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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="77656"]Actually, not to ruin your plans, but I'm already planning on heading to Afghanistan in a few weeks. Sorry if it complicates things. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] For what? Not trying to be mean, I'm actually curious. In response to the tread: If I ever saw some drunk ******* trying to drive, I'd help him out by punching him in the face.[/font]
  2. [font="trebuchet ms"] Having a party with my friends, but most likely we'll just end up making funny videos/music videos. Which is fun, too. :)[/font]
  3. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="77656"] ...and Star Wars gimmicks leads to box office blowout and fandom. Statements like these are too broad, hate [I]may [/I]lead to suffering is a right-on-the-mark statement that our friend 'The Star-Wars Writer' should have considered. First of all, I hate one kid, so that will eventualy lead to some sort of suffereing? Not likely, definitly not likey. Hate harbors darkness. Hate is a dark emoition, a terrible one, yea. But it's truly ugly when someone takes this into a new level. The point of murder and form of unjust acts are what lead to suffereing. Not really the hate itself. Sometimes, yes. But not every time.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] As many people have already mentioned, hate and dislike are two separate things. If you really hate someone, really, I think hate is suffering. I agree with what Retribution said about hating taking away all sympathy, and that to me is suffering. Especially for young people, because it's hard for us to actually love or hate something. I also have to disagree with the "hate everyone equally" thing. I don't think real hatred is something you can control, so when people say they hate everyone equally, I just take it as they dislike everyone equally. To end my post, I'll say that I'm very quick to anger. I'm impulsive and often misuse the word hate. But I've found that being compassionate is more gratifying than being hateful. [/font]
  4. [font="trebuchet ms"] [img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07521/n1125810497_30234874_9152.jpg[/img][img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07521/n1125810497_30234875_4000.jpg[/img] [img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07521/n1125810497_30234876_8790.jpg[/img][img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07521/n1125810497_30234878_2468.jpg[/img] >_>
  5. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="77656"] Wow, that would have never occured to me. So if I act like every other drone out there, I'm different?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] I never said being different was acting like "every other drone out there", so don't insinuate that I did. Try dealing in moderation and not absolutism. [/font]
  6. [font="trebuchet ms"] This one was very time-consuming. [img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07521/grafitescarf.png[/img][/font]
  7. [font="trebuchet ms"] Claimed! And sorry for the huge delay. ._. [img]http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07521/dmc1.png[/img] [img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07521/dmc2.png[/img] My character: [img]http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07521/flowergirlgafdmc.png[/img][/font]
  8. [font="trebuchet ms"] To me, individualism isn't striving to be different. It's just being who you are and focusing on who you are as an individual. If being yourself means you like mainstream music, than fine. I hang out with rich white kids, and I happen to like J. Crew. Does that mean I like J. Crew because my friends like it? No, because I happened to like it when my friends introduced it to me. My friends also like Hollister, and I really hate clothes from Hollister. It's also crap when people call others posers when they follow clothing trends. Could it be that a lot of people like a trend style when they see it and copy it? I didn't even know stores sold skinny jeans until that trend came in, and I liked it and bought skinny jeans. I'm not automatically a fake poser because I did it. People who act differently for the sake of being different are just as "fake" as people who act the same for the sake of fitting in. The term 'mainstream' just annoys me, because who the hell cares? If some wannabe "original" starts calling me out because I like Justin Timberlake, screw him. If you call yourself an original, you're probably not one.[/font]
  9. [font="trebuchet ms"] Nice stuff, here. :) I love that you're doing several kinds of art forms (drawings, comic panels, etc.); I usually just stick to my sketchbook. lol I'm trying to find a good word to describe how I interpret your drawings, but the best I can say is... the only thing you really need now is practice. Your proportions are spot on (which is to me the most important thing), your talent in drawing the hair/eyes/body are is great, but your drawings are just stiff. There is limited movement or flow in lines and expression, which I value the most after proportion. And that, I find, is what you get with tons of practice. I have an example of a good artist on DA [i][url="http://endling.deviantart.com/art/Artdump-1-72750668"]here[/url][/i], because I probably sound confusing. I was reminded of him while I was talking about your artwork because I had just added that particular piece to my favorites earlier, but a lot of his poses are rather simple but still have good silhouettes that show motion. But this is all stuff that comes naturally (with practice) to anyone with talent, so I'm sure you'll catch on quickly! :) Hope to see more stuff.[/font]
