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Whats Your Favorite Type of Liquor/Alcoholic Beverage?
eleanor replied to Shwa's topic in General Discussion
[font="trebuchet ms"] [img]http://xs320.xs.to/xs320/07423/baileyscoffee.jpg[/img] [b]Baileys Coffee[/b] 40-60 ml Bailey's hot coffee loosely whipped cream Build in a coffee glas or wine glass with extra thick walls. Put a spoon in the glass and first add Bailey's, then coffee and last loosely whipped or shaken cream.[/font] -
[font="trebuchet ms"] I see it as both. It was weird, because when I first saw it I thought it was moving counter-clockwise, but then I read the description, looked back at it, and saw it as clockwise. *shrug*[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] [spoiler]I actually liked the black girl's power (I have trouble remembering names, lol); I think it's probably the most useful one to have. And as a character she comes off as kind-hearted without seeming fake or forced. And, I'm pretty much loving Sylar right now. He's one of the few villains in fiction that I like, which says a lot. P: On everyone's personal plotlines... I actually think Hiro's as sort of boring. I never thought him to be a good character because the whole 'I'm Japanese and really nerdy' wore off pretty darn quickly.[/spoiler][/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] [spoiler]Kensei does not kick ***. Hiro kicks *** for Kensei. :p[/spoiler][/font]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I think [spoiler]I hate him and want him to die.[/spoiler] [/color][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] [spoiler]Yes, I think it's a group consensus among Heroes fans to hate Claire and her boyfriend, but love HRG. Who doesn't love HRG?[/spoiler][/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] So, season 2! :) I love how everything is starting out, and nothing seems to be lacking. And I'm eagerly awaiting [spoiler]Kristin Bell for next episode's new character.[/spoiler] The only things that bugs me, theory-wise, is if [spoiler]Claire's new boyfriend (I forget his name; his character isn't incredibly interesting) works for the company or not. He seems a little sketchy sometimes, probably because of his insistence, but that could be because he just found another 'hero'.[/spoiler] What do you guys think?[/font]
[quote name='Sandy'] [I]First[/I] you claim that girls lust after nerdy boys, but they are just too blind to see it. In the words of the Great DB: WRONG! Girls - especially the better-looking ones (or the ones who think they look better when they dress up like hoes) - usually have this distaste towards anything that's smelly, sweaty, pimply and dresses like a clown (ie nerdy guys). [/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] To be fair, a lot of nerds can be cool. Those are the nerds girls love. :)[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] That's awesome! :) Good luck with everything.[/font]
[quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']Not true. I think a lot of times girls are drawn to nerds but we're ignorant of that fact, and end up chasing them away with the less beneficial nerd tenancies.[/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] I think we're thinking of two versions of a 'nerd'. :p [/font]
[quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']What are you talking about? Hot chicks love nerds, we just don't know how to tell them we love them too. [/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Only if the nerd is cool.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] I don't know much about the portfolio process, but I thought of this: if you're using any pre-made brushes or brushes not designed by you, I think you have to credit or signify that in some way. I could be wrong, and I have no idea if you did use brushes that aren't your own, but I guess just something to look up.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] Facebook. The end. lol It's sort of addicting when you first get it, but I've mellowed out since then. Even so, it's the first place I visit when I get on the computer.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] The things I've become interested in don't really make me feel [i]old[/i]; I don't think being seventeen qualifies for that. But I've grown out of a lot of things, now that I think about it. I never step foot in clothing stores like A&F and Hollister anymore, and now my favorite stores are J. Crew, Ralph Lauren, etc. I've actually started to like perfume, too. Ralph Lauren Romance and Vera Wang Princess are my favorites, but I don't really wear perfume often. I used to like the typical heavy eyeliner+mascara that most of the white girls at my school wear everyday, but now I see it as dragging and unnecessary. I used to like them, but now I hate purses that blatantly show off their brand (i.e. Coach) with obnoxious patterns of their brandname all over it. I can also now stop myself from doing anything to start studying or working with just a small amount of will, which is probably the biggest and most important change. I used to not be able to pull myself from a tv show I enjoyed, but now I don't think twice about turning the television off halfway through to finish up some homework.[/font]
[quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]How is that even possible? WHITE RICH KIDS CAN'T PLAY BASKETBALL. Duh. I've tried. Getchur factz straight, Lunox. lol [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Who said the guys on our basketball team were white? People move to our area so they can be recruited from our bball team...[/font]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Am I the only one looking at that and cringing at the stark flat horizon and mainly nothing but buildings to the right? I do love how the actual buildings for the school looks, but the lack of mountains in the background? That would seriously bug the hell out of me. lol [/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Who cares about what the horizon when you go to Columbia? lol[/font]
[quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]I go to Columbia University in NYC, which looks like [url=http://www.columbia.edu/images/slideshow/cu_home_default.jpg][b]this[/b][/url]. [/font][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] That's disgusting. You're disgusting. [spoiler]You should apply to work in the admission office and sneak me in.[/spoiler][/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] My school is pretty much the rich white high school that has recently been influxed with south county minorities. *thumbs up* It's pretty segregated for me, though, because there are a certain group of people you just continuously hang out with if you take all honors/AP classes and do standard the activilties that go along with that group, like Model UN and etc. And I'm in newspaper, which further solidifies my nerd-level. My school's fine, though. I'm not cheerleading high school, becausre there are plenty of people who irritate you, but there are great people here too. Plus we have an awesome basketball team. >:) 2nd in state last year, we're going to champs this year![/font]
[quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]So you get butt naked to masturbate? Doesn't fit through your zipper or what? Jesus you must be huge. More like 2007Digital[B]Man[/B].[/color][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] *Silent laughter*[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] [img]http://xs220.xs.to/xs220/07412/1560.jpg[/img] MY WOMANLY SATS. [spoiler]Out of 1600 kthx. I'm allowed to still be proud of my SATs as a high schooler, right?[/spoiler][/font]
Bad side effects OF Fanfiction and Watching anime
eleanor replied to sayoeimomo's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Japan_86'][COLOR="DarkRed"]There is a big difference between hopeful writers and those who just can't write.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"]That's a sort of rash thing to say. A lot of hopeful writers can't write well, but they learn how to with practice. Someone who takes the time out of their day to sit down and write something in their spare time is at least ambitious and makes good use of a hobby. But on the topic of fanfiction... everyone knows most of it is bad, but there is a wealth of well-written fanfiction and talented writers who just do it for fun. A lot of it is on locked LJ communities you have to apply to in order to submit things, and if you pilfer through some of the community stuff you can find worthwhile stories. Some of these 'fanfiction' writers are generally just great at writing. But whenever I do too much of anything I turn into a zombie. Whether it be watching tv all day or non-stop studying; doing things for an extended period of time just makes you exhausted.[/font] [quote name='Japan_86'][COLOR="DarkRed"]Perhaps you are reading poorly written ones because your spelling is horrendous. Try reading let's see, a classic novel with the same aspects of romance, action or fantasy that you like and I'm sure you will not become like a zombie.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] Reading books all day can make you a zombie, too. Just because it's famous doesn't mean it's an activity that can tire out your brain. I mean I love reading, but there are times I just read all day and I become sort of dead. And knocking those who read fanfiction as ill-read people, or at least hinting at it is sort of misguided. I read fanfiction, but I've read tons of great novels too.[/font] -
[font="trebuchet ms"] [img]http://www.ithaca.edu/keg/seminar/edward%20scissorhands.jpg[/img] Better than a comb and cutters.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"][img]http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2006/10/04/beatles_narrowweb__300x371,0.jpg[/img] 'Nuff shown.[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"] That court case was won because it was brought about by a recording industry that probably has clout and good lawyers. Same with rich people. They're rich. (The Iraqi War really wasn't a court case, so that can't be compared to this at all.) I'm not cheerleading for our justice system, but there are some criticisms of it that they can't take responsibility for. Who judged if OJ Simpson was guilty? A jury. What about Robert Blake? A jury. If there's something that's actually stupid here, it's people.[/font]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Let me ask you as well as everyone else here, how many of you actually teach? Do you even have any idea how much work goes into it? Let alone attempting to keep track of all of your students? Unless your lucky and the school has it prepared for you, which usually they don't. You have to prepare everything yourself, from the tests, lessons, course syllabus, etc. And that doesn't include keeping on top of those assignments handed in if you aren't lucky enough to warrant an assistant to help you with grading. I'll tell you right now, it's not anywhere as easy as people think. Even if you only have thirty students. Though I've got more than that. XP And that doesn't even include the students I give private lessons too. So though you can on some level pick up on your students, thinking teachers can keep track of the kids is stupid. We aren't trained to look for problem behavior in that respect. We're taught to look for the more obvious signs like stupid stuff with trench coats and such. I won't argue that in the cases where there are less students it's easier. But I hope parents and people aren't expecting it. [/QUOTE] [font="trebuchet ms"] I guess I'm just used to going to a great school, then. Yeah, teaching is hard. We know that. I'm not saying teachers should keep tabs on every students and know intimate details about their behavioral patterns, but they should know which ones are outgoing or quiet or whatever. The basics should be easy to pick up on when you have 125 students in a grade. Maybe if the guy wore a trench coat and was known for being an outsider and distant, then his calling out would make more sense (not that having those qualities makes you a violent person).[/font]
[font="trebuchet ms"][img]http://www.michelsbakery.com/images/muffins.jpg[/img] Muffins are better than pie.[/font]