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Everything posted by eleanor
[quote name='Zen'][color=darkred][size=1] Just to make sure, you guys are using computer drawing tools (like pen-pad) for these right? Because if you guys are this good using a mouse (or a brick) then I need to re-evaluate my entire life. Where would I procure one of those tools? How much?[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] If you want quality but a reasonable price, the Wacom Bamboo sells for $79.[/font]
[quote name='Panache'] But you are right...he shouldn't be suprised the show sucked. It's called Tokyo Mew Mew...I mean seriously Tokyo Mew Mew?[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Hahaha... so true. [/font]
[quote name='Inculta_Bellum']I live in South Carolina, and almost no one I've asked would vote for anything other than a white male Christian. Which is why Republicans have virtually carried the south for a while now. The Democrats at least have a fighting chance here with Clinton. [/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Um... South Carolina has the biggest black population, and like 40% of the Democratic caucus will be made up of black people. I really think Obama has a huge chance of winning the caucus. lol[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] The latest update for New Hampshire is that Hilary is winning with 14% of precinct reporting in... I'm surprised, but not disappointed. This makes things much more interesting. :) [quote name='Jeremiah']I don't think it does. An America disillusioned with the war in Iraq still re-elected president Bush in 2004. I predict that the actions of Bush will not necessarily dent the republican hopeful as much as you might think. I'm predicting that the presidential campaign will be a Giuliani/Obama race, and Obama will win. He's mad popular right now. :D[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Well, I said in my post that people will realize it wasn't a Republican but Bush that damaged the US. I was implying that people won't automatically discount Republicans now. :3 But if you look at the numbers voting in the primaries/caucuses, more voters are voting for the Democratic party than the Republican, which I think says something. Not a huge difference, of course, but a little something. [/font] Some of my classmates and I were talking about the presidential race, and I think the biggest problem is that people can't get past superficial details. People at my school hate Hilary because she's a woman, even if they don't admit that. At first they saw her as a heartless ***** because she happens to know how to work politically, but then when she got emotional yesterday people (at my school) see her as an emotional woman unfit for office. I was like, "are you being serious? Or are you just all half-retarded?" All of the "reasons" I've heard for why people I know don't like Hilary Clinton are incredibly stupid, like "because she's using Bill to gain popularity" (wtf? Who wouldn't?) and "she didn't leave her husband when he cheated on her" (because that's what all women must do). It just makes me incredibly annoyed and sad. Even if I don't support Hilary as my foremost candidate, I still think she's has the greatest burden of running as a woman and I respect her for all the crap she goes through. Seriously, today some douchebag started yelling "Iron my shirt" at her assembly. Thankfully Hilary handled it in a classy way and the idiot was taken out of the auditorium. But here's my opinion on all the candidates: [size=4]Obama ≈ Hilary > Giuliani ≥ Edwards > everyone else.[/size] [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] Gunbuster 2 is probably one of the worthier anime, but for some reason didn't really catch on to the big crowds. But as for the anime that annoys me the most right now, it's probably [i]Kodomo no Jikan[/i]. I tried to make myself view it as I would any other show, and it worked for a little bit, but looking back and rewatching several episodes, I cannot accept that show. I don't care how much character develop or serious problems are dealt by [i]Kodomo no Jikan[/i], it doesn't justify random pseudo cum shots that have nothing to do with the plot (aka fanservice). Fanservice is ok when you're dealing with teenage girls and above, not 3-year-olds. The more I think about it the more it annoys me. And another popular one I really hated: [i]Loveless[/i]. Crappy, crappy dialogue, as far as the fansub translating went, although I doubt the real translation would've been better, irritating "emotional" scenes that were boring and painful to watch, most irritating female character I've seen in anime, etc. I didn't get past the first three episodes.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] I don't think Edwards would be willing to run as VP again under Obama, although it could maybe help... But not expected. [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] At this point, I think Hilary's momemtum has simply lost steam. I was already suspicious of it last year, because something that good can't keep on rolling for that long. It was no surprise to me that Obama won Iowa, and it is not a surprise to me now that Obama is beating Hilary by a wide margin (about 10%) in New Hampshire as well (but I was surprised when I heard Hilary came in 3rd for Iowa; I really hope Edwards does not win anything). Then again, New Hampshire is filled with more indepdendent voters, and polls are only so reliable. And while I also predicted Huckabee to win Iowa, because the state is filled with evangelist Christians [spoiler]and really how would Romney, a Mormon, win that? (jk...sort of)[/spoiler], I don't know about New Hampshire. McCain might be a prominent figure, but so could Huckabee. Huckabee's pretty much a democrat when it comes to economics, but his social stances are conservative, and that could have a broad range of appeal. The whole "a democrat will win because no one wants to vote for a Republican" thing still holds some power, I think, but not