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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [quote name='Nerdsy' date='07 July 2010 - 10:09 PM' timestamp='1278554976' post='696771'] [color=deeppink] Also, all the other English majors were such [i]major asshats.[/i] Seriously. [/color] [/quote] lololol QFT. I'm an English major and I hate 90% of all English majors [spoiler]ESPECIALLY the creative writing majors[/spoiler] I meet, at least at my school. One of my classes were filled with students who would freak out if you didn't worship their favorite author who is a ~**~~*~**~*~GENIUS 4 THE AGES~*~**~*~~**~ or disagreed with them in class. I also hate ones that just blather on in class with no textual evidence, but then when you say that they get all butthurt and are like "IT IS WHAT I FEEL IN MY SOUL" or whatever but then there are AWESOME ONES LIKE ME :D
  2. you know what is cuter than puppies and kitties the spanish NT [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/29cmnut.jpg[/img]
  3. [size="7"]V-V-V-V-V-V-VIVA ESPAÃ?A[/size] I SAW YOU PUYOL I SAW YOU XABI I SAW YOU IKER [b]BRING IT LIKE THAT FOR THE FINAL AND YOU CAN WIN THIS WC[/b] [spoiler]Germany, you were the best team of the WC but you were the inferior team today. 2014, though, 2014.[/spoiler]
  4. blergh so nervous for tomorrow's match. Realistically I know Germany definitely has the upper-hand, but... Spaiinn. BUT PAUL PICKED SPAIN THIS MORNING SO THERE IS HOPE
  5. I'm so used to AP style my friends are like Y NO OXFORD COMMA and I am like no1curr about oxford comma
  6. 6 National Fried Chicken Day oh HALE YEAH
  7. * What college do you attend? HARVARD * What are you studying? UNDERWATER BASKET-WEAVING * Do you live on campus? NO I LIVE IN A BOSTON PENTHOUSE & EAT BROILED LOBSTER EVERY NIGHT
  8. [quote name='Nerdsy' date='03 July 2010 - 07:09 PM' timestamp='1278198554' post='696473'] [color=deeppink]The ignore function is the single greatest thing to ever exist.[/color] [/quote] There's an ignore function???
  9. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='03 July 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1278187001' post='696459'] He was fine throughout the tournament, but he should not have still been standing on the field when the 90 was over. He was locked down and did not belong there. [/quote] Good thing my post wasn't directed at you at all, though.
  10. Ok. I LOL so hard at people who now think Messi is a "**** player" or something. There was a flood of Messi **** talking in various comms I'm in, which made me shake my damn head. Messi has been a phenomenal playmaker this WC, and with opponents on his dick at every moment he did the best he could do. No goals, who cares. Football is nothing without teamwork and good playmaking. Anyone who thinks he's a bad player obviously doesn't watch football. His free kicks this match weren't good, but he has been great throughout the tournament and he's still one of the greatest players in the world. Now that I'm done ranting, congrats to Germany they totally deserved that win. I knew Argentina's defense was shaky but I never knew how bad it could be until a great team put pressure on it. [SIZE="7"]VAMOS ESPAÃ?A[/size]
  11. Germany-Argentina better BLOW MY MIND, seriously I'm getting annoyed with both teams atm. Stop shittalking and play the game.
  13. BRASIL ;_; so depressed rn. At least tomorrow I will have Spanish eyecandy ESPN comms are dirty hoars for making fun of Kaká during Ghana-Uruguay game Also I feel terrible for Ghana-Uruguay players they are clearly exhausted just let them go to penalties. Anyways I hope Ghana wins, for Africa. [size="5"] I JUST WANT CLUB FOOTBALL BACK [/size] [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/2hx91fn.jpg[/img] [b]EDIT: [size="5"]HOLY **** LOL DID ANYONE JUST SEE THAT THIS MATCH IS SO INTENSE RN AND I DIDN'T EVEN CARE THAT MUCH ABOUT IT JFC[/size][/b]
  14. [quote name='Magus' date='02 July 2010 - 03:54 AM' timestamp='1278057261' post='696331'] I'm curious to know who went to see The Last Airbender? I'm seeing mixed reviews (I don't pay attention to professional critics or whatever) but mainly leaning towards the negative side. I never had any plans on watching it from the getgo, especially because I'm not a fan of Shamalan movies outside of Signs. Is it worse the Dragonball Evolution? [/quote] 1. It has a 9% rating on RottenTomatoes, if that tells you anything. 2. Have heard from all the people who has seen it that it is one of the most awful movies they've ever seen. 3. People online have said the audience booed at the end. 4. the FX are terrible 5. Racism [quote name='chibi-master' date='02 July 2010 - 02:53 AM' timestamp='1278053607' post='696319'] I guess the members there like photos more than writing, because the literature usually goes unnoticed (which I guess is good regarding many of the pieces, sooo...). [/quote] Which could also be said of 95% of everything uploaded to DA.
