythology has the best names ever...Frigg and Gefjun, that's where it's at, man.[/font] -
[quote name='AJeh'][size=1] 10 Things > All romcoms[/size][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] QFT. It's just undeniable.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] I think I'm just picking up my neighbor's wifi or something (I checked my cable modem, and it's definitely just a normal modem), so I'll need to buy a wireless router or try Wi-Fi USB connectors. Any suggestions? I usually try and steer clear of Ebay, and since Nintendo discontinued their USC connectors I've been looking for an alternative. [b]Edit[/b]: Actually, do they really long patch cables? In best case scenario I would be able to use the LAN Adapter, but my cable modem and tv are approximately 20-25 ft. away from each other. Is there an extension cord I can buy to connect the 6 ft. cable Nintendo provides with the LAN Adapter package? [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] [img]http://xs223.xs.to/xs223/08045/victory834.png[/img] Yes! Victory...for Giuliani. XD Now for multiplayer...[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] Heath Ledger fangirls vs. crazy baptist church... they may die soon enough.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] Now that I have oodles of free time, I figured it was time to set up my Wii connection to the internet. I know we have wireless in our house, because the computer I'm using now isn't connected to any modem and uses Linksys, but for some reason I can't find the actual router... is it possible for wireless to exist without one? Dunno. Regardless, the signal is always very low on this computer. But anyways, my Wii always finds the wireless signal, but I always get the error code 32004 when it tries to update my Wii. Would I just be better off buying a USB Wi-Fi Connector off of EBay? Is there any difference in speed? (I know the LAN Adapter is available, but from what I saw of it you have to directly connect the wii to the PC, and that's just a physical impossibility for me). [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] I use 'lol' on AIM to make up for lack of response or to show that whatever the person said was slightly amusing/funny. When I actually laugh I tell the person I did. lol. [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] I dislike Walmart, mostly because my family owns a grocery store and ever since Walmart moved into town it's been struggling. But I also like capitalism and shop at Target all the time, so it's a complicated relationship. lol [/font]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] That could be a part of it. (^_^) [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Yes, seeing as how whenever I think of [u]Heart of Darkness[/u] I immediately think of writing the paper... school really sucks the love out of books sometimes. lol[/font]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]The racism was solidly hammered into the English culture at the time. In fact, there was even a supposed hierarchy of race, which consisted of four "classifications" and presumed (stress [I]presumed[/I]) to place the Caucasian at the pinnacle. White Englishmen really viewed the Negro race as barbaric and almost sub-human—which of course completely rationalized the Trans-Atlantic slave trade for them. Conrad wrote from this viewpoint. I find nothing offensive about his book in that regard. It is a window to the minds of racists, really; if I were to write a book based in colonial South Carolina, it would have to be rife with more of the same. I do not agree with such a view—in fact, nothing incenses me quite as much as open racism, on either side of the skin spectrum—but I do not hate Conrad for writing it. (If he had been [I]advocating[/I] racism, that would be another matter entirely.) On a completely unrelated note, Conrad also taught me how to use dashes. :p[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] ... I'd have to disagree completely, lol. From what I've gathered, Conrad was a man of his times and never fully escaped that. Seeing as how the novel was written from his own experiences, and in the end the most significant reason for his being "anti-imperialist" was because if whites went to Africa they would all go crazy and become animals just like the Africans (despite Marlow's limited sympathy for the tortured slaves and disdain for the "pilgrims"...in the end, it was largely racist to me). Same thing happened to Carl Jung when he visited Africa (hence the 'shadow', I think), which just makes Conrad's racism more believable. Though I sort of respect Conrad for overcoming a lot of his prejudice, I'm an Achebe-supporter all the way. But to each his own... neither of our viewpoints can be really "proved", since none of us really know the guy, lol. :) [spoiler]Some of my personal dislike for the novel could be because we had to write a 10 page research paper on it...[/spoiler] [/font]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Didn't get it. I was quite occupied with AP Calculus, AP Statistics, and AP English Lit. (which was an utter joke, aside from [I][U]Heart of Darkness[/U][/I]). [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] I would just like to say, [u]Heart of Darkness[/u] sucks and I don't understand why teachers are still obsessed with it. Personally I couldn't get over the rampant racism.[/font]
[quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Georgia"]it's not even in my room.. haha. And when I go upstairs to study I get distracted by doodling in my sketchbooks or what have you.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Hahaha, mine's not in my room either. Sort of sad, really. lol I know how you feel, though. Learning good study habits was the biggest pain in the *** during junior year, although I've promptly let go of those habits as soon as senior year started.[/font]
[quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Georgia"]That describes my situation pretty accurately, yeah. I'm honestly teetering on the line between "who cares" and "so incredibly stressed I'll snap on the next person who looks at me the wrong way." My courses this year are as hard as ever, being that I'm taking partial IB (advanced, university level courses) for English and Social. With those, unfortunately, come World Lit (actually really enjoyable), Theory Of Knowledge (Basic Philosophy which is neat) and Western World History (ew ew ew ew ew). The only one I'm really bummed about is WWH, but all those little weird classes fill up my schedule and take away the spares I really could have used to study. It's really hard to study because a) I don't actually know how, and b) everything just seems so incredibly boring! I'm taking Biology 30 by correspondance, and I've not even finished one booklet.. I have one semester to finish and take the diploma. That's probably the only course I'm actually worried about, but if I don't study I know I won't do as well as I could and I'll be losing out on scholarships. My marks are great now, but there's always the danger... ....and damnit guys, I'm supposed to be studying for Social Studies [B]AND[/B] Math right now! D: [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] How to study: unplug your computer and remove it from your room. It works...[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] Senioritis has either affected me very little, or it's just that my senior year couse is relatively easy compared to what I've taken before. At our school we take the hardest APs during junior year (calc, physics, etc.) and the only "serious" APs that seniors usually take is US government/comparative politics and lit, both of which are like sitting at the beach compared to our insane physics and calc courses. All of my senior AP courses are humanities and except for one math, which is statistics, which is a huge joke at our school. lol (And personal fitness, where we sit on the bleachers and talk. I have no idea why it's a required course to graduate.) So, it's not really a problem for me to keep good grades in my classes. If I had been taking the standard "junior year APs" senior year, things may have turned out differently.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] Claim'd. :)[/font]
[quote name='2008DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Too bad, cuz I finished the pic already :p [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Then why haven't you posted it? lol[/font]
[quote name='Hatake Kasumi']What's Universty life like? I plan on going to college...Even GA tech... Or GA state University to persue my art carrer (I'm in 8th grade so I have a while:animeswea)...[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Why not UGA? [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] It's just nice to hear real reasons for once. :) I like Hilary and Obama, although I do have to say that I'm not very optimistic that Obama is less obligated to various PACs or anything.[/font]
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"] Anyway, I'd love to see us go democratic as well, but I just don't see it happening anytime soon. >_< And if he makes it, I'd probably vote for Obama. Hillary? Not likely, unless the opposition is worse. If that happens, it'll be the first time I've voted Republican since... well... since I could vote. :p[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Why do you not support Hilary Clinton? I know that sounds defensive, but I'm not trying to be aggressive... I legitimately want to hear reasons because I'm curious as to why many people don't like her, other than "she gives me a bad vibe". [/font]
[quote name='Shy'][size=1]The national media is giving Barack Obama so much attention right now that voter fatigue is inevitable, especially since he isn't saying anything of subtance. (Change is not a message!) Obama needs to make his viewpoint clear to the American people while they still care. [/size][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Quoted for truth... although I suppose many of the candidates are like that. Obama and Giuliani seem to stand out the most for this, though.[/font]
[quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial] I'm truly surprised Hillary did so well against Obama in New Hampshire, especially when all the polling gave him a ~10% lead. I'll be frank with everyone and assume this was due to doubts with his lack of extensive experience, and perhaps his race as well. [/font][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Some people in my gov class today brought up that the actual polling took place about one week to several days before the election, so it's possible that the Iowa results affected is somehow. Like maybe the Obama supporters thought he would do fine without their help, or something. I have no idea if this is true, though.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"]Hilary's win certainly creates more tension for both Obama fans and Clinton fans. Right now I'm on the fence between Obama and Hilary, so whoever wins is more like something interesting to watch rather than anxiety. I was so pumped for Super Tuesday... too bad I can't vote in the primaries. I will exert peer pressure, lol. [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] CNN has projected Hilary as the winner!! This is exciting... but not all the college towns have reported, I wonder if Obama's surge will overtake Hilary's numbers. [b]edit[/b]: And [i]NYT[/i]! It's legit now. lol[/font]