  10. [font="trebuchet ms"] I just found out that I have to read five books over winter break. :twitch: [spoiler]Don't they realize seniors just don't care second semester?[/spoiler][/font]
  11. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="77656"]So Lunox, you haven't tooken into considereation that maybe he doesn't like her anymore, or any asian vixem? I used to think Hayden Penettiere was hot, than I saw a picture of Cristina Scabbia or Lacuna Coil, and now she's my fanboy girl.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] I think he would've said he doesn't find her attractive anymore if he didn't. I'm sure he would've "tooken that into considereation."[/font]
  12. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]So I just automatically like asian celebrities because I found ONE voice actress cute? :rolleyes: You know this site is a lot like a white neighborhood sometimes...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Um, as far as anime fans who say 'kawaii', yes. And if by some off chance you only find that one Asian VA cute, then you're still contradicting herself. As far as fake Asian celebrities go, the one you picked is a pretty prime example. [/font]
  13. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Since when do i think Japanese celebrities are pretty? Where the hell are you pulling this from? EDIT: For clarification's sake, I like gothy white girls the best >_>[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Um, the harem thread from a while ago. I think you were the one of the first to respond, and guess what... you posted a picture of a Japanese girl! Stop trying to cover your tracks if you can't hide them. [/font]
  14. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]1. No, she's hideous. Along with all the fake-*** hollywood *******. 2. Like I give a **** how they feel about it. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] I think it's funny how you think Japanese celebrities are pretty if you're so against "fake-***" beauty. Congratulations, you like the most superficial, painfully fake, and plastic surgery-filled celebrities in the world. Have a super-fun kawaii time.[/font]
  15. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Damn ugly woman and her non-music... ever since that one video I was never able to say 'kawaii' without feeling bad. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"]1. Gwen Stefani is gorgeous. 2. You will never be able to say 'kawaii' without looking stupid. You do realize Asians hate it when people do that?[/font]
  16. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Yea I was joking. And hate mongering against Gwen Stefani...[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Make your jokes seem less Japanophilic, lol. ;)[/font]
  17. eleanor

    I Am Legend

    [font="trebuchet ms"] [i]I Am Legend[/i] was so good I was literally shaking throughout the first 2/3 of the movie. Well, not really shaking, but I have no other word to describe it. The only thing I did not like, at all, was the ending. I think it would have been better if they were more faithful to the book in why [spoiler]Neville dies in the end. The butterfly on the glass, butterfly tattoo on Anna's neck moment was just incredibly lame to me.[/spoiler] The movie simply lost momentum at some point and trailed off a bit. Not a lot, because it was still a great movie, but it just could've been much better. The 2/3 of the movie was great, because we got to saw how Neville coped with living alone surrounded by crazy vampires. [Spoiler]When Sam died, it was sad, but when we saw Neville plead with the mannequin to say "hello" my heart broke and my friend literally sobbed into her hoodie. [/spoiler] (Will Smith's acting is perfect, which was gratifying because half the reason I went to see the movie was because he was in it.) But the [spoiler] arrival of Anna and Ethan suddenly puts the movie on a more plot-driven track, which leads to a rather dissappointing end. I thought the book's end to be far superior.[/spoiler] And I have to rave over the special effects. The CGI backgrounds and imagery of NYC were incredible, although the animated Lions were very tacky to me. Overally, definitely a movie I'm buying when it comes out on DVD. If the end were different, I would be completely and absolutely in love with the movie.[/font]
  18. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Japanese culture stealing whore...I never did like her.[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Oh, please. Because anything used in anime is automatically something of Japanese origin. Also, this perfume came out, what, several months ago? And it doesn't even smell good.[/font]