  15. [quote name='Cat' date='01 July 2010 - 08:19 PM' timestamp='1278029970' post='696286'] The only thing I like of twilight is the graphic novel. It as some really beautiful images in it. [/quote] [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/r26ted.jpg[/img]
  16. [quote name='Allamorph' date='01 July 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1278028493' post='696281'] [FONT=Calibri]Didn't say nothin' about the abs. You can keep those.[/FONT] [/quote] oh sweet joy and jubilation!
  17. [quote name='Allamorph' date='01 July 2010 - 07:28 PM' timestamp='1278026892' post='696279'] [center][img]http://cheezfailbooking.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/ee859deb-5430-496c-b60f-f4fd06740181.jpg[/img] [/center] [/quote] but I am married to Jacob Black's abs
  18. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='30 June 2010 - 11:42 AM' timestamp='1277912566' post='696216'] What did you do instead? [/quote] I told how much she was offending me and she was like WHY LOL IDGI so I just stopped. smh
  19. The biggest form of racism I've experienced, other than the general social lameness of being a racial minority anywhere, is the inadvertent prejudice from my friends. I'm Asian but I'm what people call a "twinkie" aka all my friends are white etc. IDK why it turned out that way, probably just because I went to predominately white schools and I only went to Korean-community things for church. Anyways, I love my friends but sometimes I desperately wished I had Asian friends, too. It's just the small thing that add up over a long period of time. General ignorance of Asian cultures, saying "ew" or "WEIRD" to things I eat/do every day, etc. etc. Nothing is on purpose, of course, but it adds up. Also, I got really angry at my best friend once because she was bemoaning that fact that she was white and told me "it's just cooler to be a minority, especially Indians and Asians, you have it BETTER." LOLWTF. Anyone who thinks this, or the same about ANY racial minority in the U.S., has some serious ignorance going on. She went on to say being white sucked and she wanted to have a "cool culture" to celebrate. I was seriously about to punch her in the face.
  20. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='29 June 2010 - 04:00 AM' timestamp='1277798424' post='696144'] Ha, the Dutchies are going to get bulldozed over by Brazil. I can't wait though. :^D [/quote] Actually aren't they pretty evenly matched, aren't they? Netherlands has been doing and playing great so far, Brasil has been completely underwhelming. They were good yesterday, but who knows how consistent they can be now. I am all for Brasil, they have some of my favorite players and I a complete Kaka stan, but I doubt it will be an easy match. anyways, obligatory kaka&crispy gif [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2n7ob6e.gif[/img]
  21. That discounted goal was such BS I couldn't even understand. Goddamit FIFA. I know Germany would most likely have won anyway, but that was a fucking disgrace. [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/av5s3b.jpg[/img] Argentina will beat Germany tho. Just wait. Wait for it. [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/5l9n5s.jpg[/img]
  22. God. SK played their guts out and left their fucking hearts on the field. I love them forever, that was a great game. My heart was so dead and hollow inside when they lost, but they'll be back 2014, bitches
  23. God Brazil-Portugal today was so boring. I don't even understand. [strike]IT WAS BECAUSE MY BB KAKA WASN'T THERE[/strike] But anyways I'm happy about Spain [strike]even if Fernando was ridiculous with the diving[/strike]
  24. [quote name='Allamorph' date='25 June 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1277439859' post='695963'] [FONT=Calibri] 2) I'm not about to pretend to be a die-hard fan of a sport for which I only take a casual interest. [/FONT] [/quote] [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/2v321pe.png[/img]
  25. I usually hate it when people do this, but seriously The Daily Show summed up my feelings on the matter. When Jon Stewart was talking about it, and then they joked about General McChrystal and put him on the cover of People magazine saying Joe Biden has huge cankles. Like...why. Why would you do this, if you KNEW the consequences (unless for some reason he thought he was above the military code.
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