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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [font="trebuchet ms"] It depends on how you interpret the Constitution. Personally, I think the First Amendment protects everything NAMBLA preaches and believes in, which comes out in the form of writing or whatever, but once anyone actually engages in the act of pedophilia, they have violated the law and are subject to conviction.[/font]
  2. [font="trebuchet ms"] Well, Whale met girl, and he forced her to marry him, and therefore they became Mr. and Mrs. Whale. lol [/font]
  3. [font="trebuchet ms"] Graffiti rocks. Best FB app ever. lol Out of the ones I've drawn, these are my favorite: [img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07494/grafittigirlflwoers.png[/img] The beginning of Mr. Whale and Mrs. Whale. (disregard the 'mur's in the background...IJ) [img]http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07494/graffitiwhalemarraige.png[/img] The marraige of Mr. and Mrs. Whale. Which did not turn out well for Mr. and Mrs. Whale. [img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07494/graffitiwhalewalrus.png [/img] Whale and his friend Walrus. [img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07494/graffitistephencolbert.png[/img] Stephen Colbert+Rain parody :D[/font]
  4. [font="trebuchet ms"] I went ahead and did Konata's character, since medafunk hasn't posted. [img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07493/obcde.png[/img] My character: [url=http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs122&d=07493&f=emil1.png][img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07493/emil1.png.xs.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs122&d=07493&f=emil2.png][img]http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07493/emil2.png.xs.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs322&d=07493&f=emil3.png][img]http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07493/emil3.png.xs.jpg[/img][/url] I play around with her clothes, so variances are always cool to see. :)[/font]
  5. [font="trebuchet ms"] Call me a mainstream whore, but these were the two albums I liked the best: [img]http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000NA26ZE.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_V43845028_SS500_.jpg[/img] A lot of the songs he produced were my favorites of the year (i.e. Bombay, Time, Give it to Me, The Way I Are, Apologize), and while some of his songs weren't on [b]Shock Value[/b], the album itself was fine. All of the songs are well-made and catchy, and for once there was a good album with various artists. There was also a good range of styles, evident by the song [i]Bombay[/i], which I think is amazing. [img]http://991.com/newGallery/Justin-Timberlake-Future-Sex--Love-365558.jpg[/img] [b]Future Sex/Love Sounds[/b]. I liked seven out of the twelve tracks, which is for me a huge success. I didn't really think much of Justin Timberlake, but I thought this album was pretty good. It's just so rare that I like an album from one artists in general, because my iTunes is a collection of one or two songs from a single artist, so I had to give recognition to this album. [/font]
  6. [font="trebuchet ms"] One word:[spoiler]Kamina.[/spoiler][/font]
  7. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] The best part would be when [spoiler]Zuko used that bending move Iroh had shown him in Bitter Work to deflect the lightening.[/spoiler] I knew that would come in handy some day.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Best part of the episode, right there. [/font] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I still can't believe that the Netherlands got that 310/311 ep before the US did. Ytv even aired it prior to the US Nick stations. :rant Oh well I hope this writer's strike doesn't delay production too much longer[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] The writer's strike doesn't affect cartoons like Avatar, because writing is always the first step in creating the shows, and they're written way before the animating ever starts. Then again, I could be wrong. Who knows?[/font]
  8. [font="trebuchet ms"] Episodes 310/11 were awesome. :) *glee* I loved how [spoiler]Zuko finally stood up to his father, and it wasn't cheesy or bad, but mostly just really kick-*** and awesome. And Iroh breaking out of his cell like a one-man army is equally awesome (although expected). I'm glad with how the creators played the show out, because everyone knew the invasion couldn't have been the series finales. Also, ZUKO JOINING AVATAR= hell yeah! [/spoiler][/font]
  9. [quote name='Aceburner']Alright, I'm going to make one final point and leave it at that. All who say it should be legal because we shouldn't need to protect people from themselves: Suicide. Why is that illegal? I'll leave you to mull over that.[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Who cares? Is your life dramatically different because marijuana is illegal? It's not like it's impossible to find pot because it's illegal, so I don't see the big deal here. [/font]
  10. [font="trebuchet ms"] It's not like marijuana needs to be legalized. People who want it that badly can get it*, so stop whining about how it's illegal. *As in, ask anyone in high school or college. And seriously, if you're stupid enough to get caught, I don't care what your problems are. [/font]
  11. [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]Sorry, I'm just sick and tired of beautiful girls making the news because they die in a car crash or committed suicide.[/font][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Don't forget white, too.[/font]
  12. [quote name='Aceburner']The scariest thing to think about is the fact that you probably didn't mean to hold shift for those exclamation points.[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"]Lol...except I did. And whatever, HSM rocks. :p[/font]
  13. [font="trebuchet ms"] Getting into a career I will genuinely enjoy. Whether it's screenwriting or film production, if I love my job, I think I'll have a pretty good life. [/font]
  14. [quote name='cancer'][SIZE="1"]So I'm making a movie poster for my final Intro To Computer Graphics class project, and I'm curious what people would like to see made into a movie. What kind of movies or games would you like to see spoofs or remakes of? Or what new kind of movie would you like to see made? I want to get an idea of what the most popular genre would be and whatnot. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 4!!!!11 [spoiler]Even though I secretly like HSM.[/spoiler] But seriously, I would just suggest doing whatever you wanted to do. Pick a book you like that could be easily transferred to a movie, or a book that would be awesome as a movie, or whatever. :)[/font]