to the same extent it did a year ago. As time goes by more people will realize that it wasn't having a republican in office that created all the mayhem, but W. Bush and Cheney. Granted, I personally want to see a Democrat in office now... Republicans have held the power for too long now. Of course, you cannot forget Giuliani, even though I dislike him. I have no idea if his plan of ignoring the early caucuses/primaries will work, but his constant campaigning in Florida and other big states could work. I think people are just forgetting about him now because of his lack of presence in Iowa and New Hampshire, and probably South Carolina, which is in some ways justified. Ignoring those key states could in the end just turn out to be the biggest mistake he's made. [/font] [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium] I just wonder if an Obama/Clinton president/vice president ticket is the way to go. That is, if the pair can get along. :catgirl:[/font][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"]Don't think so, IMO. The people who support Obama are, for the majority, probably not in favor of Clinton, and the choice for VP has never made a huge impact on voting trends (to my knowledge). As for being VP...it isn't worth "a warm bucket of spit," as John Garner once said. Unless you're Dick Cheney, who really just scares me. [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] Update: 2nd semester Senior year is awesome. [/font]
Anime Songs that remind us of Anime series
eleanor replied to onenuttytanuki's topic in Otaku Central
[font="trebuchet ms"] So nerdy, but "How to Save a Life" by The Fray reminds me of Naruto. Whenever I hear it I automatically think about Naruto and Sasuke's relationship. [/font] -
[font="trebuchet ms"] I guess, pull a Dahl, hit him with the frozen tuna, cook it, and invite the police officers who come to investigate to eat it for dinner. [/font]
[quote name='Dagger']Relevant to the topic, I think... just came across [url=http://www.armchairnews.com/freelance/eggers.html][u]a fantastic rant[/u][/url] by [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Eggers][u]Dave Eggers[/u][/url] about the concept of selling out. (It starts about two-thirds of the way down the page, after he finishes his numbered answers.) And so on. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Love Dave Eggers, figured he'd make sense of everything in a hilarious way.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] I can't really offer critique, but amazing job! [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] I agree with AzureWolf that most prostitutes are pretty unattractive, but then you have to take into consideration people who work at strip joints or Hooters or something. Unattractive? Probably not. Not the hottest girls you've ever seen, but they're still attractive. You could argue that those jobs aren't the same as prostitution, but you're still using your body to a significant degree to get money. I'm just going to throw out there that prostitution isn't something girls aspire to be or something. It's something they do when they can't do anything else, and it's pretty much a last resort in many cases. It's not like girls, even in poverty-stricken or crime-ridden areas, are wanting to get out of high school just so that they can sell themselves. I really doubt that they'd want to do it even if it were legal. And while in my first post I wrote that laws against prostitution were unnecessary to me, because I don't think laws are there to make people moral, I don't really see the need to legalize it either. This is like the whole "should marijuana be made legal" thing, because who cares? If you want a hooker, really want one, I'm sure there's a way you can get one.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] I think consensual prostitution is fine, and I don't agree with laws that make it illegal. You're not harming anyone, unless you have STDs or something, but the person hiring you would know that risk. Sex is just sex sometimes, and if people want to make money off of it, I think that's perfectly ok. Of course, human trafficking is one of the most disgusting forms of crime today. I find it more important to prevent than drug trafficking, by far, because innocent women are getting kidnapped and forced into a life of servitude and most likely early death due to STDs. [/font]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
eleanor replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='officefreak'] o mighty lunox. [/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Hey thanks![/font] -
[quote name='Whiteblaze'][FONT="Arial"]Happy New Year to all! Is it just me or does anyone else notice how people seem to believe that 2008 in particular will be a great year? I know it's a New Years thing to have better hopes for the new year, but everywhere I go there are people expressing that 2008 is going to be a very good year. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] For me it'll be a great year or an incredibly ****** year. More specifically, the month of April. lol[/font]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
eleanor replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='ssj chic'] I do understand though that it's hard to believe people can actually be rather attractive through the internet - However, I assure you, I'm not a fake. As well... I've got probably over a hundred or so pictures (via digital cam, web cam, you name it) that all say I look pretty much exactly the same. ;)[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Oh, please. There is no reason you need to be polite to these kind of people. (FYI, songofsorrow, pretty people exist, and sometimes they come on the internet.) I never saw the picture you took down, but you're gorgeous and I hope you never let someone like that get to you again.[/font] -
[font="trebuchet ms"] I actually may just stay home, actually, because my parents want me to. It's a Korean tradition to eat a traditional soup for breakfast every New Years, and then have the whole children bow to parents/relatives and receive loads of cash. ;)[/font]