  19. [quote name='AzureWolf'] Any school that has interviews most likely has rolling admissions. Sucks to hear that you are playing the waiting game though. Not knowing is worst than facing rejection, IMO. But hey, it's not over till it's over![/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Two of my other friends just got into Vanderbilt and CalTech.... sometimes I hate knowing geniuses. lol Waiting is killing me, I just wish I was in a college already![/font]
  20. [quote name='AzureWolf'] You made the right call, IMO. No one should do ED, ever. It's just really stupid/dangerous unless schools have been asking you to come to them with promises of full tuition from day one.[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Well, my friends are also ridiculously rich. lol ED wasn't a problem for them, money-wise. But, I have no idea what rolling admissions are.[/font]
  21. [font="trebuchet ms"] Right now I'm regretting that I didn't do early action/decision to any schools. Three of my friends just got into MIT, another into UPenn, and another into Vanderbilt, and it sucks that I have to sit at home and write another 6 essays. [/font]
  22. [font="trebuchet ms"]Literally, the first three things that came to mind: 1) [img]http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07504/nonocs.png[/img] -What can I say? I want her body. 2) [img]http://xs222.xs.to/xs222/07504/shades.jpg[/img] -To be awesome enough to pull off those ridiculous shades. 3) [img]http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07504/sanji5kl.png[/img] -And to be able to cook really well. [/font]
  23. [font="trebuchet ms"] [img]http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07504/tekkon-kinkreet-722881.png[/img] I'm sort of shocked that nobody has made a thread about this, because it was, hands down, the most amazing visual tour de force I've ever seen in anime. Period. Everything is beautifully, and lovingly, drawn. The backgrounds are jaw-dropping, so creative, and so wonderfully animated it was shocking to me that it hadn't gotten much attention. I thought [i]Mononoke[/i] was pretty cool, but yeah, not anymore. lol [img]http://www.oorei.com/imagenes/post/Tekkon.Kinkreet.4C.studio.movie.screenshots.jpg[/img] Unfortunately, it's a classic example of style over substance; the story failed to capture my attention (as most anime plots go for me). The plot: [i]"Tekkon Kinkreet offers Black and White as two young children, possibly brothers or more likely they have adopted each other as the only family each has. Their turf is a place known as Treasure Town, and they have cast themselves as superheroes protecting it from invasion by any one else or any other gangs. White is tough in a street scrape yet this eleven-year-old still needs help getting dressed. Black is slightly older, definitely more savvy and looks to White with great paternal care. But a local yakuza leader named Suzuki also sees Trasure Town as his town and plans to return to the city to take over. But posing an even greater threat is Mr. Snake, who?s acting on behalf of property developers who want to level Treasure Town to make way for a huge amusement park. The story takes on metaphysical and metaphorical dimensions, but at its heart are these two young children: White who seems able to remain innocent despite all around him and Black who must struggle with inner demons and an inner conflict tearing at him."[/i] ([url]http://www.kpbs.org/blogs/movies/2007/11/05/tekkon-kinkreet-black-and-white/[/url]) [img]http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07504/motion_TekkonKinkreet.jpg[/img] In the end the movie lacked emotional impact and relied on rather empty dialogue and scenes and, I think, tried to make viewers love characters they didn't take time to make lovable. Which, to me, is always the biggest mistake of a movie. There's never any way for a lack of character and plot to be made up, even with such outstanding animation; if [i]Tekkon Kinkreet[/i] had really packed an emotional punch, it would have easily become one of my favorite movies. But for any anime aficionado who loves the visual creativity of Japanimation, this movie is a must. [/font]
  24. [font="trebuchet ms"] I come here as a habit, now. I've been here for 4 or 5 years, I think, and I just always come around to OB whenever I'm on the internet. I haven't really made friends on OB, and I don't really participate as heavily as I did, but OB is a pretty quality forum compared to everything else out there. :p Which I guess means OB is addictive. [/font]
  25. [quote name='Chikara Kokoro'] [B]Edit #2:[/B] Done! This was a lot of fun because the visor and the hair reminded me of my old Sailor Moon fan art days. Lunox, if you let me know what the character's color scheme is I'd love to color this image (I need the practice :D)[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] It's great! Thanks so much. :) As for the color scheme, I don't really have one. lol All I know is that her eyes are golden, and her hair is possible black or blonde. :p[/font]
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