  15. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Brahms and Beethoven. Beethoven basically bridged the Classical and Romantic eras, and some of his works after he completely lost his hearing are powerful. (Also, the curse of the Ninth Symphony started with him, I believe. :p) Brahms is just gorgeous. I was fortunate enough to have been able to play an arrangement for trombone choir ? done by Blair Bollinger ? of the Andante from his Third Symphony, and the texture is wonderful. Oh, and if you like crazy stuff, check out Charles Ives. That's all I'll say. (Jays, I love Ives. What a wacko.)[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] lol Well yes, I know who Beethoven and Brahms are, but I was looking more for specific pieces. I'm familiar with all the popular classical music, but I wanted some more symphonies or neat-sounding music (i.e. Danse Bacchanale). I will check out this Charles Ives, though. :) [/font]
  16. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] Uh, you don't suffer from depression and you're not thirteen. That really puts you in the position of not being able to relate to what this girl was going through at all. What you would have done is irrelevant since everyone reacts differently depending on the situation. What upsets one person, another will shrug off and continue as if nothing happened. Trying to relate, especially when your situation is totally different is kind of pointless since it's all to easy to fall back on the fallacy of "if it were me" which is completely inaccurate and not a good guide to go by. Try reading up on depression to see how it affects someone or even try to imagine how you or others you know who are only thirteen react to things. In other words try to see things from perhaps the girls point of view instead of your own before you declare someone "shouldn't" have done something. It's ridiculously easy to use hindsight and think someone was to blame when you yourself did not experience any of the emotional pain that this girl felt that drove her to kill herself. Allamorph makes a very good point about shifting focus away from the adult who clearly was the one who "should" have known better. Lets not be so quick to point fingers at the minor who like all minor's depends upon the adults around them to make mature responsible decisions. She was betrayed by the trust of someone who was more than old enough to realize that what she was doing was wrong.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] [i]This[/i] is QFT. [/font]
  17. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson][b]Russia[/b] [img]http://www.geographyiq.com/images/rs/Russia_map.gif[/img] Then I could conquer you nubs and take your stuff.[/color][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Russia? [img]http://smartraveller.gov.au/zwiki/images/regions/maps/jpeg/United_Arab_Emirates.jpg[/img] ;)[/font]
  18. [quote name='Konata'] I don't really have much of an opinion on this though. While it was the parent's fault for doing such harmful things, I also think it was the girl's fault for being too weak-minded. [/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] The girl was already diagnosed with depression, so you can only take the weak-minded thing so far. And, she was 13, which not a very stable age, emotion-wise. 13+depression+lame myspace parent with apparently too much free time=not good. [/font]
  19. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Another one that I really like is Johann Sebastian Bach. He just has so much music that sounds deceptively simple and yet can be so difficult to play correctly. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Isn't that always the sign of a master? :) I love Bach.[/font]
  20. [quote name='Japan_86'][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"] Lunox, can you tell me more about why you hate Loveless?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] The whole "I'm your Fighter and you're the Sacrifice" was so dry and unoriginal to me. Going off of that, some of the dialogue and some scenes made me want to stab me in the eye. It was so melodramatic and trying to evoke some sort of creative depressing emotion, but it totally backfired on me. And probably one of my biggest reasons for not liking it was the the character Yuiko, who was the epitome of what I hated in anime girls. Granted I don't remember a lot, because I watched so long ago, but I just remember hating it.[/font]
  21. [font="trebuchet ms"] What's really disgusting is that the family who pretended to be Josh still hasn't issued any sort of apology or public sign of remorse. From what I've read, the neighbors of the Drews (family who pretended to be myspace boy) absolutely want them gone, and protestors are there and have called the factory the father works at and other businesses related to the Drews. I'm sure part of this is illegal, and part of it is justified, but I'm left wondering what the heck the Drews are going to do. I don't understand why they're not giving an apology. If they're worried it will just bring more ridicule and shame, than they're being cowards, and if they just don't want to apologize, that's even more disgusting. [/font]
  22. [font="trebuchet ms"]I used to play in orchestra, a damn good one at that, and I definitely appreciated and respected the talent that went into composing and playing classical music. Sitting at rehearsal for hours playing the same three measures over and over (and for the cellos it was continuous whole notes...) again drove me insane sometimes, but it's amazing how that kind of conenctration can produce great results. The level of musical talent needed to compose great classical pieces compared to music being put out by bands and singers today makes me sort of sad. lol I like [i]Tchaikovsky Concerto for Violin & Orchestra in D, Op. 35, 1. Allegro moderato[/i] (and Tchaikovsky in general, as I liked the romantic era). I think I have two versions of it, one played with Zukerman and one with Milstein. Props to Bach for making some of the hardest but most beautiful music ever; I love listening to [i]Chaconne[/i] and learning how to play the Bach Suites technically and musically was a very rewarding experience. Some other random favorites are [i]Danse Bacchanale[/i] by Saint-Saëns; it was mad fun to play that with a full orchestra. I also like [i]Danse Macabre[/i], mostly because I liked hearing Gil Shaham play it so well. Vivaldi's [i]Eight Seasons[/i] is always popular... rightfully so. But I do need to expand my classical music selection. Any recs?[/font]
  23. [font="trebuchet ms"] I would recommend against Loveless. I don't know if our tastes match up, but I couldn't even get past four episodes without hating it. [/font]
  24. [font="trebuchet ms"] I actually have never gone black friday shopping, but today I went to the mall at 5 PM and it was [i]still[/i] crowded. All I did get was cologne for my dad and a J. Crew headband for just $7. Everything was hella cheap, though.[/font]
  25. [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]Out of curiousity, why do you need a pea coat in Atlanta? But alas, I commend your taste in clothing. I'd better see you up here next year. Oh, and I don't really want anything for Christmas. It's rather strange, but I feel content with what I have.[/font][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] There is a misguided thought that it doesn't get cold down here in Atlanta... also, I'll kill myself if I don't into a school in the northeast. :)[/font]
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