[quote name='ssj chic'] I guess the question would also be have you applied to colleges yet? If so, it's not going to show up on your transcripts. Depending on the college, they usually don't check how you are doing after that, because from what I know most are very understanding of senioritis. If you have not yet mailed in transcripts then I would start to worry a bit and possibly talk to advisors about retaking that semester online while you are taking the second. I'm sure they can come up with some alternative, keeping in mind that your history of grades is quite well.[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Many colleges require a mid-year transcript and final year-end transcript. I have never heard of one that doesn't require them, but I guess it depends. I agree though, just talk to your counselors. [/font]
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Not as false as you might think. Shows like this don't get much attention around here in a state that is painfully religious and literally encourages all members to never go to anything that is rated R. I didn't know about it and when I started talking about it to others I know, absolutely no one even knew what I was talking about.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Granted, there are still 49 other states in the US. And countries in the world. [/font]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] So I propose a related question: are there things or ideas—which you believe are supremely important and which others do not—where you cannot understand how these others can view these ideas so trivially? [/FONT][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Not pursuing what you want. I know a lot of people who scoff at others when they go into film school or art school or major in English (haha, very funny >_>) because they say "what are they going to do for a living"? I admire people who stick to their passions through the sweat but in the end fail a million times more than people who follow a job they'll hate just to make a lot of money. I know the situations can be different, like if you're a dad who has to support a family you can't go wild and pursue your dream of being a rock star, but I think when you're young and have the energy you should try what you want. All of my friends just look at me weird when I say I don't care how much money I make if I have a job I love, but I can't imagine being happy with a job I hate. [/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] Was written by a woman who worked as a sex-phone talker/stripper. Which is sort of awesome, lol. For those of you who haven't heard of [i]Juno[/i], it's the story of a 16-year-old who gets pregnant, decides to give the baby to an adoptive family, and on the way finds herself. It's sort of like an indie film/avant-garde thing, which can turn some people off, but I thought they pulled it off pretty well. I was pretty pumped to go see the movie, because the previews were funny and I like Michael Cera, but I was sort of disappointed. Granted, the movie was still good and solid, it just wasn't as good as I thought it'd be. There were lots of funny one-liners, none of them incredibly memorable (except maybe "Your eggo is preggo", love Rainn Wilson), a lot of teen slang (some of which I didn't recognize), and good acting, but it just didn't stand out to me. I will say that the character Juno was pretty unique; I expected her to be sarcastic and witty, but she was so upfront and comfortable with it around [i]everyone[/i] it came off as original. Did anyone else watch this?[/font]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']:rolleyes: I do not follow TV Guide and it hasn't been previewed in the movies I've been to recently like Golden Compass and the second National Treasure. lol That and I don't really watch TV anyway unless it's something I really wish to watch. So seriously dude, I knew nothing about it and could have cared less. However, now that it's at the theater close to where I live, I'll probably go and see it.[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Dude, I think he was saying "you're kidding me" about Raiha's comment on how no one else probably knew about [i]Sweeney Todd[/i]. Which was a pretty false comment, lol. Anyways, I usually don't fawn over Tim Burton like many others do ([i]The Nightmare Before Christmas[/i] was just not that amazing to me and I thought [i]The Corpse Bride[/i] was sort of boring), and I don't fawn over Johnny Depp like many girls do, but I have to say I'm pretty excited about watching [i]Sweeney Todd[/i]. I like Helena Bonham Carter and Alan Rickman and Stephen Sondheim, and the whole things looks promising. This winter actually has pretty good movie selection! I still can't wait to see [i]Atonement[/i].[/font]
The Obligatory "Haul" Thread
eleanor replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
[font="trebuchet ms"] - $100 giftcard to Sephora (sweet!) - Bluetooth earpiece for my phone - Bourne trilogy pack - $50 giftcard to Macys - [i]Valis[/i] by Philip K. Dick, [i]Man's Search for Meaning[/i] by Viktor E. Frankl - Very Valentino perfume* *smells terrible. lol [/font] -
Anime The anime here in america...is it getting childish?
eleanor replied to Humaru's topic in Otaku Central
[font="trebuchet ms"] I really think that some anime purists need to get over themselves. Although I have to disagree with SunfallE's post, or at least question it. I thought that the creator's studio merely sold rights to companies, and don't actually get any say in how they're being edited. Like, I doubt One Piece's creator was there approving everything 4Kids did to it. But I do agree that a show isn't the fans' property. In the end, this argument reminds me of the really annoying Harry Potter purists who whined their ****ing heads off when Hermione's dress in the 4th movie was pink, not blue or whatever it was supposed to be. [/font]